Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 407 Chapter 404 Does Human Existence Exist?

Nightingale and Yanque started working immediately after receiving Zhuang Xuteng's promise. They opened the box they carried with them and took out the shadow slave device from it. They were obviously ready to start work directly at Zhuang Xuteng's home. Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head, not quite understanding, and asked, "You live upstairs, wouldn't it be a good idea to take the video back? Isn't the equipment at home better than here?"

"You can massage your head here." Yanque smiled with squinted eyes, showing a naughty expression. "The equipment at home is indeed better, and in theory we can ask you to come up, but in fact we haven't cleaned it up. The house is very messy and we don't want you to see it. In short, the workload of analyzing images is very small, and these equipment are enough. Come on. , I’ll come first!”

The three began to work together and completed the analysis of the mosaic image before Ge Gongdao arrived. The reason why mosaic hats have endured so long is that it is easier to blur the original image into a mosaic than to restore it back. Nightingale and Rock Bird tried their best, but they could only get a few blurry heads, with basically no facial features.

"A round face, a long face, a pointed chin...that's basically the information." Zhuang Xuteng welcomed Brother Dao into the room and gave him a summary of the troubles he encountered in a few words, so that he could quickly catch up with the current situation. schedule.

"Do you think they might be mercenaries? Okay, let me take a look." Ge Gongdao waved to the two sisters as a simple greeting, and then moved closer to the TV to watch the images they analyzed.

Zhuang Xuteng found that Brother Dao's actions when watching were very interesting: he deliberately squinted his eyes to blur his vision. Understand, since you can't grasp the details, then grasp the feeling. Brother Dao first formed a vague impression and compared it with the mercenaries he knew. This is actually a method of identifying one's identity by using body posture and posture. Zhuang Xuteng's is called realistic flow, and Ge Gongdao's is called impressionism.

"I don't know." Ge Gongdao shook his head slowly and said, "I have no impression of these three people at all. These three people cooperate well, and the killer's shots are very neat. If he is a mercenary in this city, he should have some reputation. .”

"Don't know me at all? Nothing similar?"

"It doesn't feel right. Even if it is copied mechanically, the similarity is less than 20%. But there is also a situation that cannot be ruled out: the mercenaries I know will use a different set of postures and movements when performing tasks, which is completely different from usual. . I have heard of this kind of ability, but I have never actually seen it, and from my point of view: There is no need to be so pretentious about this kind of job of assassinating ordinary people..."

The ability to completely change a set of body posture characteristics... Zhuang Xuteng learned how to imitate others deeply from teacher Tony. He could change the static and dynamic body as much as he wanted, but it was limited to daily activities. Once professional actions are required, such as martial arts or assassination, the disguised actions will deform, and you have to return to the familiar posture pattern.

"Judging from the gait, the killer is very steady and does not look like a young man." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Based on Brother Dao's friendship, if he is completely unrecognizable, there are three possibilities: he is not a mercenary, or he is not a mercenary from the city. Soldiers, not old mercenaries."

Ge Gongdao nodded: "Indeed, there are only these three possibilities. There are still too few clues to tell anything, especially when you see the mosaic head and think it was done by mercenaries. Gangs sometimes don't They can yell, but they can also assassinate; by the way, don’t forget the company, their business development department or security department also have this ability, and even the PCPD..."

"!" Zhuang Xuteng nodded slowly. This was indeed a direction that could not be ignored, but when it came to killing people on the street, the company would usually let gangs do it, and would be unlikely to send out its own people. In particular, Oriana Song is just an ordinary person. She has no martial arts skills and no combat enhancement. She is easy to kill and there is no need to send out the company's elites.

Nightingale said at this time: "Nike, do you only have the video and the autopsy report here? Have you ever gone to this lady's home or office to check on the situation?"

"She no longer works and has no office. Her home has been robbed and turned upside down - this is the news given to me by the funeral and estate lawyer." Zhuang Xuteng said: "The building where she lives is not monitored, so she doesn't know We don’t know when the thief entered and when he left, and we don’t know what he looks like. This surveillance was obtained from the brothel. It is very hidden. The killer did not expect it, so he did not avoid it."

"The killer didn't expect... What kind of killer wouldn't expect it?" Brother Dao asked an interesting question. He then asked in detail about the environment around the crime scene, especially the situation of the brothel that provided the video.

