Green Life

Volume 6 Chapter 100

"God, Mark scored a volley from 35 meters, the ball was like a cannonball..."

"Everyone is expecting Mark to get back to form, but no one has ever doubted him, he just took a little rest..."

"The omnipotent ball king is back..."

The commentary seats were full of nasty singing, as if they knew that this result would eventually come. Please

Since the World Cup, Mark Qin's state has been in a downturn. In the summer, Mansour personally came to talk with Mark Qin in detail for an afternoon. Ancelotti and Atletico Madrid fans also made many moves to keep him. Jing will not give up the last year of Mark Qin's contract. In the end, Mark Qin can only stay for another year under Jonathan's suggestion.

One is that Mansour really helped Ma Keqin a lot when he was in trouble, and he never set up any obstacles.

Second, once Ma Keqin leaves, for Atletico Madrid, which is at its peak, it will inevitably be like falling from a cliff and hurting the bones. What's more, leaving like this will deal a big blow to the reputation of Ma Keqin and Atletico Madrid.

What Jonathan and Ancelotti meant was to make a transition slowly, let the outside world and fans slowly digest the news, and then go back as a free agent after the contract is completely over. Many people have also been psychologically prepared after a year.

The third is that there is wind around the pillow. After all, the child is still too young. After adapting to the warm climate here, Isabella is not at ease when she suddenly returns to the cold and humid England. She also wants to wait for the child to grow up.

Ma Keqin weighed it up, and found helplessly that going his own way was not the best result, and it would make many things deadlocked, so he followed suit and stayed for the last year.

This is Mark Qin's first league game after regaining the Golden Globe. Although Messi led the team to the Brazil World Cup final last year, Mark Qin's six championships this season are simply too dazzling.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions!

In this game, Mark Qin kicked his head and kicked his head with full firepower, performed a hat-trick, and fixed the score at 3:3!

There was silence at Camp Nou!

The successfully formed new Barcelona's offensive firepower this season is terrifying, but the key battle to try to overthrow Atletico Madrid still fell short with Mark Qin's flying fairy.

Ma Keqin excitedly patted the team emblem on his chest, in front of the red and white fans waving.

"Although everyone knows that he is leaving, and even though all Atletico Madrid fans are reluctant to let him leave, he is worthy of this jersey in recent years, he does not owe Atletico Madrid anything, he has the right to choose his own path...", The narrators are also endorsing Mark Qin's return for this earth-shattering battle.

This is already the stoppage time of the second half, Ma Keqin's foot is absolutely flat, the rising star Neymar and the sharp striker Suarez who just came this season are all with their hips on their hips, with a dazed look on their faces.

Especially Suarez, who has a very good personal relationship with Mark Qin. He originally wanted to wait for Mark Qin to return to Liverpool in the summer, but he finally chose to settle in Barcelona, ​​which his wife likes, because of his strong family values.

Only the opponent can understand the shock brought by Mark Qin.

The whole La Liga trembled under his lust...

This kind of prestige continued until the end of the season. Atletico Madrid won the La Liga championship again, but they were a bit unlucky in the Champions League this season, because they lost to Jutus with fewer away goals.

Until now, everyone knew that Ma Keqin's departure was imminent and inevitable!

This is the only big event in football all summer!


On May 27, 2015, Atletico Madrid's home stadium was crowded with people and flags were flying. Almost most of them wore the No. 18 jersey, and some even brought their families with them and called for friends.

Almost all the media in Madrid,

All the high-level officials of Atletico Madrid, the big boss Mansour, were all present.

This is not a final, not even a match, this, just a farewell ceremony.

On the first day after the end of the Champions League, Atletico Madrid wanted to let Barcelona know that although you won the Champions League this season, you still have to be small in front of our influence!

The stadium with tens of thousands of people was packed to the brim, and many standing tickets were sold as an exception. Nevertheless, the Neptune Square outside Calderon was still overcrowded, and many people watched the live broadcast on the big screen.

Mark Qin is the only football player in the world who can make the departure so motivating.

Five years!

At the beginning, Mark Qin brought the Qatar consortium to Calderon in a sensational way, as if these sons of the sea god had a dream.

Three La Liga champions, two Champions Leagues, three Spanish Cups, and other Super Cups, Club World Cups and UEFA Cups are not lacking. In the past five years, Mark Qin has led this Atletico Madrid team to complete a big game that they have never completed in their century-old history. Slam, let Atletico Madrid jump over the dragon's gate?

The three giants of La Liga are fully formed!

"I really can't figure out why Mark wants to go back, what he wants here, why are we so rich now, it's much more comfortable to stay here and go back to that small village..."

Before the ceremony started, there were fans chatting in a hurry in the stands. Some understood him, some tolerated him, and some complained about him. In the end, they were all reluctant.

