Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 453 Chapter 450 Clear Goal

The boss is being threatened by the Blood Bat Gang, and for some reason that guy Jolt is still confronting the gangsters in the small square. Zhuang Xuteng quickly used the walkie-talkie to send a message to Ruolte, asking him to send someone over quickly to avoid being beheaded by the Blood Bat Gang. On the other hand, since he did not get along well with other mercenaries, Zhuang Xuteng could only send a message to Sister Lucy to see if coordination could be carried out.

Zhuang Xuteng has always believed that mercenary missions are not about being in the limelight. The completion of the mission must be above all else, followed by efficiency and extra income. When he can get free assistance, he will work hard for it, but he will not waste precious time waiting for backup. Zhuang Xuteng approached his boss's office, pulled out the shock bomb, and at the same time let the grudge tentacles knock on the window.

When the people in the room heard the sound of the glass, they all turned to look over. Their attention was attracted at this moment. In addition, Zhuang Xuteng sneaked all the way and made almost no sound, so when he opened the door and rushed into the room, everyone inside was shocked.

The three members of the Blood Bat Gang didn't see clearly what was coming in, but they responded immediately anyway. Their eyes radiated blood-red light, shooting toward Zhuang Xuteng. The red light flashes at an extremely high frequency, making people dizzy, just like the effect of a shock bomb. However, the optical shock spotlight implant was still not as violent as the shock bomb. Zhuang Xuteng raised his hand, and the shock bomb turned into a dazzling white light under his grasp.

Flashes of red and flashes of white clashed in the air, silent against sound. Zhuang Xuteng was dizzy by the three people, and the floor and ceiling rotated back and forth in his field of vision. As a last resort, he gave up his vision and used hearing and the touch of Wraith Jelly to sense his surroundings. Combined with his impression of the room, he could also cope with possible battles.

And several others were even worse than him. Even the company's enhanced personnel would not be immune to the shock bomb being eaten at a distance of one or two meters. The three members of the Blood Bat Gang used their eyeball implants to stare at Zhuang Xuteng and "work". It was really like watching the shock bomb explode in the center of the field of vision. In an instant, all three people lost their ability to see. Not only their ears, but their entire heads were buzzing, as if a clock had been placed on their heads and they had been hit hard. The three people activated their respective implants and worked hard to adjust their physical condition, especially using various drugs to soothe or stimulate specific nervous systems, so as to get rid of the shocked state as soon as possible.

The first thing they have to do is to draw their weapons, defend themselves and prepare to fight back.

Although the three people were frightened, Zhuang Xuteng did not attack them. Shock bombs can last for a few minutes for ordinary people, but guys with combat implants, especially after using armored skin, can reduce the control time of shock bombs.

If you start the battle now, you will certainly have the upper hand, but after all, there are three people on the other side, more than you, and the situation may become very chaotic. Zhuang Xuteng was worried that if the Blood Bat Gang used one or two people to entangle him, and only one person was left to control the boss, he would immediately be at a disadvantage. For now, the best choice is to protect the boss. As for whether to kill these three Blood Bat Gang guys, we can wait until the boss is out of danger.

Yespi Antonovich pressed his hands on the table, his eyes were as wide as bells, and tears, snot and saliva continued to flow downwards, but his body was completely stiff and motionless. This guy faced the door, looked at the shock bomb, and felt extremely regretful in his heart!

It hurts, hurts, hurts! Yespi wanted to shout but couldn't. He could only wait in horror for things to develop further. During the effect of the shock bomb, thinking will not stop, and vision and hearing will be damaged but will not disappear completely. It is just that the body cannot move. So, Yespi could only watch helplessly as the figure who rushed in took out a handful from his arms, tugged on it, and then leaned towards him over the Blood Bat Gang guys.

Zhuang Xuteng activated the second shock bomb, used super-computing martial arts to accurately pass through the three members of the Blood Bat Gang, and quickly moved towards Yespi. At this time, the three bats twisted their bodies vigorously and pointed their weapons at Zhuang Xuteng. Judging from this phenomenon, the recovery speed of the three bats was quite fast. Zhuang Xuteng was right not to fight.

Before the first shock wave weakened, Zhuang Xuteng came to Yespi and detonated the second shock bomb right in front of his eyes. The boss of Fengchi Stadium was hit hard again. He completely lost his sense of the things around him and only felt that he was in an endless and white environment. This place is very much like the "heaven" described by the Temple of Light, except that there are no white clouds and angel choirs, only endless high-pitched white noise. Then, he felt himself floating up and had the thought "I'm dead" in his heart.

