Golden Fishery

Five hundred and sixty one. Gathering maple syrup (6/10)

A huge school of bonito was wandering in the fishing ground, and Qin Shiou attracted a batch of herring, which was a temptation for the bonito.

The humpback whales stayed temporarily, and Qin Shiou injected them with the energy of the sea god, so that as long as the whales did not leave, the bonito shoal would not leave either. With the addition of delicious sardines, these bonito fish were like sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

Qin Shiou stood on the deck and watched the spectacular scene of thousands of fish fighting in the distance. The bonito school chased the black-backed anchovy, and the sardine school appeared again, so they became excited all of a sudden.

The bonitos first aimed at the black-backed anchovy, which is their favorite food. When the bonitos found it, they flocked up and down, left and right to attack, so that the black-backed anchovy had nowhere to go and could only jump out of the water.

But the snipes and clams compete for the fisherman's benefit, and the skipjacks force the black-backed anchovies to jump up, and the short-tailed fulmars flying on the sea will immediately rush down and catch these fish accurately. You must know that the palm-length anchovies are suitable for their food .

In this way, the black-backed anchovies kept jumping out of the sea, and the sardines were chased by the bonito, and the surrounding sea area suddenly became messy.

Snowball, Skate and Bean were attracted, and they were not interested in the small black-backed anchovies, but the squat and fat bonito.

This is interesting, a group of large and small fish began to fight, and the fishing ground was very lively.

Qin Shiou didn't intervene in this kind of thing. He saw that there was no problem with the fishing ground, so he sailed back.

It's not good if the fishing ground is too large. It takes Qin Shiou half a day to go out to sea and wander around. When he returned early in the morning, it was already noon when the fishing boat docked at the pier.

After landing, he saw Winnie leading the children to work around the two sugar maple trees in front of the door. Holding a small bottle and jar in his hand, he concentrated on scooping something with a spoon.

Xiong Da followed behind Winnie with a greedy face, his big tongue kept licking his lips. The little tail behind the buttocks is shaking quickly, which is called a joy.

From time to time, Winnie returned her hand and smeared something on Xiong Da's mouth with a spoon. Every time at this time, Xiong Da would sit down and lick his lips contentedly.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shiou knew what Wei Ni was doing. She was leading the children to collect maple syrup.

Spring is a good time to collect maple syrup. Last year, Qin Shiou collected two large barrels, but it disappeared after only a few months. I went to the supermarket in the town to buy it later.

Seeing Qin Shiou, Xue Li smiled brightly and raised the small glass bottle in her hand. It's filled with amber syrup, which is truly natural and pollution-free,

After shaking the bottle, the syrup is almost motionless and very viscous.

"How much have you collected? Is it enough for us to eat for a year?" Qin Shiou asked with a smile.

Shirley shook her head regretfully: "One month is not enough. Look at Xiong Da, he is so greedy. If we hadn't watched him, he would have eaten up all the syrup today."

When Xiong Da heard Xue Li calling its name, he thought there was some syrup to eat, so he quickly ran over wagging his tail, raised his head and looked at Xue Li expectantly, and whined softly.

The tiger and the leopard ran to Wei Ni, and they stood up while grabbing the tree trunk. He looked helplessly at the sugar bowl in Winnie's hand.

Winnie dripped some on their tongues with a small spoon, and the two little guys immediately licked their lips happily.

This is the habitual action of dogs eating, and it turned out like this. The syrup was all over the sides of the mouth by the tongue, sticking the mustache together.

Two maple trees can't collect much syrup. Last year, Qin Shiou thought he was just eating for himself, and thought that collecting two cans was enough. This year, so many people still have foodies like Xiong Da, so he has to expand the scope of collecting syrup.

Go to Winnie. Qin Shiou discussed: "Hey, sweetheart. Let's take the children to the mountain to collect syrup tomorrow. We haven't been to the mountain this year."

Winnie kissed him and said with a smile, "Okay, I have no objection."

Qin Shiou took a bottle and a spoon and scooped syrup from some cracks in the tree trunk. Shaq walked over from a distance and said with a smile, "You guys are wasting time like this. I'll find some tubes. I can smoke soon." Light syrup."

"No!" Winnie and Shirley said in unison, what they are scooping out now is the oozing syrup, and if Shaq makes a hole, what will flow out is the sap, which needs to be purified to be the syrup.

The normal time for extracting sugar maple sap is March and April. At this time, the temperature in Newfoundland is below zero at night and can reach seven or eight degrees during the day, which is very suitable for the sugar maple to convert starch into sugar and dissolve it in the sap.

If the sap is not extracted in March and April, the sugar in the sap will be purified and flowed out automatically. This is what Wei Ni and others are doing now, directly obtaining the syrup.

Qin Shiou shrugged, then lay down on the tree trunk again and began to pick out the syrup with a small spoon.

Shaq stood aside and had nothing to do, so he asked out of words, "Hey, do you want to hold a party? Generally, when the fish is caught, there will be a party or something like that."

Canadians imitate their American neighbors in this way. If something happens, they will have a party immediately. If they have money, they can drink champagne and eat seafood, but if they don’t have money, they can drink beer and eat hamburgers, but they must have a party.

Qin Shiou also likes to be lively, and said: "No problem, let's find a time, go to Jiadeli Fishing Ground to do it, and I happened to take it down."

Shaq began to plan: "We can have some competitions at that time. How about an arm wrestling competition? Whoever wins will be the emperor of Patry, and the beauty queen of the party. She used to be Teacher Cheryl Harry."

Winnie's eyes drifted over faintly, and Qin Shiou said decisively: "There is no tiger or monkey king in the mountains. With Winnie around, the beauty queen will fall into his house?"

Shaq rubbed his nose and said with a dry smile, "It's hard to say."

Qin Shiou glared at him, how stupid, it doesn't matter if he talks about it or not, now he has to talk about it!

Speaking of Cheryl, Qin Shiou didn't go to the town often and rarely went to Grant Primary School, so he forgot Mao Weilong's entrustment. When he remembered it, he quickly said to Wei Ni: "You and Teacher Cheryl have a good talk about how Sample?"

"What are you talking about?" Winnie smiled sweetly, beating the sugar bowl with a steel spoon in her hand, Xiong Da thought it was calling for it to feed, so she ran over, but Winnie was on its fat butt Come up with a slap.

Qin Shiou talked about Mao Weilong's unrequited love for Cheryl, and Wei Ni said awkwardly: "Based on what I know about Teacher Harry, it's difficult."

"It's artificial, we have to help, don't we? Who made him my brother." Qin Shiou said.

Winnie nodded, and led the children to continue to search for the syrup that flowed down the cracks in the bark. Qin Shiou went back to the kitchen to get some ice cubes and crushed snow from the ice machine. Iced maple syrup.

In fact, these syrups cannot be eaten directly, they need to be distilled and purified, but these are syrups secreted from trees, not tree sap, the concentration and sweetness of sugar are sufficient, and they can be eaten after freezing.

Of course, Winnie is for Xiong Da to eat, Xiong Da is too crazy to eat syrup, after freezing into candies, he can only hold it in his hand and lick it, which makes it slower to eat.

After Winnie and the children dug up the flowing syrup, Shaq dug holes in the trees to collect the sap, which was distilled and purified to become syrup. (to be continued)

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