Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 426 Chapter 423 It’s up to you to choose

The flash of the shock bomb penetrated through the gap under the door, and the cashier and accountant were stimulated and shed tears instantly; although the sharp vibrating sound was weakened by the wall, the aftermath also made them feel dizzy. The taste of this shock bomb was really unpleasant. Fortunately, I surrendered in time, otherwise I would have to enter a state of shock with this pain. No matter how uncomfortable I was, I couldn't cry out, couldn't deal with it, and could only wait to die.

Will he die? Neither of them knows the answer to this question, and it's best to remain in a state of ignorance forever, because that also means they are not dead yet.

"Open the door." Zhuang Xuteng glanced at the clock on the wall of the finance room and said, "You have three minutes."

"Behind the door is the storage room of Assassin Property. There is only a portion of the euro. That thing is too heavy and of low value. You can't move much by yourself." The accountant and cashier took out their keys respectively and opened the door for Zhuang Xuteng. : "If you really want to maximize your profits, you can take the thermostatic storage box on the middle shelf of the third shelf. There are platinum coins, securities and a set of savior syringes. That box belongs to our boss, and the contents inside are given by us. He prepared it.”

"Why are you preparing this specially? Are you ready to run away at any time?" When Zhuang Xuteng saw the two people nodding, he knew that he had guessed correctly. "If I remember correctly, the savior syringe is something used by the company's emergency treatment team, right? It is said that as long as you are not dead, you can hang your life. Is it that thing?"

"Yes." The two people have completed the key process and are entering the password on the authenticator. "You are a mercenary, right? A savior syringe is equivalent to a life and is very valuable."

"Wow, how did you know I'm a mercenary? Yes, that's right, I'm a mercenary." Zhuang Xuteng admitted openly, but it made the other party confused. He had already figured it out. In fact, even if he denied it, he could not clear away the suspicion of being a mercenary. He might as well accept everything he said and let the other party continue to guess.

At this time, the second wave of people outside the door attacked. Listening to the footsteps to estimate the number of people, this should be the last living fighting force in the building. Zhuang Xuteng opened the Resentful Spirit Jelly and cooperated with the Shadow Eye. Even though there was a wall, the situation in the corridor could not be hidden from him. The four people who came to support raised their shadow guns and aimed through the thin wall. This kind of ghost energy bullets with no tracking ability pose no threat to Zhuang Xuteng, so don't avoid them too easily. But if the two guys who opened the door were killed by stray bullets, wouldn't they suffer a loss?

So Zhuang Xuteng grabbed the desk with one hand, carried the implant to assist with force, and lifted the desk directly to the wall, using it as a bunker to protect the two "openers" from harm. At this time, the security guard in the corridor started shooting. Zhuang Xuteng moved a few steps sideways, twisted his body slightly, and predictably dodged the direct ghost energy bomb. At the same time, the two ghost energy bombs penetrated the wall and the desk, and their momentum was exhausted. When they hit the accountant on the back, they were only as powerful as an ordinary person's punch. He groaned and staggered, but persisted and continued to enter the password in turns.

"There are still hostages inside! Don't shoot indiscriminately! Damn it!"

In fact, he shouted a little late. Shadow Cong firearms are very powerful and can be tracked, but their weaknesses are also obvious, that is, continuous shooting consumes too much and cannot form suppressive firepower. The usual tactic is to use shooting to cover the assault, and this time it was the same. At the same time that the ghost energy bullet penetrated the wall, a heavy big foot kicked open the door of the finance room. According to the information from the Eye of Shadow, this is an assault warrior with equal emphasis on strength and protection, specially used for strong attacks.

Ever since he had the armor-breaking hammer, Zhuang Xuteng no longer worried about such opponents. He calmly avoided the ghost energy bomb, swung the hammer and smashed it down. At this time, the door was kicked open. The arc of the hammer just missed the twisted door panel, and hit the knee that came in hard. Zhuang Xuteng grasped the contact time very accurately: the moment the hammer caused the impact, the man happened to step on the ground, and there was a rigid support from his knees to his calves. All the impact of the armor-piercing hammer completely devoured that knee.

This attack was basically silent, except that the knee was smashed by Zhuang Xuteng, and the calf bone of that leg was also shattered. Zhuang Xuteng didn't wait for the strong assault man to cry out in pain, then spun directly out of the room, his armor-breaking hammer drawing a silver arc in the air like a meteor.

