Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 369 Chapter 366 Sticky

Every day when Morgana comes, Zhuang Xuteng can forget his worries and feel relaxed. Especially when it's off duty and the two of them can stick together for a day or two, it's like a holiday. From the moment he knew Morgana was coming, Zhuang Xuteng had already entered a state of ecstasy, and his thinking and action abilities would increase by a level.

He will tidy up the house and prepare some simple but exquisite meals. The quantity must be enough to ensure that he can eat enough without leaving the house within two or three days. He will take the meat bag to exercise in advance, and must use up its physical strength to the point where it will have no other wishes except sleeping on its stomach, so as to avoid being disturbed by it. He will also decorate the room, such as lighting a fire in the fireplace, lighting a few scented candles, and playing soothing music in the room...

These are all knowledge gained after consulting Ge Gongdao. Things like scented candles were even taken directly from Brother Dao's house. The resentful spirit servants are becoming more and more adept at stealing. Zhuang Xuteng has become accustomed to using his hands without using his hands and has switched to using the resentful spirit servants to do housework. Especially after training in martial arts and physical fitness, the spirit servant will be more convenient than using two hands. But he would never use the Wraith Servant in front of Morgana. All the touches should be felt with his own skin to be more real and moving.

As for the things that were taken away, Zhuang Xuteng would tell Ge Gongdao after using them to prevent him from being questioned by Prince about the whereabouts of the items. If the pair quarreled, Zhuang Xuteng would feel responsible.

Once the atmosphere is created, they will have plenty to sit on. The second most comfortable activity was when two people sat on the ground wrapped in thin quilts, using the sofa as a backrest, placing their feet in front of the fireplace, leaning against each other and watching the dancing firelight. They all felt that this was the most relaxing, as if all the troubles in the outside world were dispersed by the swaying fire disc player, and all the worries were turned into nothing in the flames.

"Pour me some more water, just water. The more you drink, the thirstier you become." Morgana poked Zhuang Xuteng's calf with her toes and used her "coquettish" skill. Zhuang Xuteng had no ability to resist at all, so he did it obediently. By the time he returned from pouring the water, Morgana had already left the fireplace, rolled back into the sofa, and occupied the most comfortable position beside the armrest.

It seems we are about to get down to business. As the relationship continued to deepen, Zhuang Xuteng became more and more aware of Morgana's habits. She will switch to different states in different places to deal with different types of things, as if she can be in a better state.

Sure enough, Morgana said: "I found that the middleman and the Cemetery Gang were fighting."

"Let me state in advance that the information I have here is just hearsay and may not be accurate." Zhuang Xuteng handed over the water glass, then sat down next to her and told all the rumors on the street. Morgana listened carefully, and from time to time brought up the news she got from her side.

The main direction of PCPD's attention is the Cemetery Gang. After all, generally speaking, the gangs are on the opposite side of the PCPD. The mercenaries and middlemen are the wolves bred by the PCPD. As long as they are given enough meat, they can be used to bite the gangs.

"I very much hope that this time there will be a good result, such as eradicating the entire cemetery gang - but in the PCPD, my words don't count." Morgana shook her head, she was obviously very dissatisfied with the current working status of the PCPD. "Recently, the main work of the bureau is still safety blue, and the energy is not focused on gangs at all. Not only are ordinary patrol officers on duty at stores that sell safety blue, but they also arrange for me, a detective, to do the same thing. Do they think I am a gangster? Miss etiquette?"

Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and expressed his confusion: "The boss who assigned you a job is new? Doesn't he know how to take care of you at all?"

"Maybe he doesn't know either. Now the bureau has a new task allocation system, which can dynamically adjust work content and improve everyone's work efficiency. My tasks are assigned by that system." Morgana hummed. He made a sound and said: "I think the system is new and the operator didn't understand the settings inside and regarded the detective as an idler."

"So that's it. I didn't expect that PCPD is quite advanced and actually uses the system to arrange work. I heard from the intelligence officer before that only companies use such powerful things."

"What's so great about that thing?"

"It's difficult to deal with." Zhuang Xuteng said: "If you want to sneak into the company, you have to arrange your identity first, and then have the corresponding work content, so that you have a reason to enter the right place at the required time. The company's system is constantly changing , it’s difficult to create a false identity, and it’s even harder to arrange a false schedule for a false identity.”

