Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 596 Chapter 593 Another Layer

"There is nothing worth checking here. We may have been deceived." Zhuang Xuteng retracted his sensing tentacles, opened the storage box and took out a pure water bottle. After unscrewing the bottle cap, he was stunned for a moment, then took another bottle and threw it to Mike, and then started to drink his own.

"Thank you." Mike said as he took the water and unscrewed the bottle cap: "I have to admit, I agree with you: there is nothing unusual here, and there is nothing to investigate."

"Get ready to go to the next place..." Before he could finish his words, the phone on his waist vibrated for half a second, and a message about a new call was simultaneously projected into Zhuang Xuteng's field of vision. He immediately took out his cell phone to connect, put it on his ear and said, "Sister Lucy, what's the matter?"

"I've asked someone to analyze it for you, and I'll pass the content on to you."

"Is it safe?" Zhuang Xuteng was a little worried. Wouldn't it be bad if people from the company were still monitoring the network and discovering their actions through sensitive words?

"They are all common words, no problem, you will understand after just taking a look - and this is an encrypted secure communication line." Lucy continued: "In addition, the address sent to you also has supplementary information, including It's inside, take a look. If you don't understand, you can come back to me and we can talk face to face."

She hung up the phone and sent Zhuang Xuteng a picture document explaining the meaning of the codes. "Level 1 raw material supplier, thirty-six-month rights; Level 3 qualification for transit processing services, equipment needs to be upgraded, extension of inspection for half a year; secondary confidential logistics transportation in the city, stable operation, available for acquisition..."

So the content of that document is: XXX company, address XXX, classification status, operating status, and comments. This does not look like a secret document, but more like a guide to industrial acquisitions. If you insist that they are all related to social public work points, it will indeed be related if you just talk about it, but...

"I'm getting more and more confused now." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said, "Mike, Lucy just sent over the complete decoding results, and some of the addresses were updated. Eh? Our lighting factory has also been updated, Jingwei The coordinates have not changed, but there is an extra height, minus 53 meters."

Mike's body trembled as if he'd been electrocuted, and he suddenly turned around and asked, "Are you sure it's 53 meters underground?"

"Yes, that's the right number. Why, is there something underneath the lighting factory? I checked and there's no secret passage going down here!"

"There is indeed a space below, but few people know it, and the entrance is not in the lighting factory." Mike said: "During the first two company wars, the army built a network of combat tunnels under Peicheng, which contained living facilities and arsenals. , basic production facilities. Maintenance of those facilities ceased long before the start of the Third Corporate War - which everyone thought would never happen."

Zhuang Xuteng frowned and thought for a while, then said: "If it was abandoned before the Third World War, it must be at least 170 years old, right?"

"Yes, it is indeed the case." Mike said: "The third war was fought very fiercely. Among the seven major companies, only the four major companies have established their status. The collapse of any super company is like a landslide. The army There is no resistance in front of the company. As for Peicheng’s underground network: the war completely destroyed them.”

"Fifty years ago, during the Fourth Corporate War, the four major companies fought against each other, evenly matched, but did not produce a giant company that dominated the world. In the end, the war came to an end. At this time, the Enhanced Man has been able to Carrying the firepower of an army alone, group operations will always be meaningless. Not to mention in narrow underground tunnels, even if the group forces are fully deployed on the vast plains, there is nothing that can be done to strengthen the soldiers. Underground tunnel tactics are already more practical than reality Three generations behind.”

"When I was in the PCPD, I heard about homeless people who accidentally discovered the old entrances to these underground tunnels. Then I also heard that some people hid underground to avoid vendetta. Some people think that most of this information is just rumors. , and there are some urban legends that are spread around, but I know that’s not the case.”

"The PCPD did a survey thirty years ago, and my master was one of them. Later, in order to show off his qualifications, he took me to see the entrance, and I realized why it was called an urban legend." Mike explained: "Those The tunnel is very deep, with only a few entrances and exits, and they are all built to anti-heavy weapon standards, making it impossible for normal people to open it. It has been in disrepair due to wind erosion and water erosion, and the door and door frame have become one. Tramps and people hiding from revenge At most, it can only be hidden in the passage shaft leading to the entrance, and it is impossible to hide in the tunnel bunker."

