Great Luck

Chapter 28 Just To Alert The Snake

Chapter 28: Startle the Snake in the Grass

Feng Qingwu quickly led ten squads to arrive. Zi Dong immediately instructed the ten squads to hide in the surrounding hills and encircle Peace Gathering Town.

"Qingwu, you accompany the elders and disciples of the sect. Xinyu and I will lead the special forces team to go in first."

Zi Dong specifically reminded Feng Qingwu to keep an eye on the elders and disciples of the sect, not allowing them to wander around, otherwise they wouldn't be able to lure the demonic cultivators to them.

Feng Qingwu immediately understood and nodded, turning around and flying towards the small hill where the elders and disciples of the sect were resting.

Her task was to watch over them, serving as a guiding beacon for Zi Dong and the others to deal with the demonic cultivators.

Zi Dong and Zhou Xinyu fully extended their divine senses. Zhou Xinyu was responsible for the front, while Zi Dong's divine sense enveloped the dozen or so members of the special forces team, covering the rear and both sides.

The dozen or so members of the special forces team all had exceptional single spiritual roots, encompassing the five elements, wind, thunder, and even a hidden spiritual root. They were definitely excellent materials for assassins.

The stronger the spiritual root, the more difficult it was to fully unleash its true power, requiring cultivation to reach a certain level.

Zhou Xinyu's light spiritual root only truly displayed its strength in the Profound Heaven Realm, while Zi Dong had the system to rely on.

There were no patrolling guards on the low city walls of Peace Gathering Town, only a few cultivators stationed at the city gates.

In places where cultivators gathered, the city gates would not be closed at night unless there was an emergency.

Because cultivators did not distinguish between day and night, many cultivators preferred to stroll through the market at night, and auctions were mostly held in the evening.

Therefore, if Peace Gathering Town were to close its gates, cultivators with urgent matters would fly back and forth on the city walls, causing chaos in Peace Gathering Town.

Between the extreme northern Snow Mountain and the Azure Dragon Mountain Range, it was a flat plain. The cold wave from the Snow Mountain would directly rush into the Azure Dragon Mountain Range without any obstruction.

However, the Azure Dragon Mountain Range was tall and densely forested, intercepting the cold wave and forming even colder wind vortexes, once again impacting the northern plains.

Peace Gathering Town, located on the edge of the Azure Dragon Mountain Range, naturally bore the brunt of it. The cold wind spun around, reaping the last trace of warmth in early autumn.

The crops that had not yet been harvested trembled in the cold wind, resulting in a significant reduction in yield every year.

The waxing crescent moon was obscured by dark clouds tonight, seemingly being constantly blown by the cold wind. Outside Peace Gathering Town, it was even more desolate.

Although Zi Dong and the others were low-level cultivators, the cultivator robes of Cloud Heaven Sect provided warmth in winter and coolness in summer, naturally not fearing the biting cold wind.

"What's wrong?!" When Zhou Xinyu approached the low city wall of Peace Gathering Town, she suddenly stopped, and Zi Dong asked in surprise.

"There are fluctuations of cultivator divine senses near the city wall. If we climb over the wall, we're afraid we'll be discovered."

Zhou Xinyu's small face became serious. If it were on flat ground, she had absolute confidence in enveloping the special forces team with her divine sense without being detected.

But when climbing over the city wall, it would inevitably cause fluctuations in the power of heaven and earth, even if her cultivation was inferior, it would still be sensed.

"Then let's go through the city gate!" Zi Dong quickly scanned the city wall and made a decision. Cultivators from Cloud Heaven Sect could also come to the market in Peace Gathering Town.

"Will it alert those demonic cultivators?" Zhou Xinyu was worried that the demonic cultivators would escape.

"We want to startle the snake in the grass!" Zi Dong, on the other hand, was quite confident and hoped that the demonic cultivators would leave Peace Gathering Town.

"If these demonic cultivators leave Peace Gathering Town first, the elders and disciples of the sect will take action, and we will have a better chance of completing the mission smoothly!"

"Then you retract your divine sense. I can handle it alone!" Zhou Xinyu was worried that Zi Dong's divine sense would interfere with her own because his cultivation was too low.

