Great Voyage, Don’t Disturb Laozi’s Cultivation Of Immortality

Chapter 208: People Who Are Not Of My Race Must Have Different Minds!

Under normal circumstances,

Even though Li Xiao showed no prejudice against the fish-men clan,

Neptune would definitely not discuss such a deep and sensitive topic with him easily!

after all,

Neptune and Li Xiao are just meeting each other for the first time.

And Neptune also knew very little about Li Xiao.


What kind of person is Li Xiao?

Is it worth trusting?

Neptune doesn’t have a definite answer to any of these questions!

After all,

Anyone can show no prejudice against fish people during a conversation,

But what exactly is he thinking in his heart?

That’s unknown!

As the saying goes,

The heart is separated from the belly!


As mentioned above,

These are all practices under normal circumstances,

And the current situation facing The fish men island,

Not optimistic!

Some time ago,

Shyarly conducted a divination under the guidance of some premonition.

The content of the prophecy derived from this divination filled Neptune with a sense of urgency!

He knows very well,

If Shyarly's prediction comes true,

Then the situation of The Fish Men Island will most likely be in danger again!

Under this special situation,

Although Neptune would not give it a try,

But I had to take risks,

Choose something more radical!

at the same time,

After hearing Neptune’s question,

Li Xiao was also slightly stunned,

Obviously, he didn't expect Neptune to ask this question directly.

Still using such straightforward language!

Li Xiao has the same idea as mentioned above,

He and Neptune only met for the first time.

Neptune's knowledge of him was very limited,

It is basically impossible to confide in him just because of what he said verbally!

In Li Xiao’s view,

The topic is basically finished here,

Even if Neptune intended to have an in-depth exchange with him on the issue of "peaceful coexistence between fishmen and humans",

It’s definitely not what’s happening now,

At least you have to wait until the two of you are more familiar and understand each other!


What Li Xiao didn't expect was that,

Neptune actually asked this question on the spot!

at this time,

Li Xiao still maintained the posture of leaning back on the chair,

But the gaze that was originally looking at the ceiling gradually shifted to Neptune!

After a moment of silence,

Li Xiao looked at Neptune's nervous eyes,

Slowly he said:

"In my hometown, there is an old saying, which is that people who are not of my race will have different hearts!"

As Li Xiao finished speaking,

Neptune was stunned at first,

Immediately his expression suddenly changed,

He slumped down on the chair as if he had been drained of life!

"Non-my family, its heart must be different!"

What Li Xiao said is not difficult to understand,

Although there are only eight short words,

But the truth contained in it,

But it perfectly explained,

Over the years,

The fish-men clan longs to return to the surface,

Longing to live in the sunshine,

Desire to coexist peacefully with mankind,

But repeatedly hit the wall,

The real reason why you always get what you ask for!

at the same time,

These eight words also made Neptune realize something,

That is, there may be inherent irreconcilable contradictions between races!

this moment,

The past efforts of Princess Otohime and everyone at The Fish Men Island came to mind.

at this moment,

In Neptune's heart,

Those seemingly coincidental encounters and failures,

It seems like I have the answer!

"Non-my family, its heart must be different!"

From a human perspective,

The fish-men clan are aliens,

How could they allow such an alien to return to the ground and develop freely?

Even if the fish-men clan is not completely exterminated,

At least it should be trapped in The fish men island under the deep sea,

curb its development,

Let the fish-men clan always be weaker than humans,

Only in this way can humans better maintain their dominance in this world!

turn out to be,

From the beginning,

What they are doing is something that is impossible to succeed at all!

Neptune was stunned for a long time,

Just now, with a look of despair on his face, he subconsciously asked Li Xiao:

"So, the fish-men clan doesn't have any chance?"


When Neptune asked this question,

I didn’t expect Li Xiao to respond!

In his opinion,

The eight words Li Xiao just said,

In fact, this is the answer!


Under the impact of the eight words "Those who are not from my race must have different hearts",

Neptune's persistence and belief over the years almost collapsed instantly!

in this case,

He was subconsciously looking for a glimmer of hope,

Use it to rebuild your inner faith!

And the question Neptune raised was just subconscious talking to himself!

Rather than asking Li Xiao,

It is better to say that you are asking yourself!

And regarding this issue,

When I hear these eight words: "Everyone who is not of my race must have a different heart",

Neptune actually already had the answer in his heart.

It’s just that he doesn’t want to accept it!


To Neptune's surprise,

After hearing the questions he raised,

Li Xiao actually shook his head,

Slowly spit out one word!


Although there is only one short word,

But it is loud and clear,

Neptune instantly became energetic,

This simple word from Li Xiao brought me back from my dejected state!

I saw Neptune straighten up instantly,

The excited body leaned forward slightly,

He asked impatiently:

"Really? Is there really a chance?"

this moment,

Neptune even forgot,

Li Xiao sitting opposite him is a human.

He also forgot that he and Li Xiao just met for the first time!

When Li Xiao said these eight words: "Those who are not of my race must have different minds",

In Neptune's heart,

This has already raised Li Xiao's status a lot.

I no longer doubt whether Li Xiao’s unbiased view of fish people just now is true or false!

the reason is simple,

According to Neptune,

With Li Xiao’s powerful strength,

Coupled with such a thorough view of the relationship between the two races,

This kind of person most likely disdains making up nonsense on this kind of issue!.

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