Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 580: Jingguan Zhenren, 4 Disgusting Talents

Sending off the princes and grandsons, Chen Jiu returned to the mansion without meditating, but fell asleep.

On the second day, before dawn, I heard a rush of footsteps. The servant who guarded the door said: "The prince, a man and woman came outside the door. They said they knew the prince and were about to ask the prince how to act."

Chen Jiu opened the door, took a wet towel, and wiped his face. Even though he was already innocent, it was a rare and comfortable thing to wipe his face with cold water from time to time.

"Invite them in," Chen Jiu said unhurriedly.

The servant ran out in a hurry, and heard a familiar noise from a long distance: "You old servant is so ignorant. This is my boss's mansion, and this is my Yu Youyu's mansion. If you didn't ask, how am I Yu Youyu? Identity, how can I lie to you".

Beside him, there was a burst of smiles like silver bells, it was Feiyan's girl.

Chen Jiu can't help but think of Runxuan when he wants to take off. Since the girl has chosen her own path, it is not easy to be a brother to stop her. People will grow up and have their own choices.

Chen Jiu threw the towel aside: "You guy, I haven't seen you in a thousand years, and you still jump like this. I really don't know how Feiyan would like you."

"Hey, boss, you have finally come to Beijing. In the past few days, the situation has changed. My father put me and Feiyan under house arrest for fear of major changes in Beijing. Fortunately, everything is safe." Yu Youyu walked over with a smile.

Chen Jiu looked at Feiyan behind Yu Youyu, she was a big girl, and nodded with satisfaction: "It can be regarded as finding a good home."

Yu Youyu looked at the empty palace and said, "Good life and deserted."

"I have moved to Leyang Realm. This is just a temporary stop," Chen Jiu said calmly.

As he was talking, Chen Jiu suddenly frowned: "What kind of tricks is Chen Gan going to play?"

"What's wrong?" Yu Youyu asked curiously.

Chen Jiu looked outside the capital: "The Emperor actually canonized Concubine Yi as a real person of Jingguan".

The Taoist temple outside the capital city is full of fireworks, and the dense red dust envelops the Taoist temple with smoke. It is a religious holy place.

Concubine Yi, dressed in a Taoist robe, had no attire, and fell to her knees gently. The body is generous and charming, so that everyone can't help but feel dry and swallow saliva.

Xiao Huangmen subconsciously coughed and coughed his throat, only feeling dry and numb in his throat. hoarse voice:

"According to the heavens, the emperor said that the concubine Yi's concubine prayed for the first emperor. It is really a virtue of our generation. When singing praises, we will give the title to the real person of Jingguan.

"Thanks to your majesty," Concubine Yi's voice was clear, like a oriole screaming.

Yu Youyu's magical powers are not enough to break through the Dragon Qi blockade in the imperial city. Can only stare at Chen Jiu blankly.

Chen Jiu disdainfully smiled: "I'm already an emperor, and I'm really tossing, I want to see what tricks you can play."

After speaking, Chen Jiu looked at Yu Youyu: "When do you plan to come to propose marriage?"

Yu Youyu was stunned for a moment, glanced at Feiyan, but saw that Feiyan's face was ruddy, like sunset, and coughed dryly: "Propose marriage now."

"I don't agree." Chen Jiubai glanced at Yu Youyu, then turned and walked outside.

"Hey. Boss, let's not bring anything like this" Yu Youyu followed behind with a cry. Feiyan stubbornly pinched Yu Youyu's side, and Yu Youyu grinned in pain.

"Boss, where are we going?" Yu Youyu closely followed Chen Jiu.

"Go to dinner" Chen Jiu said in an angry tone.

Baihualou is still very lively, no matter how the court changes, there is always a group of people singing and laughing. Singing and dancing.

The court changed and changed, everyone just changed a ruler, how to live or how to live, except for some officials loyal to the previous dynasty will be executed. Apart from the dismissal, these wealthy families remain prosperous.

The old bustard in Baihualou is no longer the one it used to be. For thousands of years, mortals have changed crop after crop.

With the addition of the Qingqiu clan, Baihualou was divided into two powers, one is to take refuge in Chen Jiu, and the other is the power.

Baihualou laughed constantly, Chen Jiu paused, and then smiled: "I saw an acquaintance."

