Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 502 Chapter 499 I enter

Late at night the next day, Zhuang Xuteng took his first action. He chose Hongma Street in the city's central district as his target, where there is a casino owned by the Blood Bat Gang. It is also a stronghold for the Blood Bat Gang to manage gang activities in surrounding areas. The nearby residents and the PCPD are very aware of this place, but one of them dare not take care of it, and the other does not want to take care of it, so they let it continue to this day.

This casino called "Lucky Double Horse" has a formal operating license. If you look at this alone, you would think it is a legal casino. However, the characteristic of gang behavior is to use legal things to cover up illegal activities. Not only will they operate beyond the limit in the casino, they will also bring people who are unwilling to gamble and force them to gamble. Gambling on money, gambling on real estate, gambling on shops, gambling on body organs, gambling on one's family and one's life... The casino's "first let you get into debt and then take over your property" thing has happened countless times. As long as this industry still exists, gangs will run it. Go down.

"Lucky Horse" has a six-story building, of which the second, third and fourth floors are the casino, the fifth floor is the rest room, the sixth floor is the gang's office area, and the first floor has been turned into a bathing center. The rules for playing here are also very simple: first change the chips, then change clothes, strip naked to enjoy the massage and bathing service, and wear a bathrobe to get the chips for gambling. Everyone who enters is inspected at the bathing center to make sure they don't carry weapons or strange shadow equipment. The inspection of implants is not that strict and mainly cannot be done. The casino will monitor all gambling games. If someone is found to be using an implant to cheat, they will ensure that the implant is removed surgically. As for whether to provide anesthesia and disinfection, it depends on the doctor's mood that day.

Although some people with mysophobia may feel uncomfortable stripping naked first and being rubbed before going upstairs to gamble, this method at least prevents many potential risks for gangs. All the windows in the entire building are welded shut, and there are patrol personnel and monitoring equipment on the roof and around the building. Except for the main entrance of the bathing center, the gang side door, and the escalator from the underground garage to the first floor, there are no other entrances and exits.

Zhuang Xuteng had to carry the "committing tools", so he definitely couldn't enter or exit through the front door, and the commonly used underground garage or building windows were not good choices, unless he wanted to fight his way in. Although it is not impossible, it will definitely be delayed by the gangsters and it is easy for the big fish to escape.

After investigation, especially after Nightingale and Rock Bird successfully spied on the gang surveillance footage, they believed that the best breakthrough point was the ventilation system. The entire building is closed, as it contains both a casino and a bathroom, so there is a huge demand for fresh air. In addition to the originally designed fresh air shaft, they also transformed an elevator shaft into a fresh air channel to provide additional air for the central air conditioning system.

According to indoor monitoring, in order to maintain the appearance, this elevator was not sealed, but the door was closed and it did not run. This provided them with an opportunity to go to various floors from the inside of the elevator shaft. However, the entrance to the new air shaft is welded shut, making it useless to pick the lock. You have to use demolition tools to cut it open, and these tools make a lot of noise and can easily expose your whereabouts.

"I know how to solve it: use surgical tools." Zhuang Xuteng said: "The low-vibration skull knife and the special dental drill can deal with the reinforced alloy and are useful in implant surgery. The sound of that thing is very quiet and easy to carry, but for The demolition works, they work very slowly and take a lot of time.”

Zhuang Xuteng wanted Nightingale and Yanque to control the monitoring information for a long time, but the two people took a rough look at the monitoring content and rejected the proposal. Possibly affected by the raid on the Canghuo Gang's riverside building, this casino requires inspectors not to stop moving during work and must constantly appear in various surveillance screens. Their role is equivalent to timestamps or anti-counterfeiting codes, making it meaningless to play still images. Moreover, their constant patrols also have a great impact on engineering activities.

"It doesn't matter." Zhuang Xuteng said to them: "The surveillance picture is difficult to solve. It just makes it more difficult. It is not impossible. You prepare some, I will get some equipment and I will be back."

Since everything is calm now and the first operation has not yet started, Zhuang Xuteng still has the opportunity to replenish his equipment. He went to the scale owner on the black market and bought a set of implant maintenance equipment and a set of cutting tools for lapidaries. Before Zhuang Xuteng, many mercenaries used these things to transform them into theft tools, but they were rarely used as engineering demolition tools.

Two hours later, Zhuang Xuteng's voice rang out from the encrypted channel, startling Nightingale and Yanque. "Where are you?" they asked, "Did you really say start taking action?"

"Yes. I am currently in a relatively high position and am ready to taxi. Please report the patrol team's position to me, taking the elevator's fresh air shaft as the origin."

