Greece brings evildoers

Chapter 121 The God of Pure Love puts on her horns

"Making people eat well requires a lot of knowledge. But don't worry, I will teach you 'slowly'..."

In front of the fire, the goddess of the stove thought to herself with satisfaction, while taking up the coercive posture of her elders, she looked maliciously at Artemis, who had shouted in front of the fire that she wanted to learn cooking.

Seeing that the two figures in the distance had completely disappeared into the dense forest, Artemis gritted her silver teeth and looked seriously at the elder who had abducted her heart. A fire seemed to be igniting in her eyes.

"Okay, aunt, teach me more in the future, I will learn patiently."

Now that she was discovered, she stopped pretending.

At worst, the sneaky kidnapping can be turned into an open and aboveboard prying off the wall.

What happened to the goddess of hunting having an additional secondary function in cooking and brewing?

Wait until she learns all these things and see what the other side can do to stop her!

The eyes of the two goddesses collided in the air. Each had their own feelings, grievances and dissatisfaction, and there were faint sparks in their eyes.

At this moment, Apollo, who had arrived belatedly, saw this situation. He immediately felt moved and took the initiative to step forward, with a gentle and eager smile on his handsome face.

"Aunt, sister, are you all here? Me too..."

"There's not enough firewood." Before the other party could get closer, Hestia showed her usual unfriendly attitude.

However, the God of Light was already prepared and looked earnestly at his sister, who is a compatriot from the same mother.

"What are you doing standing still? Why don't you go find it quickly?!"

Artemis turned around and waved away unceremoniously.


Apollo's face froze, and his gentle smile suddenly became unbearable.

But in the end, due to the suppression of his bloodline and the lustful power of his eldest sister, the God of Light, whose brain was in a state of confusion, was like a puppet on strings. He called on the nine accompanying Muses and went to the forest to collect firewood.

After sending away the uninvited guests, the two goddesses turned to look at each other in unison. Their eyes were intense and affectionate, as if they only had eyes for each other...or should I say, rival?

At the same time, Lorne, who was dragged into the woods, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

He finally managed to get rid of Artemis for the time being, but he couldn't bear the fiery passion.

However, Lorne didn't wait for a few seconds to be happy. He looked at Athena approaching with a smile on the other side, looked at the delicate scene of a man and a woman in front of him, and couldn't help but fall into deep thinking.

It seems like something is wrong...

The goddess of wisdom stepped closer, the smile on her face getting brighter.

"Don't think about it, no one can save you now."

The next moment, Athena's expression changed, and the surrounding space was cut and sealed. A pair of hands skillfully broke off a branch, and slowly pulled out the overgrown branches, while the pair of star-like eyes looked at the field gloomily. of someone.

In an instant, familiar memories came to mind. Lorne shivered involuntarily and wailed in his heart.

Fuck, drive the tiger to devour the wolf and secretly infiltrate Chencang!

Big and little moon, come quickly! You two idiots didn’t even know your home was robbed!

"Wait a minute! If you want to lure them all here, we won't be able to continue this hunt..."

At the critical moment, Lorne immediately raised the volume and warned carefully.

As soon as these words came out, Athena raised her eyebrows, snorted and threw away the branch in her hand.

"Write it down first this time, and explain to me later what happened between you and that crazy woman!"

"I still want to ask you! Knowing that Lady Hestia is close to me and Apollo has thoughts about Hestia, he still invited that guy here. I'm really not afraid that I will be hit by eight arrows in the back. suicide?"

Lorne retorted unceremoniously and glared back at Athena to show dissatisfaction.

A vague concession will only make you be crushed by this woman, so when you should be tough, you must be tougher and show your emotions and stance.

Of course, this is also a strategic use of answering questions with questions.

After all, no one is clean.

Hearing the resentment in Lorne's words, Athena's expression could not help but soften a bit, and she vowed to make a promise.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, he can't touch you!"

"What about Hestia?"

Lorne glanced at the goddess of wisdom with a gloomy look.

After what happened with Artemis, it was inevitable that he would have some psychological shadow now.

Moreover, although Apollo appears to be a personable and decent man, he is not a serious person when it comes to relationships.

There was a wife-murderer - when his lover Colonis was pregnant, he fell in love with the mortal Iscus again. Furious, Apollo secretly shot her to death. During the cremation, Apollo rescued an unborn child from the corpse, which is how Asclepius, the god of medicine, came to be.

There is seduction - the huntress Cyrene was spotted by Apollo while fighting a lion with her bare hands. Against her will, the god of light took her to Libya in a chariot drawn by swans and presented her to the world as a gift.

Daphne, the water nymph who became angry after being stalked, was spotted by Apollo, who was burning with love, and was pursued crazily. Unable to be disturbed, she finally asked her father, the river god, to turn her into a laurel tree. , to escape Apollo's search. Apollo came and decided "infatuatedly" to use the branches and leaves of the laurel tree to make his laurel wreath, use the laurel tree wood to make her harp, and use the laurel tree flowers to decorate his bow. The divided Daphne also cut off the possibility of returning to her original appearance.

...In short, almost every woman who has been married to this God of Light has an unhappy ending.

A glimpse of the leopard shows that Apollo's handling of sexual relations is not as upright as his priesthood.

The reason why Hestia could still live her life peacefully after rejecting this nephew was simply because she was one of the twelve main gods and had a high status, enough to protect herself.

But as time goes by, it is difficult to guarantee that this God of Light, who appears bright but is actually a little twisted in his heart, has some evil intentions.

"If you are worried about aunt? That is even more unnecessary."

Athena glanced at Lorne in front of her and muttered meaningfully.

"Among the three virgin goddesses, her chastity is the most unbreakable. Not to mention that Apollo has no chance, even my uncle Poseidon and father god Zeus cannot go against her wishes. Because the entire Olin The family system of Pisi is based on her chastity!"

Hearing this shocking secret, Lorne couldn't help but show an expression of astonishment.

It was hard for him to imagine that the deceitful housewife beside him actually played a vital role in the establishment of the Olympus Order.

Seemingly seeing the suspicion in Lorne's eyes, Athena simply explained the reason.

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