Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 489 Chapter 486 Protection of the System

It was Zhuang Xuteng's idea to rescue Dr. Truss Booker in the first place. In fact, the Lich Master didn't want to go to that trouble and was more inclined to kill the doctor and solve the hidden danger once and for all.

Current facts have proven that as long as the doctor is alive, the hidden dangers will not disappear, and may even break out at any time. The main reason is that this old man has lost the care of his family, and his energy has become worse day by day, and his aging is particularly obvious. The older people get, the more they miss the past, and the doctor's past consists of two parts: complicated research work and the debt to his family in life and emotions.

Whether it is work or family, the doctor can no longer taste it, so every time he misses the past is pure torture, which accelerates his aging process. Zhuang Xuteng was busy with his mercenary work and had little contact with the doctor. However, Doyle was in charge of the implant care shop every day and got along day and night, so he knew the specific situation very well.

"Actually, he has developed into the second round now. It was the same in the first round. He was homesick periodically, had a bad temper, and was not sure what would break out at the slightest provocation." Doyle found Zhuang Xuteng privately, and the two of them were alone. It’s time to talk about the condition of Dr. Truss Booker: “When he goes to work, he is always depressed and his movements and expressions are very nervous, which is the feeling of being in fear all the time. The guests find it strange and ask us to treat him as human beings. As he got older, he was easily fooled by tiredness at work. He never lost his composure in front of guests, and would only do it when getting along in private. Then, he started to use safety blue..."

Zhuang Xuteng frowned and said, "When did you start using it? You didn't stop it?"

"It started about four months ago... There is no way to stop it, unless you put him in a cage and never let him out. In our neighborhood, within a radius of one kilometer, there are a total of eight shops that openly sell safety Blue, there are two companies selling it secretly, I heard it’s a powerful prescription mixed with safe blue and blue savage.”

"So many stores?" Zhuang Xuteng slowly shook his head and said, "I just heard that there are a lot of safe blue shops now, but I have never actually counted the specific numbers. I didn't expect there to be so many. Can they be profitable?"

"I heard that the purchase price of safety blue is very low and the output is huge. You can buy as much as you want. The only restriction is that you can't buy it to stockpile. Now more and more people are using safety blue. Everyone says that it is A very excellent product, cheap, effective, large in quantity and sufficient... I rarely hear news of any problems, and even very few criticisms. I think this thing is very weird, and you can't really invent an invincible product. Good medicine, right?”

Zhuang Xuteng sighed. Since he knew very well that he shouldn't comment on things he didn't understand, he could only say: "I don't know, let's talk about old man Gai! Why do you say he is the second round?"

"After he started using Safety Blue, his mood became much more stable, he smiled more, and he seemed very relaxed. I found out that he was using Safety Blue, so I tried to dissuade him, and he told me that he was getting older. He doesn’t have many years to live. If his children or grandchildren are allowed to do this, it will definitely not work. It doesn’t matter to him. I think he is indeed not in as much pain as before, so I didn’t forcefully stop him.”

Doyle closed his eyes as if the memory of the incident would pain him. "I feel regretful now, but now there is no other way. His emotional problems have returned to the worse and worse state before, what should I do? Can't we let him increase the dose? The more he eats, the more he eats, he will definitely Something will go wrong.”

"His problem has always existed. We can't solve it for him at the root. We can only cover it up and delay it. So...he will have problems sooner or later." Zhuang Xuteng gritted his teeth secretly and said: "If he wants to increase the dosage, you Leave him alone, just watch him."

"Are you sure? You really don't care about him eating safety blue?"

"Although I rescued him, I couldn't satisfy his wish to go back and see his family. If I wanted to kill him, I wouldn't have saved him in the first place, so I still can't do it now. If Safe Blue can make him feel better A few, and it won’t kill him, it’s better than me having to kill him after he loses control of his emotions, right?”

"There seems to be no better way..." Doyle shook his head and said: "I will warn him not to use products mixed with blue savages, and then observe the changes in his daily behavior - is this your idea? "

"Use him as a case to observe the impact of safety blue on people? No, I don't need to start with the people around me. I know some small clinics in Peicheng, they have all kinds of patients, no matter what kind of case I want to observe You can find them all. Doyle, help me keep an eye on Lando Guy, and kill him decisively if you feel something is wrong. I have been busy recently and need to deal with the Canghuo Gang, so I don’t have time to go into detail about things in the store."