Morgana lay on Zhuang Xuteng, put her index finger on his forehead, and said angrily: "My mind is filled with thoughts of crime! What a bad guy!"

"Just because he is a criminal, doesn't this fall into the hands of the detective?" Zhuang Xuteng chuckled, caressing Morgana's smooth back with his hand, and steered the conversation in a direction that was beneficial to him: "By the way, the equipment is used How's it going? Is it going well?"

"Well, thank you. The analysis equipment is very useful. I have completed three-quarters of the inspection projects and will get the final results soon."

"What's the result so far? Are two blues one blue?"

Morgana frowned and said: "There is a correlation, but it is lower than I expected. This thing is very strange, as if they have really found a way to solve the addiction problem of the blue savages. I am a little unsure about myself now. The idea... If Safe Blue is really a useful thing, it seems completely acceptable to let it replace Blue Savage to eliminate drugs."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head, raised his hand and patted Morgana's butt, and said: "What are you thinking?! If safe blue is the antidote to the blue savage, then for the gang, one hand sells the blue savage, and the other hand sells the blue savage. Safe Blue, isn’t it just making two bucks? My opinion is: You must never trust the moral level of gangs, and you must never underestimate their desire for money and their ability to make money.”

"Well, that makes sense. Anyway, the experiment has not been completed and the results have not come out. What am I thinking about here..." Morgana leaned over, sighed faintly, and said: "I feel that this world is getting worse and worse. It’s not what I want, and I feel more and more insignificant and powerless. This kind of thought comes up frequently recently, and it always makes me uncomfortable.”

"Me too." Zhuang Xuteng said: "I used to think that if I do a good job, I can support myself and take care of my family even if I suffer some hardships and losses. As a result, a small change exposed me dream. Becoming a mercenary and learning some skills, I regained the feeling of being in control of my life. But recently, whether it is the company or the Cemetery Gang, they have begun to remind me how fragile life is and how illusory the feeling of control is. "

"Maybe we both have mental problems."

"Maybe... no, the problem is not with us, but with the world." Zhuang Xuteng said: "I have a very simple assumption: If there were no gangs in the world, it would run better."

"I think so too, but it's too difficult to achieve it." Morgana said: "The Cemetery Gang is struggling so hard that the PCPD can't even make up its mind to eradicate it. I'm really disappointed. Maybe I should join the riot control team. Give it a try as a team, or simply go to the company, join the team that explores the shadow world, and forget about escaping from this world!"

The riot squad really wanted to eliminate the Cemetery Gang, at least on Palovich's part. However, Zhuang Xuteng still didn't like the Gardeners' organization's style of conduct, especially the way they blasted buildings and implicated innocent people. If Morgana really wanted to join the riot squad, he would definitely dissuade her from getting involved too deeply.

As for the team exploring the shadow world, Zhuang Xuteng had no prejudice. He was just worried that it would be difficult to see Morgana again. "I heard that the exploration teams in the film world have been isolated and will only operate in high-security areas within the company. If you go, you will never see me again."

"This is a problem... But you don't have to worry, because I am from a church family, and the company will not let me enter the core department. This is related to some arrangements that year. By the way, speaking of arrangements, don't make arrangements next Wednesday. I I will take you to an event. First there will be a charity auction, and then there will be a cocktail reception."

"What are you going to do? I'm afraid of embarrassing you."

"I asked you to help me embarrass myself." Morgana said with a smile: "I have to let them know that I have been harmed by man, and they have no chance. Your job is to prove that I have poor vision and poor aesthetics. But, I will never like those people."

"Well... considering how good you are, I feel like I will become a thorn in the eyes and flesh of many people. You can never underestimate the idleness of an idler who wants to save a beautiful woman. I think I need to go with a full set of weapons and equipment."

"No! No weapons are allowed in the venue!" Morgana said with a smile: "Okay, you are taking it seriously! Although you are indeed acting as a shield for me, we can ignore them as long as we want to. Who wants to Whoever dares to pester you will be embarrassed!"

"Oh...I will do whatever you ask me to do when the time comes." Zhuang Xuteng imitated the action of meat buns to protect food, showing that he was not someone to be trifled with.

