Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 945: Sacrifice

"Now, the two fellow daoists feel that I still need to stop?" Yuan Gang said as he looked at Shang Chan with a surprised face on his face, still with a smile on his face, but what the smile revealed was A very playful feeling.

Looking at the two powerful human beings, the process from gaining hope to disillusionment is still very interesting in Yuan Gang's view. This is like many of the monster races. After catching the prey, they will not immediately enjoy themselves. The prey will first play with it, and when the prey is completely exhausted, the prey will be swallowed.

The two of Shang Chen were his prey, and now it was almost time to kill the prey.

The hearts of Shang Chan and Dao Wu were also sinking. At this time, Dao Wu, who had been so badly injured that he had almost lost his self-protection, suddenly turned to Shang Chan and transmitted the sound.

"The blockade of space has been broken. Taking advantage of the last chance, you hurried to leave first. Among you and me, you may break through to become a top power faster. This time my human race will definitely lose a lot, so You can't die here!"

At this time, Dao Wu was already determined to die. He made the decision he thought was the most sensible now, that is, he temporarily blocked Yuan Gang and took the opportunity to let Shang Chen get out first, so as to minimize losses.

This time the Human Race is determined to be hit hard by the Demon Race. Only by finding a way to retain more power will it be possible to restore it in the future.

Compared to himself, Shang Chan is definitely more likely to break through the top and powerful. Keeping Shang Chan will be more beneficial to the human race.

Shang Chan heard Dao Wu's voice transmission, the expression on his face was calm, but his heart couldn't help but tightened, and at the same time a feeling of sorrow arose.

Such a scene has happened more than once in the Human Race. During the years of the Human Race's difficult rise, the Human Race has experienced sacrifices again and again, and accumulated strength as much as possible to have the current strength.

Shang Chan originally thought that things like this would rarely happen after the human race became stronger, but he did not expect to experience it again today.

Of course Shang Chan didn't want to leave now, but just like Dao Wu said, Shang Chan also knew that leaving now is indeed the most favorable choice for Human Race.

But before he could act, the surrounding space suddenly became closed again, a space blockade that was stronger than before, and once again closed the space that was broken because of the power of good fortune.

"In order to prevent the fellow Daoists of the Human Race from suddenly wanting to leave, I made multiple preparations for the Daoists of the Thousand Eyes. Daoist Thousand Eyes even contributed a space **** pupil. After the space blockade is broken, the space will be closed again to ensure Fellow fellows of the human race can't leave!" Above Yuan Gang's fists, two groups of golden light were like burning flames, covering his fists, and they kept burning and beating.

"I've played with the two daoists almost, now invite the two daoists on the road!" Raising his fists, the dazzling golden light radiated from Yuan Gang's body, almost obscured the brilliance of the sun Up.

The immortal Dao Yun on his body made the area covered by golden light only his Dao Yun.

Shang Chan and Dao didn't sense the golden light around them, knowing the next blow, they couldn't avoid it, and they couldn't hold it.

At the same time, Mo He, who had been watching the battlefields between heaven and earth, immediately noticed the changes in the starry sky battlefield.

The space blockade that was only shattered for a while, in a very short time, unexpectedly recovered again, and the power of the space blockade became even stronger.

The array that Xi Ying took away, and the power it exerted, was actually entangled with the treasure of the demon race, and there was no way to effectively support the starry sky battlefield.

The dragon clan is also in the current war, and the fight with the spirit clan is also quite lively, but their ancient dragon ball, the treasure of good fortune, has not been used.

Although the mana in the body is still recovering, Mo He also knows that at this time, the situation of the human race in the starry sky is already quite bad, and it is time to need his own support.

Regardless of the mana that was still recovering in his body, Mo He began to use mana and injected it into the Moyu bamboo stick.

Under Mo He's urging, the Mo Yu bamboo stick immediately emitted a blue-black light, and at the same time an extremely mysterious Taoist rhyme spread across the entire dojo.

Yu Yue and Xiao Liang in the dojo were immediately attracted to all their attention, staring at Mo Yu bamboo stick, some of them couldn't move their eyes.

Holding the Mo Yu bamboo stick in his hand, Mo He lifted it up towards the void. From the top of the Mo Yu bamboo stick, a blue-black light shot out, directly piercing the void and flying above the starry sky battlefield.

With a bright golden light radiating from his body, Yuan Gang, who was preparing to kill the two human powers in front of him with a punch, had already slammed his fists.

