Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 331 Chapter 328 Four Great Inventions

Faced with Lucy's unyielding attitude, Palovic could not take advantage, so he could only try his best to reduce losses. He had to admit that Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao completed the task well and paid the relevant fees as agreed - in fact, the reward for the task was very small, and the main purpose was to return the favor. Now that she got the money, Lucy kept it a secret from Palovic and didn't mention the incident that made him so angry.

After that, Peicheng's main work focused on the Great Exposition. In addition to the PCPD and riot squads who have to protect the safety of the city on a daily basis, the four top companies also sent members of the business development department to the scene. To be safe, gang members were ordered by their superiors to stay away from the five-block area around the Grand Exposition, while middlemen and mercenaries were pacified. Therefore, Zhuang Xuteng and the others also had a new job: standing guard for the Great Expo.

Four top group companies released their epoch-making new products, which they called "the four inventions that will create the future" at a joint press conference. The executive puppet of the Scarlet Group, the shadow copying technology of the Today Group, the Safe Blue of the Sanliu Charity Foundation, and the new era car of Dingxin Magic. Each product represents the latest breakthrough and development direction in its field, and the four new products combined can "change the world and move it to a new and higher stage of development."

Zhuang Xuteng didn't believe a word of what they said. In particular, Dingxin Magic's car was clearly Zhuang Teng's gasoline internal combustion engine and the entire vehicle structure. Dingxin Magic had stolen it, took it for itself, and then shamelessly said that they had made it. Nonsense! lie! How shameless!

Zhuang Xuteng would never stand guard for such a shameless company, which he made clear when he accepted the mission. Others on the team were understanding and saw no problem. Originally, the purpose of asking the middleman to send his elite soldiers to serve as security guards at the expo was to use contacts to eliminate possible troubles in advance. As for actually protecting security, the top forces of the four major group companies are on site. Who dares to cause trouble?

This kind of task of supporting the scene has always been a formality, and the reward is not much, just a little tea money and face money. Each intermediary has three quotas under its account, that is, three groups are sent, each group pays 1,000 euros per day, for a total of one week. Zhuang Xuteng and the four of them were one of the groups, and they shared the income of 3,500 euros equally during the week (the middleman kept half). They arrive at the venue every day and go straight to the staff restaurant on the east side, where they can buy cigarettes and drinks, get various books and magazines, and listen to music to pass the day.

Most of the mercenaries chose to stay in the employee cafeteria, play cards, brag, and receive paid vacations. Zhuang Xuteng couldn't sit still, so he chose to go to the exhibition area of ​​Dingxin Magic.

It can be seen that Dingxin Magic is very confident in its "own new product". It is placed directly in the middle of the booth, surrounded by spiral one-way visiting channels. All visitors are treated equally and can only move forward quickly or slowly. They cannot Stay or go back. There are no models in the entire exhibition area, and the commentators have been removed and replaced with explanation boards set up on the side of the spiral passage.

Zhuang Xuteng followed the visitors slowly on the spiral road. Whether he was reading the explanation board or staring at the five models in the center of the booth, his heart was dripping with blood, and his eyes looked like his brother. The former Bentu Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has turned into dust in history, and all related people and events have been covered up. Maybe some people still have an impression of the concept of "gasoline cars", but Dingxin Mochuang has used millions or tens of millions of euros in publicity to tell everyone "it is original" over and over again.

The power of this kind of advertising is so powerful that it implants misconceptions deeply into the minds of almost everyone. Coupled with the liquidation of false accusations against Bentu Motors, it can be said that all intellectual achievements of "cars" and "gasoline power" have become Dingxin Magic's creations in a legal and historical sense.

The truth can only survive in Zhuang Xuteng's heart by relying on the power of family affection.

Dingxin Magic has launched five models. From the appearance, they should be modified from the most classic - that is, the least likely to cause problems - models from several of its companies. There are luxury commercial vehicles, city scooters, simple off-road vehicles, minivans and a motorcycle model. Judging from the vehicle parameters they listed, excluding the difference caused by the weight of body parts, these cars are clearly replicas of Bentu cars.

It's best to buy one and see if the engine in it is consistent. Currently, Zhuang Xuteng also has a business car from Ge Gong Road, and Morgana has a motorcycle. Hmm... After Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while, he felt that it would be safest to use motorcycles for comparison, because Bentu Motors has never publicly sold motorcycles.

That motorcycle was a gift specially made for him by his brother, and there was only one on the market. Thinking from the perspective of a bad guy, Dingxin Magic is very likely to have done a good job in superficiality, changing the appearance of the engine to differentiate it from the vehicles on the road, so as to avoid being gossiped about. Models in other production lines may have made such changes, but it is very likely that motorcycles have not.

