Greece brings evildoers

Chapter 101 This is so much fun (completed in 6k days)

Half an hour later.

"This sister-in-law is so mean. She got drunk after just a few drinks."

Lorne, who was sitting in front of the tree, looked at the little princess Phaedra, who was sleeping soundly and unsuspectingly in the arms of her female companions with her blushing face, and couldn't help but raise her glass to tease her.

However, there was silence in the valley, and no one responded to the joke of the patriarch.

Because Phaedra is King Minos' direct relative after all, and pure divine blood flows in her body.

The rest of the believers, old and young, were basically all ordinary white bodies, and their resistance to alcohol was even worse than that of the little princess. At this moment, they had already found their seats in advance and all lay down together.

Even Polymonus, the young man who brought him to the meeting, was not spared.

At the top of the moon, the cold bright moon sheds mottled brilliance, and a hazy silver gauze covers the bodies of the men and women in the valley, like a protective quilt.

The believers who were immersed in sweet dreams were sleeping peacefully. Every time they breathed in, wisps of extremely thin golden red, along with the rise and fall of their chests and the rush of blood, quietly bred and coagulated under their skin.

And with each surge of golden red, the breath of life on the believers becomes stronger.

The knots in their souls were lifted, and their brows relaxed; their loose skin was quietly tightened, becoming more smooth and elastic; their fragile organs became tougher, and their vitality was beating...

The changes from soul to flesh and blood are so subtle that they are almost imperceptible, but they are real.

Praise this joy - life!

The originator under the tree raised his glass from a distance and showed a satisfied smile.

Under the night, those bright crystal eyes admired the [gold-red] under the skin of the believers, or rather

——The divinity given by him and conceived by man!

Under the bright moonlight, Lorne gently shook the cup in his hand, looked at the wine as red as blood in the stream, and murmured meaningfully.

“This is my body, sacrificed for you;

This is my blood, poured out for the masses.

The ashes of the Titans, the descendants of madness;

Our blood is thicker than water, we are connected by blood..."

The magnetic voice is like singing an ancient and timeless mythological epic.

In the original history, the Orphic religion, which worshiped the god of wine, believed in Zagreos, the god of resurrection from the dead.

namely, the original incarnation of Dionysus, the god of wine.

Legend has it that Zeus, the king of gods, and Persephone, the queen of the underworld, first gave birth to the horned Zagreos.

The young Zagreus climbed onto the throne of Zeus and waved Zeus' thunderbolt with his immature hands, indicating that he would replace Zeus and become the new king of the world.

Queen Hera was jealous of him and instigated the Titans to tear him into pieces and devour him except for his heart.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, took pity on the child's misfortune and gave his heart to Zeus. Zeus swallowed the heart and married Semele, the princess of Thebes, and gave birth to Zagreos again.

From this, he rose from the dead and became Dionysus, the god of wine.

In this unprecedented divine battle in which the Titans tore Dionysus apart and Zeus's thunderbolt burned the Titans to death, the new world was stabilized and mankind was born from the ashes of the Titans.

Therefore, in the Orphic scriptures, whether he is called Zagreus or Dionysus, the original god of wine performed self-sacrifice and martyrdom for ancient humans and completed his resurrection from the dead. of miracles.

Moreover, because the Titans devoured Dionysus, the god of wine, humans born from the ashes of the Titans have both the divinity of the god of wine and the sin of the titans in their blood.

Therefore, people are born with good and evil natures, and the purpose of life is to suppress evil and promote good in order to achieve liberation. To achieve this goal, people need to perform cleansing rituals, participate in mysterious religious initiation ceremonies, and observe taboos, such as not killing animals, not eating meat, not being buried with woolen objects, not touching beans, etc.

Only by practicing secret rituals, abiding by taboos, and insisting on doing good deeds can people get rid of demonic nature and obtain divinity. After death, they can avoid or reduce the pain of reincarnation in the underworld, and then enter the Elysee Paradise, the paradise world. Otherwise, they will be punished with eternal hard labor in the underworld.

——Wine is my blood.

——The miracle of resurrection from the dead.

——Native human beings who bear original sin but are saved by martyrs.

——The Elysee Paradise is equivalent to heaven, and Hades is equivalent to hell.

——In addition, Orpheus is a secret folk religion, which allows individuals to participate regardless of birth status, gender, or city-state, and promotes the equality of life...

Do all of the above give you a strange sense of déjà vu?

Lorne smiled jokingly and drank a full glass of scarlet wine.

Yes, in a sense, the Orphic religion, which worships the god of wine, has a lot in common with the future Abrahamic religions.

As a suture monster, the latter probably borrowed lessons from the former.

In this case, as the object of the loan from a distance, he can also use the advantages of the other party.

