Greece to roman road

Chapter 285 Macedonian Development

Both Constantine and Venizelos were disgusted by this offensive move by the Rothschild bank, after Robert of the Rothschild bank linked Greek loans to the Jews in Greece.

At this point, Greece naturally can no longer seek to issue bonds from Jewish banks like Rothschild.

In the end, the Greek government reached a cooperation with the British bank Barings.

Barings Bank was entrusted by the Greek government to issue 8 million pounds of bonds in London with an annual interest rate of 8%.

Barings Bank's conditions are much simpler. In the Greek government's subsequent infrastructure design and construction, the mechanical equipment and materials that need to be purchased will be purchased from the UK on behalf of Barings Bank.

After the funds were in place, the Greek government under the leadership of Venizelos officially launched the Macedonian development package that the Greek government had been preparing for a long time.

The first is transportation. The construction of transportation facilities is the foundation of everything.

The Greek government's transportation department immediately began planning the construction of transportation facilities in Macedonia.

In terms of railways, the government plans to spend three million pounds to build a 1,000-kilometer railway network in Macedonia.

In the railway planning of the Greek government, the Macedonian railway network will be built with Thessaloniki as the central city, and the Salonika-Skopje railway, Thessaloniki-Sere-Kavala-Asia railway will be built respectively. The two main railways are the Alexandroupolis Railway.

Among them, the Sa-Sri Lanka railway connects North Macedonia with the coastal port of Salonika, consolidating the Kingdom of Greece’s control over North Macedonia and the interior of the Balkans, and enhancing Greece’s influence here.

The Sa-Se-Ka-Asia Railway will connect the territories along the North Aegean Sea, strengthen Greece's occupation of East Macedonia and Western Thrace, and promote economic development here.

After the successful planning and construction of the railway network in Macedonia, all parts of the Kingdom of Greece will be connected by railway. Taking a train from the Peloponnese Peninsula at the southernmost tip of Greece, you can go to any major city in Greece without any obstacles.

By then Thessaloniki will become Greece's largest railway transportation hub.

The length of main railway lines in Greece will also reach 6,000 kilometers.

In addition to the railway, the Greek government will also invest 1.5 million pounds in building 3,000 kilometers of roads in Macedonia to promote economic and transportation development there.

In the agricultural field, the right to purchase land in Macedonia and Western Thrace is fully open to the people in Greece.

As long as they are Greek citizens, they have the right to reclaim land in Macedonia. As long as the area is less than two hectares and five hectares of low-quality land such as mountains and hills, after five years of cultivation, these lands will automatically become the private property of the reclaimers.

In order to make Macedonia a major food-producing area in Greece, the government officially provides an agricultural subsidy of 30 drachmas per acre to cultivated land growing wheat and potatoes.

At the same time, we will increase price subsidies for farmers to purchase tractors and encourage people to use tractors for farming.

In the industrial field, the Greek government will encourage companies in the Piraeus Industrial Zone to relocate to Thessaloniki.

The industrial zone in the port of Piraeus, close to Athens, is currently the largest industrial zone in Greece.

Due to the small area of ​​​​the plains near Athens and the lack of various resources, the industrial area of ​​​​Piraeus Port is highly dependent on surrounding transportation facilities to transport industrial raw materials and commodities. As a result, the development of the industrial area is increasingly restricted, and the current development has reached a bottleneck. .

Secondly, the Piraeus Industrial Zone is close to Athens and discharges large amounts of wastewater and poisonous gas every day, seriously affecting the environment of Athens.

Thessaloniki is a new industrial center in Greece planned by the Greek government.

Thessaloniki meets the requirements of an industrial center in terms of geographical location and traffic conditions.

On August 11, 1913, Prime Minister Venizelos came to report to Constantine with the Macedonian development plan planned by the government department.

"Your Royal Highness, according to the plan, the results will be seen in just two years. By then, the preliminary development of Macedonia will be completed."

"If the plan goes well, as long as the Macedonian plan succeeds, Greece will have a qualitative improvement in both agriculture and industry, and the country's comprehensive strength will rise to a new stage."

"At that time, according to the government's plan, Thessaloniki will become the economic center and transportation center of Greece, while Athens will simply play the role of the political center." Prime Minister Venizelos told Constantine about the future of Thessaloniki A bright future.

Constantine was naturally very happy to see that the Macedonian development plan could be successfully realized.

In fact, the introduction of this plan was also stimulated by the previous Rothschild Bank incident.

The implementation of this plan will attract a large number of Greeks to settle near Salonika. This move will inevitably dilute the Jewish influence there and consolidate the rule of the Greek government.

Originally, the government had a plan to sell the Macedonian wastelands to the people to raise funds to ease the government's financial pressure. Under Robert's stimulation, Constantine and Venizelos agreed to open the Macedonian wastelands to the Greek people for free, even with money. No more, just to immigrate there quickly and prevent the Jews of Salonika from getting bigger.

In terms of industry, a large number of Greek companies will move to Thessaloniki, and naturally a large number of workers will follow and settle there.

Moreover, there are a lot of mineral resources around Thessaloniki.

The effect of agricultural measures in attracting people will be even better.

It is foreseeable that once the news encouraging Macedonian land reclamation is announced, a large number of Greeks will move to the periphery of Macedonia to reclaim land and expand the borders in order to obtain free land.

There is no doubt that after the implementation of this plan, the influx of a large number of industrial and agricultural people will greatly accelerate Greece's development of the Macedonian region.

"I see no problem. Your government can implement the Macedonian development plan as soon as possible." After reviewing the planning information on the table in detail, Constantine praised Prime Minister Venizelos.

The reason why Constantine agreed with the government to increase efforts to implement the Macedonian development plan as soon as possible was because of time constraints. At this time, it was already 1913.

There is not much time left for Greece to develop and digest its conquests.

In the original time and space, the Greek government united with Serbia and successfully defeated Bulgaria. After taking over the ownership of Salonika, there was no time to develop Macedonia. It was already July 1913, and then in 1914, a war broke out. war.

After the outbreak of World War I, the entire Europe was involved in the war. Even the countries that did not participate in the war were still in fear. The Greek government was even less likely to pay attention to the development of the Macedonian region.

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