Nightingale and Yanqiao immediately got into work, with Nightingale responsible for local operations on site and Yanqiao controlling the overall risks. After installing the new cranial implant, Nightingale's information processing capabilities have been greatly improved. The number of parallel control streams for images and sounds has been increased from four to sixteen, and it can also perform less complex control on the three streams. real-time modification. If you take into account that the resolution of the monitoring head of the Lucky Horse Casino is not high, the number she can control and modify at the same time is even greater.

She continuously reported the positions and movement directions of the four groups of people to Zhuang Xuteng, and then remotely controlled a camera located in the corner of the building to make a "twitching" movement that shook left and right. This immediately attracted the attention of the monitoring room. Through the intercom, a group (two patrol officers) were dispatched to check the equipment, and another group of personnel were dispatched to provide assistance from the other direction. In this way, half of the four patrol groups were mobilized, creating an opportunity for Zhuang Xuteng to airborne.

"They are very alert." Nightingale said: "In addition to the two groups on the rooftop, they also asked an internal three-person team to check the No. 3 working staircase, which is the passage for their staff to go up and down the rooftop. The rooftop entrance and exit have just been temporarily manually locked by them. Damn, this..." Nightingale twitched her eyes and said, "They are very nervous. Has something happened recently?"

"It's more like they got an early warning that something was going to happen." Yanque said: "I have been analyzing their internal communications. Some people said: This way, we can't knock on the door until how long we want to prevent it."

"It does sound like they have encountered some challenges. But this is better..." Zhuang Xuteng said while gliding and landing with the levitating technique: "We are very lucky, someone will take the blame for us."

Yanque smiled and said, "Well, continue to monitor. If you can find more clues, you can frame him directly."

"Okay, continue working, I'm about to land, give me three seconds to fix the picture, countdown 5, 4..." By the time Zhuang Xuteng counted to zero, Nightingale had already switched the picture, replacing the surveillance image aimed at the auxiliary fresh air channel with a still picture . Three seconds later, the screen switched back to the original image, and Zhuang Xuteng was not visible in the surveillance screen.

"Where is he?" Nightingale immediately began to check all the pictures from the perspective of a monitor. As a result, Zhuang Xuteng's location was completely invisible. At this time, she could only admire her in her heart and complain: "Damn it, how did he hide it?"

"Continue to report the location, I'm going to start the operation."

"Are you here? I can't see you on the screen." Nightingale said.

"It's just that you can't see it. Okay, pay attention, pay attention to the patrol personnel. If they have enhanced hearing, pay extra attention."

There is no technique that allows people to stand directly in the surveillance area without being discovered. Only technology can do this. After installing Yingcong's personal assistant, Zhuang Xuteng could finally use Kaho's invisibility cloak with the help of Brother Pingtou's computing power. He had only experimented a few times in private before, using his mobile phone to film the process of his invisibility, and the results were very good. This is the first time it has been used in actual combat, and there seems to be no problem so far.

Zhuang Xuteng hid under his cloak, lying low above the fresh air passage shaft. The Eye of Kaho scans the surrounding environment information to the cloak, and the cloak calculates the best concealment pattern based on the current posture. Through clever application of knowledge from fields such as optics and psychology, the cloak acts as a universal camouflage.

The cloak does not make one disappear; it is not a technology that projects an image from behind to the front. As long as it is projection, it is unstable, and the projection is directional and cannot cope with the gaze coming from all directions. The "Kaho Invisibility Cloak" is actually a piece of psychological camouflage clothing that uses technical means to reduce the possibility of being noticed and avoid alerting anyone. If there is no algorithm for restraint, at a glance, it is definitely the least suspicious area.

If the computing power were higher... No, the computing power would need to go up two more steps to catch up from military equipment to the latest equipment within the company. In short, Zhuang Xuteng can only make Kaho's invisibility cloak effective in a stationary state. If there is a relative speed between him and the surrounding environment, the effect will be reduced. The greater the speed difference, the easier it is for the psychological camouflage effect to collapse. Therefore, when working, Zhuang Xuteng pays great attention to controlling the range of body movements, making it as small as possible.

Dentists and implant surgeons have replaced their drills and saws with synthetic diamond heads and begun chewing away at the steel fence. In order to reduce the sound and vibration, Zhuang Xuteng wrapped the Wraith Servant around the work surface to absorb excess vibration. At the same time, he also used the touch power of super-calculated martial arts to adjust the cutting angle and speed at all times. The higher the efficiency, the less power is wasted making noise.

Nightingale has been trying to find Zhuang Xuteng, but to no avail; Rockbird also curiously took the time to take a look - through the shared data stream - and found no problem. Both of them knew that Zhuang Xuteng was at Xinfengjing, but this did not help in discovering him.

"Focus on it, I've already completed a quarter of the work."