"Look at the video again. When the killer came, there were several men and women standing on the roadside. They couldn't have missed it." Brother Dao analyzed the video and said, "The angle of the car's impact was very clever. It was a direct hit and you had to avoid it." other passers-by, so the driver can be sure to observe and understand the road conditions at that time. Anyone who has worked in the mercenary industry knows that there will be their superiors not far from the people standing on the street, at least a chicken head and a few thugs, and maybe some There would be surveillance, not a good place to carry out an assassination. Why didn't they kill her at home?"

"I don't know." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "If I receive such a commission, I will give priority to doing it in a closed environment and in a place with no audience - most likely it will be at her home. Sneak into the home, check the environment and then If you start, it's best to transport the body away so that no one can find it."

"Yes, mercenaries usually do this." Brother Dao sighed and said: "Let me talk about my personal feelings... This thing is a bit weird and does not conform to the usual pattern. It is difficult to put a label and say it is this or That's it. Naike, we need to continue to investigate this matter, and we must not act rashly."

"I understand, I will definitely not think that he is the murderer when I see a person." Zhuang Xuteng nodded, and then said to Nightingale and Yanque: "I also have to ask you to check the PCPD surveillance. Can you find this car? Wherever you go or where you come from, you might be able to discover something.”

"We will check, but don't hold too much hope. The PCPD's power has shrunk recently. Except for Shangcheng District and Taiping District, PCPD's facilities in other places have been severely damaged. This becomes an advantage when we act, and it is easy to plan. Route. But on the other hand, when it comes to doing PCPD work, it’s all obstacles.”

"Anyway, thank you." Zhuang Xuteng said to the other three in a solemn tone.

"You're welcome. According to the old rules, there is no human kindness here. It's just a 'thing'. We have become mercenaries. With this convenience, we must take care of our families." Brother Dao looked at Nightingale and Yanque, Said: "I put the ugly words first: This is a family matter, and Naike's matter is our matter, so the information involved here is the family's information. Don't leak it to outsiders!"

"We sisters understand that you two big men don't have to worry." Nightingale pointed at the TV and said: "Let's take the video back first, make a copy, and then look for surveillance information along the way. It depends on our luck, this matter and It’s almost like finding a needle in a haystack.”

Judging from the current situation, it is indeed very difficult to detect the case. Zhuang Xuteng couldn't help but think: How did he complete the mercenary mission and escape legal sanctions? How difficult it is to catch the murderer now. This is the ecology of Peicheng.

If the incident hadn't happened in an area where men and women gathered on the street, even this video would have been difficult to find. Relying solely on interviews with people around me, it is impossible to get to the bottom of this matter.

Ge Gongdao, Nightingale, and Yanque all agreed to help, which was the best result. After Zhuang Xuteng saw them off, he drove to Oriana Song's residence according to the address provided by the "Funeral and Estate Lawyer".

The lawyer was absolutely right, and even embellished it. In the Hedi District of Peicheng, if the door of a house is torn down and no one is watching inside, don't expect anything to be left. This place must have been ransacked many times, and the people behind are most likely neighbors, most likely well-informed homeless people nearby, or even PCPD passing by on patrol.

Later people will completely destroy the original information, and there is no need to investigate here. The walls of Oriana Song's home were empty, and there were only fragments of furniture and garbage on the floor, followed by water stains and scattered shoe prints.

With his last hope, Zhuang Xuteng checked around Sister Song's house to confirm that there were no safes or other things that had not been discovered. He then asked the neighbors about Sister Song's daily life or the people who came to look for things that day. The neighbors said they didn't know, didn't see, and had no impression. No way, absolutely no way. Zhuang Xuteng could only shelve the matter for the time being and hope for luck in the future.

Finding the murderer was at an impasse, but Zhuang Xuteng had other things to do. He thought about the problem from the worst angle, that is, connecting the death of Oriana Song and the murder of Zhuang Teng, believing that they were both corporate conspiracies. He must suspect that Sister Song is still investigating the cause of Zhuang Teng's death, thus triggering a certain reaction mechanism of Dingxin Demonic Creation, thus causing trouble.