At the same time, the engine of the motorcycle in Morgana's hand was different from that used in the car. It was smaller and had Zhuang Teng's own design style. Zhuang Xuteng only needs to compare the engines of the two motorcycles to confirm how shameless Dingxin Magic can be, which will also provide him with "moral guidance" for his future actions.

So, he followed the visitors to the business negotiation point and ordered a motorcycle.

Zhuang Xuteng was unsurprisingly despised. Others were talking about tens of thousands of orders, but he only wanted one? It makes sense to think about it. The first three days of the expo are open to industry customers, and individual visitors can only enter the venue after the last four days. By virtue of his status as a mercenary, Zhuang Xuteng should not be here, and he is not qualified to place orders.

"I'm very fast and won't waste your time. Otherwise, I'll come back in two days and you'll have to work hard all over again." Zhuang Xuteng gave a reasonable explanation and also gave a reasonable tip. One thousand euros is quite generous, enough for the sales staff of Dingxin Magic to "open up the internet".

"I will add your order to PCPD's order, produce the first batch, and then send it to you. PCPD's patrol motorcycles are stronger and have special item boxes, but their color matching is fixed, you only need I can go back and adjust myself.”

Very good, quite good. Zhuang Xuteng nodded with satisfaction and asked for the salesperson's business card. If you need to continue investigating Dingxin Magic’s products in the future, this is also a way.

It has to be said that Dingxin Mochuang's confidentiality work is very good, and its car club has not received any news. Zhuang Xuteng later learned that gasoline engines did not perform well enough in professional models such as armored vehicles, heavy trucks, and high-speed sports cars. Except for starting speed, they could not compete with mature steam engines and electric motors, so no corresponding models were launched. The car club he joined mainly focused on military vehicles and imitation military vehicles. The product lines were inconsistent, so naturally he didn't get the news.

Dingxin Magic has specially prepared more detailed product instructions for those major industry customers with whom we have established cooperative relationships, including detailed descriptions of related technologies and future development prospects. After confirming the order, Zhuang Xuteng also received such an instruction manual, thus gaining a deeper understanding of what his brother invented.

The gasoline engine is more than just a means of power. It marks that petroleum extract can finally be transformed from fuel into power energy. Since shadow devices, shadow energy, and shadow spells are "allergic" to petroleum, people have always used petroleum as an insulating material. In fact, there are already many applications for the extraction, decomposition and refining of petroleum. People use asphalt to pave roads and make plastic and chemical fiber products. In this process, various types of gasoline and diesel were also produced, all used as fuel...

The steam running in Peicheng's underground pipelines is made from gasoline and diesel boilers, and the precious coal is used in more important steam engines. Zhuang Teng's gasoline engine not only realizes internal combustion to generate power, but also solves the problem of compatibility between gasoline products and shadow equipment. The latter is even ten times more important than the former.

According to Dingxin Mochuang's future outlook, it will continue to tackle key problems and solve the technical problems of diesel engines and heavy oil internal combustion engines, so as to apply such machines to trucks and ships. Lighter internal combustion engines for aircraft are also being developed, which will most likely double the thrust-to-weight ratio of helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft in the future. Transforming the dual system of steam and electricity into a single system of internal combustion engine, the weight savings and the reduced parts failure rate alone are enough to form obvious technical advantages.

"Only the compatibility issue between the gasoline engine and the video slave equipment has been overcome, but the rest has not been completed?" Zhuang Xuteng keenly captured this information. He was a little confused. Dingxin Magic Chuang should know very well that Zhuang Teng is the developer of related technologies. All technologies are not for sale. Why should they kill people when things can be solved with money? My brother has never expressed his unwillingness, unwillingness or inability to work for a more powerful company. There is no contradiction between making money as a boss and entering the Dingxin Magic Technology Department to become a senior researcher and important engineer. The scale of Dingxin Magic is so large that it is impossible that it cannot accommodate one more smart talent.

"Why kill him?" Zhuang Xuteng racked his brains and couldn't think of any reason at all. Even if Bentu Motors is the origin of the gasoline engine, Dingxin Magic can buy it outright and turn it into its own subsidiary or a research and development department. According to Zhuang Xuteng's understanding of his brother, as long as a suitable hush money is paid, Zhuang Teng can openly admit that he researched the gasoline engine project for Dingxin Magic. This is his invention, and it is Dingxin Magic's project.

There has been no such precedent before. For example, the Safe Blue product of the Sanliu Charity Foundation was pushed to the forefront, wasn't it the Doctor named Avatar? He said that he is the core and main researcher of Safety Blue and understands all aspects of the product. No matter what the real situation behind it is, Zhuang Teng can at least enjoy the reputation of an inventor, gain real money, and continue to live like Avatar.

