Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 348 Chapter 345 Moving forward together

"Really or not? Already a breakthrough?" Zhuang Xuteng was overjoyed, jumped in the door, raised his hand and slapped Brother Dao on the chest. "When did it happen? How did you break through?"

"Before this mission, I felt that I was just one step away. Flying a helicopter gave me a lot of inspiration - wait until I close the door first." Brother Dao asked Zhuang Xuteng to go inside to prepare, and he would definitely practice for a while. He closed the door, raised his finger and pointed in the direction of the ring, and said: "I was quite nervous when I came back from the plane this time. I concentrated on it, and then I felt the feeling of six dodges. Just like what the master said, it's absolutely right. "

From the perspective of continuous improvement of super-calculated martial arts, six flashes is an intermediate process, and there is no qualitative leap. It is still accumulating for seven flashes. The main sign of reaching the Sixth Flash is "touching the visual, auditory, and olfactory information." It sounds a bit mysterious, but the actual feeling - according to Ge Gongdao's personal experience - "is not mysterious at all, and everything the master said is true." That’s right.”

With Brother Dao's ability to express himself, it's really a bit difficult for him to explain this matter clearly, so let's get started! The two of them got ready and soon got into a fight. They were going back and forth, punching and kicking each other at a very close distance. Both of them showed their best skills and carefully felt the changes in the battle.

Although he knew that there was no qualitative change in the six flashes and could not form a crushing force, Ge Gongdao thought that he should still be able to win relatively easily, instead of being like now, where the two people were still equally divided, regardless of the outcome. He jumped out of the battle group and scratched his head, feeling a little unbelievable: "Am I wrong? In fact, there is no six dodge?"

"You are indeed wrong." Zhuang Xuteng said with a smile: "Your judgment is wrong: it's not that you haven't made progress, but that I happened to have crossed the six-dodge mark."

"Huh?" Ge Gongdao was stunned at first, then he was happy, stroking his hands and laughing: "Haha, Naike, you can do it! Did you just arrive at Sixth Flash?"

"Yes. Just when I started practicing, I was oppressed by your aura, and my six-dodge came naturally. I didn't tell you, so I used the feeling of six-dodge to fight against you, just to see how confused you were. Looks like this!”

"You are so bad! You are so cunning!" Ge Gongdao threw the wet towel that had wiped his sweat on Zhuang Xuteng, and then sat on a chair to rest. His towels were king sized and looked like sheets to a normal person. He smiled happily when he saw Zhuang Xuteng getting wet again. "Wait a while and you use five flash to fight me. I will have a good time."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "There is not much difference between six flash and five flash, and it is difficult to accurately use five flash instead of six flash. Six flash means that the perception methods are richer and they cooperate more closely, just like a whole. If you want to experience the Five Flashes, you can't blindfold my eyes, plug my ears, and then fight me, right?"

"Then let's wait until the seventh flash to decide the outcome!" Ge Gongdao took a bottle of electrolyte drink from the ice bucket and handed it to Zhuang Xuteng.

"Let's talk after seven flashes!" Zhuang Xuteng took the drink, sat next to Brother Dao and took a few sips, and said: "After six flashes, the whole body's senses are mobilized together, and the space for improvement of reflex nerves is expanded. Make good use of this time, Rebuild the fight reflex. I need to practice a new walking posture."

"Pfft!" Brother Dao choked, coughed three times, and asked after regaining his composure, "What are you practicing for? How to learn how to walk?"

So, Zhuang Xuteng told Lucy that he should pay attention to keeping his identity confidential, and also reminded Brother Dao that he should not give up trying just because he is too handsome to conceal. As long as you want to work in this industry for a long time, it is better to prepare more and prepare early than not to prepare at all.

Ge Gongdao suppressed his smile, looked solemn, and carefully considered the words of Lucy and Zhuang Xuteng. "This suggestion is very timely, and we should be well prepared. I just thought that at a critical moment, I need to come to the rescue. As a result, I exposed everyone as soon as I showed my face. Wouldn't it be a disservice? Disguise yourself as stronger? This is a good idea idea, but I have a better idea: an exoskeleton.”

