Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 387 Chapter 384 I want to play chess

"Line up! One by one, keep a distance of two meters from each other." The PCPD loudspeaker played this voice repeatedly. The mercenaries and members of the Cemetery Gang came out of the building one after another under the supervision of the riot squad. Get out. "Give up resistance, don't make any moves, and we will no longer warn you before shooting."

Zhuang Xuteng and Morgana stood in the PCPD team, responsible for handcuffing those who came out to surrender. This special alloy steel handcuff is also a shadow slave device. After it is activated, once it detects an abnormal shadow slave energy reaction, it will sound an alarm and release electric shocks, disrupting the prisoner's nervous system. It is said that some handcuffs have syringes hidden inside and use biological toxins to control prisoners. However, that model cannot handle armored skins, so the electric shock model is more common.

When handcuffing the surrenderers, Zhuang Xuteng counted the tattoos of those people to see their status in the gang. Facts have proved that the important middle and high-level members of the Cemetery Gang evacuated in advance, and the people they arrested were only low-level members of the two or three heads, and at most there were only four cadres.

It is estimated that this four-headed cadre went in to manage those low-level gang members. Ask him about other things in the gang, including this operation, and you will definitely get no clue.

In addition to the members of the Cemetery Gang, mercenaries also came out of the building one after another, but their number was relatively smaller. Most of these people were injured, and many of them had wounds that looked shocking. A large amount of hemostatic gel was used for first aid treatment. The PCPD retained the last bit of professionalism by keeping mercenaries and members of the Cemetery Gang separately. However, there was no ambulance, and everything had to wait until the riot squad left before we could discuss anything.

Zhuang Xuteng was very worried, not knowing how many of these wounded people would survive in the end. Those who can still walk out of the building are considered to have minor injuries. There must be some seriously injured people inside. If they don't get treatment...

Just as Zhuang Xuteng sighed, two commandos from the riot control unit came to him. Morgana immediately became alert, took a diagonal step forward, and used her epaulettes to block Zhuang Xuteng behind her. Zhuang Xuteng was quite moved by this, but he did not find any hostility in the actions of the two commandos of the riot control unit. Then, the two men quickly raised their masks and gave Zhuang Xuteng and the others a glance. They were really two acquaintances.

One is Mike Lebedev, a former PCPD detective, a strange person who can always find problems in old cases. After being rescued once by Zhuang Xuteng, he joined the riot squad to save his life. The other is Palovich, an old employee of the riot squad. He should be secretly a member of the Gardeners organization. He once worked as a middleman. God knows what his true core is.

"Every time you appear, strange things happen." Palovich put on the gas mask again and spoke to Zhuang Xuteng in a low voice. "What are you doing here this time, causing trouble for the PCPD?"

"You have your mouth, and I can't control what you say." Zhuang Xuteng shrugged and said, "Whether you believe it or not, I am the strong man who was dragged here this time. If I have the ability to cause trouble in this kind of thing, , I will definitely let the Cemetery Gang attack the camp of your riot squad."

"Well, that makes sense. It certainly didn't seem like you did it." Palovich turned around and looked around and said, "So, that vehicle that inexplicably crossed the blockade and then acted as a communication relay has nothing to do with you? "

"Eh? Didn't that car not have a handbrake? Did it also serve as a communication relay? I had no idea! Wow, it's so amazing, I could write a novel about it!" Zhuang Xuteng touched his chin and asked, "This news Can it be sold to outside media? Be the first to sell it and you can make money!"

"Humph, are you really that innocent?" Palovic tilted his head, pointed at Zhuang Xuteng with his finger, and laughed at him for being dishonest. "There are so many people here, you won't say anything, and I won't believe it if you say it. I'll talk to you again, and don't cause any more trouble for me!"

Zhuang Xuteng pouted, noncommittal. You can't find trouble in front of the riot control team, right? Even if they are wearing PCPD uniforms and are next to their PCPD colleagues, the riot squad doesn't care about that. As long as you are found to be disobeying their behavior, you will directly apply their "safety control rules" and suppress the riot first before speaking. You will never be merciful.

Even though the situation at the scene was now under control, there was still the sound of gunfire from the shadows in the building, but they didn't know who the riot squad was shooting. A gangster from the Cemetery Gang, or a mercenary? Zhuang Xuteng didn't dare to think about this matter in detail, nor did he dare to go in and check. The reason why riot squads are feared by everyone is because their ferocity and ruthlessness deserve to be feared.