Zhuang Xuteng frowned and asked, "Does anyone know what's inside the tunnel?"

"The PCPD report mentioned that there was a serious collapse inside, and several known entrances have been blocked inside, making them completely impassable."

"Then below the lighting factory..."

"It's an entrance. I know how to get down." Mike said.

So Zhuang Xuteng asked Mike to lead the way. It was the first time he heard that there was such an abandoned facility under Peicheng. Even if it was not for public work, he was very curious and wanted to see it. So Mike turned the car around, drove a block east and stopped at the intersection. They had to go down the maintenance tunnel of the subway station to find the entrance to the shaft.

Bring lighting equipment, bring Brother Flathead, and bring communication relay equipment and cables, otherwise they will not be able to communicate with the ground at a depth of fifty meters underground.

Mike only came here once a long time ago with his drunken master, and some of his memories have been blurred. Fortunately, the Peicheng City government has no interest in equipment repair, replacement or reconstruction. The subway station is just older than before and has not changed. After some long detours, Mike finally found the entrance to the pit lane. He picked up the door lock and took a look: it was full of rust and couldn't be opened even with a key.

"People in the future will have to thank us for saving them trouble." Zhuang Xuteng took out an armor-breaking hammer, knocked off the lock, and then installed a signal repeater on the wall above. It is a small antenna with a suction cup that can receive signals of a specific frequency and then amplify and transmit them. Signal repeaters have two operating modes: global and directional. Zhuang Xuteng chose orientation, using a smaller signal direction in exchange for a longer enhancement distance.

The maintenance channel is parallel to the subway line. It is only used when the main subway tunnel encounters collapse, fire, flooding, etc. and makes it impassable, such as transporting people out or transporting maintenance equipment in. Seeing how rusty the locks on the door were, you knew no one had come in here for a long time. Fortunately, the rust allowed the outside door to ventilate, and the air inside was in good condition. It was just damp, wet, and smelly, which made people uncomfortable, but not toxic.

"Suddenly something occurred to me: the door lock I broke just now belongs to me. Last time, the master broke the door lock before he came in. Later, I replaced one for them. Hehe, I thought at that time: I guess they can't find the original lock. If there is an emergency, the key to the door lock will not be blocked by the lock that opens with just one click."

Zhuang Xuteng smiled and nodded, saying that this time he would not buy another lock, but just find a piece of wire to tie it up. Every forty meters along the way or when he encounters a sharp corner, he will take out a repeater and stick it on the wall. This thing is battery-powered, has only an on button but no off button, and is a disposable device. In the current low-power mode, it can last for a week, which is enough for Zhuang Xuteng to use.

"This is right here. The hole in the wall is still there - it seems that some bricks have fallen out, and it is bigger than I remembered." Mike pointed to a hole in the wall and said: "When we were building the subway, we found a hole here. , connected to the shaft at the back, so it was sealed with wooden boards, and then the outside was smoothed with bricks and cement, which was the maintenance channel. First, the wooden boards were broken, and the brick wall collapsed due to the water-absorbed and expanded cement. When the PCPD conducted inspections, the cement surface was uneven It was uneven and had small holes, so I just opened it up.”

"Why was there an inspection that time?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"The master just briefly mentioned that he was executing the order from above, but he didn't say who specifically issued the order or what the reason was." Mike inspected the hole through the light of his headlight and looked deeper. Through the opening is a concrete arch large enough for three people to pass abreast. After passing the arch, there is a downward shaft. You can vaguely see the spiral staircase made of steel and two independent elevators on the left and right.

Mike could only see the place illuminated by the light of the headlight, but Zhuang Xuteng could see further, including behind the corner, using the Wraith Jelly and Sensing Tentacles. He extended his perception downwards. The shaft of less than fifty meters was a short distance compared to the nearly three kilometers of sensory tentacles. This time he used his sense of touch more to detect, and soon discovered something strange on the steel staircase.