"Canghuo Gang? The Canghuo Gang's territory is not around us. I have no news about them here. If you want to deal with the Blood Bat Gang or the Cemetery Gang, I do have some information here, such as where their strongholds are and what they are. Type, can you save money?”

"Yes, I've written it down. I'll finish the mercenary mission first, and I'll ask you for some information in my spare time to cause some trouble for the surrounding gangs." Zhuang Xuteng nodded to Doyle and said, "I'll vent my anger when I have the chance. If so, let’s go together.”

Although Doyle is usually taciturn, he is actually quite fiery inside, especially when it comes to gang activities, and the fire of revenge can easily be ignited in his chest. One is him and the other is Lando Guy. Neither of the two old men are easy to worry about. Zhuang Xuteng definitely hopes that they can stabilize and preferably realize their inner wishes.

It's a pity that he is not a wish-making elf. He can make other people's wishes come true by clapping his hands. Even during the period of divine protection, the most top-level magic "miraculous arrival" cannot realize any wish in the heart, and you still have to be picky and picky. Zhuang Xuteng, like the gods, can only act within his own capabilities. If you can do it, do it. If you can't do it, admit it. There's no need to hang on to others all the time.

Gangs and safety blue seem to be two different things, but they are actually one thing. As long as you do a little research on the street, you will know that the sale of safety blue provides a considerable amount of funds for the gangs, and the proportion is getting larger and larger. It has completed the work of replacing the share of the blue savages. Although safety blue is cheap, the quantity is large and it can be promoted legally. It can even be used directly in drinks. It is not illegal if it is found out.

There are more and more of these things. Zhuang Xuteng uses bone-seeking skills to search, and he can always find people who have used Safety Blue within ten steps. These people can withstand his dormant martial arts. He still firmly believes that this drug cannot be without problems, and still insists on not using it. Thanks to the convenient spell of bone retrieval, he could quickly tell whether the food and water in front of him were safe. Coupled with the poison filtering implant in the body, it can also reduce the harm of safe blue entering the body. So far, he's safe.

Since Safety Blue and the gang are tied together, they must be dealt with together if they want to solve it. In the field related to safety blue, Zhuang Xuteng only believed in Morgana's words. Since they hadn't seen each other for a few days, Zhuang Xuteng took the initiative to make an appointment with Morgana and pick her up as soon as she got off work. The two of them would go shopping, have some dinner, and then go home to sleep together.

As for the safety blue and the gang, that was just a topic during the date, and its importance was ranked far behind the pleasantries and romantic words, and even further behind than listening to Morgana complain about her boss. If they really wanted to talk about it, it would only be when the two of them returned home, finished intense exercise, and soaked in the hot tub together. Only then would it be the topic's turn to come up.

"The results of the eighth round of experiments will be out the day after tomorrow. I will go back and see if I can find anything this time." Morgana lay in Zhuang Xuteng's arms, looking at him sideways and said, "Do a round of chemistry. The analysis experiment will be close to a month, and I can only fumble forward like a blind man, relying entirely on luck. If I'm lucky, I'll find something the day after tomorrow; if I'm not lucky, I may find nothing in this life."

"It's so difficult..." Zhuang Xuteng sighed.

"I can tell you with certainty now that Safety Blue is not a casually launched upgraded product, such as Blue Savage, but an epoch-making super product that definitely gathers the company's strongest technical strength. Before we notice, the company has already All relevant preliminary research on the information network was completely eliminated, and no papers could be found. In addition, I also tried to contact experts in this field, but most of them disappeared and were placed under the protection of the patent security law by the company."

Zhuang Xuteng hugged Morgana tightly and said, "You have to pay attention to your own safety. Will this kind of investigation make the company target you?"

"If you act recklessly, you will definitely be targeted. With the current industry scale of Safe Blue, I am afraid that my family will not be able to resolve this matter. If I were just one person without any scruples, I would definitely investigate, but not now. There is no way. I can only do my own research, hoping that one day I will be lucky, just like winning the lottery, allowing me to find vulnerabilities in Security Blue, and then follow the vulnerabilities to break into its technical system."

"Do you think the company can really hide all the insiders of relevant technologies and leave no one behind?" Zhuang Xuteng tilted his head and asked, "How come I haven't heard of the Patent Security Law?"

