Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 258 Chapter 255 Blind Contact

Looking at the stack of papers that Dr. Booker took out, Zhuang Xuteng slowly shook his head and did not take it. He just said: "It's useless for you to do this. Things like shadow magic are taught in schools. You He's not the only one who can provide intelligence information. Don't you know what kind of energy they have to save you here and protect you until now? They want you to prove your sincerity rather than your ability. In my opinion, ability can Create and buy, so sincerity is the most precious.”

"Just make me a disguise, but I still won't be able to survive after I get out!" Dr. Bukele waved the stack of papers and almost stuffed them directly into Zhuang Xuteng's arms. He said, "These, these are all worth reading. , this cannot be taught in school.”

"Don't pester me. I'm not the one who makes decisions." Zhuang Xuteng waved his hand and almost knocked away the pile of paper. Seeing Booker's panic, he finally sighed and said, "Okay, I'll hand it over to you, but I can't guarantee whether it will change. What are your requirements for the result of the disguise? For example, if you want to follow A celebrity’s face plastic surgery can now be brought up.”

Booker just wanted to avoid being recognized and said he had no other requirements at all. Seeing his appearance, Zhuang Xuteng was basically sure that he was honest. The rest would depend on whether the documents he handed over this time were valuable.

The disguise implant was not a lie to him. During the period when he was performing covert protection missions at the Second Hospital, Zhuang Xuteng learned a lot from the doctors and implant salesmen there, including various basic implant surgery services. Bukele definitely cannot go to the second hospital for plastic surgery. Regular hospitals need to register his identity, retain appearance information, etc., which will definitely expose him. But Dr. Jian Hei at the plastic surgery hospital didn't have so many procedures. As long as he brought Booker and the surgery fee, he didn't need to worry about anything else.

After returning home and replacing the meat buns with new food and water, Zhuang Xuteng began to check the information he had obtained this time. He looked at it very carefully and attentively. Roubao noticed this, put down the toy in his mouth, tiptoed to Zhuang Xuteng's feet and sat down, curled up into a ball, and put his head against his leg.

"Good boy..." Zhuang Xuteng rubbed the meat buns with his feet. When he saw the cloth mouse being thrown aside, he came up with a plan. He released the spirit servant and ordered it to perform a repetitive task: when the cloth was placed on the ground within one meter of Zhuang Xuteng, pick it up and throw it out.

So Roubao had something to do. It doesn't understand what the Wraith Servant is about, it just doesn't want its toys to fly around. The snow leopard rushed around the house, catching cloth mice everywhere, and then brought them back to Zhuang Xuteng. After struggling for a long time, Roubao finally discovered a rule: as long as he doesn't let go or hold the cloth mouse, it won't lose it.

After absorbing enough resentment, Zhuang Xuteng was finally able to upgrade the resentful spirit servant and let it leave him and do some simple tasks. The servant's weight-bearing capacity has been slightly improved, and it still follows the law that the farther away it is, the smaller its strength becomes. This reduction has a lower limit, which is related to the total amount of resentment that constitutes the servant. If a humanoid servant with the same size as Zhuang Xuteng was made, it would have a load of about two kilograms no matter how far away it was.

Don’t underestimate the two kilograms of weight, it can already support many things, such as transporting grenades, installing bombs, opening and closing doors, making noise or teasing snow leopards. Currently, Zhuang Xuteng is able to create an ox or horse-sized vengeful servant at once, with a load of up to eight kilograms and the ability to move within two thousand meters around him. As he continues to improve his spell abilities, the servant will become stronger and stronger, until he turns into a demon spirit that can switch between reality and reality, has his own simple consciousness, and can release the spirit of attack to attack the spirit of resentment.

Zhuang Xuteng has made up his mind to walk on two legs: martial arts and magic. He sought knowledge from Dr. Booker's articles, which were very inspiring to him about the shadow magic. Even if these spells cannot be cast without the cooperation of the corresponding implants, Zhuang Xuteng can still benefit from the spell composition, spell ideas, etc.

A certain spell needs to be classified into a certain category, what function it needs to achieve, what its shadow rune looks like, and what kind of implant is needed to cooperate. This knowledge may seem superficial, but there are internal rules, and many people have slowly figured it out over a long period of time. Although Dr. Booker did not describe these rules - his expertise is in deciphering ancient languages, and he can only use a few of them, and is not a person who specializes in spells - the Lich Master has talked about the overall rules and regulations of necromancy. Functional layout. Using the knowledge in that theory to understand the settings of the shadow follower spell, there was actually no discomfort.

"The origin of the knowledge related to Shadow Clan is the exploration of the Shadow Realm, which is the hometown of Master Lich. So the origin of Shadow Clan spells is also the spell of Master Lich?" Zhuang Xuteng recalled the contents of the history class and quickly found out explained. "Shadow Servants are the resources of the Shadow Realm. Are these resources the remnants of spells? From this perspective, Shadow Servants' spells are modified versions of the Shadow Realm's spells in this world."