Zhuang Xuteng immediately understood what Ge Gongdao was thinking. Exoskeletons can provide more functions and assistance, which is more practical than simply disguising and camouflaging. Both of them are equipped with driver assistance suit implants, which are seamlessly connected to the exoskeleton. Brother Dao has been promoted to Six Flash through driving training. He can continue to explore the road of exoskeleton in depth, which will only help his martial arts skills and will never hinder him.

"But, is there an exoskeleton you can wear?" Zhuang Xuteng asked this question.

"Look for it first. If it doesn't work, just put on the upper half of your body. Essentially, as long as you cover your face, you're more than half done, right?" Ge Gongdao said with a smile: "It depends on manpower. I see that some people on construction sites are not that big." It’s quite big. Don’t they also need to operate and carry the exoskeleton? Have you seen the model with two forks in the front?”

"I understand what you mean. Fix the connection of the body, and the extended part can be modified, as long as you find a way."

"Yes, that's what I mean." Ge Gongdao nodded, "Hey, do you think it would be very interesting if we could get the kind of gun on the company's armored vehicle and mount it on the exoskeleton?"

"There must be something going on! But are we planning to attack the company again? The master said that before Qi Flash, there was no chance of winning against the senior manager of the business development department, and escaping would have to depend on luck. I don't want what happens next The task is to work on the company’s project, which is too risky.”

"I agree, so I will talk to Nightingale and Rock Bird, and then go to Lucy to adjust our exit price." Gogongdao stroked the wolf fur on his arm, grinned, and said: "Our main task during this period is to consolidate the six flashes, advance to the seventh flash, and open new stores at the same time. By the way, I will go to see the helicopter tomorrow and change it into a different shape. Are you interested?"

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head. He planned to talk to Zhuang Feifei about his dressing and makeup. Moreover, Morgana will also look for him after receiving the experimental equipment. Both of them want to see each other, now and always.

By the way, we still need to rush into the new residence and decorate it well so that Morgana likes it.

After practicing two more rounds with Ge Gongdao, Zhuang Xuteng dragged his tired body back to his residence. Roubao hugged him warmly, and then he dragged him to take a shower. It's been a while since I've cleaned it thoroughly, and it's starting to smell. I can't let it go any longer.

Roubao didn't like the shower head, but he knew very well that he couldn't defeat Zhuang Xuteng, and it was impossible to escape. There was no point in resisting. So it only whimpers and puts on a pitiful look to win Zhuang Xuteng's sympathy so that it can cheat more delicious food.

Afterwards, not only was it clean and tidy, but it also got its wishful snack: a chunk of whale meat. Zhuang Xuteng didn't eat these things, but Prince got a cart full of them, so he had to work hard on the meat buns.

"Eat as much as you like, but don't get too fat. I'll see if Morgana replies." Zhuang Xuteng touched the snow leopard's fur and then picked up his phone. He texted Morgana before taking a shower. During working hours, for Morgana's safety, Zhuang Xuteng never called directly.

Morgana was indeed on a mission. She explained this in her reply and explained that she was currently not in Peicheng and had no hope of escaping from the mission within the next week. She told Zhuang Xuteng to cleanse himself and accumulate strength, and to check this after she comes back...

"Hey." Zhuang Xuteng smiled knowingly, read the text message again, and then deleted it. He always deletes all text messages, his address book is empty, and all numbers and contents are in his memory. Well, I have learned too much medical knowledge recently, and my brain is a little bit exhausted. I feel like I can filter it out and keep the ones that can be used in my daily life and work, and reduce the rest to a query directory.

Since Morgana can't come, she can make an appointment with Zhuang Feifei. Coincidentally, Zhuang Feifei will be at the studio tomorrow, and there are no other arrangements, so Zhuang Xuteng can go there.

With Bai Moji's advice and help, Zhuang Feifei has become a mature designer with an independent studio. She can run her own brand and is no longer just Bai Moji's servant. Generally, artists will not let their subordinates go out independently, but Bai Moji has a unique personality and does not care about most of the rules in the industry. In other words, her desire for control is not that strong. In addition, Zhuang Xuteng saved her life several times. On the one hand, she wanted to express her gratitude. On the other hand, Bai Moji also knew that she could never control (threaten) Zhuang Feifei. When it came to the choice of annoying or befriending the brother and sister, she knew What is right.

