GT Virus Evolutionary

3. The complete zombie

late at night

Yang Qun leaned against the wall quietly, with "gurgling" sounds in his stomach. Hunger signals spread throughout the body. Looking at the pile of rotten food in front of the refrigerator, Yang Qun gulped. Could it be that you really want to eat these things?

The electricity in the building has not been cut off, perhaps, the power plant far away in the suburbs is still working. In a few days, whether it will still be like this may not be known.

The city has lost the hustle and bustle of the past, and at night, there is only silence. Once upon a time, the city was full of green wine and bright lights, and the night was like day. But now, from house to house, no one dares to turn on the lights in the dark. No one in the family dared to speak loudly in the dark.

Occasionally there were a few howls, making the night even more terrifying. Those "monsters" dragged their filthy bodies and wandered around the community, sometimes knocking off some objects or crashing into cars. Make a disturbing sound.

"Gulu, gulu." The feeling of hunger made Yang Qun feel weak for a while. It seemed that every cell in his body was protesting against him. His stomach was already a little numb. But he could still feel that deep hunger.

But compared to hunger, fear filled Yang Qun's body more. What happened to me? What happened to those monsters? What's wrong with humans now?

Why? It was because of the black rain! ! But why didn't he become such a terrifying monster after being drenched by the black rain! !

Why! ! Why did I suddenly seem to be a different person, and my body became so strong?

Despair, fear, death. pervades the night sky.

Human beings, the intelligent creatures that once stood at the top of the food chain, finally tried these feelings again today.

It's dawn.

The first ray of sunlight reflected on Yang Qun's body through the window, causing Yang Qun to open his eyes with some difficulty, and blocked the dazzling sunlight with his hands. I didn't know when I fell asleep last night.

Yang Qun supported himself and stood up, feeling weak all over his body, he had to eat something.

Yang Qun looked at the stinky food in front of the refrigerator again.

no solution anymore! !

Yang Qun pinched his nose, picked up the piece of cake that was still occupied by flies, rubbed it with his hands to drive the flies away, and then broke off the top layer and threw it away. The feeling of nausea is reduced a lot.

"Ah..." An unimaginable rotten smell filled his mouth, and Yang Qun suppressed vomiting and swallowed the cake.

water! ! water! !

Yang Qun picked up the large kettle on the table and swallowed frantically.

"Cough, cough, cough!!" He drank too hard and choked Yang Qun hard, but the nausea dissipated a lot.

Maybe it was because the cake was so sweet, after eating this big piece of cake, he felt much better. can't go on like this...

If things go on like this, before I was beaten to death by the "patients" below, I starved myself to death. You can eat these stinky foods today and tomorrow,

What about the day after tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow? What about a month later?

what to do?

Yang Qun made a crazy decision.

He decided to go downstairs! !

That's right, he decided to face these monsters and go downstairs! ! !


There was the sound of crackling and rummaging through the room.

It was Yang Qun who was rummaging through the things in the house.

What are these... leather boots... no need...

This is...the schoolbag I used to go to school...

This is... ah... this is a large section of thick steel bars that I stole from the construction site when I was in college. It is heavy in the hand, weighing 20 catties.

At that time, I was in good health, and I was still a special student for sports. But since I stopped exercising after graduation, I have gained weight crazily, and finally became a fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms.

This thing can come in handy. The rusty steel rods were covered with a thick layer of newspaper. This is the "handle" that I made at the time. Yang Qun modified it again, and wrapped the bottom with a rag to make it easier for him to hold.

He poured out the miscellaneous textbooks in his schoolbag that he hadn't read for a long time, and then took the kitchen knife from his kitchen.

Finally, I filled a few bottles of plain water with the plastic bottles I still had in the trash can, and put them in my schoolbag.

Yang Qun is considered "fully armed". That's all his gear.

After preparing everything, Yang Qun took out a clean white sheet and wrote a few large characters on it with ink.

"I'm going out"

Yang Qun placed the words in front of his window.

After a while, many people in the opposite building saw it and responded.

"No, it's dangerous!"


"You will die!!"

"I want to go out too!!"

"Don't go out!!"

All kinds of "writing boards" appeared in front of the window. Most of them persuaded themselves not to go out, they were all frightened by the zombies. There was only one person, and it was written that he wanted to go out.

"Two o'clock in the afternoon, I'm going out!!" Yang Qun finally wrote a few large characters and placed them on the window. Everyone communicated one after another.

Some people think that hiding at home and waiting for the army is the best choice.

Some people think that one should go out, that sooner or later the food will be eaten at home.

But in the end, no one had the courage to go out with Yang Qun.

A feeling of loneliness appeared in Yang Qun's heart, although some of them had the same idea as him, they wanted to go out! ! But no one dared to take actual action. Before the food was eaten, they were unwilling to fight to the death.

Is it just me? This feeling of loneliness and helplessness slowly surged into Yang Qun's heart.

Just like many years ago, in order to go to college, I came to this strange city alone to start living. so lonely.

But in college, I met many classmates, made friends with a few brothers in the dormitory, and even fell in love with the beautiful class flower.

And now, no one wants to be with me anymore.

2 p.m.

In the end, the only one who had to leave the room was himself. They also hung some clipboards expressing concern about themselves, discouraging themselves from being overwhelmed.

But Yang Qun has already made up his mind, waiting for rescue? Is there really help? Even the TV station... has no signal! ! Yang Qun believes that not only in his own community, but also in other places. Even if there was rescue, he would have starved to death long ago.

After making up his mind, he took a last look at the kindly dissuading people in the opposite building. Yang Qun resolutely walked towards the door! !

I! ! want to go out! ! !

This is also one of my ambitions in this life. Fortunately, it will be realized soon! !

It is good to be ambitious, but one must be cautious in doing things. Ever since he was raped by one of his "brothers" in college, he changed his flamboyant temperament. That time, he lay in the hospital for three months.

Yang Qun held the heavy steel bar, which was quite heavy back then, but now it feels so easy to hold it in his hand! ! Like a child's toy, is this the benefit that Black Rain brings to him?

"Squeak." Some old doors opened a gap, and through the gap, Yang Qun saw the narrow space outside. The people who live here are not very economical, and the corridors are also extremely narrow, and only two people can walk side by side.

No one... In the empty corridor, there was a thin layer of dust, and there were no ghosts.

Yang Qun tiptoed out, tapping his toes to make shoe prints in the dust.

Fortunately... there is no one on the second floor...

"Huh..." Yang Qun let out a breath of relief.

Yang Qun moved slowly, the steel bars in the palm of his hand gave him a little courage. The intense sweat made the rag on the steel bar look a bit wet.

The next can go out...

The gate is right in front of you, if you walk out of this building, the community is outside, if you take advantage of their inattention, you will directly run out of the community. Then if you run into the supermarket at the gate of the community... you can get enough food and water.

The idea is good, the ideal is full, but the reality is always so unsatisfactory.

At the corner at the bottom of the corridor, a figure covered in blood gradually came into Yang Qun's eyes. The blood on its body has dried up... The light yellow mucus occasionally dripped on the hands stained with black blood. The hungry zombies occasionally let out piercing roars, and kept walking back and forth in the corridor. Unfortunately, this is a...

Complete Zombie!!!

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