Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 474 Chapter 471 Fair Chance

Nightingale and Yanque looked at each other, and then looked at Zhuang Xuteng at the same time. They believe that Zhuang Xuteng's ability to judge the situation will make the best choice for everyone. If Zhuang Xuteng chooses to take on this task, they will definitely do it, but they will also ask him why he chose this way.

"How did they explain the mission failure?" Zhuang Xuteng finally raised his head and asked after some thought.

"Mistake, failure to perform technical actions. Fortunately, they withdrew in time and did not let the other side discover their intentions." Lucy said: "This is basically their exact words. Only they themselves know the actual situation of frontline operations. , what kind of mistake it was, we at the rear can’t give an exact answer at all.”

"That's right..." Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said, "Sister Lucy, this matter is very difficult to handle. In the final analysis, it involves Taft. Before setting off, you have clearly explained the risks of the mission to everyone. Everyone participated in this operation at the huge risk of offending Taft. If anyone has a problem, everyone will be harmed."

"At the same time, you also emphasized the importance of confidentiality. A qualified mercenary should not meet other middlemen at this delicate time. Their suspicions are too great, their actions are too suspicious, and it is indeed suspicious. But... ..." Zhuang Xuteng took out his phone and said, "I want to call and ask them personally. Nightingale, please open a safe line for me where I won't be traced. Sister Lucy, please don't talk."

Nightingale signaled Zhuang Xuteng to wait a moment. She took the phone and operated it for a moment, then said: "The location you are calling is near the black market in the Hedi District. You can use it appropriately. The phone number has been pressed. You can just call it directly. "

Zhuang Xuteng dialed the phone and it rang for a while before he got through. There was silence on the other side, and no one asked rashly, "Who are you?"

"Hey! Dou Ni, I'm Scarecrow Naike. Stop hiding, I can hear your breathing and the unique sound of the bus's horn in the distance. Since you're still breathing, just say something!"

"Naike? Why did you come to me? Do you have any advice?" The voice on the other end of the phone was full of surprise.

"I don't dare to give advice, but there is a point in blaming. I heard that your group made two mistakes. Do you know the consequences? Mom, you wasted so much time and almost starved me to death!" Zhuang Xuteng snorted hard. , somewhat childish, and he is using such actions to show that angry words are just jokes and foreshadowing. "Should you apologize to me, like treat me to a meal or something?"

"Ah...ah! This is what happened! Okay, no problem. I'll find a place and a time. Let's make a date?"

"How are you today? I'm in the Hedi District. It's not far from any city you come from. The restaurants here are not expensive and won't break your bank."

"I'm honored, but no, I have already arranged things today. Let's talk about it another day, another day... Don't worry, I will remember this matter and I will never forget it. Naike, that's it, from my side I have to hang up, see you later!”

The call plays an ending tone and then automatically terminates. Zhuang Xuteng closed his eyes, carefully recalled and analyzed the other person's tone of voice in his mind, and found out the other person's emotions. "I feel like they have a guilty conscience and something wrong with them."

"You knew it after just one phone call?" Yanque's eyes widened in surprise: "What kind of skill is this? Can you teach me?"

"I can't teach you." Zhuang Xuteng smiled and shook his head, then looked at Lucy and said: "I took this job and paid according to the market price. I don't want more, and you don't want less. In addition, you have to provide them location information and personal information, especially combat strength intelligence. I don’t want to be caught off guard.”

Lucy nodded and said: "Everything is in accordance with the regular mercenary mission, I know this. I have kept the meteor staring at their position, so I will open a mission-specific encrypted channel for you. Their personal information is in Here, I’m ready, take a look!”

Zhuang Xuteng took the information and immediately opened it to read, and then distributed it to Nightingale and Yanque. After the three people read it, the information was returned to Lucy and destroyed. Then they logged into the encrypted communication channel and set off together. Once outside, sitting in the armored car with no outsiders around, Nightingale asked, "Nike, did those two guys really betray us?"

"You have doubts, right? Me too. The probability that they are traitors is only half to half, but the probability that they are fools is 100%." ​​Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said to the two Nightingale and Yanque sisters: "It was in Lucy's office, and under the circumstances, I had to take on the task."