The reality is not that bad. After Zhuang Xuteng detonated the second shock bomb, he grabbed the boss with one hand and fired at the window with the other hand. He wasn't sure whether the windows in his boss's office were tempered, so they wouldn't be able to be knocked out.

The bone spear technique slammed against the window, shattering the glass. Very good, it's not tempered glass, it's just safety glass. It will shatter "roundly" after impact and is not easy to cut the skin. So Zhuang Xuteng hugged the boss with one arm, blocked the front with the other arm, and ordered the leg implant to jump forward. He smashed the glass like a trebuchet and jumped out of the fifth floor with his boss.

The tentacles of the resentful spirit opened and the levitation technique was used at the same time. Zhuang Xuteng pulled on the edge of the window sill, turning the forward and outward parabola into a downward vertical fall. He used the wall and several window sills below to slow down, stepped on the wall on the third floor of the office building, and just crossed the fence around the office building laterally. He then made a cushioned landing, absorbed the final impact with a deep squat, and successfully escaped from the office with his boss.

Yespi was completely in a trance, not knowing what happened, otherwise this fall would have made him scream. Zhuang Xuteng knocked on his head and used dormant martial arts to reduce his shock. It's much more important to wake up the boss quickly than to worry about the lives of a few white mice. Only by letting the boss know who is the savior can we get the bonus!

"What...what happened?" Yespi staggered, feeling as if he was standing on a ship fighting against the rough waves. The only solid thing around was Zhuang Xuteng's arms, and later he discovered that there was also the wall of his own building. Yespi leaned against the wall, panting violently and looked around, gradually realizing where he was. "Escaped?"

"The Blood Bat Gang hasn't left yet, but as long as I'm protecting you, they won't be able to succeed." Zhuang Xuteng said, "The top priority now is to decide what to do. You have to urge the PCPD and ask them to come quickly, or give Jolt an order. Is it time to start?"

"I'm dizzy now, I..."

"Take the medicine and get back to your condition quickly." Zhuang Xuteng took out a multivitamin tablet and stuffed it directly into the boss's mouth. After he swallowed it, he immediately activated his dormant martial arts. He quickly relieved the boss's state of shock, especially liberating the pressure on the brain's nervous system. Yespi still felt that his hands were shaking and his legs were weak, but his thoughts gradually became clearer.

"Hide!" Zhuang Xuteng had been using Wraith Jelly to investigate the surroundings. Naturally, he knew that the three bats upstairs had basically recovered and were heading towards the window to search for them. So he pulled Yespi and squatted down, using the shadows under the wall and the building to hide, trying to avoid the detection of the Blood Bat Gang. At the same time, he handed his walkie-talkie to the boss and told him that he could contact Jolt.

Another red light shot down from a high place and swept past Zhuang Xuteng and Yespi. Due to the obstruction of the building, the light did not reach the two of them, but it frightened the boss into sweating. His fingers were trembling - obviously not just from the impact of the shock bomb - and he was a little unsteady on the walkie-talkie. Zhuang Xuteng put his hands on his shoulders and applied a little force to provide him with strength and support.

"Thank you." Yespi picked up the walkie-talkie and pressed the call button with all his strength. The walkie-talkie is on the broadcast channel, and his words can be heard by every Fengchi Arena employee with a walkie-talkie. He said in a hoarse but clear voice: "Implement the 66 Plan, implement the 66 Plan."

Zhuang Xuteng didn't know what Plan 66 was, so there was no need for him to ask. He could just read on. The boss said it several times in a row until Jolt also repeated the order in the communication channel. At this time, the advertising spotlight on the roof of the nightclub that was originally pointing to the sky suddenly changed its direction and turned around, shining directly on the square in front of the office building. Just as Jolt and other security personnel put on their sunglasses, the brightness of these spotlights suddenly increased to an extremely dazzling level.

In an instant, the light that was several times brighter than the midday sun enveloped everyone in the Blood Bat Gang. Even if they closed their eyes, they could still see the blood-red color. They had to raise their palms to block it, but the spotlight not only turned on, but also changed colors and flashed continuously. Four giant spotlights were like four lightsabers piercing into the Blood Bat Gang, turning them into a blind, panicked and staggering mob. At this moment, Jolt took the lead and rushed forward.

At the edge of the field, Yespi took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on while looking at Zhuang Xuteng awkwardly. "I only have one pair..." His face turned red and blue, and the diffuse light partially covered his shame. "Why don't you wear this to protect me."

"To protect you?" Zhuang Xuteng rolled his eyes. He dug into the hidden pocket at the back of his clothes, took out a pair of anti-glare glasses and clamped them on his nose, which finally provided some protection. "You are really good at hiding! Don't let us prepare sunglasses... Now, we can't get up, so you can only rely on the hotel's security personnel to fight."