"He came out..."

The close combat begins...and by the count of seven, the close combat is over. In the room, the accountant and cashier felt like this. They only hesitated for a moment, and just as they stopped opening the door, Zhuang Xuteng finished the battle and came back. There was blood on his clothes, backpack and hammer;

"Keep going, I never stopped timing." Zhuang Xuteng waved his hand gently, as if the battle outside had no impact on him. Looking at the two people in the finance department starting to work again, and listening carefully, there should be no resistance in the building. He put down his backpack, took off his outer clothes, and threw them aside.

Less than two minutes later, the door opened. The accountant and cashier opened the safety door of the storage room and gave Zhuang Xuteng a smile. Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said, "Open the door wider. There are several bags here. Each person can take two. You go and pack your things while I watch."

"You are really careful." The accountant and cashier sighed, knowing that they could not make trouble, so they went to Zhuang Xuteng to get the bag. "We are not a bank here, there is no..."

"You are a property company that works as a doorman for rich people. You know better about security than a bank." Zhuang Xuteng said, "In addition to platinum coins, I want your security design drawings. Don't stare, I know those things are inside."

This is pure bluffing. Zhuang Xuteng and others only speculated that the security system planning diagram and the like were in it, but did not really confirm it. If we give them another two to three weeks, preferably a month, so that they can do more detailed investigation work, they will probably be able to have accurate information in this regard.

"Those things...are not here."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "Your pause has betrayed the panic in your heart. Just put what I want in it and put all the blame on me afterwards."

"Originally... it's... Mr. Robber, it's true that the planning map is the most valuable information of Assassin's property, but its ability to be monetized is very poor."

"I can get in here, add those pictures, can't I do something? You don't need to care about how I make money, unless you are ready to change jobs now and follow me, I can consider giving you dividends."

"No, no, no, I mean, as long as I know you took the map, the security settings will definitely be changed, so why would you..."

"The more you persuade me, the more it proves that those pictures are useful." Zhuang Xuteng smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? Just tell me."

"Once these pictures are lost, Assassin may go bankrupt."

"You will be the first to know this news. How to use it, I don't need to say more, right? Besides, do you really think that Assassin will be better off in this situation?"

The two of them frowned at the same time, seemingly suddenly enlightened. They stopped talking nonsense and started working faster. In a short time, the two people packed four bags for Zhuang Xuteng, which were filled with the things he specified.

The Eye of Shadow glanced over, and there was no shadow energy response in the four bags. This was obviously good news. There was a high probability that there was no tracker inside. "There is also a suitcase that your boss used for running away." Zhuang Xuteng opened his coat and pulled out a steel cable with a hook from his belt, which was just right for hanging the suitcase. "You're doing well. Are there any security cameras here?"

"It blew up when you came in," the accountant said, pointing to the window.

"Then you guys should suffer a little!" Zhuang Xuteng raised his right hand, and two bone spear energy bullets penetrated their bodies, avoiding their vital points and making four bloody holes. The two people immediately fell down and slumped on the ground, holding their own blood in their hands, their eyes filled with curses on Zhuang Xuteng.

"You can't die. Call the ambulance yourself." Zhuang Xuteng swept the office phone on the table into their arms and said, "As for how to make up stories to spend this time, that is your own business."

Jump out of the window, first land on the second floor platform, then go around to the side of the Assassin Property office building and jump off. The series of movements just now, whether it was a broken window or a shock bomb, or the whizzing shots of a shadow gun and a few screams from a brief hand-to-hand battle, all attracted the attention of passers-by. After all, it was broad daylight, and there were many pedestrians on the road. They all saw Zhuang Xuteng carrying four large bags out of the broken window, and walked slowly towards the back.

A few brave ones were already taking pictures with their mobile phones.

But they couldn't capture any useful information. During this operation, Zhuang Xuteng not only used a mosaic collar and hood, but also wore an anti-glare and independent breathing mask, completely blocking his appearance and not being afraid of their filming. And his clothes, because he wore a tactical vest and carried a lot of equipment, were bulging and concealed his true size. In addition, the mask is connected to an external oxygen supply can, which can only provide breathing for a limited time, but its sealing will cause the voice to be deformed; in addition, Zhuang Xuteng can control the body posture characteristics, and all the abilities combined, even if someone is filming him the whole time action, there was no way to identify him afterwards.