They are all used to Mark Qin bringing them one surprise after another every weekend, and can lead them to carnival every season.

Now it all belongs to someone else.

"Hey, you're not Mark, do you think Mark's thoughts are as superficial as yours? He has a beginning and an end..."

Naturally, there are fans who are fans of Ma Keqin instead of Atletico Madrid, but everyone is chatting casually. Over the past year, they have almost digested the news. Here, I have to admire Jonathan's foresight.

As the empty music of the stadium came to an abrupt end, in the player tunnel, Atletico Madrid Chairman Cerezo, Atletico Madrid coach Ancelotti, Atletico Madrid's current first team team, and Mark Qin, who was dressed in a casual suit, walked into the field together .

Follow the path of glory paved on the red carpet to the podium.

Without any complicated ceremony, Cerezo stood next to the microphone from the podium and opened the speech directly.

"Dear Sirs and Ladies, good afternoon everyone..." Cerezo recounted Mark Qin's achievements here in the past five years, and on behalf of the club, he sincerely thanked him for his contribution to the club during this period. Contributions in business and athletics.

This is an official speech, and anyone can guess what will be said in advance, but every time the achievements of the past few years are mentioned, and the silver trophies are placed behind the podium, the audience still burst into applause several times.

In the end, Cerezo represented the club and won a miniature trophy made by the club. It is very simple, it is a teenager holding a football.

"On behalf of Atlético de Madrid, I would like to present Mark with the Lifetime Achievement Award of the club. He will always be a guest of the club in the future, and the club will always remember everything he has done..."

When Mark Qin took over the trophy, everyone on and off the field spontaneously stood up and applauded.

This represents their highest respect for him. You may not understand his departure, but you must respect the success he brought!

After all, Mark Qin is already the most glorious player and captain in Atletico Madrid's century-old history. In the European football world that pays attention to historical details, Mark Qin is equivalent to helping them complete the pride that may take decades for the club to accumulate.

Next, Ancelotti and Jia delivered their own speeches on behalf of the coaching staff and players respectively. During the period, they naturally praised Mark Qin, hello, hello, hello, everyone.

Especially Jia, who is very emotional. He is over 32 years old and had the honor to return to Atletico Madrid in the peak five years of his career. He was fortunate to meet Mark Qin, not to mention that he has now become the new captain who took over the armband of Captain Mark Qin. Now He has no regrets!

"I think every player dreams of playing next to Marc, he has football skills that don't exist on earth, not only that, but he is a natural leader..."

With the ecstasy of Jia and Mark Qin, the farewell ceremony came to an end. In the end, Mark Qin spoke, and then left the field. Along the place where he fought for five years, he walked around the field and waved to the fans.

bid farewell……

Goodbye, Atletico Madrid,

Goodbye, Calderon,

Farewell, dear sons of Poseidon,

Thank you for your unremitting support and love over the past five years...


"I think, apart from being thankful, I can't say anything more. Dear children of the Sea God, I love you as much as you love me. I will always remember the days when I was with you..."

"Thanks to the club, thanks to Carol, thanks to Jia, and all my teammates, thank you for accompanying me through this unforgettable time..."

"I'm sorry that I can no longer continue to fight with you as a member here, but I will always remember that I was once a member of the invincible Sea God Legion..."

"Roar...", "Woo..."

There are those who roar, and those who are moved to tears. In the end, all these compose the most special chapter of music.

All of this is displayed in front of the eyes of all fans around the world, including the quiet city on the Mersey River in northwest England.

The former drums and horns seemed to be playing again!

"Sing, sing...", that was the immature cry from the stands in Istanbul.

"Valley,..., a teenager from Cork, he broke the record of the youngest player to score in the Premier League, let's see his name is...Mark..."

"Mark... the big four...he conquered the Theater of Dreams, he made the arrogant Manchester United bow down, and he will become the unique darling of Liverpool in the future..."

"Champions, we are champions. After 20 years, the league champions have finally returned to Liverpool..."

"Mark... super long-range lob shot... King's Landing Camp Nou..."

"Champions, we are Champions League champions..."

"There has been an incredible independent incident at Liverpool where fans and players have come together to take ownership back from the club, it's almost unprecedented..."

"Mark left for many reasons..."

In the past five years, every fan here has missed him. He has been inseparable from this city, and he has left a deep imprint on this red team.

Regardless of each other.

Now, all Liverpool people know that their former king is back, after he conquered all of Europe and even the whole world, just as he promised when he left.

Not for anything else, just because he should belong here, the kind of red that never compromises.

They are proud of him.

They are proud of him.

And he, too, was proud of their pride and pride.

Football connects them closely, blends them into blood, turns them into life, like relatives...

Football here is not only a kind of entertainment, but also life and belief, which is the only difference.

This is where his dream began...

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