Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 398 Chapter 395 When the Blue Fire is Flying

Morgana carefully looked at the implant box she took from Gongdao, and soon frowned. "I have never seen this kind of implant, so I can only guess by disassembling the name and its classification code: this is probably some kind of spinal attachment implant, used to strengthen neural responses or speed up brain operations. "

"Ah?" Ge Gongdao glared and asked, "How sure are you?"

"Thirty percent... You'd better find a professional to take a look, don't listen to me." Morgana returned the box to Ge Gongdao, and then said: "This is obviously not a mass-produced implant on the market. The probability is that it is specially customized for a certain person or something. The value of this kind of implant can be high or low, and the gap is huge, so don’t have high expectations. In case it is customized for a certain person, specifically for a certain physique , then it’s basically impossible to sell this thing, so you won’t be able to get the money, right?”

"It's not 'you', but 'we'. Nightingale, put this thing away first and see if you can find information based on its number under the premise of safety." Ge Gongdao pointed out Morgana's grammatical error , then looked at the direction of the door, thought about it, and then said: "There is one more thing, about this dividend. Holy Light Witch, you have not reached the third mission, so you are still a novice, and you can only count half of it. "

"No problem. Naike informed me in advance and I agree to this distribution."

"Did Naike tell you in advance?" Ge Gongdao scratched his head, feeling that he was a bad guy for nothing.

At this moment, Zhuang Xuteng's voice rang above their heads, saying: "How can I drag people in if I don't agree with them on the terms of remuneration and dividends in advance? The white wolf's approach with empty gloves is unethical, and it's unfair to ordinary mercenaries. In this way, it will be even worse for the Holy Light Witch."

Everyone looked up and saw Zhuang Xuteng standing on the support beam of the dome, then turned around and fell down. He landed next to Morgana and said to everyone: "I happened to patrol directly above and saw a patio, so I opened it and got in to test your alertness. Facts have proved that you still need to improve!"

Yanque immediately pouted and said, "How dare you say that! When you are sneaking, you are just like a shadow. You can't see where you are hiding. Most people can't get around your warning. If you can get around you, we can't do anything about it. We will die." It’s settled. Alas, we have already placed our life and death on you, why don’t you allow us to be lazy and relax for a while?”

"Although you are praising me, you still have to remember to be vigilant. I am only one person and cannot appear in all directions at the same time." Zhuang Xuteng grabbed Morgana's hand and held it. He sat next to her naturally and asked Said: "How was the inventory? How much was the harvest approximately?"

Nightingale was responsible for summarizing statistics. She said: "The face value of currency and directly convertible notes is 18.4 million and fractions; there are 32 kilograms of jewelry and gems. It is not yet certain how much there is. But the Holy Light Witch said there are Some of it may be fake, so it’s best not to have high expectations for this part, and it’s good to expect it to be on par with the currency part.”

"You poured some weird things into the bag, such as celebrity signature cards... Such collectibles can only be cashed out in specific markets, and the price is even harder to estimate. It's possible that because it's stolen goods, it's worth nothing in the end. not worth."

"Well... there is nothing we can do to find this kind of thing." Yanque held his chin and said: "At that time, we were worried that the people who were changing shifts would come down, so everyone had to act as quickly as possible and did not have time to pick and choose carefully. We only Less than a third of the cabinet was opened, but I finally filled all the bags I brought with me.”

"This is equivalent to drawing a blind box. You will earn whatever you get." Morgana looked at Zhuang Xuteng with a smile and said, "I have no experience. What do you think of the rewards of such a task? Are you satisfied?"

"Very satisfied." Zhuang Xuteng said these three words with a smile, and smiles appeared on everyone's faces at the same time. "To be precise, we made a profit this time! At exactly this moment, we happened to have the right manpower, and we happened to have usable information on hand. These three overlapped everything. We can say that we did it at almost no cost. So much profit has been made. From the cash that has been counted so far, after deducting the cost of the warehouse and a very small number of mission consumables, it is distributed directly on a per capita basis, and each person has four million. Also, how many jewelry were counted just now? Thirty-two... …catty?"

"Yes. Thirty-two pounds." Nightingale nodded.

"Let Lucy have a headache how to deal with the jewelry! There are also those valuable certificates that are not easy to exchange directly." Zhuang Xuteng was happy because he made money. He picked up the back of Morgana's hand and kissed it in public. "Hey, let me take a look at the implant you just mentioned. It will give me some insights."