"Your expression now is very similar to the one we have when we receive a mission to accompany guests..." Nightingale observed Zhuang Xuteng's face through the rearview mirror. "It really doesn't feel good to kill the accomplices we were working with just now."

"No, I'm not in a bad mood because of killing people, but because I don't like this happening. I think Lucy should have a better solution instead of this." Zhuang Xuteng sighed, held the steering wheel tightly, and said, "Actually, This is also unfair. I thought about it carefully at the time, and even if I were in Lucy's position, there was no better solution."

Nightingale nodded and said, "That's where the trouble lies. Those two idiots actually went to meet other intermediaries before an important confidentiality mission, and didn't tell Lucy in advance. It's like putting the shit on their own heads. But the most important thing is It still failed twice in a row, plus the emergency team succeeded once, the contrast is really too obvious."

"Leaving them without punishing them is tantamount to leaving hidden dangers and problems, which makes everyone feel uncomfortable." Yanque also said: "Punish them, it doesn't matter if they are light or serious, they may cause greater trouble. The best way is to kill him, once and for all."

"I understand this too, but I just think it's a pity that a mercenary ended up like this."

Nightingale patted Zhuang Xuteng on the shoulder and said, "Don't put such a big burden on yourself. The decision to kill and silence was Lucy's idea. This is just a mercenary mission. You are just a knife at most and do not bear moral responsibility."

"Moral responsibility? I didn't think about it that much, I just felt a little emotional." Zhuang Xuteng looked back at the two of them and said, "We have to pay attention in the future, always remember the rules and don't cause trouble for ourselves. Lucy takes care of the mercenaries, but There is also a murderous side.”

Yanque nodded, sighed, and said: "Okay, at least Lucy is much stronger than Steyr. Nike, now that you have accepted the mission, what are you going to do?"

"The old method: first go to the target to investigate, you set up an information network to suppress it, and after figuring out the situation, I sneak in. Assassinate if I can, and attack head-on when discovered. I don't have any technical means here, I just act recklessly."

"Tch...your stealth ability is a super technical method that we can't even understand..."

Just as Zhuang Xuteng's team was trying to figure out how to complete the task assigned by Lucy, Colonel Taft received an email from the headquarters in the lounge of the office building of Dingxin Mochuang Peicheng Branch.

"Eh? Anzu is coming? Has he been discharged from the hospital?" Tafu pushed the head between his legs and waved the female star away. After pulling up his pants, he tapped his temple with his index finger, pressed his cheek with his middle finger and rubbed it from side to side, and operated the personal assistant implant on his head to call his team. Soon, two information controllers joined the group meeting, and they also received the email forwarded by Colonel Taft.

"We did not receive a notice, and no one from the headquarters sent any information." One of the controllers asked: "Colonel, do you want to find an informant to check? Do you think this matter is a bit strange?"

"Check it out! Anzu belongs to the development department, and the affairs here should have nothing to do with him. But there is also a shadow realm channel in Peicheng. Maybe he came here for this matter. Because he knew I was here, he said hello , maybe you don’t need to be too nervous.”

"Colonel, I agree with you. It should be a passing meeting and a courtesy meeting. However, we will conduct an investigation to prepare the meeting scene in advance."

"Go get ready!" Colonel Taft frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "Give that woman just now an injection to make her forget what happened. Remember to remind me not to look for her again in the future - Technology Too bad, what’s the use of having a pretty face?”

Colonel Taft was not only tired of the actress who had just served him, but also began to be tired of this city. Fortunately, he would be leaving soon. Regarding the death of market supervisor Kaho Wiggins, the higher authorities finally accepted his investigation report, and the Gardener Organization became the culprit. Some mercenaries in Peicheng provided some intelligence support and peripheral services to the Gardener Organization. In general, the responsibility lies mainly with the Gardener Organization, and Dingxin Magic’s mobile strike team should begin to carry out operations against the Gardener Organization. The mercenaries in Peicheng should be cleaned up and rectified. There is no need for the company to take action at this time, just hand them over to the PCPD or the local gangs in Peicheng.