For example, Lorne, the patriarch, abolished the primitive and barbaric parades of his Dionysian madwomen, and instead used the process of future Christian mass celebrations as a model, calling for the completion of the celebration of Dionysus through gatherings and drinking.

It is advocated to take off the disguise and release one's nature at the gathering, rather than abiding by the identity and rules of this world and forcibly restraining oneself. During this period, people can also talk and confess their sins to God and obtain spiritual comfort (repentance ceremony).

Church members should help each other and be friendly to each other, always with a passion for life and the original intention of pleasing themselves...

Of course, if it were just these, the new Dionysian Cult would be destined to be just an enclosure for ordinary people, and the value it could create for Lorne would be extremely limited.

Therefore, on this basis, he upgraded the secret ceremony under the cloak of assembly.

——That is, pull the gods off the altar and grant divinity to mortals!

Since the world was born from the flesh, blood and ashes of the Titan gods, the humans born from it should also possess [divine nature].

The same is true for everything in the world.

——Whether it is the grapes growing in the land or the fine wine brewed from water, they should possess [divine nature].

God possesses humanity and man possesses divinity.

Mortals can become gods, and gods can be influenced by human nature.

Therefore, no one is nobler or special than the other, whether it is a god or a human being.

Equal lives pursue equal banter, and ultimately bring equal joy to the world.

This concept of elevating people and belittling gods is completely different from the current god-worshiping religion in Greece, and it can be described as deviant.

But precisely because of this, it may be possible to cut off mortals' awe and belief in the gods bit by bit from the foundation, so that the perfect god king and the powerful gods of Olympus are no longer invulnerable.

To this end, he tried to use his growing Dionysian divinity to brew blessed divine wine for believers to drink, thereby stimulating the Titan divinity buried in their bodies.

After several months of trying, as well as a certain demigod hero and a lot of parts and flesh from the God-Blooded Familia, his experiment finally took that step and achieved initial success.

The believers who drank the divine wine had the divine factors in their bodies activated one after another, and gained varying degrees of gain.

Although, these ignited divine fires are small and insignificant compared to the real divine blood dependents. Like clusters of fireflies competing with the bright moon, it is ridiculous but not overconfident.

It is impossible for these people in front of them to become qualified warriors or heroes even in their entire lives.

But the seeds of rebellion have been planted, and time will allow them to take root.

He has handed over the stolen power of the gods and a new history and future into the hands of mortals.

So, have some fun and don’t let me down, I’m waiting to celebrate you.

"Aha, cheers!"

The unscrupulous instigator under the tree raised his wine glass high, paying tribute to the new human beings, to the rebellious seeds, and to Olympus, which was still glorious under the night.

The empty cup slipped down, and a breeze blew in the valley. The rich aroma of wine and the rushing spring water disappeared one after another.

Everyone who was sleeping soundly woke up slowly and looked up to the east.

The faint morning light pierced the dark night, and the world of the gods ushered in a new day.


Knossos city, third street, seventh mansion.

The figure walking towards the morning light took out the spare key, quietly opened the door and got into the house.

However, as soon as he entered the door, he was faced with a face-to-face interrogation.

"Where have you been? Why didn't you come home all night?"

Hestia in the living room hummed in displeasure.

"It's not like the last time I helped Polymonos reconnect his arm. That boy insisted on buying me a drink. No, he got me drunk and talked nonsense all night long."

Lorne yawned and explained helplessly, then his eyes fell on the dancing lamp flame behind Hestia.

There was not much oil left in the lamp, and the wick was burned out.

Apparently, someone had been waiting in the living room all night.

"Hey, no wonder he smells of alcohol..."

Hestia pinched her nose and muttered, waving her hand in disgust.

"Go, go, go to bed, and don't come into my kitchen until you sober up and finish drinking!"

"Okay, okay."

Lorne responded feebly, reached out and put a box of pastries from the sacrificial hall on the table, stretched, and got up to go upstairs.

Looking at this only tribute, Hestia thought of a certain eldest niece who was visiting relatives and staying at home. After only hesitating for three seconds, Hestia quickly picked up the pastries and stuffed the box into the small secret compartment of the spice cabinet. A smile broke out in between.

Humph, you have a conscience!

"Ah sneeze!"

At the same time, the Hunting Goddess who was sleeping soundly upstairs sneezed heavily and lazily got up from the bed. She moved her somewhat sore body and woke up from most of the residual alcohol from last night.

Well, the sky is clear and it's a good day to go hunting.

Where are you going today?

Artemis raised the corners of her lips, with a comfortable and joyful smile on her face.

Unknowingly, she has gradually adapted to and fallen in love with this kind of human life, and she is even full of expectations for every day.

It was a completely different feeling from Olympus.

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