Living is never an excessive requirement.

"There must be something wrong here." Zhuang Xuteng could only come to this conclusion. "Within Dingxin Magic, whoever vetoed my brother's proposal or made the decision to kill is as responsible as the executors below! No one can run away, no one can be let go!"

The heart for revenge is more determined, and there is no need to take it out every day to savor and strengthen it. It can be hidden deeper. When Zhuang Xuteng faced the staff of Dingxin Magic, his expression was indifferent, calm, and even a little happy. This can be interpreted as the joy of ordering a favorite motorcycle, or it can be that his disguised expression can be more sophisticated and sophisticated.

Returning to his companions with the brochure, Zhuang Xuteng still maintained a relaxed attitude. Zhuang Xuteng had no flaws in all aspects of his demeanor and movements, but Ge Gongdao felt that he had something on his mind based on his understanding of Naike. Combined with Naike's previous warnings to him and Morgana, he was aware of the "entanglement" between Bentu gasoline cars and Dingxin Magic gasoline cars, which made him even more certain that Zhuang Xuteng had something on his mind.

"Naike, you can tell me anything you have to say. I'm not as smart as you, and I probably won't be able to come up with a solution, but I'm definitely on your side." Ge Gongdao patted Zhuang Xuteng on the shoulder and pushed him a glass juice. "There is no beer here, and I guarantee that there is no safety blue in this juice. The booth of Sanliu Charity Foundation is almost crazy, safety blue is like saccharin, and anything can be added to it."

Zhuang Xuteng frowned slightly. Although Ping An Lan's matter was worth worrying about, he still had an unsolved problem. "Brother Dao, you know that the gasoline engine is from Mercedes-Benz, right?"

"Yes. Regardless of what the TV said, when Bentu took out the product, Dingxin didn't even give a damn."

"In this big expo, the four major groups each came up with new products and combined the 'four major inventions' to promote them. It can be seen from the safety blue that they have already allocated the rights and interests. This kind of conspiracy cannot be carried out in a few days. It will definitely take time to complete within the deadline, and it may be more troublesome than a corporate war." Zhuang Xuteng frowned and asked his own question: "If there is no gasoline engine for Bentu, how can Dingxin Magic make up for the expo?"

"Ah? Is this also a problem?" Ge Gongdao smiled and shook his head, saying: "The answer is not obvious! Dingxin Magic Creates weapons, and what they bring out must be weapons. Those new armored vehicles and the weapons on them That’s totally okay!”

"Chemical explosive custom firearm?"

"Yes, it's the kind of thing you gave Lucy. I've used it before, and it's really powerful." Seeing that Zhuang Xuteng was a little confused, Ge Gongdao said, "The time we dealt with Fat D, Lucy bailed me out and asked Have I seen similar weapons? I probably asked our master, who also raided Fat D’s office! That weapon is really powerful. Apart from not being able to track and aim, and being slightly larger, it is better than the shadow gun in other aspects. .”

"It turns out you saw a shotgun that time. I never knew about it."

"Don't worry, brother, Lucy has a lot of work to do before and after the mission, especially cutting off the tail and cleaning up the traces, those annoying finishing tasks. She will definitely have to investigate and find out every possible problem. place. If it is just for intelligence support, the middleman is not eligible to share half of the money. Nightingale and Rock Bird can also provide intelligence support and support in fights, don’t you think so?"

"Well, I understand. But let's talk about Dingxin Magic! Brother Dao, do you think that kind of firearm can be counted among the four great inventions? I mean, I know these four great inventions are quite bragging, but firearms Compared with shadow slave copying technology, it’s not that powerful, right? We have a shadow slave gun, right?”

"The shadow gun has side effects, which is a troublesome thing. I think Ding Xin Mo Chuang's gun has no side effects, and it is placed on an armored vehicle and can be fired without anyone holding it. That is more than a bit powerful." Ge Gong Dao made several gun-holding gestures and further explained to Zhuang Xuteng: "Don't forget one thing. There are no side effects, that is, everyone can hold a gun. Do you remember the "Gun Carrying Act"? I feel that that bill is not For the Shadow Cong Gun, it’s obviously for this new gun! If you smack it, does it smell like this?”

Zhuang Xuteng frowned. If the gun laws are also included in the series, the taste will be right immediately. As the manufacturer of the bone spear and black spear, Zhuang Xuteng knew very well how much profit there was from the Shadow Cong Gun. He was just a secret handicraftsman, earning trivial black money. As the leader in the firearms industry, Dingxin Magic’s profits must be astronomical, at least on the same level as cars.

