Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 201 Chapter 199 Continue to fight

"Lie down!!"

Zhuang Xuteng shouted - just as a blue ghost energy bomb flew out of the clouds. The energy bomb was fast and fierce, flying in an almost straight line, indicating that it gave up tracking and increased its flight speed.

The drifting smoke provided a good cover for Zhuang Xuteng and Doyle's attack, but it also blocked part of their sight. Someone hid and carried out a sneak attack, even giving up the tracking ability of the shadow slave gun, and started shooting with a rough outline, which was beyond Zhuang Xuteng's detection ability. It was a little too late when he warned him. Although Doyle reacted a little by relying on the abilities he had developed on the battlefield and black boxing competitions, and his body tended to fall backward, he was still shot in the left chest. .

Doyle fell down, red spreading across his chest. His strong body trembled for a few times before quickly calming down. Zhuang Xuteng gritted his back teeth, first found a bunker to hide himself, then put away his shield and took out his pump-action shotgun.

This is not a period of corporate war, and Zhuang Xuteng is not a medical soldier. If he went to check Doyle's injury, the gangsters on the opposite side would definitely not "carry forward a battlefield-style ceasefire", but would definitely focus their fire to kill him. The gang did not continue to attack Doyle just to make Zhuang Xuteng uncertain about Doyle's life and death, to keep his hope alive, and to seduce him to check on the wounded and expose his location.

On the other hand, if Zhuang Xuteng did not move for a period of time, they would definitely add a few more shots to eliminate all surprises and possibilities for Doyle's survival.

Without experience in corporate warfare, Zhuang Xuteng could figure out the various stakes involved by relying on calm and quick analysis. It's like playing chess. If you calculate early, you will win later. If you calculate more, you will win later. The rules of the battlefield are still followed here: even if the side with stronger firepower is not sure to win, at least it will have the initiative.

With his back against the truck compartment, Zhuang Xuteng threw a shock bomb from above his head in the direction of the enemy, counted for two seconds, and then another one, and at this time came out from the back of the truck. He readied his shotgun and fired at the nearest enemy. boom! Raindrop-like projectiles covered one surface, shattering display windows, flower pots, shelves, and enemies hidden behind the shelves.

Someone shouted to expose Zhuang Xuteng's position, someone leaned out half of his body from behind the bunker and raised his finger to aim, and the first shock bomb exploded at this time. Violent flashes of light and diffuse black shock energy shrouded from the air. Enemies a little further away - even if they were still protected by bunkers - were more or less affected by the shock bombs. Their movements were stagnant, and Zhuang Xuteng moved toward He ran two steps forward.

Continuous firing of the shadow gun puts a heavy burden on the body, so everyone has the awareness to fire one shot to win the victory, and then immediately hide and look for the opportunity to shoot the next shot. They believed that Zhuang Xuteng was also in the same rhythm, and those who could still attack took advantage of this time period to threaten him from all angles, trying to form a double-team. At this moment, the second delayed shock bomb exploded in almost the same air.

Zhuang Xuteng was standing on the edge of the shock zone, and he would be affected even if he took one more step. With the cover of the second shock bomb, Zhuang Xuteng suddenly rushed forward and fired the pump-action shotgun continuously. He can remember everyone's position with just one glance. The super-calculated martial arts and three-dodge combine with his brain to plan the shooting sequence in the shortest time, so that the muzzle can move from one target to another in the shortest distance and the shortest time. quick.

Chemical flames carried metal and pellets flew in the narrow spaces between trucks and across the vast expanses of parking lots. Bang bang bang bang... Zhuang Xuteng didn't stop moving, shooting, or killing. In the ten seconds it took for the shock bomb to take effect, he shot from one end of the battlefield to the other, a full forty meters away, with a total of twenty-seven shots. The muzzle of the shotgun was red and smoking, and the ground was red and bleeding. Either stand with a shotgun or lie down on the ground and die or wait for death.

A dark round cake flew towards Zhuang Xu, and a large transparent hand flew towards the round cake. The only difference between landmines and grenades is that they don't explode unless touched. If it were a grenade, Zhuang Xuteng would have to consider the risk of it exploding in the air. As for the landmines... the hand transformed by the spirit servant grabbed the round cake in the air. Although its power could not throw it back, it could pull it away and throw it in a direction that would not threaten Zhuang Xuteng.

The blue ghost energy bomb was projected immediately after the mine, and this time Zhuang Xuteng saw its source clearly. A wretched man was hiding inside the building, shooting black guns from the shadows. Zhuang Xuteng held a gun in his right hand and used his bone spear technique with his left hand. He just raised his wrist and fired a backhand shot, which continued to produce good energy. The two energy bombs collided in the air and turned into a dazzling flash of light.

Did you think there was only one shot? As soon as Zhuang Xuteng saw the enemy's position, he knew that the shotgun would not be effective. Although there were many projectiles, they could not break the wall. So he let go of his right hand, let the gun fall and grabbed it with his left hand. At the same time, he activated the bone spear gun in his right hand, aimed at the enemy in the shadow, and fired tracking bullets.