He also knew that this was a rather deceptive result, but whether it was deception or finding out the truth, Kaho couldn't be resurrected, so what was the point? Make money, play with women, and let everyone on the team benefit. This is the business. There are others, no one cares, no one really takes it to heart.

Colonel Taaffe received word early in the morning that Anzu Christopher had arrived before noon, sooner than anyone expected. His helicopter landed on the roof of the office building, and members of his team spread out to keep watch and finally asked him to come down.

Anzu looks a little thin. This is not to say that he is short, but as a user of height shadow implants, the extra parts should always make the body stronger and larger, just like Colonel Taff, without making him smaller. . Anzu looks like an exception. His appearance and body are like an ordinary person, a natural person, a low-level worker working in the building, a newcomer who has just got an office.

He wore the company-issued suit meticulously, and the relationship between his tie and collar exuded the beauty of mathematical precision. He has neat short hair, a clean shaven beard, a smile on his face, and a pair of eyes that exude a gentle feeling, but at the same time, it makes people feel like they are being spied on.

After stepping off the helicopter, he took off his black leather gloves and stretched out his hand to Colonel Taaffe from a distance. "I'm sorry to bother you to come here and wait for me."

"It's just a few people standing here for a while, and then treating you to some carefully prepared food. It's not a bother." Colonel Taft snorted, forced a crooked smile, and said.

"You are too polite. I wanted to shirk it again, but the carefully prepared food attracted my attention. After returning from the film world, I only ate in the hospital and company cafeterias. They only know how to prepare, and they will never 'carefully prepare'." '." Anzu stretched out his hand forward and said, "It seems that I can only trouble you."

Colonel Taft touched the corners of his mouth, nodded slowly, and said, "Then come with me!"

In a private room in the headquarters restaurant, waiters served exquisite natural food one after another. Their taste is called reality. It is said that after ordinary people eat it, ancient genetic memories will be stirred up, which will move them to tears. Anzu ate happily, eliminating every portion of the dish so that nothing was wasted. When the snacks made of natural butter, honey, eggs and flour were served, he wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and sighed: "This is the enjoyment of life."

"As long as you like it." Colonel Taft scratched his head and said, "Anzu, I have a doubt..."

"You're wondering why I came to Peicheng and wanted to inform you specifically? You don't believe that I just want you to treat me to a good meal, right?"

Colonel Taft nodded and said, "If you were in my position, would you believe it?"

"I don't believe it, of course I don't believe it. You know that I belong to the development department, and my job is on the other side of the film world. On this side, I only focus on recuperation, training and study, and don't care about the company's specific affairs. But..." Anzu put down his knife and fork. , took out a neatly folded piece of paper from the inner pocket of his suit, pressed it on the table, and pushed it over. "Look at this, my latest appointment."

The table is eight meters long, which is also the distance between Taff and Anzu. Tafu's men were about to get the piece of paper. Anzu made a "squeak" sound with his mouth, then shook his finger and said: "Tafu, have you noticed a detail. All my people have gone. Outside, they know what goes on in the room is best kept between you and me.”

"How much classification level?"

"They have no right to listen anyway." Anzu picked up the knife and fork again, cut the cake, started tea, and slowly put it into his mouth. He quickly chewed and swallowed the cake, washed it down with the light brown wine in the cup next to him, moistened his throat, and then said: "They are not even qualified to pick up that piece of paper."

Taff frowned, sighed, and waved his hand: "You guys go out... watch the door, don't let anyone in."

The piece of paper was still placed in front of Anzu, at arm's length from him. The paper was slightly open, but not open enough for anyone to see anything inside. Taff stared at the paper, raised his right hand, and turned his wrist to change the direction of gravity around him.

The paper flew towards him like an arrow leaving a string. He controlled the ability very precisely and did not affect other objects. However, Anzu still held down the plate holding the cake at that moment and pressed down the remaining small piece of cake with the knife. Soon the last piece of cake slipped down his throat, and Colonel Taff opened the paper to find it was empty, not a word inside.

"What does it mean?"

"What is written on it are all things I cannot do." Anzu said: "As you can see, I have no restrictions. And the people above, including me, are very dissatisfied with your behavior during this period. satisfy."

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