Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 327 Chapter 324 Speaking skills

Dr. Avatar in the camera looks like a dummy. His skin, eyes, and the sounds coming out of his mouth all have a rubbery feel, and the cheap-looking blue hair is stuck on his head like a pot lid. From the top - no one could see the look of wisdom in his eyes, no reassuring tone in his voice, and no sense of truth and sincerity from the TV screen.

"As Director Pace said, in order to eliminate the health and psychological damage caused by blue crystals such as Blue Savage, we must solve it from the root. Sanliu Charity Foundation has always attached great importance to the relief work of the victims and has made efforts to this end. A long-term and important effort. However, Sanliu Charity Foundation has been saddened to see that more and more people are affected by unsafe blue crystals... We are determined to change and fundamentally solve this problem."

He took out a small white glass bottle, held it between three fingers, put it to his right ear, and shook it in front of the camera: "This is our solution, safety blue. Look at the slightly black crystal inside. It is a safe alternative relief drug for blue crystals and blue savages. It will not aggravate addiction, and can also gradually relieve the body's nerve dependence on blue crystals, and can substitute in the sense of pleasure. For addicts, this is A very effective treatment. After our rigorous and careful trials, it is 97% effective in treating neurological drug dependence."

Speaking of this, Dr. Avatar looked very excited. There were tears in his eyes, his voice trembled slightly, and he murmured to himself, saying things like "Mom, have you seen it?" At this time, those people who were "standing and endorsing" behind him came forward one after another, or patted him on the shoulder, or squeezed his hand, or gave him a warm and gentle hug. These actions and body language express one meaning: support and affirmation of Dr. Avatar.

After the emotional scene ended, Dr. Avatar wiped away his tears and continued: "Safe Blue is an important breakthrough and milestone in the history of drug research and development. It means our comprehensive and complete victory over drugs. Originally, this invention was to be announced at the upcoming conference. It was exhibited at the 44th Expo, but we feel that the effect of a blockbuster advertisement is far less than the actual action of providing help in times of need. In order to cooperate with the anti-drug campaign of our beloved Director Pace, Sanliu Charity Foundation is willing to provide support to the PCPD and to the general public through the PCPD Provide 100,000 tablets of Safe Blue for a total of 5,000 standard courses of treatment to Peicheng residents!"

At this time, someone in the camera brought up a large cardboard with something like "Donation, Safety Blue, PCPD Chief Pace and Sanliu Charity Foundation" written on it. This is a common prop in donation ceremonies. Most of them are made into checks, and they can also be used as billboards for products. This major press conference was like a donation event. Some people donated, some donated, some were moved and some shed tears.

Across the TV screen, Zhuang Xuteng was not moved, and the same was true for Ge Gongdao and others. Prince had a mission and left early, so the two sisters Nightingale and Yanque came over. The four of them were studying the information about the Cemetery Gang in order to prepare in advance for the inevitable actions in the future. It is the habit of the two sisters to turn on the TV and listen to the sound. This is the basic quality of intelligence officers to avoid missing major news.

All four people were attracted by Director Pace's press conference. They all wanted to know how the anti-drug operation would proceed and how much space the mercenaries would have in it. They did not expect to see this "Safety Blue". Everyone looked at each other, and then Ge Gongdao asked the most critical question: "He said that this thing can replace addiction and can also provide a sense of pleasure... I said, isn't this just a blue crystal with added ingredients?"

"Isn't that true?" Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said: "Director Pace has been cracking down on blue crystals. If this safety blue is some kind of blue crystal, then he will not stand for it. What is the origin of this Dr. Avatar? Have you seen him before?"

Nightingale and Yanque shook their heads at the same time and said: "This is the first time I have met this person. He has a very distinctive appearance. If you have seen him before, you will not be unimpressed. He said that he is a doctor from Sanliu Charity Foundation? Dare he make it public on TV? If you say this during the interview, your identity should be true."

"If Sanliu Charity Foundation provides support, it would not be unusual for them to produce such research results. If it can really achieve the therapeutic effect he said, and if safe blue can replace blue crystals, that would be a good thing. "Gogongdao touched the wolf hair on his arm, looking a little nervous. He noticed that Zhuang Xuteng's expression changed from a frown to a frown, and asked: "Naike, what did you think of?"