"That should be enough. I'll urge the PCPD again." Yespi put down the walkie-talkie, took out his mobile phone from his inner pocket, dialed the number, and said to Zhuang Xuteng: "Thank you for saving my life this time, I will never treat you badly. Naike, Scarecrow Naike, you acted very decisively... Hey, Captain Dargo, where are your people? You don’t want any of the existing credit? Don’t give it to someone else!”

After hearing this, Zhuang Xuteng wanted to laugh a little. It turns out that this is how the "finance owner" and the PCPD communicate! I have learned a lot, I have learned a lot. Sure enough, I am not in the state of ordinary citizens nodding and bowing, begging grandpa to tell grandma to ask the PCPD to take action. By the time Yespi finished the call, Zhuang Xuteng had stopped smiling and returned to a serious expression. He grabbed his shoulder with one hand, approached him and said, "It's not safe here. I have to lead you to break out."

"Where to break out?" Yespi asked.

"My armored vehicle is over there. Let's go to the right and go around the square. Have you seen that huge armored vehicle? Once inside, ordinary impacts won't hurt you."

Yespi nodded in agreement, and then was pulled up from the ground by a huge force, almost dragging him forward. He wanted to straighten up, but a big hand immediately pressed the back of his head, forcing him down.

There was a melee in the square, and Jolt's men did have the advantage, but that didn't mean they could suppress it in any way. There are always some fish that slip through the net, and there are always some "stray bullets" coming towards Zhuang Xuteng. In this chaotic scene, the all-round Wraith Jelly sensory system provided Zhuang Xuteng with great convenience. He pushed the boss forward all the way, and he could keep his head down, eliminating the need to look around.

At the same time, super-computing martial arts help him predict dangers that may affect them, so Zhuang Xuteng can strike first and deal with them early. He raised his hand and fired, and there was no enemy who didn't deserve to die under the ghost energy bullet. Even if some gangsters want to cause trouble for Zhuang Xuteng from the fringe area of ​​the melee group, they are often shot as soon as they start to act.

"Go, keep walking, don't stop - pay attention to the body, raise your legs!" Zhuang Xuteng moved to protect the boss, and their actions were also seen by some interested people. Zhuang Xuteng knew that Ruoart had seen this side, and he also knew that he immediately called a few people around him to form a small team and try to get closer. At the same time, three bats with eyes that could emit red light also discovered them. The three men half-climbed and half-jumped down from the fifth floor, and pursued them with their long legs.

The three guys didn't wear sunglasses, so they could only move around the edge of the square to avoid the area directly covered by the spotlights. Their speed is very fast - slower than Zhuang Xuteng's speed, but certainly much faster than Yespi. Zhuang Xuteng made some calculations and felt that time was tight, so he put more force on his hands and almost half-lifted the boss forward.

At the critical moment of life and death, Yespi also used all his strength to at least avoid causing trouble, including when he was thrown into the armored vehicle and half of his face was in close contact with the armor plate. "Bang!" The sound was obvious, but there was no scream or exclamation in it. Yespi had no complaints. He supported the vehicle and stood firm on his feet, then waited for Zhuang Xuteng to open the door.

"Hurry in!" Zhuang Xuteng used the key to twist the door lock. There was no time to help the boss open the door, so he turned around and started shooting with both guns. The bone spear technique shot at the three approaching bats, and they also shot at Zhuang Xuteng. Although Zhuang Xuteng could dodge all the ghost energy bullets with his physical skills, he still had to block one with his body in order to cover his boss.

Through the armor suit, the armor plate, and the bone shield technique, the shot only caused bruises, but it shook the newly healed bones, so it still hurt. Fortunately, the boss took this opportunity to open the car door, half-pounce, half-dive, rush in, and lie down directly in the car, which finally saved Zhuang Xuteng a little worry. Moreover, Jolt led five men out of the thorn, causing an impact on the three bats, causing them to be distracted. Zhuang Xuteng seized this opportunity, pulled out the car key, got into the car deftly, closed the door and locked it.

"'s safe for now." Zhuang Xuteng patted Yespi, then pointed to the car seat in the back and said, "Go and sit there. That's the area with the thickest armor besides the cab. Fasten your seat belt. There is battlefield comprehensive supplement in the first aid box next to it. Find it and drink a pack, it will make you feel much better."

"Okay!" Yespi got up from the steel floor, first scratched his face with his hands, and then poked his head through the observation hole to see what was going on outside. At this time, there were more and more red and blue lights, and the siren became clearer and closer. With the arrival of the PCPD, the morale of the Blood Bat Gang gangsters began to collapse. As long as the security guards can control the situation and prevent the gangsters from causing damage, the boss will win a big victory.

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