Not all spells require the support of Shadow Servant Implants, it just depends on their source base. Spells originating from the shadow world that require the support of shadow implants, while those that do not require implants, can mostly be found from ancient times, that is, the period before the gods left. To verify this guess, he still needs to wait for Morgana to bring him a photocopy of the ancient magical guidance.

He still felt sleepy after reading too much. Zhuang Xuteng was too lazy to go to bed and fell asleep directly on the table, snoring soon after. At this time, his left hand trembled rapidly, and the Wraith Servant ran out and slowly condensed in the air, forming the shape of the Lich Master.

"It has absorbed so much resentment. This progress is really surprising." It quietly looked at Zhuang Xuteng, who was sleeping at the table, slowly shook his head and said, "I didn't expect you to work so hard. It's really hard work. What are you looking at? Why? Don’t you want to go to bed?”

The vengeful servant of the Lich Master slowly leaned down and stretched out his hand. It could be seen that its movements were extremely unsmooth. In fact, not only is his movement slow, but Master Lich's perception is also very poor. His effective vision is less than one meter, and his hearing is basically unable to distinguish many details.

This is all because the level of the Wraith Servant is not high enough and its function is not strong enough. The Lich Master can definitely wait slowly, but it has not experienced the outside world for a long time, and the curiosity in its heart cannot be suppressed. It was not interested in Zhuang Xuteng's sleeping position, but was interested in the article pressed under his body. He vaguely saw some spell runes, which were somewhat similar to the necromancy spells he was familiar with. It wants to know what it is. Is Zhuang Xuteng studying magic?

But before it could move away from Zhuang Xuteng, a white shadow passed by, and the resentful spirit servant was smashed to pieces. Meat Bao licked his paws, feeling infinitely happy: I finally killed you, the guy who secretly threw my toys!

The crushed resentful servants turned into resentment, which was reabsorbed by Zhuang Xuteng, and transformed and returned to their positions according to the settings of the magic circle. If Zhuang Xuteng is awake and takes the initiative to control, these tasks can be completed quickly. It's just that he is still sleeping, and the speed of the magic circle is very slow. Before all the grievances are sorted out, the Lich Master cannot appear again.

Roubao stared at it for a while, but nothing weird came out. It carefully let go of the cloth mouse and placed it on the ground. Sure enough, the mouse stopped moving. Completely relieved, it arched forward, got between Zhuang Xuteng's feet, and began to sleep with its belly up.

Zhuang Xuteng had no idea that this episode had happened. He just felt a little numbness on one side of his face, and this was the result of sleeping on his stomach. He looked at his cell phone first. There was no call from Master, Brother Dao or Lucy, which meant that the retirement ceremony had not started yet, so he made himself something delicious and continued reading Dr. Booker's article.

After reading it all in one breath, Zhuang Xuteng had already put many marks on the paper. This was the habit of his brother and sister when they were studying. Zhuang Xuteng always made the stickers very confusing, but not anymore. He read it a second time based on the marks, and at the same time began to take notes, excerpting what he felt was important. In this way, Zhuang Xuteng was busy all day again. When he raised his head again, it was late at night and he was very hungry.

"Finally I've read them all. My new brain is so useful..." Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his head and yawned while preparing food for himself and the meat buns. Roubao took the initiative to come over with a rice bowl in his mouth and placed it at Zhuang Xuteng's feet. Then he stepped back and stood up, lying on the stove as a supervisor.

"You really don't have any worries, you are so good!" Zhuang Xuteng touched Snow Leopard's head and threw her a piece of washed steak. Even though it was just synthetic meat, the snow leopard was very happy eating it and swallowed it in just three or five bites. Later, it felt that it deserved more for having beaten away the bad guys in the house, so it came to pester Zhuang Xuteng again.

"Don't make trouble, just wait." Zhuang Xuteng flicked it on the forehead. Since you are at home today, prepare the snow leopard’s meal carefully and make mixed food for it according to the recommended recipes. Carbohydrates, protein, fiber and other nutrients must not be missing. Zhuang Xuteng cooked six eggs for himself, plus soup rice made with legion juice, ketchup, meat sauce, and Pupu instant glue sticks, and then dismissed himself.

The long-awaited information finally came. Brother Dao asked him to meet at the laundry tomorrow and then go to the train station to pick up the master. Zhuang Xuteng must be in his best condition, so he won't practice any more tonight, so he should have a good sleep. But before going to bed, he must put away Bukele's articles.

There are two safes in the room, one is placed under the TV. One is hidden behind the wallpaper behind the microwave. Zhuang Xuteng packed the documents in a sealed bag, carefully moved the microwave oven, untied the trap connected to the palm fire, then lifted off the wallpaper and opened the safe, putting all the documents from this time and the last time inside.

If someone does not know this process, when he lifts the wallpaper, he will pull the mechanism, and the fire in his palm will destroy the contents of the safe. Since the Lich Master can no longer directly access his senses and experiences, Zhuang Xuteng must remember and understand the knowledge on his own, and then relay it to the Lich Master. This was agreed when the Lich Master was asked to rescue Dr. Bukele. Zhuang Xuteng went to bed and at the same time came to the 72 Stone Pillar Hall to fulfill his promise.