"I'm thinking about his wording... Don't look at this man who looks very emotional. What he said is actually very rigorous, and every word and sentence is carefully prepared. From beginning to end, he didn't mention one important thing: Is there any blue crystal component in this safety blue?"

"Yes, that's what I'm concerned about as well." Ge Gongdao nodded and said.

Zhuang Xuteng hummed, and then said: "This reminds me of Director Pace's announcement of a war on drugs. Because it involved gambling, I was deeply impressed at the time. Looking back and thinking about it, the goal of Pace's declaration of war is actually unsafe and unhealthy. The blue crystal and the blue savage. In everyone’s general impression, there has never been a so-called safe and healthy blue crystal, so they all thought that he was going to war on all drug industries. Well, now it seems, I’m afraid that’s not the case.”

"Asshole! No wonder he dared to start a war. He was waiting here!" Ge Gongdao waved his fist vigorously and said angrily: "He had known for a long time that there would be such a thing, which could completely replace the Blue Savage and continue to make money without it. It can also be converted from underground to above ground! The four big gangs don't care about the old blue crystal at all, even the emerging blue savages can give up. The small gangs that were eradicated are actually working for the four big gangs in order to re-divide Benefit!"

The two sisters simply threw the map in their hands and cursed. Zhuang Xuteng felt the same as them, as if he had been betrayed. During this time, mercenaries including them are helping the PCPD deal with gang members and clear out the Blue Savage drugs. Although it is also to make money, don't forget that they will offend the gangs because of such actions, and they will also pay extra For their own safety, everyone wants to make the living environment in Peicheng better and have fewer addicts and drug dealers.

The mercenary considers himself not a good person, but at least he has not degenerated to join a gang and bully ordinary citizens all day long. Helping the PCPD this time can be considered as a way for the mercenaries to feel that they have done a good thing and contributed to society, and can feel a little proud. In the hearts of some mercenaries, such as Zhuang Xuteng, they actually hope that the operation will continue and that they can finally take action against the strongest gangs such as the Cemetery Gang to eradicate these cancers. No matter what happens, we will eradicate their drug business and deal a heavy blow to the gang's power. The results of it? They have just become the pioneers of the largest gangs, and they have become thugs and tools to eliminate dissidents and divide their interests.

And the money was paid by PCPD. Oh, to be more precise, part of it is from the PCPD, and the other part is from the PCPD selling drugs to small gangs and using the money to pay them.

"Thank you Sanliu Charity Foundation for your help to the PCPD and the citizens of Peicheng!" Director Pace stood back in front of the microphone, and now he was in full glory. "We are deeply encouraged and will continue to promote anti-drug operations to completely eradicate unsafe, unhealthy and low-quality blue crystals! At the same time, we will provide help to those citizens who have been damaged and need help. We will gather resources and provide help in the city We will open a 'Safe Blue Rehabilitation Point' to provide help in alleviating addiction. We hope that the general public, industrial and commercial enterprises, various consortiums, and social organizations can actively participate and provide support."

"Oh, yes, one more thing. At the 44th Expo, Sanliu Charity Foundation will give a detailed explanation of the various situations of Safety Blue. I am not a drug or medical expert, so I will not go into details to avoid making mistakes. Well! I just hope that after the emergence of Safe Blue, those who were originally afraid of breaking the Blue Savage or other blue crystals and therefore opposed the PCPD's actions, you no longer need to be afraid! Act with the PCPD as soon as possible, and fight with those dangerous people as soon as possible. , unhealthy drug breakup, this is your best chance!”

Pace waved to indicate the end of his speech. Many reporters rushed up to ask about the "safety blue" in detail, but he declined with a smile and a wave of his hand. The PCPD Director, Dr. Avatar, and many people present rolled into a ball and squeezed out of the group of reporters, leaving behind an exciting and chaotic press conference, and then the camera cut back to the studio.

"This was obviously planned." Nightingale glared at the TV and turned it off with the remote control. "Nike is right. His wording is too carefully crafted. He carefully avoids many key issues and continues to confuse the situation. This safety blue looks less and less like a good thing."