After Palovich left, Mike Lebedev came over. He patted his chest with his fist, raised his thumb, and then gently placed it on Zhuang Xuteng's chest. "I will never forget that you saved me." After Mike said this, he immediately turned around and chased Palovic.

After they left, Morgana tilted her head and stared at Zhuang Xuteng and said, "I don't even know the people in the riot control squad. I didn't expect you to have connections there."

"I would rather have nothing to do with it." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said, "I am being targeted by them, and I may be dragged to work by them at any time. It is still very dangerous but does not pay me. Alas, I don't want to be with them. Dealing with them, the risk of them defaulting on their debt is too low and the possibility is too high.”

Morgana blinked and said: "What kind of client do you like best? I think the PCPD should be better than the riot squad, but the good ones are limited, right?"

"I definitely like those with simple tasks and easy pay. As you said, the PCPD is troublesome, pays little, and often makes mercenaries work for nothing. You also know this, and I alone We've bumped into each other several times! By the way, the first time we met was thanks to the PCPD recruiting mercenaries to do volunteer work, right?"

"Yeah..." Morgana thought about the encounter in the drainage ditch, and she was slightly distracted for a while. After a while, she suddenly sighed and said with some sadness: "Have you ever thought that if the PCPD did a good job, there would be no such thing as mercenaries?"

Zhuang Xuteng stared at Morgana, guessing her thoughts based on her expression, and then nodded in agreement: "You are right. In fact, many of the mercenary businesses are what the PCPD should do but do not do. There is another part, if the PCPD If you do a good job, there won't be those bad things, and there will be no need to pay mercenaries to do it. But then again, if the world was beautiful and everyone was happy and honest, the PCPD would not exist. Necessary. So the relationship should be that there is unreasonableness first, then there is PCPD; there is inaction first, then there are mercenaries."

"Well, you're right." Morgana shook her head, getting rid of all the chaotic thoughts. "Come on, the people who will support and replace us are here. We can go to the back and take a rest."

The riot control unit has the situation under control, and what follows is bound to be a drama in which various departments compete to show their faces. Those on the front line will be replaced to rest, and those behind will be brought up with the media. This is a common practice.

Support came to the scene with news media, but there were not many ambulances in sight. The four or five cars in front of them could barely allow the injured PCPD to receive emergency treatment, and they could not take care of the wounded from the gangs and mercenaries. While Zhuang Xuteng was still worried, he saw several container trucks approaching from a distance, with a black car leading the way, and parked directly behind the blockade. Immediately afterwards, several guys wearing black suits and holding some kind of signed documents began to yell, claiming that they were the sole legal counsel of a certain company, and that they wanted to enter the cordoned off area to understand the situation of the parties involved, and to ask the PCPD to provide legal advice. treatment services.

Morgana got a small bottle of disinfectant, cotton swabs and band-aids from the ambulance, and the two of them prepared to treat each other's wounds in the back of the police car. She pointed at these loud guys and said to Zhuang Xuteng: "I don't know if they are gang lawyers or mercenary lawyers. Anyway, they are all using some shell companies as a cover."

"If it's the cemetery gang, can we cause trouble for them?"

"It's not necessary. The really key guys in the Cemetery Gang have all run away, and the only ones left here are the minions, bullying them into lowering their prices. If we really want to take action, we have to target those key points. For example, the Nine-Headed Elder..."

"I heard that the Nine-headed Elder is very powerful," Zhuang Xuteng said in a low voice: "I also heard that the Cemetery Gang killed a Nine-headed Elder a while ago. It seems that it was done by some mercenaries. Anyway, the Cemetery Gang thinks it was a mercenary. He did it, I guess this attack was for the same reason.”

"It seems you know a lot...Mr. informant, why don't we recruit him truthfully?"

"Spare me, there's only so much information I can provide. In addition, the Cemetery Gang incident has seriously affected the business of middlemen and mercenaries. Everyone is afraid of being shot in the back when they go out to work. I Recently, I can only stay at home for training, and the only entertainment activity is feeding meat buns."

"Are you so free? Then accompany me to the furniture store!" Morgana's eyes lit up and she seemed very interested. She said, "I have never asked for leave before, so I just want to use it all. I want to clean it up by the way. That Kent, it’s best not to be in the Bureau during this period, so as not to be noticed.”

