Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 448 Chapter 445 It’s not easy to start

Palovich actually explained in detail why the bomb they designed could avoid shadow signals and would not be detected by most detection methods. His knowledge of explosives is quite comprehensive and in-depth, but the key to the whole thing is not the technical handling of bombs, but...

"Why should I do this? I don't want to have anything to do with Colonel Taft anymore." Zhuang Xuteng waved his hand and said clearly: "I don't care what you want to do. First of all, I will not betray you, and secondly, I will not participate. Why don't you ask the people from the Gardener Organization to do it yourself? If they can blow up a TV station, then they can blow up a boxing stadium without any psychological burden."

When Palovic heard this, he narrowed his eyes and said: "Nike, why are you pretending to me? I am the gardener organization, and you are the person Colonel Taft is looking for. We two don't need to Just pretending to guess riddles here."

Zhuang Xuteng shrugged. He felt that Palovic's current appearance fully explained two words: panic. No matter what happens, you can't mess up the position during the negotiation. How can anyone start talking nonsense like this? After all, you can be reasonable when you are reasonable, and you can be reckless when you are unreasonable. If you say "I am the gardener and you are the killer", are you prepared to die together?

"Don't frame me. It's not me that Colonel Taft is looking for. I don't know if you were organized by the Gardener. Don't blame this on me. I'm still working." Zhuang Xuteng said: "I admit it. Colonel Taft affected the voices of the mercenaries in Peicheng, and my body was severely beaten by him, and I have not recovered yet. But it would be too heartless to install a bomb in a crowded place like the competition venue. I I won’t accept such a useless commission, no matter how much money I have.”

"Colonel Taft is very close to discovering your problem, and we have collected enough evidence to prove that you and Gongdao are the murderers of Kaho. I know you don't believe it and won't admit it, but... I have to Admit it, you did a very good job, and the follow-up cover-up work was also quite good, but you just ignored one issue."

Palovich took out a photo from his arms, which showed him and Bumore holding a newspaper dated today. In the photo, Bumore looks haggard and weak, with a forced smile on his face, and his neck is pinched by Palovic's big hands. He has obviously lost his personal freedom.

Zhuang Xuteng frowned, scratched his head with his fingers, and asked, "Who is this? Your informant?"

"You're still pretending to me!" Palovich threw the photo to Zhuang Xuteng and shouted in the car: "You bastard! Pick up the explosives and follow my instructions! You don't want to kill Taft Don’t you want to destroy the company’s prestige? Now you have this good opportunity, the last chance for you.”

The group photo flew over, hit Zhuang Xuteng's chest, and then floated to the ground. Zhuang Xuteng didn't pick it up, or even glance at it. He has a strong ability to remember images, and he can remember them just after seeing them. The photo was indeed that of Bumore, and it didn't look fake. At least he couldn't find any flaws with his discernment ability. He hadn't seen him since he rescued Boomer. He had been under Lucy's care. The original plan was to change his identity and become a staff member under Lucy's name after the whole incident passed. Now it seems that something obviously went wrong.

Indeed, Boomer is a loophole. After Zhuang Xuteng saw Kaho Wiggins, he immediately asked Yanque to start signal suppression and prevent him from sending messages to the outside world. Yanque was convinced of the effect of information suppression, so Zhuang Xuteng believed that his and Ge Gongdao's identities had not been leaked. But before that, it is very likely that Kaho reported to the company about Bumore, such as his appearance and characteristics, such as what he did under the Camby James mansion before. Bu Moor is both a clue and a bridge. Follow the clue or walk across the bridge. On the opposite side are Zhuang Xuteng, Ge Gongdao, and Lucy.

If I had known, I would not have spared his life.

It's too late to regret now, and there's no point regretting it, but Zhuang Xuteng thinks things are not that bad. First of all, he still doubted the authenticity of this matter. If Palovich feels that he is certain, then he can use Bumore's death as a condition to directly instruct himself to deliver the bomb, and save 800,000 euros - Palovich may not be absolutely sure. If he can eat himself to death, maybe he doesn't believe that Kaho can be killed by a Naike and a Dao brother.

Secondly, after killing Colonel Taff, why should the Gardener organization claim it? Is this in the interest of the Gardener organization? Judging from the strength shown by the Gardener organization, the most they can claim is someone of the level who killed Kaho. If they continue to try their best, the power the company will use against them will be unbearable for them. Zhuang Xuteng had never heard that there was some kind of ranking outside, and there was a competition on "who killed the company personnel with the highest position." If the Gardeners want fame, they can just claim Kaho's death. Colonel Taff will go find them immediately, and if they blow up Taff to death, that's their skill.

