Greece brings evildoers

Chapter 134 Please give your Majesty your head

"What happened? Are you so happy?"

Downstairs, Hestia, who heard the noise, walked up to the balcony, looked at Lorne who was standing on the edge of the railing and laughed loudly, and couldn't help asking with surprise on her face.

Now that the enemy is approaching, bad news is coming one after another, and the entire island of Crete is immersed in gloom and gloom, she really can't think of anything to be happy about.

"Nothing, just figured out some things."

Lorne turned around, showed a faint smile, then moved his somewhat stiff waist, got up and walked off the balcony.

"Let's go."

"Where to go?"

"Knossos Palace, I want to see King Minos."

Lorne pondered quietly, his burning eyes looking at the towering building in the city of Knossos that looked like a giant pillar.

A quarter of an hour later, the galloping bronze carriage drove towards the palace.

The city streets ravaged by heavy rain along the way were slippery and sticky, filled with sludge and stagnant water. The sky was filled with thunder and storms, and even at noon there was not much light to be seen.

The storms from the sky and the sea seemed to be crushing towards the city and the carriage, unstoppable.

Seeing the flashing rune emblem on the car, the divine blood guards guarding the palace moved out of the way and lowered their heads respectfully to let them pass. It was not until the car disappeared from sight that they slowly raised their heads. Continue to stick to their respective positions.

As the bronze carriage stopped, Lorne, who got out of the car, heard a burst of noisy discussion before he entered the palace gate.

"King, the water level along the coast has skyrocketed and is constantly rushing towards the shore. It has already submerged the outer walls of Nosia and Gidos!"

"The central plain area from Kydonia to Knossos has been reduced to a swamp, and most of the grape seedlings and grain seeds have been waterlogged and died!"

"The drainage system in Knossos has also been overloaded. More than 127 houses have collapsed in three days, and the walls on both sides have softened to varying degrees!"

Within the palace, the temple priests responsible for collecting information from various places and the city defense army messengers responsible for garrisoning the coastal defense lines reported the dire situation one after another.

King Minos, who was lying on the sick bed, listened carefully. Even though he was in his final years both physically and mentally, the power he had accumulated from ruling Crete for hundreds of years still gave him an aura of calmness and dignity.

Naturally, no one would care about the physical condition of His Majesty the King.

The situation is bad.

Fortunately, the terrain of Crete is complex, the city of Knossos is on a higher ground, and the Minoans are also familiar with the gloomy and changeable weather of the Oceanus Sea, so the current continuous heavy rains and sea storms, It has not caused too serious casualties.

But even so, with the waterway cut off and the tide approaching, Crete is facing a very serious situation.

Moreover, unlike the last beast wave, this time it was Poseidon himself who took action.

Weather factors such as sea tides, storms, heavy rains, etc., almost destroyed the coastal defense line that the Minoans spent months of effort and effort to build.

"Yesterday, my friends and I boarded the observation tower and found many traces of sea beasts in the offshore waters."

The fourth daughter Phaedra couldn't help but interrupt, trying to show her concern for the country and the people.

"Well, the coastal defense line suffered three waves of attacks from sea beasts today. Although the number is not large, this is a very dangerous signal."

The second daughter, Ariadne, took the opportunity to step forward to add, with a serious and worried look on her face.

However, King Minos, who was still barely able to hold his nerve, started to cough violently one after another under the inflicted wounds from the two daughters, either intentionally or unintentionally.

For a moment, the priests and generals on the field looked at King Minos with less awe and more confusion and fear. The atmosphere on the field also dropped to freezing point, becoming depressed and dull.

Can this battle really be won?

After everyone experienced serious thinking, their mood hit rock bottom invariably.

Seeing the uneasy expressions on the faces of the priests and generals, King Minos' eyes revealed even more sadness and unwillingness.

Originally, his body was no longer suitable for showing up.

But Her Highness Athena went to Olympus again early this morning, trying to find Father God Zeus and mediate.

In order to appease the priests and generals, he decided to make a brief appearance to perform his duties as a king.

However, the situation was far worse than he imagined and had almost reached an irreversible point.

At the same time, he accidentally lost his temper and exposed his weak side in public.


Just as the atmosphere in the palace became increasingly depressing, shaking on the ground and human cries were heard outside the city.

Several discolored Lamia swam up to the shore under the cover of the rain, and with their claws cut off two soldiers who were checking the drainage and several civilians who were transporting supplies.

The colorful organs suddenly rolled out of half of the body into the muddy water, and under the shrill screams, the bright red blood spread quickly.

The greedy snake girl, who could never be full, immediately bent down and ate the fresh flesh and blood on the ground.

Several victims who had not yet expired could not help but let out shrill screams as they watched their organs being hollowed out and their flesh and blood being bitten.

"Another sea beast has landed on the island!" Looking at the bloody scene reflected in the astrolabe in Princess Ariadne's hand, everyone could not help but have a look of shock on their faces.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

At this moment, the dull chess bowstring trembled outside the palace, and three silver arrows pierced through the sky like meteors, and then fell diagonally, and quickly divided into six identical ones, forming a small-scale arrow rain, which directly hit the opponent. Several Lamia were eating voraciously on the ground and were pinned to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a slender figure, holding a bow in one hand, stepped into the main hall accompanied by the biting wind, and coldly looked at the several priests and generals in the hall.

