Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 373 Chapter 370 Mercenary Professional Habits

There was work again, and the foursome regrouped in Lucy's office, and Zhuang Xuteng did his part. He came over in advance and was busy relieving the side effects of the implants for the two sisters Nightingale and Yanque. After a while, Ge Gongdao drove over and saw Zhuang Xuteng with a strange smile on his face as soon as he entered.

Ge Gongdao lowered his head to check his clothes and looked at his face in the mirror on the wall, but found nothing wrong. "Naike, why are you smiling at me? Are you on drugs? Nothing happened to you, right?"

What Zhuang Xuteng was thinking was that since he had reached the seventh dodge and had a way to restrain super-computing martial arts, he would definitely find an opportunity to torture Ge Gongdao. That scene would be very interesting to think about. However, a mature person cannot always satisfy himself with fantasies. He quickly suppressed his smile, found an excuse to excuse himself, and joked: "Don't worry, I have no sexual interest or intention towards you."

"That's good." Ge Gongdao straightened his jacket, sat across from Lucy and said business: "What is the mission this time?"

"Investigation mission." Lucy said: "There is a bar called Yeyoushen under the name of the Canghuo Gang. You need to go there to conduct reconnaissance and find the location information of the Canghuo Gang's cargo storage warehouse."

"Investigation mission? We shouldn't be needed for such a simple job, right?" Ge Gongdao brushed off the dust on his collar and said, "Even if we take the initiative to lower the price, our appearance fee is not cheap. Who has so much money in a bar?" Do you have spare money to hire us?"

"An independent contractor is the white glove of Dalmatian Brokerage Company, and the actual controller behind it is Sanliu Charity Foundation." Lucy said: "Yes, there is no need to show surprise, the one who paid for us this time People are companies.”

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said: "Since you accepted this task, it means that it is not a test of us by the Sanliu Charity Foundation. Do I hear a hint of a struggle for interests?"

"It's a bit close. To be precise, it should be the people below the company competing for resources. The company has been recruiting excellent talents, and the headhunters are also very competitive with each other. Some people do not follow the rules, and some people suffer losses. Returning for revenge, this is how most fights are caused." Lucy waved her hands and said: "The news I heard: Someone put pressure through the Canghuo Gang, causing a certain talent to choose Dingxin Magic. Our commission People cannot directly retaliate against Dingxin Demonic Creation, then the Canghuo Gang should suffer the consequences."

"Dog bites dog, good!" Ge Gongdao nodded, clapped his hands and said, "Finding us shows that they are very discerning!"

Zhuang Xuteng pinched his nose. He was not as excited as Brother Dao, but asked: "Recently, the relationship between the Cemetery Gang and various middlemen and mercenaries has been very tense. White Gloves will not know about it. He chose this time to pay Could there be a deeper purpose for us to take action?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. The main purpose of asking you to take over the commission this time is to be able to handle risks more securely. Naike, you are my best scout and emergency response team leader. If you can't find the problem and evacuate, If it comes out, then no one else can do it." Lucy said: "The biggest risk I can think of at the moment is that someone wants to provoke greater conflicts and cause conflicts between the mercenaries and more gangs."

"I've thought of this too." Zhuang Xuteng frowned and said, "The lesson of the Cemetery Gang is there. If the Canghuo Gang catches us, it will most likely think that we will be the next target. In order to avoid ending up With the Cemetery Gang facing such a humiliating end, the Canghuo Gang will most likely end the bystander strategy and strike first."

"I am worried about this, so I have put forward higher requirements for this mission: no evidence against us can be left behind." Lucy said: "Although it is just a reconnaissance, its configuration will never be low. You have two A front intelligence officer, plus my main line intelligence officer and auxiliary team, use the best operational strength. Not only must it be fast in and out, but it must also be clean and safe."

At this time, Nightingale raised her hand and said, "Lucy, you forgot the key step: I want to go in."

"Yes, the key this time is to send Nightingale to the Canghuo Gang's office so that she can connect to their internal network and crack their database. Naike, you are responsible for this part of the work."

Nightingale held her chin with her hands, tilted her head and looked at Zhuang Xuteng, and said with a smile: "Naike, you have to protect me well this time."