After landing lightly, Zhuang Xuteng raised his hand and pointed at the two people who happened to be passing by the same alleyway. They were obviously taken aback by Zhuang Xuteng's attire, and then they saw the shadow gun ring and immediately knew what they should do. Turning their heads to face the wall, the two of them waited until the patter of footsteps behind them disappeared before turning back. By then, Zhuang Xuteng had already run away.

It's too difficult to sneak away and disappear in broad daylight at noon, but these days are very chaotic, and no one except the suffering master will mind his own business. As long as Zhuang Xuteng walks faster and doesn't stay in someone's field of vision for a long time, he won't attract tails.

It took Zhuang Xuteng a little more than fifteen minutes in total from breaking in through the broken window to leaving with a full load, which was extremely fast. This was thanks to the help of the accountants and cashiers of the Finance Department, but unfortunately they were unable to participate in the dividends. In addition, Assassin Property itself has its own security force. When encountering an attack, the first reaction is to handle it yourself, and it is almost impossible to call the police. The PCPD may not even know that the Assassin Property was attacked yet, so the two PCPDs they met on the road were just curious about Zhuang Xuteng's appearance, but did not come to take care of him.

Walking through the alley and out of the shadows, Zhuang Xuteng dug out the bicycle hidden behind the trash can at the corner. He hung his four backpacks on the back seat of the car, turned over his clothes, took off his mask and used a scarf to cover his face. He transformed into a door-to-door courier in the uptown area.

Hop on your bike and walk three blocks to the parking lot, where the armored vehicle is waiting quietly. Zhuang Xuteng reported his progress to Nightingale through an encrypted channel, and Nightingale also fed back two pieces of information to him.

"A certain girl expressed her dissatisfaction with me for not showing off her skills." Nightingale could only be talking about Yanque. She was originally required to crack the password system of the safe door, but Zhuang Xuteng did it directly with her words. "Some people have figured out they've been tricked and are running back at full speed."

"Don't worry about being tricked. Report your situation."

"They are all being evacuated. Everything is going well. Use Route 3 to avoid the angry people." Nightingale did not need to evacuate. Yanque did not show up at all. When Zhuang Xuteng came out of the window, she started the evacuation procedure. Now Already reached a safe location.

"No tail is found, I will continue with the current plan." Zhuang Xuteng rode to the parking lot and used the reflection of the glass to look behind him at the guard box at the door. Although it was impossible for people from Assassin's property to catch up, he still had to be careful of overly curious passers-by or reporters who wanted to catch big news. The security in Taiping District is very strict, but in Shangcheng District it is relatively loose. Many paparazzi will take pictures of celebrities who occasionally pass by in the streets and alleys. It would also be troublesome if they were caught on camera.

After returning to the car safely, Zhuang Xuteng once again used the Eye of Shadow to scan the loot to ensure that there was no shadow energy signal inside it. After that, he wrapped all the loot in a large bag filled with petroleum, covering a total of two layers, and then he started the vehicle with confidence and left the parking lot.

"Uh..." In the encrypted channel, Nightingale hesitated twice, her voice sounding very hesitant. Under Zhuang Xuteng's questioning, Nightingale said: "There is news from above that the frog is trapped."

"Baby?" Zhuang Xuteng was stunned for a moment, and finally turned around. Frog refers to the "Still Water Frog" Boomer. He is considered a foreign aid. He only needs to explode once to trigger an alarm, and then there will be nothing else to do. The foreign aid solves the retreat problem by itself. The main task force on Zhuang Xuteng's side will not pay special attention to him. It is understandable that he suddenly didn't expect it.

"Let's use Bang Bang as the code name!" The word "frog" was taken from Bumore's nickname, which did not meet the requirements of strict information control. "Boom boom didn't withdraw?"

"We were blocked and sent a request for help." Nightingale scratched her head and said, "I suggest you take care of the LCD screen."

In this operation, the LCD screen is Lucy. She wears a camouflage mask all day long, and her face is always refreshed with colorful images like neon light, so it is called an LCD screen.

Foreign aid and mercenaries do not save what is reasonable, but save what is reasonable. In this matter, Lucy could only make suggestions and Zhuang Xuteng could make a decision.

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