"Although my memory has improved, I can't guarantee that it will not make mistakes, so I still have to keep it - even though it is very dangerous." Zhuang Xuteng said to the Lich Master: "If you think these things are smooth and smooth, I will Destroy them as quickly as possible."

"You can get spell information from him, which is beyond my expectations. He did not show the state of a spell caster. I thought he was just a librarian and text researcher." The Lich Master held it in his hands. He looked at Zhuang Xuteng with interest, the light in his eye sockets flickering slightly. "By studying these spells, I can definitely convert the necromancy spells into versions usable in this world. But..."

Zhuang Xuteng sat on the steps in front of the throne, nodded after hearing the words, and continued: "But the shadow slave spells need the assistance of shadow slave implants, and how these spells work, it is not enough to just look at the spells, it is best to I can actually experience it.”

"You're right, that's exactly what I thought." The Lich Master tapped the armrest of the throne with his finger and said, "Currently we have another contact person, Hill Lee. She is from the company, and She has already joined the exploration team. She has the potential to be a spell caster, maybe we can start with her."

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and agreed. Hill Lee is indeed the best choice at the moment. She learns and uses spells. No matter how you look at it, it is a sign of progress and will not arouse suspicion. But Zhuang Xuteng is different. If he shows his spellcasting ability, the company will definitely be confused and launch an investigation: Was the test machine broken that year, or did Zhuang Xuteng use some means to improve his spellcasting talent? If it is the latter, Zhuang Xuteng will definitely be "invited" by the company to assist in research, and the Lich Master will definitely be exposed.

"But the problem is, Hill learned the magic, how can we know her experience? Look at Dr. Booker, if you want him to say something, it will be like squeezing out toothpaste, and Hill Lee will be happy ?”

"It's up to you." The Lich Master said: "The combination of corpse control spells and wraith servants can produce some interesting effects. With your zombie physique, it becomes even more interesting. Lend your body to He, with my help, you can enter Hill Lee's body through the Wraith Servant. She only knows how to demonstrate the spell, and she never imagined that you would feel the operation of the spell directly through her body."

Zhuang Xuteng was stunned for a moment and said: "That's not right! The combination of the spirit servant and corpse control systems does have the effect of occupying the corpse, but it requires a very close distance. Are you going to ask Hill to come over and meet me?"

"Yes, I have this plan." The Lich Master's eyes flashed, and his voice was a little excited. "It's been a long time since I felt the joy of spell energy flowing through my body and the spell gradually forming. In addition to satisfying me, understanding the spells of this world will greatly speed up my recovery."

"Let's think about it in the long term." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "You can let Hill become a shadow follower spell user first, but you must be very cautious when meeting in real life. In any case, Hill is a member of the company, and he is the most mysterious. Members of the exploration team, it is said that the people there are the strongest in the company. Hill must be strictly protected and monitored. Meeting her... you don't want to teleport her here, do you?"

"That won't work." Master Lich waved his hand and said, "I can bring her, but I can't send her back. If you send her back, you can't explain how she disappeared and reappeared."

"I am also worried about this." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said: "There is really no good way at the moment. We can only take it one step at a time. Master Lich, in your world, is there any way to combine martial arts and spells? A particularly good experience?”

"In my world, spells are martial arts, so I can't help you with the combination of the two. I feel that what you are doing now is very good, and I can learn from you." The Lich Master gave a rare compliment, and then changed the subject Lead to the area of ​​concern: "I found that the number of grievances increased rapidly. What's going on?"

Zhuang Xuteng scratched his face, recounted his experience in the crematorium, and asked Master Lich if this was normal.

It was obviously just a very common question, which would definitely not trouble a master of necromancy. Unexpectedly, the Lich Master fell silent upon being asked the question. Its body was completely still, including the fire in its eyes that usually fluctuated based on thoughts and emotions, as if the pause button had been pressed. Zhuang Xuteng watched for a while and felt something was wrong, so he walked up the steps and shook the Lich Master.

"Oh? What's wrong with me?" Master Lich's body trembled a few times, and he adjusted his state with a long sigh. "Besides necromancy, there is another category called illusion, and some combination of necromancy and illusion is shadow spell. If shadow is related to shadow spell, then it may have some necromancy effect, and It’s just resentment. The negative energy of necromancy spells is harmful to living creatures, and illusion spells can easily cause mental problems. If you think they add up, aren’t they the side effects of shadow followers?”

"Oh, that makes sense." Zhuang Xuteng looked at Master Lich up and down and asked, "What I don't understand now is: Why does such a question make you stunned?"

The Lich Master leaned back, raised his index finger and slowly moved it, and said: "It is as still as a dead corpse. This is a normal phenomenon for the undead. You just have little knowledge and are making a fuss."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded openly and apologized, but in his heart he did not agree with Master Lich's explanation.

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