Seeing that Chen Jiu was wearing luxurious clothes, the old bust hurried forward to salute, and Chen Jiu waved his hand: "Don't worry about me, there are acquaintances here."

In a box leaning against the window, each of the four great talents in Yuzhou is surrounded by a beauty who is grinding the ink, the nephrite jade is warm and the red sleeves add fragrance.

Line-by-line font pens go dragons and snakes. I have to say that the talents of the four great talents are very high. Their fonts are already unique and not the same as everyone.

"Bang Bang Bang" the door of the pavilion was knocked.

Liu An looked at Wu Qi: "We have no appointment today, right?".

Wu Qi touched the beauty next to him, and then laughed: "Naturally not."

Heng Tian Shu asked in doubt: "Who is knocking at the door?".

He Zhongguo put down his pen: "Just open the door and have a look."

With that said, He Zhongguo came to the door briskly, and then there was no sound.

"Who?" Liu An asked He Zhongguo at the back.

He Zhongguo didn't answer, just staring at the face that he wanted to step on, gritted his teeth and said: "Why are you here?"

Chen Jiu showed a bright smile: "I haven't seen each other for thousands of years. Most of the acquaintances in this world have reincarnated. I didn't expect you to be alive."

"Good people don't live long, and they're a thousand years old" Chen Jiu added.

He Zhongguo's face was blue, and he was about to refute, but he saw Chen Jiudao: "Don't invite me to sit in."

Originally wanted to refuse, but when I thought that Chen Jiu, as the real power prince of the imperial court, was overwhelmingly powerful, it would be hard to offend too much.

"Who am I? It turned out that King Ping Tian came from far away, and he didn't meet him in time, but I hope to forgive him." Liu An looked at Chen Jiu and said with a smile on his face.

Heng Tian Shu said with a slight surprise: "Who am I? It turns out that the prince is here. I didn't expect that the prince is still alive, and the life span is indeed long enough."

"You are not bad too" Chen Jiu said with a smile.

Yu Youyu followed Chen Jiu, looked up and down the pavilion, and then said: "It's really a good place, with pen and ink poems, and beautiful women in his arms. I don't know whether the young masters are writing poems or playing with women."

"Sven scum" Feiyan whispered.

Although the voice was small, the cultivation of the people present was extraordinary, otherwise it would not have survived thousands of years.

Wu Qi angrily reprimanded: "It is insulting to be gentle, I am waiting here to add fragrance to the red sleeves is an ancient good talk, but when you wait for it to turn into such a dirty and nasty thing, it is really insulting to gentle and unworthy to be with me. , The prince seems to have lived in the army for thousands of years, but you have become indistinguishable from those big bosses."

Chen Jiu smiled without saying a word, just looked at the calligraphy and painting, and then he shook his head: "It's not so good. I have lived on dogs for thousands of years. Which calligraphy and painting I had back then was better than this one. Thinking of not seeing you for thousands of years, your level has regressed."

The faces of several people turned red, and what Chen Jiu said was the truth. You must know that Chen Jiu studied hundreds of calligraphy in his previous life, and the style of each calligraphy is very different from that of the world, and the characters he wrote are naturally unique.

It is really commendable for these four people to write their own style, but to slap someone in the face is to fight hard in the most proud of each other.

"Master, this is a private place, you are not welcome" Liu An said with narrowed eyes.

Chen Jiu shook his head and sighed, "Forget it, I originally wanted to meet your old friends, but I didn't expect it to be so merciless. The friendship we played back then is gone."

Seeing Chen Jiu leading Yu Youyu Feiyan out of the Liu An spit on the ground fiercely: "Bah, who has friendship with you".

"Yes, that is, they are all in such a position, they are still as shameless as a rascal," Heng Tian Shu said with disgust.

Chen Jiu’s remarks have ruined the good mood of several people. Looking at his own calligraphy and painting, and thinking about Chen Jiu’s words, there is no thought of play. Several people feel sick, call bad luck, and disappear. get together.

Sitting in another box, Chen Jiu showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. When these people were in Yuzhou Yingtian Academy, they stumbled on themselves. Now it is quite pleasant to be able to nause each other occasionally.

"Boss, they are the four great talents."

"Do you know them?" Chen Jiudao.

"Well, they are quite famous in Shangjing in recent years" Yu Youyu nodded. (To be continued...)



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