Being targeted by a company, it is still one of the four top companies, and it is the one that specializes in making weapons. It is absolutely bad and cannot get any worse. But Zhuang Xuteng actually didn't agree with this speculation, mainly because the level of the murder was really average. To put it bluntly, if Zhuang Xuteng was allowed to do it, he would definitely do better than this. Even if they are placed at the same place and at the same time, he does not need to drive into the target. He can directly hit the target head-on and deliver a fatal blow. At the same time, he can also help the body into the car without leaving a drop of blood on the scene. It can also be hidden by transshipment and handled cleanly.

"If the company does it, it has to be higher than me, right?" Zhuang Xuteng even came up with several strategies for the company, each of which is better than the current one.

He didn't really believe that the company did this, but he had to prepare accordingly. The preparation here is actually the arrangement for the family. What if... what if this matter involves my parents and little sister again? He wants to arrange for his parents to travel as soon as possible, as far away from this matter as possible; he wants to strengthen safety education for his little sister, and cannot let her leave Shangcheng District and Taiping District. It is best to move to Taiping District...

Alas, you don't need to ask to know that with his current financial resources, he can live a good life in Shangcheng District, but he can squeeze in Taiping District but cannot stay there for long. The houses there are so expensive that even if you can afford them, you can't afford them. You can't stay in Taiping District just because you have money. You need other things besides money there.

"Morgana's family has not entered the Taiping District either... but her family has a long history, and the Taiping District was just after the last company war, so her family can't be taken care of." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and had an idea: "Eh? Now that our parents have seen Morgana, we should let Zhuang Feifei get to know her as well. This will not only allow Zhuang Feifei to develop new customers, but also make her safer through this relationship."

Just do it if you think of it. Zhuang Xuteng first called Morgana and briefly explained the investigation to her. Zhuang Xuteng couldn't tell his family about the murder, but he could tell Morgana. She is a member of the PCPD, a police detective, and her partner who went on a mercenary mission together. Specific details can only be discussed in person, and conclusions can only be expressed on the phone.

Morgana was also very concerned about this case and said she would go to Zhuang Xuteng to discuss it in detail. Morgana was more concerned about introducing Zhuang Feifei to her. "She's a fashion designer? That's just right. My tailor only makes mourning clothes, and I'm almost tired of them."

The so-called mourning clothes are actually Morgana's disparaging term for church-style clothes. She said that she was lucky to be a PCPD. Not only did she have to wear police uniforms, but she could also wear regular uniforms on the grounds of "plainclothes patrol." If not, according to her family's rules, whether in public or at home, including bathrobes in the bath and pajamas on the bed, they are all church-style and have not changed for hundreds or thousands of years.

"I can help with the introduction, but let's see if she can get a job and see how good she is!" Morgana expressed extreme cautious pessimism about Zhuang Feifei's business development. "Today's clothes have actually gone through the precipitation of time. When the church was at its peak, people all over the world provided wisdom in the design. To be honest, there is really no room for improvement unless we completely break away from the perspective of this world."

"It's so scary..." Zhuang Xuteng finally smiled and said, "She just went to see you. This is the only important thing, and the rest are all trivial matters."

"That's right... let's do this, don't let her come to me, I'll go find her! Mainly, it's troublesome to enter my house. I have to apply to the housekeeper and arrange this and that. Give me the address of her studio, and I'll available."

"That's better. I'll call her and arrange a time." Zhuang Xuteng became even happier after hearing this.

So, he took the time to arrange the meeting, and also used Lucy's relationship to find travel plans to see the sea and sunbathe in a warm city in the south. These things just take effort and are not difficult. They are the kind of things that you can do well as long as you know how to do them.

It only takes one day to arrange these two things properly. The two beauties will meet and communicate, and the two old men will have to pack their bags. Zhuang Xuteng immediately began to make plans to renovate the old house, which happened to be within Lucy's traditional business scope. The urban area of ​​Peicheng has turned into a pot of chaos, which has seriously affected the real estate and decoration business. She was thinking about whether to develop outward and look for opportunities in Alliance Town.

Let professionals worry about professional matters. Zhuang Xuteng was relieved when he handed over the work goals and budget to Lucy. But a phone call from Ge Gongdao made him alert again. His whole body tensed up and he immediately entered a fighting state.

"I seem to have seen the mosaic man in the video." This is what Ge Gongdao told Zhuang Xuteng: "I met the client here at the security company. He had a bodyguard with him. From the back, he looked like that person. I'm not sure. , I'm only 30 to 40 percent sure. That person will come tomorrow afternoon. You have sharp eyes, and I want you to take a look."

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