Greece brings evildoers

Chapter 107 Counterattack from my daughter

The sixth day and night.

In a secluded hotel somewhere in Paphos, Cyprus.

Artemis, who had silver hair and blue eyes, was sitting in front of the window, holding her cheek in one hand, looking out from time to time through the half-covered gap in the window lattice, looking rather longingly.

As the waning moon under the night sky gradually climbed into the sky, the anxiety in her eyes gradually became stronger.

Normally at this time, he should have been back. Why hasn't he arrived so late this time?

The Huntress stood up from the chair uncontrollably, pacing back and forth in the room, her brows gradually frowning.

Finally, after going back and forth dozens of times, the impatient Artemis could no longer bear it and turned around and rushed towards the closed door.

Just as she stretched out her arms to hold the doorknob, the door opened with a bang, and a figure blending in with the night slipped through the crack in the door and slipped into the room, almost bumping into Artemis who was about to rush out.

However, as the flickering light reflected that familiar face, the anxiety and gloom on the face of the Hunting Goddess were immediately swept away, and her anxious heart finally settled down smoothly.

"You're back?"

Artemis rushed forward quickly, with some obvious joy in both her manner and tone of voice.

Lorne nodded and immediately closed the door. After carefully checking the tightness of the doors and windows, he set up several defense and concealment techniques before he explained in a deep voice.

"I got too close this time and was targeted by several nymphs. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and used the method you taught me to cover up the smell and spirit on my body. I got rid of them all and took a long detour before returning. ”

As he spoke, he took off his coat and handed it over.

The Hunting Goddess on the side took it naturally and checked it carefully to make sure that there were no traces of tracking aura or sensor marks on the new coat before she hung it on the hanger.

After completing these processes smoothly, Artemis pulled Lorne under the light in front of the table and looked at it carefully.

"What about you? Are you okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm a professional at running away."

Lorne smiled confidently, then opened the magic array, took out a lotus leaf bag, put it on the table and tore it open, steaming out of it.

"You haven't eaten yet? I saw a meat shop on the road. The lamb chops there are pretty good, so I brought you some."

As he spoke, he pushed the opened lotus leaf bag in front of Artemis.

The Huntress looked at the steaming lamb chops, then at the face with a faint smile under the light, pursed her lips, sat down quietly against the window, and immersed herself in enjoying her dinner.

The rich juices and rich meaty aroma explode between the lips and teeth, bringing a strong sense of satisfaction.

This meal seemed more delicious than anything she had ever eaten.

"Eat slowly. If you like the taste, I'll bring more next time."

Looking at the Hunting Goddess at the table who was devouring her food in a sluggish manner, Lorne was a little bit confused about whether to laugh or cry.

"No need, I've been waiting for you all day and I'm just hungry."

Artemis rolled her eyes at Lorne opposite her angrily, opened her mouth to swallow the last piece of meat, and her expression turned solemn.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Lorne nodded, pulled the stool, and sat on the side. He then took out several pieces of parchment and papyrus filled with characters from the magic array diagram, spread them out on the table, then lowered his voice and asked Artemis Tell us about what we discovered while following Aphrodite, the goddess of love, over the past three days.

First of all, I have to sigh, that great-grandmother is indeed the goddess of sex and love. She has sex with so many gods and demigods every day, and she is still like a wolf and a tiger, with unsatisfied desires.

Even after sucking off so many bed partners, she still had some energy left to seduce new beauties.

Such fierce fighting power and durability made Lorne, who was following behind, stunned and in admiration.

After three days of investigation, Lorne discovered that the handsome boy she had hooked up with was none other than Adonis, the prince of the island of Cyprus.

Speaking of this prince, his origin is equally bizarre.

It is said that Theias, the king of Cyprus, had an extremely beautiful daughter Myra, who was always single and unmarried.

Because she fell in love with her father, who was a handsome man.

As she grew older, Mila gradually found it difficult to suppress the burning fire of love in her body.

Finally, one night, she received a revelation from the God of Love, disguised herself as a maid, extinguished the lights, and had a secret tryst with her father.

But after all, the fire could not be contained in the paper. After repeated secret love affairs, Mila, who was pregnant, became more and more plump, and her father revealed the secret.

And when the King of Cyprus learned that his lover was actually his daughter, his shame and anger made him want to kill this unruly daughter.

In order to save her unborn child and her own life, the frightened Myra chose to run away. When she had no way out, she asked Aphrodite, the goddess of love, for help, and was later transformed into a myrrh tree.

And her children also conceived and grew in the tree, and were born as the bark cracked.

The baby who came with sin was the prince Adonis.

It seems that he inherited the excellent genes of his father and mother. Adonis was born with stunning beauty. When he reached adulthood, he reached nine feet in height and had flower-like handsome and delicate facial features that eclipsed everything in the world.

This beauty even attracted Aphrodite, the Olympian goddess of love and beauty.

In order to get close to and capture this beautiful boy, after learning that he loved hunting, Aphrodite quietly left Mount Olympus and came to the forest of the island of Cyprus, where she dressed up as a huntress and kept the young man by her side all day long. , and traveled with him throughout the mountains, forests and river valleys.

It was probably because of love that he fell in love with Adonis. The majestic god of love actually followed the hunting dogs, cheering and chasing the harmless animals in order to win the heart of the prince.

In the end, the hard work paid off, and Aphrodite completely conquered the beautiful boy from Cyprus with her beauty and charm, and they spent a good time together in the mountains and forests.

After that, the God of Love didn't treat Adonis like he did with other bed partners, just throwing it away after use. Instead, he took time out from time to time to come to the island of Cyprus to have a tryst with his lover.

Even, in order to allow herself and Adonis to stay together forever, Aphrodite did not hesitate to obtain the power of the Spring Plant God for him, so that the demigod could be upgraded to a god and remain youthful forever.

Such a huge effort shows the God of Love's care and love for his lover.

"Tsk tsk, even the divine power is willing to be given away for free. It seems that she is really tempted. No wonder she deliberately stays in Cyprus for a period of time every time she goes out. It turns out that she just wants to steal sex here."

At this moment, Artemis, who was listening quietly on the side, suddenly realized, and then there was a trace of teasing in her blue eyes, and she couldn't help but shake her head with emotion.

"I didn't expect that this slutty woman would actually have innocent moments. However, Ares and Hephaestus beat her to a bloody head and turned into two incompetent and barking prodigal dogs."

Lorne understood Artemis's gloating.

After all, she had never dealt with the Hera family very well, and she wanted to see this family make a fool of themselves.

But then, the hunting goddess also reacted and looked to the opposite side in confusion.

"Speaking of which, even if we know these little secrets, what use will they have to what we are going to do next?"

Lorne smiled slightly and looked meaningfully at the island of Cyprus outside the window.

"Of course it works. Don't you think that His Highness the Prince is a good breakthrough point?"

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