Yanque pouted and said, "Sister, I don't understand something. If Safe Blue can solve addiction and dependence, even if it is a blue crystal product, wouldn't it be better than Blue Savage?"

Hearing this, Ge Gongdao slowly shook his head and said: "Addicts need to get rid of two problems, one is their physical dependence, and the other is the mental level. The guy just said that it can relieve neurological symptoms. Addiction, nothing else is mentioned. Even if it can also solve the addiction of the physical organs, don’t forget one thing: it can also provide a sense of pleasure. In other words, it cannot solve the psychological addiction. Regardless of neurological Or mentally, as long as Safe Blue can still provide a sense of pleasure, the addict will not be able to quit."

Zhuang Xuteng continued: "Yes, what Brother Dao said is exactly what I am worried about, and I also noticed one thing: Pace and the dummy Avatar ignored one issue: whether Safety Blue itself is addictive. For those who have become For people who are addicted, it doesn’t matter whether they have this; but for people who have not yet used drugs, will Safe Blue give them the illusion that it is a safe drug that can provide pleasure? Or even, it It’s not a drug, it’s just a recreational tool..."

Yanque shook his head and said: "Even a three-year-old child knows that this kind of thing is a drug, how can it be an entertainment tool? Isn't this too sensational?"

"Not underestimate their advertising methods." Ge Gongdao sighed and said: "If you ask whether it is addictive, they say it is safer than the Blue Savage; you have to ask it Whether it is available to healthy people, they say they don’t recommend it. Well, they will use various advertisements, interviews and so-called personal testimonials bought with money to make you gradually forget about the dangers of blue savages, and all you remember is the safety of blue. !”

Nightingale also shook her head slowly and said: "Sister, they don't tell the truth, but they don't tell lies either. They just flood the minds of curious people with countless nonsense, hindering all efforts to dig out the truth, until you are too tired to stop. Talk to it. It's like our flood attack in the information network..."

"If you want to do something like that, you need the cooperation of various companies, big gangs, and the constitutional government. The good news is: through the benefits of blue crystals, they can work together smoothly." Ge Gongdao rubbed hard. Face, said: "Damn it, once Safety Blue comes out, the situation in the entire Peicheng will be different. Damn it! I guess we need to take a good look at this expo to understand what Safety Blue is!"

Indeed, after Director Pace and Dr. Avatar of the Sanliu Charity Foundation introduced "Safety Blue" to the public, not only this small group of four mercenaries, but also other parties immediately devoted their attention and stared at this matter. matter. The headquarters of Sanliu Charity Foundation in Peicheng was immediately surrounded by reporters, everyone wanted to get first-hand information.

The spokesperson of Sanliu Charity Foundation thanked everyone for their attention and announced that a simple media meeting would be held before the expo, inviting the "major" media in Peicheng to have a closed-door meeting to introduce Safety Blue.

"Comprehensive openness and transparency to the public is our consistent aim, but we also have our own business plan, which involves advertising, dealer coordination and factory production arrangements. In fact, in order to cooperate with the actions of PCPD, we have made adjustments and It messes up the rhythm. We also need..."

It still talks nonsense. "Consistent purpose" does not mean "consistent behavior." If you carefully check the past records of Sanliu Charity Foundation, you will find that its openness and transparency have always been poor. As for the closed-door meeting, Zhuang Xuteng probably was just a "training meeting." Sanliu Charity Foundation will teach these important media some speaking skills and let everyone talk nonsense together.

What happened next increased Zhuang Xuteng's worries: several big gangs actually surrendered to the PCPD department and handed over a large number of blue crystal products, especially the Blue Savages. More than a dozen tons of various types of blue crystal products are piled up in the PCPD's evidence storage warehouse. The scene is shocking. You should not take hundreds of photos. It would be better to shoot a documentary to praise it. It’s a success this time!

Gangs have always been about knocking on the bones and sucking out the marrow, eating people without spitting out the bones. If you can get gangs to provide benefits, then there must be a greater exchange of benefits behind it. Zhuang Xuteng felt more and more that they could reach unity on this matter, and their plan was huge! At this time, Palovich found Zhuang Xuteng through Lucy and assigned them to complete a task.

Compared to this mission, the Nine Elders of the Cemetery Gang are not important.

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