Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 393: North Korea and China play, but there is no alternative

The barbarian king in the sky was about to split his eyes, and shouted: "You are looking for death."

The Iron Wolf is like a big mountain, firmly blocking Xu Fu, making the Man Wang sigh.

"Man King, I want to know how many soldiers in your Nan Barbarian's life can make you squander like this. I want to see what your Nan Barbarian heritage lies." Iron Wolf looked at the Barbarian King with a playful smile on his face.

The Barbarian King shouted: "Wait, the monks dare to interfere in the battlefield, and one day they will be beaten to death by the power of the blood evil."

This sentence was clearly addressed to Xu Fu.

A smile appeared on Xu Fu's pale face: "Be loyal to my human race, and death is right."

"Well, well, wait, this king will settle this account with you one day sooner or later." After speaking, the Man Wang turned and left.

How high is Barbarian King's cultivation base? .

No one knows, but it's very high, so high that everyone doesn't even want to stop him.

Xu Fu's yin **** returned to the shell, and suddenly collapsed onto the altar.

Li Guang stepped forward, passed through the red blood, and lifted Xu Fu up: "Mr. Lao is here."

No matter who it is, seeing Xu Fuping consuming 500 years of life in vain at this time will be touched, and even the slightest doubt in my heart will disappear silently for a while. After all, the cost of a life of 500 years is really too great. Now, people are not saints, and everyone is asking themselves, and they can’t do that.

Xu Fu stood up weakly and looked at the iron wolf walking slowly from the air with a smile. The smile on his pale face seemed to have a sense of powerlessness: "General. Fortunately, I don’t know if he has completely destroyed the opponent. Frozen to death, if it weren't for the barbarian king's interruption, this battle could completely freeze to death the opponent's 500,000 soldiers. Unfortunately, now I don't know how far the opponent is."

There was a smile on Iron Wolf's face: "Don't worry, sir, this is not your sin, it's that I didn't wait for you to protect your husband."

After speaking, Iron Wolf said to Li Guang: "Mr. is the hero of my human race. I don’t want to help my husband to rest. The loss of my heart and blood will cause great damage to my life. I also ask my husband to take good care of his injuries. ".

"Thank you General" Xu Fu turned and left with Li Guang's support.

Li Guang looked at the soldiers standing together quietly, and opened his mouth and said: "All the soldiers return to the camp to rest. Every general, please go to the general camp to give an account."

All the soldiers gathered in the camp. One by one, hold your chest and head up. Morale skyrocketed.

The iron wolf’s eyes shot a substantive divine light: "The generals. As I am today, tomorrow the whole army must work together to invade the barbarian camp and finish the battle. After winning this war, we captured the southern barbarian millions. Great army, this is a great contribution."

Chen Jiu groaned slightly after hearing the words: "General, now I am still in the periphery of Nanban, once the lone army goes deep, I am afraid that the bones that will be eaten will disappear. There are many masters in the barbarian, which is not easy to dismiss."

Iron Wolf nodded: "This is easy to handle. Our army must always listen to the command of the court. Although it is said that we will not be subject to orders from foreign troops, this world is still the emperor's world after all, and we must not commit big taboos."

The Iron Wolf set a plan for tomorrow's action, and the soldiers returned to the big nourishment.

On the second day, the horn sounded, and the entire Dazhou army began to turn like a machine.

The sky is still that sky, endless dragon aura permeates the sky above the capital, and the emperor's might is shining a thousand miles and it is overwhelming.

The magnificent Shangjing city exudes the ancient and wild atmosphere, and at first glance it can't help but be fascinating, sinking into the endless ancient atmosphere.

The atmosphere in the upper capital city was still strong, and the humane six desires boiled back into the sky, causing the monks to conquer the yin gods, not daring to contaminate them.

The atmosphere of the imperial city is a bit different.

In the Hall of Discussion, all the ministers of the Three Officials, Wu Mu and Mu, have all arrived, standing under the dragon chair in an orderly manner.

Above, the emperor was sitting, his dazzling dragon robe exuding a strange radiance, which made people unable to open their eyes.

"All ministers worship the Holy One" Marui's voice sounded in the hall of discussion.

The ministers knelt down one after another, kowtow and nine bows: "Long live my emperor, long live long live."

"Get up all" Although the human emperor's voice is not loud, it has a strong penetrating nature, as if it is whispering in your ear.

