Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 317 Chapter 314 Training each other

Lucy called Zhuang Xuteng's new number and told him to go upstairs to find the Nightingale and Yanque sisters to get something. Monk Zhuang Xuteng Zhang Er couldn't figure it out. He only felt that things had changed so quickly, as if Nightingale and Yanque had become closer and more trusted people to Lucy. He was curious about what happened when he and Brother Dao were away a while ago. Did Nightingale and Rock Bird save Lucy's life?

After taking the elevator up, Nightingale and Yanque rented two adjacent rooms and opened them up. The total area was the same as Zhuang Xuteng's. The two of them lived on one side and used the other side as a studio with a lot of incomprehensible video equipment. There are two single bathtubs placed in the center of the room where the living and working areas meet, with two refrigerators standing on both sides of each, which is very eye-catching.

Zhuang Xuteng wanted to take his things and leave, but he was pulled in by the two sisters and had to have a hair treatment. That's okay, I originally promised the two of them, but since I have time, I can't break my promise. While Zhuang Xuteng was pressing their heads, he asked about the things they had picked up and about the four refrigerators and two bathtubs.

"Lucy asked us to make several encrypted mobile phones and send them to several important mercenaries. The communication was not stable before, and everyone was always worried about being eavesdropped. Now it is much better. As for the bathtub, that is what the two of us work for. Place. Filling the bathtub with ice water can help cool us down, relieve nerve pain, and reduce the side effects of implants."

Zhuang Xuteng was a little strange and asked: "The refrigerator makes ice cubes and then uses ice water. It feels a bit crude. Don't you consider buying some advanced implant relief devices?"

"Those things are not easy to buy. You have to wait for luck and opportunities." Nightingale said: "So far, the most effective implant (side effect) relief method we have found is you, so I have to ask you to take care of me. . The two of us want to find an opportunity to open an implant maintenance shop, which can be used by ourselves and also have the opportunity to make some money. It depends on the situation, it will definitely be too busy for the two of us at the moment. "

"My previous laundry and game console store was bombed by Viper, and I'm thinking of opening a new store. Maybe we can be neighbors." Zhuang Xuteng left the matter of recruiting the two sisters to join the company, so he would not mention partnership or formation. For things like team building, we can only use the term "being neighbors". "How much does it cost to open an implant care shop? I'm also very interested in this."

"Do you still need maintenance?"

"What are you thinking? Of course I need maintenance. I just absorb your side effects and then slowly consume them through exercise afterwards. I can't let the side effects disappear out of thin air." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head with a smile and said, "Of course I I also want to have the ability to eliminate side effects. Having said that, who doesn’t want to? Now I rely on the relatively good quality of the implant, plus being young and strong, so that I can provide you with maintenance. If I use the implant frequently I don’t have the energy to do this for you."

Nightingale nodded and said: "So that's it, then you do need to use the maintenance device. We welcome you to invest, but we don't know the specific investment yet. We know some news that there are implant maintenance stores on the market. With the access permit, ordinary people can also operate, just like the previous liberalization of medical-grade implants.”

"Publish the bill first and then sell the license?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"Yes, this should still be the model. We have been thinking about this for a while and have been paying attention to the progress of the municipal council. We hope there will be results soon. We are still making preliminary preparations. The sooner we prepare, the more money we can save. . Once the access permit is released, there will definitely be a lot of people rushing in, and it will become complicated whether it is applying or buying equipment."

"That's right..."

It seems that not only Zhuang Xuteng, but every motivated person is trying to improve themselves. In the mercenary industry, you can work on as many projects as you have the ability. The bigger the project, the more you can earn. However, some projects are too big and may overwhelm the mercenaries, which would not be beautiful.

Lucy asked Zhuang Xuteng to get the confidential phone number so that she could tell him not to be overwhelmed by big projects. "Palovic is messing around. I stopped the matter of Elder Nine Heads of the Cemetery Gang, so I can only put it on hold for now. For a person of that level, even if your master, the Famine Stranger, is allowed to go, he can only deal with it once at most. one."

"Looks like they're quite dangerous."