Zi Dong quickly withdrew his divine sense. He really didn't have much confidence in himself. Leaving Longyan Lake, he was immediately noticed by Zhou Xinyu. Peace Gathering Town was filled with experts.

Since they were entering through the city gate, they had to do so in a grand manner. They couldn't embarrass the Cloud Heaven Sect and they needed to keep the enemy on their toes.

The attire of the Cloud Heaven Sect cultivators was famous throughout the entire Eastern Continent. Even ordinary people recognized them, let alone cultivators.

When Zi Dong and the others approached, the guards at the city gate became nervous. The Cloud Heaven Sect cultivators rarely visited Peace Gathering Town.

Although the market here was not small, the Cloud Heaven Sect cultivators didn't really care for it because there were markets everywhere within the Azure Dragon Mountain Range.

"May I ask what brings you to Peace Gathering Town, esteemed cultivators?" The leader was a middle-aged cultivator at the Core Condensation Realm, who quickly stepped forward and asked with clasped fists.

"Do we even need to ask? Of course, we're going to the market!" Zhou Xinyu's little face immediately lit up. Although the Core Condensation Realm cultivator was taller than her, he was clearly inferior in terms of aura.

"Esteemed cultivators, could you please wait here for a moment? Let me inform the town's guardian." The Core Condensation Realm cultivator quickly suggested.

Although Zi Dong and Zhou Xinyu were wearing white robes, Zi Dong didn't even have a robe to wear because he didn't belong to any sect.

"Do all cultivators who come to Peace Gathering Town need to report before entering?!" Zhou Xinyu suddenly became angry. How dare they make her wait!

"No, no!" The Core Condensation Realm cultivator quickly bowed and smiled, "You are cultivators of the Cloud Heaven Sect. I wanted to inform the guardian to come and welcome you."

"No need!" Zhou Xinyu waved her little hand and walked directly into the city gate, saying, "We're just here to visit the market. If the guardian wants to see us, he can come to the market!"

The Core Condensation Realm cultivator didn't dare to stop them anymore. He quickly stepped aside, took out a communication device, and informed the guardian. But by the time he arrived, it was already too late.

Zi Dong and Zhou Xinyu walked into Peace Gathering Town with their heads held high, not going directly to the market but wandering around the town.

Peace Gathering Town was completely thrown into chaos. Over a dozen Cloud Heaven Sect disciples had entered the town, and even though they were just disciples, it was a great opportunity.

Zi Dong was too busy exterminating the group of demonic cultivators and forgot a crucial point. Most of the cultivators gathered in Peace Gathering Town wanted to join the Cloud Heaven Sect.

Even if they could only enter as affiliated sect members, it was worth waiting in Peace Gathering Town for a lifetime. How could they miss the arrival of Zi Dong and the others? They immediately surrounded them.

The elder of the Demon Race's Star Refining Realm was enjoying himself in a high-end club when the female elder of the Monster Race's Star Refining Realm kicked the door open and angrily drove away several female cultivators.

"Elder Chaihe, over a dozen Cloud Heaven Sect disciples have entered Peace Gathering Town. It's very strange!" The female elder of the Monster Race quickly explained the situation.

"Ice Cloud Elder, it's just a few disciples. What's the big deal?" Elder Chaihe dismissed it with his monkey-like mouth.

"These dozen disciples haven't released their divine sense!" Elder Ice Cloud furrowed her snake-like eyebrows, her phoenix eyes narrowing like a venomous snake that had found its prey.

"Where are they?!" Elder Chaihe's thin, old face immediately became nervous as he quickly released his divine sense to investigate.

Even Qi Attracting Realm cultivators would release their divine sense to protect themselves when they arrived in an unfamiliar place.

The fact that over a dozen Cloud Heaven Sect disciples entered Peace Gathering Town without releasing their divine sense was definitely abnormal!

"They are blocked on a street near the market." Elder Ice Cloud knew that Elder Chaihe was currently releasing his divine sense, so she sat down and waited while informing him.

"Elder Chaihe, have you found anything?" Elder Ice Cloud noticed Zi Dong and the others and immediately rushed over to inform Elder Chaihe. Therefore, she didn't investigate carefully.

"They seem to be hiding their cultivation base. That male disciple killed our Demon Leopard Clan's young master. We must capture him and offer him as a blood sacrifice!"

(End of this chapter)

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