Golden Fishery

Two hundred and sixty. Xiong Da wants to lose weight

The Seagull arrived at George Shoal. The fishermen had been fishing for half a day. Someone joked on the public channel: "Captain Lucky, are you here to provoke us on purpose? Please go south for vacation, there is Miami there."

"No, I'm here to stimulate those poor people. Have you forgotten who I am? Captain Tough!" Qin Shiou laughed.

His boat does not anchor at all. Although there are fishing rods stuck on the railing of the boat, he doesn't care whether he can catch fish or not. All he wants to do is to stimulate the fishermen of RBFF and take a leisurely vacation.

This time he has been out for a long time, it has been ten days, and it is time to return to Farewell Island.

As for catching bluefin at George Shoal? This is simple, and it is as capable as returning to Farewell Island.

In this way, the Seagull began to float on the sea surface, from one end of George Shoal to the other end, and then back again. Anyway, it was always kept in the sight of the rbff fishermen, and they gritted their teeth angrily.

"I just like to see them look so disgusted and helpless, come and hit me if you have the guts, don't you, Xiong Da?" Qin Shiou pinched the little brown bear's fat face, and smiled heartlessly.

Xiong Da looked up at him with an innocent face.

"Come on, be a Yang and I'll get up and lose weight." Qin Shiou said while grabbing Xiong Da's fat paw.

Xiong Da turned over and wanted to run, but Qin Shiou held down both ankles, so that he couldn't turn over and had to sit up first.

Then a fun place appeared, Xiong Dayuan's bulging stomach heaved and groaned twice, struggling to sit up. But it is too fat, the belly is too big, and it can't sit up after two efforts.

"Come on. Xiong Da, sit up!" Qin Shiou yelled at it, "One two, get up, one, two, three. Get up again..."

Xiong Da stared at Qin Shiou helplessly, with a pitiful look on his fat face. But Qin Shiou hardened his heart this time, and he must lose weight for the little brown bear.

It didn’t get seasick when it went to sea recently, but its appetite increased a lot. Its body length didn’t increase its waistline, bust and fat. Otherwise, where is the majesty of the king of the jungle?

"It doesn't work to be cute, sit up quickly!" Qin Shiou said with a stern face, "Come on, Dad will shout slogans for you, one-two hard work, two-two cheer, three-two climb up, four-two do it again..."

Xiong Da really exerted all his strength. Finally barely struggling to sit up. As a result, Bush Jr., who had been staring at it, thought it was fun,

Flapping its wings, it made a big jump, and directly slapped it in the face.

'Pa-ta', Xiong Da simply leaned back, the fat on his body trembled like water waves.

Xiong Da groaned and began to play rogue, Qin Shiou whistled and nodded at it, the tiger and the leopard ran over from left to right, scratching and biting. It's hard to toss Xiong Da.

But lazy people have lazy ways, Xiong Da decided to fight to the end, stretching out his paws to cover his face. Anyway, I have thick skin and rough flesh, and now I am pretending to be dead, so you can toss me.

Qin Shiou also has a way to deal with it, he said to Shaq: "Give me a plate of maple syrup salad."

American fruits are cheaper than Canadian ones, and prices in Gloucester Port are lower. Qin Shiou added a lot of fruits and vegetables on board.

Shaq made a salad with radishes, pineapples, cherry tomatoes, apples, pears, grapes, and mangoes. Unfortunately, there are no blueberries, raspberries and the like. This is the difference between the two countries, even though they are very close. But the berries that are ubiquitous in Newfoundland are rare here.

Likewise, fresh coconuts are hard to come by in Newfoundland. What’s available in Port Gloucester is that Shaq washed maple syrup with coconut milk, mixed with cream and salad dressing, and a pot of delicious fruit salad came out of the oven.

"Iverson, come here." Qin Shiou roared.

Iwasson, who was staring at him with big white eyes and big eyes, ran over ditty, laughing and stretching out his hand to eat fruit salad.

Qin Shiou comforted him and said, "I'll eat it for you later, this is not for you."

Ivorson nodded obediently: "Okay, eat this, Ivorson will eat it later."

Asking Iwosen to hold Xiong Da's back paw, Qin Shiou took a piece of coconut meat and twirled it in front of Xiong Da's nose, then stuffed it into his mouth, and then picked up a Gloucester Port specialty cherry radish dipped in maple syrup and gave it to him. Xiong Da sniffed it, but ate it himself.

The brown bear's sense of smell is superb, even more than ten times better than that of a Labrador. The bear twitched his nose, his eyes widened, staring at the salad bowl in Qin Shiou's hand, and howled miserably , Stretching out its paws for all kinds of demands.

Qin Shiou ate two pieces, put the bowl between Xiong Da's legs, squeezed his plump penis by the way, and said, "If you want to eat, get up by yourself."

Xiong Da really tried his best this time, struggling hard, sat up all of a sudden, ecstatically wanting to reach out his claws to grab the fruit and eat it.

But it is too tender, how can it understand the evil of Qin Daguan's people when it is so simple?

After finally getting up, Xiong Da hadn't eaten a piece of fruit yet, Qin Shiou pressed his shoulder and pulled him down again.

Xiong Da didn't care, and continued to get up, Qin Shiou was knocked down by him again...

I'm getting up, I want to eat salad, Xiong Da swallowed his saliva with a gurgling throat, shaking his shoulders vigorously and trying to sit up. Keep falling for me, Qin Shiou pulled it down again...

Finally, Xiong Da really had no strength. After struggling for a while, he couldn't move, and started howling.

This time it didn't move again, lying on the ground panting and howling.

Qin Shiou smiled, pinched a piece of pineapple for Xiong Da to eat, Xiong Da swallowed it without chewing it, and immediately became motivated again: the fruit salad is delicious.

Qin Shiou didn't pick up Xiong Da until he tossed it completely to pieces. Xiong Da is a real foodie, and he didn't bother to care about being played with.

Little Bush leaned forward and stretched his neck to get a piece, but Xiong Da slapped him, turning the little guy into a spinning top and spinning it far away.

Qin Shiou felt distressed, and quickly hugged Bush Jr. Bush shook his head, probably a little confused for a while, and stayed on the ground for a while.

After regaining his strength, Bush Jr. became angry. After all, he was the leader of the international hooligan America. He rushed up angrily and pecked at the bear with his tender mouth.

Xiong Da ignored it, it doesn't hurt anyway, as long as you don't grab my salad and eat it, you can do whatever else you like.

After Qin Shiou finished tossing Xiong Da, a fishing boat happened to be busy. His Poseidon consciousness shifted to look, hey, a big bluefin tuna over two meters long was wandering around the bottom of the boat, and it was about to take the bait.

Did not say, take away!

As a result, the big bluefin tuna ate the fish on the hook, shook its head and disappeared on the sonar fish finder.

The fisherman of rbff was stunned. He pulled the hook up in vain, and what he saw was only half of the fish head left on it... (to be continued)

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