"Yes, it is quite dangerous. I am not yet sure that Palovic has overestimated your strength, or that he deliberately pushed you into a trap. In short, you and Brother Dao should be careful, and keep one more person when facing Palovic. Xinyan, don’t forget that his actions in Peicheng were sabotaged by you.”

"Well, he does have the motive to retaliate against us." Zhuang Xuteng asked: "What is the relationship between Palovic and the riot control team now?"

"There is no way to spy on the riot squad through the information network, so I don't have very precise first-hand information. According to inaccurate second-hand information, Palovic has a position in the riot squad, and he acts like a plainclothes A field officer feels like an agent or spokesperson. His identity has existed for a long time, even before he acted as an intermediary. No matter what his motivation for doing this, his plan is quite far-reaching."

"It seems that we need to be more careful and guard against him using the riot squad to deal with us."

Lucy hummed and said: "Yes, this is what I am most worried about at the moment. The risk of breaking up with him is too great. Our strength cannot compete with the riot squad. Those guys can easily destroy our Business. I have stabilized him for the time being, but he will ask for this task sooner or later, so you should seize the time to adapt to the implant, practice more what your master has taught you, and strive to surpass your master as soon as possible - your master can I don’t have such good conditions as you.”

"What implant did my master use?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"Your master didn't tell me that he has his own channels, but he is definitely not as good as you now. What you lack now is time and supervision of yourself. By the way, Ge Gongdao asked me to help you find potions. This Things have to wait for a while, and the factory also needs to slowly adjust the goods. Recently, their production pressure is very high, they are extremely busy, and they don't pay much attention to small orders like ours."

As the stall got bigger and there were more people, Lucy became even busier. It is necessary to find commissioned tasks for more mercenaries, to provide them with intelligence network support, to supply goods, to sell stolen goods, and to compete with middlemen. Opening a restaurant, engaging in real estate, conducting equity investment transactions, and laundering money... Lucy wanted to know how she could keep going.

In addition to not allowing Zhuang Xuteng and the others to kill the cemetery gang elders, Lucy felt it was too dangerous to do so, and Lucy was unable to provide corresponding level of intelligence support. Recently, I have to help Palovich (riot squad) perform many tasks, and each group of people needs a safe information channel. Fortunately, the two sisters Nightingale and Rockbird joined in and strengthened Lucy's intelligence network capabilities, otherwise she would not be able to guarantee that everyone could start working.

There is a big difference between having or not having intelligence support, but there is also a big difference between "having" and "excellent". For general tasks, "yes" is enough, but for difficult tasks, it must be "excellent" or even "perfect". Only after finishing the trivial matters at hand, Lucy could concentrate all her intelligence forces to support the mission of the cemetery gang elders.

Good steel must be used on the blade, and difficult tasks must be solved with concentrated effort. Zhuang Xuteng learned that Lucy was also improving herself and working hard, so he didn't dare to let himself be neglected.

Now is a great time to improve yourself. Ge Gongdao hurt himself while installing the implant and had to recuperate for a period of time. Zhuang Xuteng, the partner bound to Ge Gongdao, also passively entered an idle state. Lucy made it clear that they would not be assigned tasks during this period, nor would they be allowed to take on other people's tasks. The money in the account for two people is enough to support themselves. There is no need to rush to make money. First, take good care of yourself so that it will not affect the future.

Just fighting Prince all day long, will it affect Ge Gongdao's recuperation and recovery? Zhuang Xuteng didn't dare to ask, so he could only give a subtle reminder to Brother Dao to pay attention to his health.

Brother Dao's efforts will eventually pay off... It is estimated that Prince couldn't survive the crazy wolf-dog, and either entered a state of fatigue, or was not physically fit. She finally had "free time" and agreed to exchange skills with Zhuang Xuteng. As an intermediary and guarantor, Ge Gongdao, Zhuang Xuteng and Prince met face to face, exchanging skills for skills.

"It mainly depends on whether what you provide satisfies me." Prince sat upright, determined not to look in the direction of Ge Gongdao, so as not to be affected by him. "I know you want to learn the skills of sneaking and hiding. There is no need to repeat this. This skill can be used for offense or defense. The requirements for implants are very low. It mainly requires some skills and experience. Do you want to change..."