"I was supposed to go!" Yanque snorted hard, and then started rolling on the sofa, dancing and screaming. It wasn't until Nightingale touched her head and combed her hair with her fingers that Yanque stopped fussing, but her mouth was still pursed high and her nose was humming.

"The two of them competed in advance to see who could crack faster. Nightingale won, so Nightingale went in, and Yanque monitored network security on the outside." Lucy took out a folder from the drawer and handed it over, and said, "They The two of them have seen it in advance, you can take a look."

"It should have been taken out a long time ago." Zhuang Xuteng took the folder and suddenly felt something was wrong. He looked at Ge Gongdao and realized that Ge Gongdao had the same expression as him, so he understood. "In the past, we would outline the task first, negotiate the price, and then show the details of the task."

"Oh, I forgot to mention it. The reward for this commission is 120% of your appearance fee." Lucy said: "The reconnaissance mission is the cheapest among all types. Are you satisfied with this price? "

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while, turned to look at Ge Gongdao, and then pressed the folder on the desktop. "Let me be clear first, is this a reconnaissance mission or a theft mission? If it is a reconnaissance mission, then we find the location where the intelligence is stored and find a feasible path to the intelligence, and our mission is completed. If it is a reconnaissance mission, we You don’t need to come up with anything practical, just find out. Isn’t that right?”

Ge Gongdao nodded slowly and said: "What Naike said makes sense. If we go to investigate, we don't need to get the things back. If we get the things back, the client will either spend extra money to buy them or find someone to execute them again. Theft mission. The mission is a good mission and we are willing to do it, but the price must match the mission requirements."

Lucy thought for a while and said: "This mission is a bit special. When designing the mission plan and looking for a breakthrough, Nightingale and Rock Bird have already participated. Regardless of whether there is a mission overview, you actually already know the core content of the mission... "

"So, if we can't tell whether a mercenary or an intelligence officer is a middleman, there will be a lot of trouble." Gogongdao sighed and said, "Lucy, we agreed that one code will be the same. If If there's no clear definition of what's to be done, what's the risk, and what's the reward, it's going to be confusing. Do you remember Okadover?"

Okadover was a middleman. He was assassinated by his mercenaries in a suicide attack eight years ago, which caused quite a stir in the mercenary-middleman industry at the time. Since everyone involved in the incident is dead, no one knows exactly what the contradiction is. However, there are rumors that Okadover's management style is very rough, and he often makes his mercenaries work overtime and withholds their pay. This person's reputation was very poor, and fewer and fewer people came to him for commissions. In order to maintain his income, he even more deducted money, and in the end he took his own life.

"I definitely remember him, and I have dealt with him." Lucy thought for a while and said, "Give me some time and let me contact the client to confirm whether this is investigation or theft."

Lucy went to the next room to make a phone call, leaving the four of them alone in the office. Nightingale and Yanque looked at Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao nervously, as if they were children who had done something wrong. Yanque swallowed his saliva and said timidly: "Sorry, we read the mission details in advance and broke the rules."

"Don't worry, it's not your fault." Ge Gongdao stretched out his big hand, touched the heads of the two girls, and comforted them: "Oh, you don't need to worry about conflicts between us and Lucy. It is normal to discuss the remuneration and content of entrusted tasks, and even to quarrel and bargain. This is the relationship between mercenaries and middlemen. As long as everyone is a professional, then everything is within the scope of business. "

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and further explained: "We are mercenaries under Lucy's name, but we are different from other staff hired by Lucy. For example, the employees of the music restaurant, her messengers, and her security guards, these people are paid In terms of time wages and performance bonuses, they have to do whatever Lucy asks them to do. Mercenaries are different. Every entrusted task is actually a business negotiation. If they can agree on it, they will do it; if they can't agree on it, then let the mercenary industry market decide who will go. There is work to be done.”

Brother Dao chuckled, took back his big hands, rubbed them, and said, "The main reason for this is that PCPD does not allow mercenaries to become private armed forces of middlemen, or even form new gangs."

"Then..." Yanque twisted his fingers and asked: "If we can't reach an agreement this time, and the two of us read the details of the entrusted task, how should we deal with it? Will there be a quarrel?"