"Yeah, no problem." Zhuang Xuteng nodded and agreed. At this time, he had no idea how terrifying it would be to accompany Morgana to the furniture store.

After the legal team arrived, the Cemetery Gang and the mercenaries were allowed to receive treatment. The container truck at the back is actually a medical supply truck with a freezer installed. Under the supervision of the PCPD, they distribute emergency medicine and equipment to the injured, which can at least save their lives until they can be sent to a regular hospital.

The Cemetery Gang has its own base and medical point, and they don't need this kind of mobile treatment vehicle. Only mercenaries and middlemen would build such fancy stuff as part of their operational support capabilities. It can be seen that this attack by the Cemetery Gang united the middlemen and had to concentrate on self-protection, which is why they sent such a large backup team.

Legal and medical security are keeping up, and other resources and work are being carried out at the same time. At the city government level, lobbyists are preparing bills to require the riot squad and PCPD to solve the stubborn violent crime problem in Peicheng as soon as possible. At the same time, they are trying to review whether various industries have a background in criminal groups, and ban the money warehouses of criminal groups... these The action takes place in an area that Zhuang Xuteng is not concerned about. It is indeed another solution besides violence.

I just don't know if it will work.

Since Morgana wanted to find connections first and plan the operation to take down Kent, and she also had to take leave, she made an appointment with Zhuang Xuteng before going to the furniture store in four days. Zhuang Xuteng originally wanted to use this time to investigate the situation in the furniture store, collect information, and understand the market situation. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took off his PCPD uniform, he was called and found by Palovich.

He really didn't want to deal with Palovich, so he used the excuse that he was very busy and "sold himself to Lucy", so he went to Lucy in advance, at least issued a named commission, and then waited in line to get the number. Unexpectedly, Palovic laughed twice and asked Zhuang Xuteng to come to Lucy's music restaurant. He was sitting opposite Lucy.

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Xuteng immediately informed Ge Gongdao, and together with Nightingale and Yanque, his entire team rushed to the music restaurant. They were very worried about Lucy's safety, and Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao were also ready to fight or secretly deal with Palovic. But things weren't there yet. At least when they pushed the door in, the atmosphere inside was harmonious, and Lucy didn't look dangerous at all.

"The house is filled with murderous intent. Is this how you treat your customers?" Palovic smiled, which made the scar on his face look even more distorted. He didn't come alone, the twins must have followed him, and Mike Lebedev was sitting behind. When he saw Zhuang Xuteng, he immediately stood up and stretched out his hand from a distance.

Raise your hand and don't hit the smiling person. Zhuang Xuteng took two steps forward to shake Mike's hand and placed him within the melee control range of his martial arts. "Let's talk about today's things today, and let's not talk about the past." Zhuang Xuteng first drew a scope for the topic, so that he could deal with the problem at hand more focused. "I'm so happy for you to know that you went to the riot squad. Only few people have the opportunity to go there. What's wrong with you today?"

"I will follow Palovich now, and I support his actions." Mike patted Zhuang Xuteng's clasped right hand with his left hand, said this, and then let go of his hand and stepped back. Zhuang Xuteng was surprised by his behavior and felt inexplicably nervous. But Zhuang Xuteng concealed himself very well. He put on an expression designed to deceive others, so no one could read his mind.

"Mike is a very powerful detective. I don't hide anything from him. Mainly because I'm afraid of being suspected by him and finding out for no reason, so I just tell him everything." Palovich withdrew his gaze from Zhuang Xuteng, as if he was confused. He glanced aimlessly around the room. "I'm here today to talk about cooperation. You guys are quite bad. You want the Cemetery Gang and the Riot Squad to work together, and you can secretly reap the benefits for yourself. This won't work, it's too easy for you. Of course, you don't want to Nervous, if you really want to do that, I can't stop you. This Cemetery Gang is indeed too rampant, you should deal with them!"

Zhuang Xuteng squinted his eyes, waiting for the big "but" behind Palovic.

"But!" Palovich said: "You cannot monopolize this benefit, and it is best for other people to bear the disadvantages. The PCPD has almost become the fifth major gang in Peicheng. I hope something happens to them. This way it can be cleaned again.”

PS: Double updates at 12:00 and 18:00 every day, with additional updates from time to time to give back to book friends. Please keep subscribing and voting more monthly, thank you!

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