It was a palm-sized, octagonal flat device that was magnetically attached to the bottom of the steel frame steps, with only an extremely weak shadow energy response. There are a total of six such things installed on the steel staircase of more than 30 meters, all hidden in the corners or in places where the eyes are unlikely to focus. This thing is obviously standard equipment, but it has no nameplate number, no paint (other than matte black), and no visual status indicators.

"Wait a moment, don't go there yet, let's wait in this passage. Don't touch those steel structures, and don't poke your head around. Just wait here." Zhuang Xuteng turned on his personal assistant and used relay communication to connect to the hidden subway station. The flat-headed brother at the station went to find Lucy through the encrypted communication established by it.

"I need intelligence support." Zhuang Xuteng said concisely and concisely.

Without Nightingale and Rock Bird, the lack of intelligence support really made him feel awkward. If you encounter something you have never seen before, just ask the two sisters and you will know the answer immediately and respond and deal with it immediately. Now you need to apply to Lucy first before Meteor can help.

Fortunately, Zhuang Xuteng was taken seriously, and Meteor immediately opened a special channel to connect with Zhuang Xuteng. Zhuang Xuteng described what he saw in detail and asked Meteor to search it.

Three minutes later, Meteor replied: "There is too little information and retrieval is difficult. The results obtained are for reference only. Based on the fact that it is adsorbed under the steel frame, it is most likely a vibrating alarm with added magnetic function." Some military models of this thing were used during the company's war, specifically used to defend certain narrow passages. The model you encountered is most likely the model used by the company itself, which is flatter and more self-sustaining. The design of the military model It will always collect and analyze the vibrations of the surrounding environment, including sound vibrations of air media and general vibrations of solid media, and can distinguish footsteps and vehicle sounds, including how many people are there..."

"It is very likely that it is this thing. Modify it so that it does not work normally. It will only trigger the switch when it feels vibration, and then secretly send an alarm signal - very suitable for the current scene." Zhuang Xuteng asked: "What is this thing like? dismantle?"

"Well, you're stumping me. The information I retrieved is: No one dismantles this kind of thing, they just smash it. Naike, you have to know how high the sensitivity setting of this thing is. If it is higher, then Just go there gently and take it off, it should have a switch."

"No." This thing is magnetic. The bottom of the steel frame steps is uneven. Zhuang Xuteng can easily insert the Wraith Jelly through the gap to check. "I only saw a metal dental interface, the contact type."

"That is to set up the connection port, connect it to the controller, and write in the working conditions, such as trigger sensitivity, alarm signal transmission content, and what kind of network communication protocol is used. If there is an intelligence officer, you can use this interface to obtain the information inside , and then know the status of the entire system.”

"Aren't you talking nonsense? How can I have the support of an intelligence officer now..." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a moment and asked, "What does the trigger of this thing look like?"

"I only have a schematic diagram of military equipment here. In order to prevent explosions, it does not use a microphone, but a sensitive detection system with self-balancing. Depending on the need, several or a dozen swing pins are installed in a metal spherical structure Inside, they all conduct electricity. No matter how it is placed, the spherical mechanism will adjust its direction according to gravity, so that the pendulum pins inside remain in the default vertical state, without contact with each other, until a vibration is felt. The pendulum pins collide with each other and Collision with the metal ball wall will generate a signal. The support structure of the ball will collect the current changes on the spherical surface to form a spherical vibration trend diagram, and then analyze it with the system. It can be very accurate..."

"Got it, I found that thing - it seems that the one used by the company is very close to the one used by the military."

"Ah? Is that thing in your hand? Then haven't you been discovered?" Meteor said worriedly.

"No, this thing didn't activate. Even if you rack your brains, you can't figure out how I detected it. Thank you for your concern. There's really no need to worry." Zhuang Xuteng said, "If these needles don't collide with each other and the spherical surface, they won't activate. It, right?”

"Uh... this can't be done, right? How do you control the probe inside without touching the sphere and causing vibration? Are you going to use a strong magnetic field? Then you have to pay great attention to the direction of the magnetic field and the magnetic field lines..."

"I have other ways." Zhuang Xuteng thought to himself, filling the gaps between the detection needles with the spirit servants so that they would not touch each other.

"Wait, if you can operate it remotely, just unplug it." Meteor added: "I still don't understand how you did it..."

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