Considering the scale of the industry, firearms are not weak. The TV keeps shouting "Everyone should hold a gun to protect themselves, defend against bad guys and purify society" all day long. Obviously, the groundwork has been laid and the goods are just waiting to be spread. The output of Keying Conggun has not been increasing, and side effects are also a threshold. The elderly, weak, sick, pregnant and young are not suitable for use. These are obstacles to large-scale distribution. Switching to chemical firearms eliminates these concerns. The only thing we have to worry about is that everyone's firepower is too strong, which will definitely cause a huge headache for PCPD and other management agencies.

Firearms, no matter how beautiful they are, are still tools for killing people. If you replace the firearms with cars, it sounds much better. Thinking of this, Zhuang Xuteng smiled bitterly, then the reputation of Ping An Lan would be better? Even though the Sanliu Charity Foundation bought overwhelming advertising and publicity, constantly boasting about the safety and medicinal properties of Safe Blue, there are still voices outside that "this is a new type of drug."

Some experts stood up and said: "Drugs can also be regarded as one of the four great inventions? Why are they compared with industries such as automobiles? Shadow copying technology is also a huge progress, and the execution puppet also has broad prospects. A substitute for drugs, a The treatment program, at best, only benefits a 'very small number' of addicts in society, and is not noticeable to the general public at all. It is recommended that it be eliminated."

Makes sense? There must be some, but this expert is not criticizing safety blue, but giving it a platform. The above paragraph first affirms the alternative and therapeutic nature of safety blue, but where is the case? Where are the social tracking surveys? None of this exists yet, so how can we be sure of it?

Furthermore, since when have blue crystal addicts become a miniscule amount? Zhuang Xuteng was walking on the street. Whenever there were more than twenty people gathered, Zhuang Xuteng could find the user of the blue crystal. Sometimes, the whole street is full of drug addicts, who are wandering, decadent and collapsed, lingering like zombies. This expert is clearly telling lies with open eyes and taking money to lick his bad feet. All his foreshadowing is just for one key point: the general public cannot feel it.

Because "the general public cannot feel it", it must be "excluded from the four great inventions". So as long as the "general citizens" feel it, they don't need to be eliminated? In order not to be kicked out, in order to prove that Sanliu Charity Foundation is not an organization managed by fools, idiots, and braggarts, it is best to let the general public feel it!

Zhuang Xuteng smelled the smell of conspiracy, just like the gun bill paved the way for chemical weapons and the medical aid bill paved the way for shadow cloning technology. In order to increase the sales of safety blue, the Sanliu Charity Foundation has begun to promote and build momentum, sending a large number of "specialist" guys to appear on the scene to continuously bombard advertisements. They are also divided into three parts. One part is dedicated to saying good things about Safety Blue. The other part is dedicated to joining the anti-Safety Blue guys and then disintegrating and engaging in cross-talk activities. The third part adopts an objective, fair and calm attitude and gives both sides the same opportunity to speak. , and then overtly or covertly sidestepped. The three waves of people work together to safeguard the interests of Sanliu Charity Foundation.

"I went to the booth of Safety Blue. Anyway, all the scientific research institutions, drug regulatory agencies or laboratories have only good things to say about it, and none of them have any problems." Ge Gongdao curled his lips and said: "Shadow Copy The same goes for the technology and execution puppets. They look extremely good and everything is perfect. When compared horizontally, the car is pretty good, at least it doesn’t mean that you don’t need to spend money on gasoline.”

"Brother Dao, have you gone to see them all?"

"I went and walked around in a circle. I didn't look very carefully - except for the execution puppet." Ge Gongdao frowned and said, "How should I put it? The execution puppet on the booth looks a bit crude, like a shopping mall. A model with clothes hanging inside. I feel that it is far inferior to the purple-skinned man we have seen, neither in terms of strength nor flexibility. But it is understandable, after all, it is only used for work. "

"How do they work?" Zhuang Xuteng asked curiously.

"Currently, I can only do some repetitive activities, such as walking back and forth and carrying things. If I follow the master and continue to receive instructions, I can also complete some slightly complicated tasks. They have covered it up so that he can learn how to operate various tasks. Mechanical. Once it has learned it and people leave, it can operate independently, but it cannot handle accidents and emergencies. I feel that Scarlet Group has not come up with anything really powerful. If we really want to release the Purple Man, the product must be Will steal the head!"

"Yes! The combat power of the purple-skinned men can already deal with the members of the riot control team. How can they not be in demand..." Zhuang Xuteng just sighed when he thought of the four great inventions.

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