"When the shadow energy signal is detected over a long distance, I call it the Eye of Shadow." Zhuang Xuteng said: "It is similar to the shadow spell, which will cause some weak side effects on your eyes and brain. As your mastery of the spell increases, Improve it, and its range will be very far. Currently, my observation range is about forty meters."

"Change!" Prince didn't hesitate at all. She rubbed her hands quickly, with an excited smile on her face. "Being able to see the shadow signal is a coveted skill for stalkers. There is no reason not to exchange it."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet." Zhuang Xuteng quickly asked Prince to calm down and said: "This is a spell. I don't guarantee that you can learn it. There is no need for you to tell me whether you have the ability to cast spells. I teach it as it is. Here you go, the rest depends on your own learning ability."

Prince smiled softly and said: "I thought you were going to say something? Isn't this a normal thing? There is no guarantee that you can learn what I teach you, it depends on your own ability. We are both the same, we are only responsible for teaching, not for meeting. How we can train in the future is a personal matter."

"Well, it's good if we have this consensus." Zhuang Xuteng turned around and asked if he wanted to say anything else.

"As long as you all agree, I'm just going to be a witness to avoid any disputes between you." Ge Gongdao thought for a while and asked: "Naike, you can find things like monitoring heads because of this ghost." Eyes of Shadow, right?”

"Yes. Find the shadow slave energy signal first, and the rest will be much simpler. It can not only see the shadow slave, but also find people through the positioning implant. Brother Dao, do you want to learn together?"

Prince quickly said: "This is a good skill. You are big and always like to attack head-on. Maybe you don't feel it very deeply. In fact, it is much better than my sneaking and hiding skills."

Zhuang Xuteng sincerely invited, but Ge Gongdao unexpectedly shook his head and said: "I know this is a good skill, but Naike Club means that I know it, so I won't try it in spells. I have no talent for spells at all. Rather than not being good at it, It’s better to spend time doing something you’re better at.”

"This is such a good skill!" Prince was a little anxious and secretly kicked Ge Gongdao.

"Haha, you really don't need it." Ge Gongdao smiled and waved his hand and said, "You go and do your work. I also need to find a flight school to sign up. I'm very busy!"

"Brother Dao, are you okay now? Aren't you allowed to supervise the process of teaching us skills? Whether we have tried our best or not needs to be judged!"

"You two, I'm talking about you two now - you two will do your best for my sake, I still have some confidence! But the ugly words are ahead, if you two make this thing look bad Oh, I’m going to turn my back on you and I won’t save you any face!”

It seemed that Ge Gongdao had made up his mind, and Zhuang Xuteng's attempt to let him watch and learn was completely ineffective. But Brother Dao is right. Zhuang Xuteng knows how to do it, which means both of them know how to do it. Neither of them will fall behind the other.

In this way, the exchange and learning of the Eye of Shadow spell and stealth and hiding skills began. Zhuang Xuteng took out the Eye of Shadow after careful consideration. In his skill arsenal, this skill is much easier to handle than necromancy or making shadow weapons. He has decided to follow the style of a black gun shooter. His body will stay away and hide, and he is not very afraid of being searched by detection methods such as the Eye of Shadow. After all, the Eye of Shadow is just an auxiliary ability and cannot directly determine life or death.

If you exchange any skill, your strength will be exposed, but Eye of Shadow is the least exposed. This skill is attractive enough and can be used to confirm the transaction, which reduces information leakage. Moreover, the Eye of Shadow is based on the shadow magic of Heisenberg, the gang chef. It can completely withstand tracing its origin and will never be found on the head of the Lich Master.

"The Eye of Shadow spell is divided into two parts. The basic part is to identify the shadow energy, which can see the energy level of a single object within an arm's distance." Zhuang Xuteng took apart the spell. The so-called basis is what Heisenberg taught him. set. "The advanced part is used to expand the visual range and the number of targets that can be observed at the same time. I will show you now..."

"Stealth and hiding skills are divided into three parts: finding bunkers, state control and psychological games." Prince was also very serious when describing it. Like Ge Gongdao, she has a character that promises a lot, and this time she can learn the secret Eye of Shadow, she felt like she had made a lot of money. "The first step in finding a bunker is to form a mental picture of the overall layout of the environment, and also consider its evolution and development..."

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