"Haha, that's okay." Morgana lay on Zhuang Xuteng's chest and laughed for a while, then raised her head and asked, "Do you have suitable clothes?"

"As someone who always keeps an eye on the rich man's wallet, of course I have clothes for various occasions. Just dress more formally, right?"

"Well, be more formal." Morgana straightened up, her eyes shining: "It seems like you have all kinds of clothes? Let me see your wardrobe!"

"No problem." Zhuang Xuteng stood up, took Morgana to the bedroom, opened the closet on the wall, and pulled aside some clothes hanging on the pole. He groped inside the cabinet, dug into the mechanism with his fingers, and opened the secret door.

"This wall is hollowed out. In fact, it still has this little depth. Nothing else can be put there, only some clothes." Zhuang Xuteng turned around and took out a flashlight from the bedside table to illuminate it, and explained: "In order to prevent the energy reaction of the shadow from exposing the things here. It’s a secret door, so it doesn’t have any video equipment installed, not even wires or lights. If you want to see clearly inside, use a flashlight to illuminate it.”

Morgana was very interested, looking inside with a flashlight like a curious baby. The wardrobe does contain clothes from all walks of life, mostly work clothes, from head to toe. There are also several sets of dresses inside. In addition to the brand-name clothes that can be bought in the store, there is also a set that is customized by a designer. The producer is Zhuang Xuteng's sister.

"You're going to wear this outfit that day!" Morgana reached out and found this outfit.

"You have good taste! You can tell at a glance that this outfit is the best."

"I actually don't understand clothes. I only know that good things are meant to highlight people, and are not used to advertise brands or designers. There is no label on this piece of clothing, and there is no trace of a logo, regardless of whether it is genuine or not. Yes, it is suitable for the environment that day." Morgana found the clothes, looked at them carefully, and then nodded: "It does look good... It seems that this clothes has not been worn before?"

"I wore it when I was trying it on, and then..." Zhuang Xuteng spread his hands and said, "I have never found a chance to use it for tasks. Alas, I don't know when I can get my money back..."

"Just thinking about doing bad things!" Morgana put her clothes back and continued to peek inside. She quickly pulled out a PCPD uniform, looked at the clothes and then at Zhuang Xuteng. "What bad things have you done while pretending to be PCPD?"

"I haven't had a chance to use that piece of clothing, but it will come in handy soon." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Recently, the Cemetery Gang has put great pressure on our industry. I should wear this to cause some trouble for the Cemetery Gang. By the way, Let the PCPD have to take the blame. The PCPD who stands by and does nothing is not a good PCPD."

"Oh, so you really have such a plan. No wonder the bureau says that guarding the store is also to maintain order, which is better than having an inexplicable conflict with the Cemetery Gang."

"Listen, how ironic this is! PCPD is hiding from gangs..."

"I'm not as depraved as they are. I support your actions!" Morgana stuffed her clothes back, then turned off the flashlight and stopped reading. "I not only support you verbally, I am also willing to take action with you!"

"Huh?" Zhuang Xuteng was stunned for a moment, but then he thought about it. With Morgana's temperament and character, fighting gangs is definitely an action she is willing to participate in, and there is no element of reluctance. "Okay! I think it's good. But you can't come dressed as a PCPD. I'll pretend to be a PCPD, and you have to come as a concerned citizen."

"Ah? Do you like role-playing so much? Can't it be the other way around? I'm the PCPD and you're an enthusiastic civilian?"

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "If the PCPD organized the mercenaries to do the work, I must be an enthusiastic citizen. The current action is initiated by the middleman-the mercenaries, so the only enthusiastic citizen is you."

"Okay... But you still get money when you act as a concerned citizen for the PCPD. I will act as a concerned citizen for you. You can't let me be empty-handed, right?"

"You're not short of money."

"I lack presence."

"Okay, I'll pay you according to the market price, plus my personal services, I guarantee your satisfaction!"

"Can you give me an advance payment first?" Morgana said with a smile: "I mean the private service part..."

"This is against the rules!" Zhuang Xuteng said with a smirk: "Before paying in advance, I have to let you try it for free. I'll do it!"

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