As long as Zhuang Feifei said a kind word to Zhuang Xuteng in front of her, Zhuang Xuteng would be able to lend a hand and help when something dangerous happened in the future - Bai Moji believed that danger would definitely happen. The bombing of the TV station also destroyed Bai Moji's sense of security, and terrorists were not her only source of danger. A calm and capable mercenary is definitely more useful than a bodyguard who only stands and scares people.

Driven by selfishness, Bai Moji used her own resources to find a pretty good place for Zhuang Feifei to open a studio. It is difficult for ordinary people to rent a room in the "Art Nest" office building, let alone a full half floor. The rent is 30% off for the first three years.

It was the first time Zhuang Xuteng came to his sister's studio. He was shocked by the scale of the place. In his impression, no matter how powerful his sister is, it is still in the early stages of starting a business. She can only have three or four people under her, and her working place is comparable to a handicraft workshop, so that's about it. Unexpectedly, the main body of the studio is an open studio of nearly 500 square meters. Seven designers and at least twice the number of models are busy here. There are also dressing rooms and lounges for service staff and agents. Rest your feet.

"Are you a model looking for work? You seem to lack style..." The beauty who greeted the guests at the door was very lively. Her eyes were not blocked by the long brush-like eyelashes, and she judged Zhuang Xuteng's appearance very accurately. When she heard Zhuang Xuteng reveal his identity and purpose, she quickly apologized for her gaffe and then personally guided him in.

"Yes, there is only one studio here. The boss is Chief Zhuang Feifei and the brand is Black and White." The beauty with long eyelashes smiled sweetly. She brought Zhuang Xuteng to the negotiation room and told him to wait here while she went to "Chief" 's office, the "chief" should be here soon.

Following her good advice, Zhuang Feifei came over quickly. She wore a black androgynous suit, and her nail polish and eye shadow were deliberately dyed black, making her look like a budding black rose. Although she had to maintain a serious image in front of her employees, after seeing her brother, Zhuang Feifei couldn't restrain her happy mood, and she felt so proud that she fart.

"Chief..." Zhuang Xuteng snorted and said with a deliberately straight face: "You also gave yourself a title? Don't you think it's inappropriate to give yourself such a title at such a young age?"

"Eh? Why did the chief offend you? I have many designers here, and I am the number one, and I am also the largest shareholder. Being called chief is also the result of everyone's unanimous approval." Zhuang Feifei also imitated her brother and snorted. , said: "You must be jealous! Seeing that my team is bigger than yours, you are sulking inside, right?"

"Why do you employ so many people? The fashion design business is very profitable, or did you borrow a lot of money?"

"Oh, so you are worried about this. We currently have some debts, but the cash flow is good, so there is no problem. When we were established, there were several designers who wanted to join with their teams. After Bai Moji agreed and helped to select, I I took the lead in merging some studios and small brands and developed on this basis. Now my brand is called Black and White Wuchang, I am black, Bai Moji is white, this is the style!"

Zhuang Xuteng looked at the designers working outside and said, "Did they find it themselves? Or did Bai Moji use this method to reduce your control?"

"I know this is a bit like adding sand, and it may not seem good, but as long as it is handled properly and resources are well integrated, the company's development can be accelerated. They have brought some good designs and put them under the same brand for comprehensive application. It can be completely transformed and go from good to excellent.”

"How is the sales? Are you making money?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"It's okay. There are many exhibitions in Peicheng, which can cover daily expenses. I'm planning to enter the high-end workwear market and bring out both functionality and decoration. If it can be done, selling the copyright and keeping part of the production will be enough for us. That’s it.”

"High-end workwear? That means cooperating with the company? You have to be careful. Your brother is..." Zhuang Xuteng sighed. He didn't want Zhuang Feifei to have too much psychological burden, so he said: "The company is quite shady. For money, , I can do anything. You can stop when you see good things, and stop when you see danger. If there is a problem with the company's operation, I still have some money there, which can be used for emergencies, so don't be anxious."

"Brother, I know what to do." Zhuang Feifei blinked and said, "Why are you just talking about me? Why did you come to me specifically? Isn't it just to inspect my studio?"

"No, I want you to design clothes." Zhuang Xuteng expressed his thoughts and emphasized that he was doing this to cover his identity and was completely part of his job, not for showiness.

"This is too simple!" Zhuang Feifei smiled and said, "Wait for me here. I have at least a hundred designs over there. Not only street gang style, but also corporate style. You Will definitely like it!”

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