At the moment of punching, the golden light like flames and the power enveloping his fists showed a gesture of destroying everything.

The power presented by the immortal Taoist rhyme is a completely opposite feeling. The golden power like a burning flame seems to be obliterating everything that will exist forever. Eternity, and things that will not decay over time, all turned into a momentary existence. Wherever the power passed, the surrounding space seemed to be completely killed under his fist.

Sensing the power of this punch, both Shang Chen and Dao Wu knew that even if one of them was willing to stand up and sacrifice at this time, I am afraid that they would not be able to completely stop this attack, because the power of this punch was too strong.

Turning everything into a moment forever, which means that the two of them will also change from being immortal and powerful to a bubble that can only exist for a moment, quickly shattering and disappearing.

When the power that I saw was about to hit the two of them, suddenly, a blue-black light fell from the height of the starry sky, forcibly penetrated through the blockade of space, and fell in front of the two at this critical moment. The force that was about to hit the two of them was forcibly scattered.

The change at this moment was something that was beyond everyone's expectations. No matter Shang Chan, Dao Wu, or Yuan Gang did not expect that such a situation would happen suddenly at this time.

"Fortune power, who is it?"

Yuan Gang was the first to react. He raised his head to look at the higher part of the starry sky, and his figure quickly backed away. At the same time, he had a smile on his face. The smile on his face was no longer left, replaced by a solemn face. .

He has been planning for this day for a while, and he has already considered all the existing problems that can be considered. The only thing that can't be considered is the powerhouses in the good fortune realm.

The human race now has more powerful people in the realm of good fortune than other races. Yuan Gang was also worried at the beginning, when he did it himself, would the good fortune ancestor of the human race couldn't help but make a move.

It's just that his worry was finally dispelled for some reasons, letting him know that even if he did it, the good fortune ancestors of the human race did not have much chance to do it.

But now, considering almost all the problems, the power of the realm of good fortune is still coming, which inevitably makes him think of several good fortune ancestors of the human race.

Yuan Gang was thinking of the ancestors of the good fortune of the human race, but there is no such thing as Shang Chan and Dao, but they don't think so.

From the bluish-black light that came just now, the two obviously felt a kind of familiar Taoist rhyme, especially the Shang Chan who had been in contact with Mo He more. He was almost certain that this kind of Taoist rhyme belonged to Of Mohe.

"Could it be that Fellow Mo Daoist was really successful in offering the treasure of refinement?"

Shang Chen couldn't help but think so. He knew that this idea of ​​his own was the reality in all likelihood, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed in his heart, even a smile appeared on his face.

If Mohe succeeded in refining a treasure of good fortune, the impact would be too great.

The Terran has an extra treasure of good fortune, and the dangers facing the Terran now will naturally be solved. Moreover, Mohe’s success means that Mohe’s method is indeed feasible. Then he who also understands this method , May be able to sacrifice and refine the treasure in the future.

Thinking of this, how can Shang Chan feel displeased?

Like Shang Chan, Dao Wu had probably guessed it. Mo He is very likely to succeed in refining the treasure of good fortune. This is certainly a happy thing, but before thinking about it, Mo He personally visited the major sects. With the method he summed up to sacrifice and refine the treasure of creation, he exchanged the opportunity to contact the immortal treasures collected by various sects, but was rejected by most of the At this time, he finally gave birth to a trace of regret. a feeling of.

Yuan Gang looked at the two Shang Chan who were smiling on their faces. He thought of these human beings' good fortune ancestors. However, there are three human races for good fortune ancestors. It seems that all of them are the same as the blue and black one just now. The light is not right.

Yuan Gang thought of the information he had collected before. The reason why the Human Race was able to master the power of the good fortune level seemed to rely on a formation rather than a treasure of good fortune, which made him think of a possibility.

Is it possible that the human race has mastered a new formation that can exert the power of good fortune?

Thinking of this, Yuan Gang felt that this seemed to be a more likely explanation, and he was relieved most of the time.

Judging from the previous information, it is not a simple matter to use the ability of the formation to exert the power of good fortune level. It is necessary to find a lot of masters to be able to stimulate the formation.

Assuming that the human race really has a new formation capable of exerting the power of good fortune, then there is definitely a big limit to use. It is very possible that a single blow like the one just now will not be used a few times in total. In this case, He still has a chance to be able to kill the two human powers opposite.

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