"Sorry, a patrol suddenly changed its route just now. I found it too late." Nightingale patted her face to cheer herself up. At this moment, she suddenly thought: Naike can focus on the work at hand and monitor the changes around him at the same time? Hiss, this ability is becoming increasingly incomprehensible.

Without this ability, Zhuang Xuteng would not dare to initiate a chaotic war with the entire gang. He had been monitoring his surroundings with the Wraith Jelly, and would stop what he was doing when someone approached him, waiting until the person was a little far away before continuing. There is no wind tonight and it is not too cold. Spring is approaching, and the severe cold that can give people a reason to relax is no longer here. Zhuang Xuteng's cover mainly came from the crackling sound of the neon advertising lights switching around, as well as the background music from the casino and bathhouse downstairs. These sounds have been attenuated when they reach the rooftop, and there are not many of them that can be used, so you have to be careful.

He lurked at the entrance for half an hour before finally tearing down enough fences to create a gap that allowed him to pass. According to the location of the patrol team, he saw the opportunity to sneak in and move down from the former elevator shaft.

Fortunately this had been used as an elevator shaft, so it was surrounded by a frame structure rather than the smooth metal walls of a mere ventilation duct. And it's a square shape, so even if there's a fan in the middle, it will leave a little space in the four corners, giving skinny people a chance.

Zhuang Xuteng is not that thin, and with the flat-headed brother behind him, he can't fit through the gap next to the fan. However, the fresh air fan is not always on. It turns on and off according to changes in the machine's operating status. Nightingale moved her hands and feet on the machine to make it feel that its load was very low, and the fan stopped.

The top floor is the office of the Blood Bat Gang, and it is also the only area without surveillance. To be on the safe side, Zhuang Xuteng went down an extra floor and came out of the elevator on the fifth floor. He used the scythe blade of the armor-piercing hammer to cut into the elevator door, pry out a small crack, and then used the strength of his arm to pull it, using the technique of touching strength to control the whole process. The elevator door, which had not been used for a long time, let out a few shallow groans, and then succumbed to Zhuang Xuteng's power and sold the safety of the Blood Bat Gang.

After opening the door, the resentful spirit jelly can be spread out, providing Zhuang Xuteng with information about the surrounding environment. "Cut off surveillance and eliminate traces" - after Zhuang Xuteng gave the order, he changed from stealth state to killing state. He lowered his body and quickly headed to the stairs, then used the Wraith Servant and Shadow to clear the way back to the sixth floor.

It is now ten o'clock in the evening, which is when the casino downstairs is busy, and the power on the sixth floor is relatively low. Zhuang Xuteng sneaked up the stairs and used the sudden appearance of his shadow to attract the attention of the gatekeeper in the stairwell. He jumped behind him with his floating skills and wall kicking. He grabbed his neck with both hands and twisted it. He jumped before he even hit the ground. Killed him. Afterwards, Zhuang Xuteng collected his resentment and released it directly to the next target. When that person feels dizzy, tinnitus, chest tightness, and abdominal pain, he quietly goes over and twists his neck - solving another problem.

If it is not necessary, Zhuang Xuteng will give priority to ensuring stealth; if he is likely to be discovered, he will give priority to killing him, also to ensure stealth. Soon, he came to the local boss's room, and there was the sound of primitive activities of some kind of creature - of course, there were more acting sounds, but the boss's hard-working voice didn't sound like acting - this showed that Zhuang Xuteng's actions so far Undetected.

The door was locked from the inside, but this didn't bother Zhuang Xuteng. Under normal circumstances, he would let the shadows and spirit servants take action to open the door from the inside, but his personal style of doing so was relatively strong and easily categorized by others. Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while, others would probably just kick in the door and shoot as soon as they got in. This would be more like a gang style.

"Then just fake it afterwards!" Zhuang Xuteng still used the shadow to open the door. After putting in the resentful spirit jelly, his resentment went straight to the leader. This time he pushed the door in and didn't try to twist his neck again. Instead, he shot directly, using a popular mass shooting gun that was available on the market.

The bright white ghost energy bomb whizzed past. The naked woman above was frightened, and her first reaction was to cover her mouth to prevent screaming. Hiss, this habit is very interesting. It seems that she has experienced many scenes that are enough to make other people scream, and at the same time she knows very well not to scream. Zhuang Xuteng judged that this woman should have done many things with the local leader of the Blood Bat Gang, and perhaps many miserable and terrifying scenes had happened in front of her. She is an experienced bystander and if she is smart enough, she will not look back.

She didn't look back, she kept covering her mouth with her hands, and her eyes kept staring at the body with a hole in its head. Zhuang Xuteng put his fingers on the back of her head, and the shadow energy gathered at his fingertips. She clearly felt it.

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