Third, after Palovic takes control of Bumor, the first thing he should do is go to Lucy, get all the resources of the middleman, and then direct Zhuang Xuteng to work. This is much better than directly controlling Naike. Even if it was known that Colonel Taft was coming to the Windchi Arena and that Nike happened to be here, Lucy should be used as the entry point to mobilize more power and save the verbal confrontation with Nike. Several times before, Palovic went to find Lucy first. This time, it was uncharacteristic. There must be something wrong inside.

Zhuang Xuteng frowned slightly: Palovic had encountered problems with Lucy before, so he didn't think he was easier to deceive than Lucy, so he came directly to him, right? Since we mentioned "easy to cheat", where is the "cheating"?

His cunning mind was spinning rapidly, and he decided to try to trick him. "Palovic...Palovic...We have cooperated several times, and I have never completed the tasks assigned by you. If you come to talk about a commission, then talk about the commission. Never use this method of scaring people." It doesn’t make sense, you should know this! You are so anxious, not because you are worried about me, but because you are worried about yourself. I did hear a piece of news: Colonel Taft has set his target on the Gardener organization and will designate that organization as murderer."

Palovic said nothing, but his nose and brows wrinkled, a sign of anger. From the perspective of body language, short-term subconscious anger originates from fear, and can only be stimulated by fear formed by realistic threats. In other words, truth creates danger, and danger creates a stress response, and that response is anger.

People will not be angry if they have nightmares or imagine something terrible; they will be angry if they are provoked in person and fear that their interests or safety may be harmed.

With this reaction, Zhuang Xuteng knew that he had guessed correctly. Assuming that the action is actually carried out and the Gardeners organization dares to admit that it was done by itself, there is only one explanation for this kind of thing: regardless of whether it was done by them, the company will think that it was done by them. Since there is no point in denying it, it is better to admit it and at least gain some reputation.

There is almost only one possibility for being "misunderstood" by the company: the frame-up has already begun. With the unremitting efforts of Lucy and other intermediaries, the four words "Gardener Organization" increasingly occupied Colonel Taft's mind. Colonel Taft, who has been unable to find the real murderer, needs to solve the problem as soon as possible. Whoever appears in his mind more often will have a greater chance of winning. Taken together, the Gardener Organization is indeed the most suitable scapegoat. Although I don’t know how much fabricated evidence is placed on Colonel Taft’s desk, it is certain that Colonel Taft will add more fuel and jealousy to it and then report it to the company. .

The report about the Gardener Organization is probably now on the desk of a certain A-level executive at Dingxin Magic. Regardless of whether Colonel Taft is alive and well, blown up half to death, or really dead, this report will be stamped with a "credit stamp."

Zhuang Xuteng continued to think. He believed that it was impossible for Palovich to see the contents of the report on the desktop of the company's A-level executives. Their full strength was to look at Colonel Taft. If they can't even see Colonel Taff's progress, there are other angles, and they may be more complex with the current situation: Palovich investigates the murderer, uses his true skills to find Lucy, and discovers that Lucy framed him Action, and then found Boomer, figured out the cause and effect of all this, and deduced that he had to rescue something from the dead situation.

Okay, now that his thoughts have advanced to this point, Zhuang Xuteng knows what to do. He said: "Palovich, you are very unlucky. Colonel Taft was the first to suspect the mercenaries, and the first five punches were on me and Brother Dao. This is already known to everyone. Tell him about the murderer." It’s me, that’s not a flattery, that’s a slap in the face.”

"Naike, do you want to try?"

"Don't get me wrong, I don't want to try." For his own benefit and safety, Zhuang Xuteng would not break up with Palovich, at least not face to face. "I said, the Gardener Organization is Colonel Taft's best choice at the moment, but he can definitely accuse others unjustly, as long as he can complete the investigation mission. Just like the PCPD and your riot squad, how many times have the scapegoat been placed on the employee? Or let the small gang take the lead?"

"Hmph! Colonel Taft's presence in Peicheng is not in anyone's interest."

"Hey! If you put it like that, the atmosphere of the conversation will be much better." Zhuang Xuteng picked up the photo from the ground and handed it to Palovich, which was a slight gesture of friendship and relaxation of the atmosphere. At this time, he had an idea and said: "The man in the photo looks like he has been coerced. All kinds of lies will come out under torture. Why don't you ask him to change his expressions and actions, such as giving a thumbs up on his chest?" It also sounds more convincing.”