"Most people don't have access to the Patent Security Law, but if they do, even if they are legal professionals, they can't do anything about the law and can't do anything at all. To put it simply, it is more like a law that the company interprets and operates by itself. It can also be said to be the company's own religious court." Morgana took Zhuang Xuteng's arm and lay on his side in his arms, saying: "Many times, I feel that my family is a slave and puppet under the company's management. Confrontation, the more you wake up, the more painful it will be. But... let’s not talk about the annoying things, okay?"

"Okay, if there is news from the laboratory, tell me; if not, I am always ready to comfort you." Zhuang Xuteng felt that he should say something interesting to boost Morgana's morale: "I am dealing with the Canghuo Gang recently. I have caused them a lot of trouble, and I will continue to torment it...not only can I vent my bad anger, but I can also make money, do you think so?"

"You don't put money back home when you make money. Although I'm not short of money, it would feel good if you could give me some pocket money from time to time."

"Okay! Forget it before, it seems a bit deliberate. From now on, as long as I feel that I have done a good job, I will give you an pocket money or bring some small gifts home..." Zhuang Xuteng looked to the side and said with a smile. : "Look at Meat Bun, he raised his head to listen and seemed to want a gift."

"Hahaha, it seems like it understands human language. This pet is so smart." Morgana flicked the water with her finger and hit the meat bag's nose, causing it to grunt twice and fall back out of the bathroom. "By the way, if you want to deal with the Canghuo Gang, you can also complete the PCPD's reward. Your status as a reserve police officer has not been cancelled, right?"

"The previous one will no longer work. My ID card has been changed. What, the PCPD reward requires a reserve police officer or above to get it? Can't you find an agent?"

"Of course you can, but giving some bounties to others will reduce your profits."

"Wait a minute, I could benefit from other people's fame before, but what's going on now? I want honor, but also money?"

Morgana smiled and said: "The PCPD today is not as good as before. In the past, everyone really believed that gangs would not dare to come directly to the door no matter what, and both the PCPD and the riot squad could protect their safety. But after the annual meeting bombing, Everyone has lost this confidence. Now when you get honors, you still have to be afraid of gang retaliation, and hanging around has become the best job. So if you want to earn the reward, you have to give out 20% of the reward, otherwise no one will help you with this procedure."

"Can't I just come to you directly?"

"I'm a detective now. If you catch someone with a reward, it's my responsibility. I can only give verbal praise and it can be recorded as credit when I get promoted, or it can be used to fill in the work summary." Morgana moved her body and said Come the sound of rushing water. She always likes to adjust her posture and can't take any time off.

"You are a detective, so you can't get a bounty; people who are not even reserve police officers can't get a bounty. So, those bounties are only for reserve and active-duty ordinary police officers? These people You simply don’t have the strength to break into the gang camp and get the bounty through normal channels, right?”

"So the bounty has been hanging there for so many years. I think the person who designed this system didn't want anyone to get the bounty." Morgana drew circles on Zhuang Xuteng's chest with her fingers and said: " The water is starting to get cold, why don’t we go back to bed and talk?”

"Okay, whether you are talking or doing other things, I will accompany you." Zhuang Xuteng snapped his fingers, and the Wraith Tentacle pulled out the plug and drained the water, and at the same time brought over the bath towel that had been heated in advance.

"I didn't expect you to be able to practice shadow magic outside the company's academy. I admire you." Morgana enjoyed the feeling of eight hands wiping her body. She suddenly thought of something, blinked and said: " If my parents knew that you could practice shadow magic out of thin air, there would be no need to test you with the hospital treatment, and they would immediately agree to our marriage. However... the four major companies will definitely send people to contact you and ask you. How did you do it? I guess there will be peace in the future."

"It's normal to have gains and losses. Have you ever asked why you use discharge from the hospital to test me? Is it to see if I can earn enough money to support you in the mercenary industry, or to see if I have plans for the future? habits and corresponding savings?”

Morgana shook her head quickly and said: "I asked, and my dad didn't want to lie to me, so he admitted that he read your preliminary examination report and thought you wouldn't survive, so he said that. Hehe, don't be angry, he This just provided me with a perfect reason: Naike must have been protected by the gods if he survived. He has nothing to say now and can only hold his nose and admit it."

"Now that I have changed my identity to a safe one, shall we go get the certificate?"

"Instead of going to the Constitutional City Government, we have to go to the temple office. It's not in Peicheng. Let's go there after I ask for leave." Morgana tilted her head and thought for a while, then said: "Do you still make money? Bounty? In fact, the bounty is not important. Killing those gang leaders who committed heinous crimes is already a good thing."

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