"Why are you panicking? Haven't you hunted too many sea beasts? Don't tell me that the guy in your hands can only be used to make fire!"

Anyone who was stared at by those eyes could not help but lower their heads in shame, feeling ashamed of their own gaffe just now.

"If the coastal defense line cannot be defended, then retreat, follow the enemy detection signal from the watchtower, and block the attack according to the terrain gradient! If that doesn't work, send more manpower and increase the number of patrols. Be sure to leave no blind spots for surveillance!"

"If you need independent warriors, go and borrow the Divine Blood Guards. If you need accompanying spellcasters, go to the temple. Your Majesty and the goddess don't need them to guard them!"

"In addition, I remember that the Temple of the Goddess has the divine power to guide navigation, so there seem to be priestesses who specialize in celestial magic in the temple, allowing them to preside over secret rituals and dispel the storm as soon as possible."

Although Lorne spoke very fast, his words were clear.

However, after seeing a look of embarrassment on the chief priest's face, he softened his tone slightly and relaxed his request.

"Knowing that you don't have enough manpower, I will ask Anna and the others to help. Even if the rain clouds in the sky cannot be dispersed, these unfavorable factors will be weakened to a certain extent. Then the area near the city of Knossos will be inspected to avoid any sea monsters. Sneak in..."

The two princesses and a group of generals and priests nodded.

At the end, Luo En's tone softened and Yun Danfeng waved his hand gently.

"Things haven't reached an irreversible point yet, so why worry about it in a hurry? With this time, I'm still waiting for you to treat me to a taste of the newly brewed wine next year."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but smile. Recalling the grandeur and relaxation of the Dionysus Festival, a trace of anticipation arose in their minds, and their originally gloomy mood suddenly improved a lot.

Seeing everyone's expressions improving, Lorne spoke again.

"Go ahead, do what you're told and do your job."

"As you command, Mr. Clerk!"

Suddenly, everyone on the field seemed to have found a backbone, beat their chests hard, responded loudly, and then took the order and left one after another.

Since King Minos had been bedridden for months, they had become accustomed to obeying the scribe's orders.

The repeated successful experiences and the goddess's favor also convinced them that they would achieve success again under the leadership of this scribe.

As the noise in the hall gradually fell silent, King Minos, who was lying on the couch, looked at the empty hall, with a trace of loneliness and bitterness appearing on his pale face.

He is really old and cannot accept it.

But immediately, the old man's eyes looked at the figure in front of the hall, with admiration and satisfaction emerging.

But at least, he had a good vision and chose the right person.

Lorne looked around and couldn't help but feel a little confused when he didn't see Athena who was supposed to be working hard here.

"Where's the goddess?"

"Went to Olympus..."

"Aren't you still giving up?"

Lorne shook his head, not having any hope for Athena's last attempt.

If Zeus was really willing to intervene and deliver justice, then he wouldn't be Zeus.

When King Minos heard this, the gloom on his face became more intense, the faint light in his eyes extinguished, and finally he let out a long sigh.

"So, we are destined to lose?"

"Do you want to win?"

Lorne looked directly into those old eyes and spoke seductively,

"... Defeat Poseidon once and for all!"

And almost instantly, King Minos, who was lying on the bed sickly, suddenly sat up like a dead tree in spring, with burning desire in his eyes, and nodded heavily without hesitation.

"I want it! I can't even dream of it!"

Lorne did not answer directly, but asked a question quietly.

"But what if the price is your life?"

"You want my life? Hahahaha, as long as I have it, just take it!"

When King Minos heard this, not only was he not angry, but he burst into hearty laughter.

But the more this happened, the less able Lorne was to make up his mind and asked again.

"Are you sure?"

"There's nothing to hesitate about!"

King Minos waved his hand and his eyes were extremely fiery.

"If I can win once, I'm willing to pay any price!"

Then, as if to appease Lorne in front of him, he smiled and patted his bony chest, half sighing, half firm.

"I used to have a body that could draw a strong bow and fight sea beasts with my bare hands. Now I need help from others even to get in and out of bed. I'm already dying anyway, and I can only survive for a few more days. I can only use what I have left." I will sacrifice half of my life in exchange for a chance to win and fight for a chance of survival for my descendants. I can’t ask for more!”

After saying that, the old man turned his head and looked at the figure in front of the bed with burning eyes.

"So, you have a way for me to win?"

"Before, I was only 30% sure, but with you, I now have an 80% chance of winning."

Lorne answered truthfully, and then looked at his half-brother in this world, a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes.

"No need to hesitate or regret, just do whatever you want to do. No matter whether it succeeds or not, I want to thank you!"

King Minos, who was completely unaware of this blood relationship, raised his hand and patted Lorne on the shoulder, his eyes sincere and intense.

"Because you not only took on the responsibility that I should bear and protected Crete for me, but also allowed me to have another fight with that old enemy at sea instead of dying on the bed of old age during my lifetime! "

Immediately, the old man raised his skinny arm and grabbed it towards the sea and sky in the distance. His fingers were clenched and veins sprouted, as if he was playing a game with the invisible fate.

"This time, I will defeat him by half a move!"

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