Ge Gongdao handed him the box again. Zhuang Xuteng and Morgana are indeed a couple. Their expressions when looking at the box are very similar, and the steps they take to turn it over are similar.

At this moment, the Lich Master's voice came from the bottom of his heart, urgently telling him that he wanted this implant, which was most likely to be part of his body. In the past, when Zhuang Xuteng was relatively weak, Master Lich could still sense the outside world through him. Now that this convenience is no longer available, Zhuang Xuteng has to get the thing in his hand before Master Lich can sense it.

Now that we have met, we must stay, but we must also follow the rules, and we must not make our partners suspicious. Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and decided to go around and tell his plan.

"You can't tell. The box itself is a shadow slave device, used to protect the implant inside. Their shadow slave energy reactions are mixed together, which affects the judgment. At present, it seems that it cannot be regarded as top-notch, it can only be said to be high-end goods. It’s probably on the same level as a complete set of full-body implants! Hey, I’m talking about functional strength, not price.”

"Since no one can see it, we can only trust our channels." Nightingale clapped her hands and said.

"Well, that's all we can do." Zhuang Xuteng weighed the box in his hand and said, "It's rare to come across an implant you've never seen before, and this box is pretty good, as it can help preserve the implant. Uh, I want to stay.”

Yanque immediately said: "Then you can stay!"

"Follow the rules and procedures." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Take it for appraisal. I will calculate how much the base price is. The base price will be deducted from the dividends, as well as the appraisal fee for this thing - if it has a separate appraisal fee. If it is No, then I’ll take advantage.”

Nightingale nodded with a smile and said: "No problem, this is a general method and is fair to everyone. Does anyone else want the things inside? Determine it in advance now, the base price is cheap. Oh, don't want them all, that's good! Preliminary inventory It’s over, captain, let’s move on to the next step, right?”

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, threw the implant back, and then said: "Okay! The last step of this operation is to find Lucy. The Holy Light Witch will drive, and I will be on guard. Brother Dao will split the cash, and each person will have a Yes. Nightingale and Rock Bird, you two continue to monitor the information network, and be especially careful if there are any hidden trackers."

The five people had a clear division of labor and set off immediately after cleaning up the intermediate warehouse. They arrived at Lucy's Music Restaurant without incident and pulled into the Channel Garage. Gogongdao and Yanque handed over the things that were difficult to handle to Lucy's employees, and then followed him to count and register them. As usual, Zhuang Xuteng, as the captain, needs to report the specific circumstances of this operation to Lucy, so that she can be aware of the situation when she sells the stolen goods, and can neither be too aggressive or too cautious to lose money.

Morgana was not suitable to go up, so Nightingale accompanied her to sit in the restaurant downstairs and relax the brain implant.

When Zhuang Xuteng went up, he caught up with other mercenaries coming out. Judging from their hurried appearance and suppressed laughter, it seemed that they had received a good mission. The two parties exchanged simple greetings. They were both busy making money, and as soon as the etiquette was established, it would end immediately. Zhuang Xuteng knocked on the door and waited for Lucy to call him before going in.

After going in and taking a look, Zhuang Xuteng was delighted: "Sister Lucy, the whiteboard has not been wiped clean, and I can vaguely see a map. Let me do it for you. You are really busy alone. Why don't you hire a secretary? ?”

"I don't dare..." Lucy sighed and said: "It's like being cursed in this industry. The middleman must shoulder this critical work on his own shoulders; once you find other people to share it, you will definitely If something goes wrong, no one will be spared. If you saw it, just pretend you didn't see it. Don't tell anyone about my mistake."

"I didn't see anything. Just those lines, it looks like a map, but in fact I don't know which area it is. If anything happens, don't rely on me."

"What can happen?" Lucy tilted her head and asked.

"In case those mercenaries are in danger, you can use the reason of 'clearing suspicion' to ask me to rescue..."

"That brain of yours! It spins too fast, and you always think in the wrong direction!" Lucy shook her head, and then said: "I won't call you, okay? Go, get me a glass of water, and then sit down and talk. What did you do this time?"