The gray ghost energy bullet was going to be shot through the glass window on the right side. The man evaded to the left and jumped out of the glass window on the left side. The glass he smashed flew in the air, and the sharp fragments scratched his clothes and hat, revealing the purple skin underneath - that was a purple-skinned man.

Zhuang Xuteng took a deep breath, raised the gun with his left hand, followed up with his right hand and pulled the trigger, firing continuously! This shotgun from another world roared and continuously fired out a torrential rain of projectiles. Thirteen more rounds later, the shotgun disintegrated into iron filings, slag, and red-hot powder.

The purple-skinned man tried hard to dodge, but it was not that easy to dodge the blows. It was still full of projectiles and had many holes. His clothes had turned into pieces, and his purple body had to be exposed, being seen naked, and there was still a lot of "transparency".

Although he could no longer stand firmly, the purple-skinned man still did not fall. There was no blood flowing from its hole, and there was no sense of pain or defeat in its eyes. It still staggered and raised its hand towards Zhuang Xuteng, trying to launch a shadow energy bomb.

Zhuang Xuteng did not move. He could see more clearly than the purple-skinned man. He noticed that the fingers holding the shadow gun were broken and would fall from his palm before firing. The purple-skinned man did not fire the shot, but Zhuang Xuteng did not expect something: just when he was thinking about how to safely terminate this purple-skinned man, another identical purple-skinned man came out of the building.

"How many are there? If there's one more, I'll really run away!" Zhuang Xuteng spat on the ground. He stared at the intact purple-skinned man meeting the broken purple-skinned man, then he clenched his fists, circling his waist with both hands, moving his legs and feet, and getting ready for close combat.

The shadow gun's damage to this guy is a bit low, and of course the fist is useless. Zhuang Xuteng squeezed his waist with both hands not to show off, but to unbuckle the pocket on the back of his belt so that he could take out the palm fire faster. Besides, he was also waiting for the footsteps behind him.

"You are not outnumbered, we are here!" Doyle and four old men ran over and stood side by side with Zhuang Xuteng.

"Is it okay to be hit in the heart?" Zhuang Xuteng asked with a smile.

"I used to carry a hip flask in my breast pocket, which contained strong alcohol mixed with painkillers - it broke my heart. It hurt, it really hurt! I couldn't catch my breath, and I was really knocked out. Already." Doyle rubbed his chest, still grinning. "Naike, you charge so hard, but leave the rest to us!"

"Don't be impulsive, listen to me: these two guys are very powerful, the level of the company's business development department. The five of you try to wrap around the intact one, and I will deal with the broken one as soon as possible, and then come over to help you. Don't bother using shadows. They are not afraid unless they are shot in the head."

"That means I'm not afraid of fists anymore... Where's the knife?" Doyle asked.

"They're super strong."

"Then work harder!" Doyle said: "Old guys, this kid thinks the five of us can't do it one by one as fast as he can do it one by one! MD, open his eyes!"

The five old men charged, and Zhuang Xuteng also rushed forward at the same time. Purple-skinned people are all operated from a distance. They have no emotions themselves, and remote operators don't have to worry about their own safety, but their operating mentality will always be affected a little.

Especially the manipulator of the Broken Purple Man. His previous action of raising the pistol and preparing to shoot revealed a problem: he did not fully grasp the purple-skinned man's own injuries. After all, it is not his own body, and it is probably shielded from a lot of pain and touch. He has no idea what kind of movements are safe and how to use force effectively.

The situation of Zhuang Xuteng is exactly the opposite of that of the purple-skinned man. In the three-dodge state, his ability to perceive himself and the surrounding environment has been improved. This is the confidence that he dares to fight hand-to-hand even when he cannot keep up with his speed or strength. . Zhuang Xuteng held a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. He kept his feet on his feet and made feints while walking around the disabled purple-skinned man. The purple-skinned man takes a step forward, and Zhuang Xuteng takes a half-step to the side. Even though it is half a step shorter, the purple-skinned man still has to turn around, think, and pursue, and the advantage of this half step will be consumed again.

One-on-one, Zhuang Xuteng kept up with the purple-skinned man, and even had some spare time. His three flashes became more and more calm, and he felt the threshold of four flashes more and more clearly. The power was like wind, blowing his skin and massaging his muscles, as if there were countless things to say to him...

However, it was too late to say anything. Zhuang Xuteng took out the fire in his palm while dodging, and pulled the ring with the little finger of his right hand. Using the cover of his shield with his left hand, he took advantage of a block to stuff it into the hole in the purple-skinned man's body. When the ten seconds are up, the thermite explodes, and a dazzling white fire and a large amount of smoke are generated in the purple-skinned man's body, burning inward and rising upwards. Soon, white light carrying a lot of light and heat emerged from the purple-skinned man's nostrils, eyes and ears. The top of its head first turned red, and then was burned through. The skull became fuel, the signal receiving antenna collapsed, and the entire head became A flaming alms bowl.

Zhuang Xuteng kicked the purple-skinned man over to let the heat find another direction, preferably to burn it thoroughly. Without stopping, he turned to the intact purple man. Only Doyle and an old man with a broken arm were left there, and the other three were dead.

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