Palovic's microexpression appears again. Zhuang Xuteng remained calm, knowing that he seemed to have guessed something right again.

"Since you came to me, even if I don't help you in the end, I can still give you some advice, so that we won't murder each other, right?" Zhuang Xuteng always thinks twice and keeps his thoughts ahead. Since I just said that Bumol made Parowi's expression slightly change, let's continue this topic, just go around it. "For example, this bomb like you... If a bomb can kill someone like Colonel Taft, then the enhanced people of the four major companies have no deterrent effect. During the corporate war, explosives were all over the streets, and hundreds or even thousands of people protected them. Shoot, how many enhanced people have died? What was the technology at that time, and what is the level of technology now?"

"There's nothing wrong with the bomb. There's no way Colonel Taft can survive it."

"Please, don't be so confident in weapons, okay?" Zhuang Xuteng said: "As long as the company can't research the technology that can be developed outside? Even if other companies can't research it, the weapons and equipment manufacturing center Dingxin Magic Group will not be able to develop it. ? Let me tell you, unless you find technology from an alien planet that the company has never seen before, maybe there is still a chance of success."

These few words were not without purpose. During the battle that day, Kaho took a heat bomb from Boomer and walked out unscathed. What really caused serious damage to Kahuo was the armor-breaking hammer from other worlds, which used Kahuo's own high-speed and high-explosion to hit him head-on, thus destroying his defense.

etc! Bomb - Kaho - Boomer. Zhuang Xuteng suddenly understood what was going on with Palovic's expression. Boomer's specialty is explosives, and this undetectable bomb was probably made by him. If you want him to build a bomb, you have to let him come into contact with the explosives. As long as he has the intention to hide some of them, it can be used for escape or suicide.

Most people would give priority to escaping, but he was forced to take that photo. Boomer understood that even if he was alive after the incident, Naike, Lucy and others would not let him go as a traitor, and he would definitely die in the end. After all, Kaho died at the hands of Naike and others, and he would never be spared.

You don't even have to wait for Nak, as soon as he is out of action, Palovic will deal with him. Since Palovic was embarrassed when he heard that he was going to retake a photo of Bummer, maybe Bummer is gone, right?

Still the same sentence: I can’t say anything after I’ve figured it out, because I can’t quarrel with Palovich here. After all, he is from the riot control unit. Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said: "In my opinion, the reputation of the Gardener Organization is already bad in Peicheng. From top to bottom, no one wants to support an organization that bombs TV stations. It's better to change the name at this time and start again. …”

"This has nothing to do with you!" Palovic glared over and interrupted Zhuang Xuteng's words.

"Okay, okay, it has nothing to do with me." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said, "Don't worry about whether your bomb can kill Colonel Taft, the ordinary people around him will definitely not survive, and then everyone in the Gardener organization will shout for beatings. I don't Do you understand what you are planning? Unless you have no plan to claim this, this is all a frame-up to drag the mercenaries into the water. If that's the case, you might as well hand over the man in the photo. By the way, you are completely You can put a bomb on him and let him blow up Colonel Taft!"

"Thank you for your great idea. It's just that Colonel Taft has a complete team around him at work, and explosives can't get close. Those enhanced people in the company will only have weaknesses when they act alone. If they form a team, there will be no dead ends."

"There are no blind spots at all? Impossible, right?" Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said, "You are not from the company, how do you know this?"

"Prioritize, the riot control team will use similar tactics, relying on the strength of the team to make up for all shortcomings and strengthen the assault capability in at least three directions. Only in this way can we form a suppressive advantage over gangs or your mercenaries. The army is just larger, Relying on the number of people to fill holes. The company's team, their abilities are outstanding and comprehensive, rely on being together to have no blind spots. The key to Kaho being killed is that he is alone."

Zhuang Xuteng then asked: "How many people are there in Colonel Taft's team?"

"They are all the people who came with him. However, some are core and some are peripheral auxiliary. At the same time, the company also has a remote support team, estimated to be dozens to a hundred people..."

"Where's Kaho?" Zhuang Xuteng wanted to understand Taaffe's status in the company through comparison.

"I don't know. He landed in Peicheng by air. It seems that his team hasn't arrived yet, and he hasn't finished running in with the local team, and then he went out on his own..." Palovich laughed and said: "He deserves to die. What a coincidence.”

It was a coincidence that Zhuang Xuteng didn't expect to meet that guy at all. But the key now is to find a way to end this conversation and get out of it. Zhuang Xuteng frowned, nodded, and suddenly said, "Let me take a look at that bomb."

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