"It's nothing. I just went to the Canghuo Gang's Friendly Treasury Investment Co., Ltd. and got back the 'friendly' part of the vault." Zhuang Xuteng put the water cup with a straw on the table, sat on the sofa and stretched out He lazily said, "The information I used came from the time at the Night Travel God Bar. Nightingale and Yanque analyzed it, and I went to do some digging. In this operation, no one was killed. A few were knocked unconscious, and at most they were slightly injured."

"Okay! You dare to directly pry into the Canghuo Gang's treasury. Next time, you must not assassinate their Divine Fire Lord? Oh... I have killed the Nine-Headed Elder. In fact, you really don't care about the senior leaders of the Canghuo Gang, right?"

Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said, "I'm a little unsure of your mood. Are you supportive, or do you think we've gotten into trouble?"

"Both. Generally speaking, I definitely don't like the Canghuo Gang. These gangs are all bad things. It's a good thing that you got rid of them and escaped unscathed. But..." Lucy paused and said : "You should have left no one alive. It is the gang's style to leave no one alive. You said you didn't kill anyone, only minor injuries at most. The Canghuo Gang knew at a glance that it was a mercenary who did it."

"It's hard to kill, Morgana is watching!" Zhuang Xuteng thought about it carefully and said, "Even if Morgana is not here, I probably won't kill anyone. Those people are not gang members, they are just serving them..."

"Okay, it's not a big problem. It's always framed by gangs, and it seems that the mercenaries are not good at doing anything. According to common sense, at this time, the mercenaries should take advantage of the situation." Lucy was silent for a while and said: "Okay, tell Nightingale and Yanque to get some rest and come to me early. There's been too much news lately, and I need manpower here. The rest of you, please don't go to the Canghuo Gang's territory recently."

"Why? Did you hear the news?"

"Well, just an hour ago, there were rumors that many people from the Canghuo Gang left the city and escorted a convoy in. At present, we don't know the origin, purpose and most important question of the convoy: what's inside. In short, be careful. That’s right, and you’re so lucky to take action today.”

"That's really good luck." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head, sighed, and said: "Such luck is not necessarily a good thing. If the Canghuo Gang thinks that we know that this escort will occupy a lot of gang manpower and deliberately choose today's operation , that would place too much emphasis on us..."

Lucy sighed and said: "This kind of thing is unpredictable. Since it has already happened, there is no other way. But I don't think you need to worry too much. The intranet intelligence we found from Yeyoushen has already caused the problem. There have been several operations against the Canghuo Gang, and your actions should be able to be concealed.”

Thinking back to the operation at Night Travel God Club, there was actually a tail end. Zhuang Xuteng realized that the client's motives were not pure enough. He not only wanted information, but also wanted to use them to provoke other troubles. So the action was advanced, creating a time lag, and the task was completed without the client's knowledge. What happened next, Lucy finally didn't let Zhuang Xuteng participate - mainly because she felt that the appearance fee for their team was a bit expensive, and besides, she also needed to train new members.

Zhuang Xuteng didn't know exactly how Lucy did it. Anyway, the client got the information and paid honestly. The additional goal he wanted to achieve was only partially completed, and it was according to Lucy's arrangement, which was more beneficial to the mercenaries. way completed.

After that, the client carried out a series of attacks on the Canghuo Gang's properties, and some of them were handed over to different middlemen to complete. Lucy has a backup of that information, and combined with the intelligence from the streets, she can analyze how much work the client has done and what the success rate is. Generally speaking, the client's personal ability is still insufficient, there are many failures, and there are some low-level mistakes. The middlemen and mercenaries were more professional. They not only completed the work, but also framed other gangs.

But no matter how they compare, Zhuang Xuteng's attack level is still higher this time, which makes Lucy very satisfied. She was about to say a few words of encouragement, such as guarding against arrogance and impatience, when she was interrupted by the sudden ringing of her cell phone.

"Why at this time..." Lucy sighed, waved her hand to ask Zhuang Xuteng to avoid him, and waited for him to leave and close the door before answering the phone. "Old friend, what's the matter?"

"Emergency! The Canghuo Gang may be crazy. A large number of people are gathering. We don't know what they are going to do yet!" The person on the other end of the phone said: "The place where they are gathering is very close to me. I am panicking now. I guess I'm panicking now. I can't stop it, I can't bear to run away, and if I run away, won't it look like I'm a ghost? Damn it, why did Cang Huo catch on?"

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