"Don't worry, just leave it to Brother Dao." Zhuang Xuteng said to Yanque and Nightingale: "You see Lucy went to make a phone call. In fact, we reminded her that investigation and theft are two different prices. In terms of making money, , she is on one side with us, and the client is on the other - it is normal to clarify the mission goals."

"Yes, it's very common." Ge Gongdao smiled and waved his hand and said: "You two have been intelligence officers for a long time, and you have been mercenaries for a short time. Even if you see me and the middleman arguing or even rolling up my sleeves in the future, Y’all don’t need to panic – this is part of life as a mercenary.”

Zhuang Xuteng covered the corners of his mouth with his hands and lowered his voice to the two of them: "Even if there is a fight, Brother Dao will be the one to rush forward. My first choice is to protect you, so don't worry!"

Nightingale and Yanque saw that they were indeed not angry with them, so they felt relieved and smiled along with them. After a while, Lucy came back, a little angry, and threw her phone on the table.

"If he doesn't pay more, then we will conduct reconnaissance operations, find the place, determine the route, and then evacuate safely. If he wants to know the information, then we will find a way to find someone to steal it."

Zhuang Xuteng tapped his forehead, closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened his eyes and said, "He only does reconnaissance, so there is a high probability that he wants to trick us and make the Canghuo Gang cause trouble. Brother Dao, what do you think?"

"There is a conspiracy in it." Ge Gongdao nodded and said, "Naike, I'm not good at these conspiracy things. What do you think?"

"Based on the content of the commission, it is quite appropriate to give us 120% of the appearance fee for the investigation mission, so we accepted it. But I want to discuss a new business with Sister Lucy."

"You brat, when you open your mouth, I can guess what you want to do!" Lucy said: "You want to turn around and cause trouble for other gangs, that's fine, but you can't cause trouble for the client. In this line of work, there is no special Clear questions must not offend the client.”

"I know. It's very common for clients to cause trouble to mercenaries and middlemen. We are used to it and don't care about it - this time we won't care about it either, unless he goes too far." Zhuang Xuteng said: "This matter It would be best if the Cemetery Gang suffers a loss and wants to drag the Canghuo Gang into fighting gangs, and at the same time make up for the losses from the Canghuo Gang. Let their gangs fight with each other, or at least not work together. This will really benefit us. favorable."

Lucy nodded: "Go on, I'm listening carefully."

"I'm also interested in the Canghuo Gang's warehouse, so this time our goal is to get the intelligence out. If successful, the intelligence will be ours, and the way we can monetize the intelligence is to cooperate with you." Zhuang Xuteng told Lucy Said: "How to layout the conflict between gangs is your business, and we will execute it. Since gang fire is beneficial to both parties, and we get the intelligence, we also attack the warehouse, so we want the profit from the loot in the warehouse 70%.”

Lucy pinched her fingers to calculate, and then said: "If you take out the information without affecting the investigation, the information will be yours, there is no problem with that. It is indeed mine to find a way to make the gangs suspicious of each other." It’s no problem to work. But to attack the warehouse, take the things inside, and pretend to be a cemetery to help, you may not be needed. It’s not that you can’t do it, but it’s more expensive to use you.”

Hearing this, Brother Dao couldn't help but laugh. He quickly raised his hand to scratch his head to hide his smile. Once upon a time, he could even accept the job of joining the parade for a few hundred dollars, but now it has finally become expensive, and others have to be careful when using it, which naturally makes him feel a lot.

"If necessary, I will definitely use you first, but I don't guarantee that I will definitely use you, so the 70% share cannot be determined yet." Lucy said: "Where is the warehouse, what is it like, what is it, is it good or not, yes Whether it's enough for you or whether we need extra manpower, we don't know yet. I suggest we set an intention first."

"Intentions are okay, but if we can complete the whole process with our full participation and only our participation, then we want 70%."

"If it's 70%, there will be no appearance fee for you - I can't pay both ends, right?"

"Reasonable." Zhuang Xuteng nodded. The two parties reached a consensus and then shook hands, marking the agreement. Zhuang Xuteng finally picked up the folder and opened it to check the information inside.

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