"Xie Longsui" the ministers stood up.

"If you have a foundation, you can retreat without a foundation," Ma Rui said.

The ministers did not speak. At this time Wu Mu stepped forward: "Your Majesty, the minister has something to tell."

"Talk" Renhuang Jinkouyuyan, spit out a word.

Wu Mu took out a memorial: "Yesterday, Southern Xinjiang sent an emergency report. It has captured a million barbarian army. Now the army has advanced to the barbarian border. It is about to ask your majesty to judge whether you will continue to advance. If you advance, please send your majesty to send masters. support".

While speaking, Wu Mu held the memorial with both hands and raised it above his head.

Ma Rui stepped forward and picked up the memorial and handed it to the Emperor.

The emperor opened the memorial and looked at it word by word for a long time. The ministers quietly raised their heads to look at this face. Unfortunately, the emperor’s face is always dazzling, and there is an indestructible dragon energy that makes people unable to peer into the sky. Yan.

After a long time, the emperor said: "Wu Mu, you command my Da Zhou soldiers, how do you think about this?".

Wu Mu had obviously done his homework before, and he did not hesitate to say: "Your Majesty, some local ministers in this war do not understand. It is better to be cautious. Send a master to first completely eliminate the external forces of Nanban , And then slowly move forward."

"I have countless masters in the middle school, who do you think you should send?"

Wu Mu was about to speak, and finally there was movement on the civilian side.

I saw the Taishi, one of the three males, stepping forward: "Your Majesty, the minister has something to tell."

The emperor's voice is calm: "This matter has not yet been agreed, and will be played later."

"Your Majesty, the minister's memorial has something to do with Wu Mu's memorial. I am afraid that after this matter is agreed, the minister's memorial will become waste paper."

Wu Mu, who was on the opposite side, glanced at the Taishi, and a bad feeling filled his heart. This old guy deliberately looked for this time to come up with memorials, as if it was just to tear down his stage.

The emperor made a contemplative way: "Play."

Taishi looked serious, but the trembling eyebrows between the corners of his eyes betrayed his mood at the moment, very happy, very happy.

"Your Majesty, Nanban sent an emergency report yesterday. There was a problem within the barbarian clan. However, the barbarian king has repeatedly failed. This has caused internal pressure to continue. Millions of Nanbarans have become prisoners of my Dazhou. Therefore, the barbarian king sent an emergency report yesterday. Surrender".

As soon as the words came out, there was silence in the hall, and the emperor remained silent for a long time, as if thinking about something.

Wu Mu stepped out: "Your Majesty, this thing must not be done. The barbarians are tiger wolves. Now that there is a problem within the opponent, I just took the opportunity to destroy their strength and solve the problems of my barbarians for thousands of years. This is a rare opportunity. Please also please your Majesty."

Taishi sneered coldly: "Your Majesty, my Great Zhou is a celestial empire, an example of the world, and should be able to tolerate people. It is a good thing for the barbarians to surrender. You can get the luck of the barbarians. Please think twice."

The Human Emperor was hesitant at this time. Once he really fought with Nanban, it would naturally be a thousand years of war and endless years, but when his own strength has problems, he may take that step at any time. Once he breaks through, he has to fall asleep. At that time, turmoil in the Great Zhou Dynasty is inevitable. If a country is turbulent, how can we clinch a fist to strike the enemy?

To talk about war, at least wait for all hidden dangers in the country to disappear.

After thinking for a long, Wu Mu and Taishi, generals and civil servants underneath had a quarrel, and the whole hall instantly became a vegetable market.

"Quiet, this is the Palace of Political Affairs, so noisy like this."

The ministers were silent for a moment, knowing that the Emperor had made a decision, and they were all waiting for the Emperor to give orders.

After being silent for a while, the emperor said: "I am a celestial empire, and I need to be able to tolerate people. Now the surrounding countries are eagerly watching, and there are demon races who do not change. Where is the Minister of Rites?".

Wu Mu's complexion changed when the emperor was called the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and the Taishi's face showed joy.

The "Chen Zai" official of the Ministry of Rites stood up.

"Tell Nanban that I accept Nanban's surrender."

"Your Majesty, please think twice. This is a rare opportunity to dispatch troops. If you miss it, there will be no such opportunity again."

"There is no need to think twice, the expeditionary army will be sent back to the DPRK immediately." (To be continued...) ()

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