Golden Fishery

Two hundred and fifty-six. Spanish Compromise

Qin Shiou laughed and said, "Is it lucky to catch a bluefin tuna? Charles caught two, old Kent also caught two, and it is said that Phillips caught three."

"Yes, Qin, I think I'm going to snatch your Captain Lucky's hat." A rough voice sounded from behind, and he looked back, and it was Lucky wearing Phillips.

The Lucky was next to the Snowball, Phillips jumped up, and the tiger and the leopard immediately rushed over, staring at each other.

"Oh, strong boys, I'm your father's friend, you can't bite me." Phillips said quickly backing away.

Qin Shiou whistled, Huzi and Leopard ran back into the cabin, and there was a small figure in front of them, that was Bush Jr., dragging his fat little buttocks into the cabin.

Now Bush Jr. has come to his senses, he is his father's illegitimate son, he can't see the light, as long as Qin Shiou whistles, he has to hide.

Phillips came up to see the catch, and at the same time showed off: "I got three, exactly one a day. But I have to thank you, Qin, you are a generous guy. I didn't expect you to give me ice."

The ice cabin of the Lucky was not well insulated either. Two days of ice was the limit. After Qin Shiou learned about it, he gave him some of the last remaining crushed ice and helped him support it for a day, which was equivalent to helping him catch another fish.

Phillips' son went ashore to buy two bottles of cold beer first, and when he brought them back, he handed a bottle to Qin Shiou respectfully. Phillips bumped into him and said, "For the harvest, I did it!"

Over there, old James was settling accounts. He said, "What did you say just now? I said you are Captain Lucky, right? Yes, you are Captain Lucky."

"No, I'm Captain Lucky," Phillips said.

Old James curled his lips and said: "No. You are not, Qin is. Do you know why? Because the bluefin tuna season has begun, and the yellowfin tuna season is coming to an end, the price of yellowfin tuna rose sharply in the Tokyo market yesterday. After 15%, Qin just caught that many yellowfin tuna."

The season for bluefin tuna is three months. August, September and October are also gold, eight, silver and nine black Octobers among American fishermen. The reason for saying this is because the fish season has just started in August, and the catch of bluefin tuna is the largest, followed by September, and almost no fish can be caught in October.

The season for yellowfin tuna is only two months. From mid-June to mid-August, the reason why there are more fish in the world but the catch time is shorter is that the fishing companies that actually catch yellowfin tuna use purse seines and trawl nets to catch them, and a net is several tons.

Qin Shiou received a check for 40,000 US dollars.

He waved a smile at Phillips and said, "I really don't want to go back to fish farming. Look, you can harvest 10,000 yuan a day when you go out to sea. How can you get 40,000 to 50,000 yuan in a fishing season?"

Several fishermen laughed, and Phillips said seriously: "Don't laugh, Qin is the lucky captain, maybe he can really catch so much, although I don't believe it. Haha."

In a fishing season, the best captain's harvest is 140,000 to 150,000 yuan, and the normal harvest is less than 100,000 yuan. and. The money is not owned by the captain alone. Almost every ship is hired or a husband and wife work together, which increases the cost.

There was a rbff boat coming into the pier behind, these people had ugly faces, and some were cursing something in a low voice.

Old Kent sold the fish and asked what happened when he saw that everyone was laughing. After hearing Qin Shiou's words, he pointed to the fishermen and said, "It's August now. The harvest is the best. In September and October, I will almost be like those idiots. I return empty-handed every day."

A group of people nodded approvingly, relying on the sea to eat is not easy.

Qin Shiou asked if he wanted to organize an event tonight, Charles and others shook their heads, Phillips patted his stomach and said longingly: "After three days of grilled fish and hamburgers, I miss Delia's fruit salad and minced meat fried rice very much. , I have to go back and have a big meal."

"Is it just eating, but also eating people?" someone said.

Immediately, these rough men burst out laughing.

To be honest, Qin Shiou has had enough of hamburgers, grilled fish, and sleep in a rickety cot. He is going to Wesell's House to have a good meal tonight, and then have a good sleep.

Taking the money back to Wessel's house, Wessel's mother went to cook. Qin Shiou gave her 500 yuan and asked her to watch the cooking. As long as no fish is used, other dishes are easy to talk about.

Nothing to do, Qin Shiou browsed the mobile phone information, there is no signal at sea, he has accumulated three days of missed calls and messages. Winnie was the most, and the second most surprised were the phone calls and letters from Billy Stormer.

He returned Winnie's call first, and the two of them were sticky for a while, saying a few '' and blowing a few kisses in the air, before he switched to calling Billy Stormer.

"What's the matter, you seem to be in a hurry?" Qin Shiou asked.

Billy breathed a sigh of relief after hearing his call, and said, "Damn it, Qin, don't go missing in the future, okay? You scared me, I even called Lawyer Auerbach, and that's when I found out that you went to sea. "

"Well, to make a long story short, the goddamn Spanish government compromised, lol. Those sons of a bitch, you didn't see their faces after checking the captain's log of the Dunfish in person, it was so beautiful, it was like eating shit ..."

The next hundred consecutive sentences were all scolding the Spanish government and expressing excitement. Qin Shiou felt that the grandson's inability to contact him was not because he was worried about accidents, but because he could not find anyone to share the joy.

It really is like killing one's parents, Billy is a well-bred guy overall, at least he never swears when he doesn't talk about the Spanish government, but once the Spanish government is mentioned, it's interesting. Like singing a rap song.

Qin Shiou let him vent, and said: "That's not bad, the Spanish government is also very happy to do things..."

When he said this, Qin Shiou regretted it. He couldn't speak well of the Spanish government in front of Billy. Why is Nima himself so stupid? Why is he so stupid?

"Fuck the hell out of it, those bastards should go take some damn laxatives and learn what it means to be happy! Negotiating with these fucking idiots is as hard as eating shit. Like..."

Hey, hey, Qin Shiou's face turned pale, and the five-minute bombardment with swear words made him deeply understand how stupid he had done.

Fortunately, Qin Shiou was also clever, and immediately changed his position and followed Billy to scold the Spanish government, scolding them for racial discrimination, scolding them for being gay, scolding them for *, scolding them for cruelty, anyway, all kinds of dirty water.

This is also understandable, as the second young master of Ossaid, Billy's family was robbed of 350 million US dollars by the Spanish government. This is 350 million, or US dollars, converted into RMB, a full two billion! (to be continued)

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