Golden Fishery

One thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine. Fame

The rescue helicopter prepared hot cocoa, hot chocolate drinks, soft butter, and waterproof cotton quilts. After seeing the six fishermen on the back of the sperm whale, the sea rescue team was shocked at first, and reacted quickly to pass the life-saving supplies through the rope. Want to read??Book·1 book k?a?nshu·

The wind is strong and the waves are strong, the long rope is constantly swaying in the air, and the helicopter is swaying in the sea breeze, which aggravates the instability of the rope. Fortunately, the sperm whale can use its nature to maintain balance and stability in the turbulent sea. People finally received the relief supplies in their hands.

With these material aids, the six people finally survived. They drank hot cocoa and wore waterproof cotton-padded clothes and waterproof quilts. The sperm whale went all the way north. After more than half a day, they finally sent them to the pier of Daqin Fishing Ground.

Except for Qin Shiou and Wei Ni, everyone in the fishing ground braved the wind and rain and ran out to watch this shocking scene. The coast guard had already informed them that a sperm whale had rescued some fishermen. This was something that people had never seen before. .

Including Qin's father and Qin's mother, both of them ran to the beach in cotton raincoats to watch.

Winnie is pregnant, so she can't go out in this kind of weather. She is holding a binoculars and looking out of the window on the second floor, muttering dissatisfiedly: "This is a miracle, I missed the moment to witness the miracle, what a pity!"

Mr. Qin knew who he was speaking to, he pretended not to understand, and persuaded with a smile: "Look, isn't my husband accompanying you to regret together? There are many miracles in the ocean, and we can witness other miracles in the future. Miracle. Yikanshu·1?k?a?nshu·”

The sperm whale rescued strangers in the storm, which is indeed a miracle in the world, especially after the sperm whale rescued the human beings, it was not far away and sent them to land safely. This incident quickly spread throughout St. Johns and then New York From Finland to Canada, and then the news swept across the United States.

There were video recorders and high-definition cameras on the rescue helicopter, and the scene of the sperm whale carrying the victims northward was photographed. Shaq Nelson and others also took pictures of the sperm whale and posted it on the Internet when the sperm whale was approaching the pier, so the leading brother, the sperm whale, became popular.

After sending people to the pier, Qin Shiou let go of the lead brother, and it walked around the pier. Shaq and the sea monster brought a large amount of herring, mackerel and lobster to feed it. After eating and drinking enough, it sank into the water with the whale saddle and disappeared.

A group of people frantically crossed themselves on the shore. The six people who were rescued knelt down on the pier, and the old John held the cross on his lips and wailed loudly—crying bitterly for his escape, but also excited for God's love.

The storm lasted for four days, and it has turned into a disaster, with housing problems in many neighborhoods in St. Johns. Read the book w?ww·1·For example, the roof was blown, the windows were blown, the wooden walls were blown down, and so on.

Because Farewell Island lives alone overseas, this kind of weather is particularly severe. Winnie is pregnant and inconvenient to travel. Qin Shiou acts as the mayor of the town, and braves the wind and rain every day to take the young and strong men in the town to repair houses and carry out disaster relief.

With this powerful assault rescue team, although the buildings in the town were traumatized, luckily no one was injured or injured.

In the past four days, ships operating in the nearby waters have returned to seek refuge. Qin Shiou arranged accommodation and food for them, and arranged for more than 50 people.

The storm has just passed, and the town is busy rebuilding. Households have suffered losses, but mainly in small things like damaged gardens and blown fences, and it's fun to help each other with the work.

At this time, a large number of reporters came to the town. Naturally, they came to interview the fishermen who were affected by the disaster. Among them, the six people rescued by the sperm whales of Old John were the focus of the interview. Almost all the reporters rushed to them as soon as they came to the town.

Old John and the six were also interesting. They did not stay in the hotel. After arriving at the fishing ground, Qin Shiou sent them to the community hospital. After the treatment was all right, the six of them ran to the church in the small town. Follow the priest to pray every day, that is called piety!

It was the same during the interview. The six people spoke of God and closed their mouths of Jesus, and made the sign of the sign of the cross with both hands. Tears filled their eyes from time to time, and it was clear that the rescue of the sperm whale was a complete miracle in their hearts.

The rescue of the sperm whale was really shocking. This incident even alarmed the Holy See. Later, the archbishop in red brought people to the town. Qin Shiou was also drunk. Are you free and free? If you have nothing to do, help us repair the house.

This is actually quite normal. Canada is a theocratic country, and Christians account for 80% of the population. In biology classes in many schools in this country, teachers cannot teach Darwin's "Evolution". Children still think that humans were created by Adam and Eve, not monkeys. here.

Qin Shiou didn't continue to follow up on this matter, he did whatever he liked, he just repaired the fishing ground honestly.

But he underestimated the impact of this incident. In the past few days, the storm raged, and people stayed at home and went online when they had nothing to do. Then the big brother Sperm Whale, who took the lead, became famous. .

This incident also had an impact on the town. Winnie waved her hand to find someone to design the town. It was a sperm whale with a naive and big head. Within a day, many promotional pages appeared in the streets and alleys of the town, on which this sperm whale was showing off its might.

The town's Weibo and Twitter were maxed out, and a reporter came to interview Qin Shiou and asked him what he thought of this matter.

What can Qin Shiou think? He spread his hands and said, "At that time, my wife and I were at the window on the second floor. We were lying on the window and looking through the binoculars."

The reporter was almost choked by these words, and he quickly said, "You misunderstood, Mr. Qin, what I mean is, what do you think of this miracle?"

Qin Shiou folded his hands and made a serious expression, saying: "This is a miracle. God appeared at that time. I bet that if I was there at the time, I would definitely be able to see God!"

The reporter said strangely: "Of course, we believe this is a miracle, but from a scientific point of view, this is impossible. The sperm whale sent them hundreds of kilometers. How do you think this should be explained? According to the exact news, That sperm whale has a special relationship with you, right?"

There was no way to fool around anymore, Qin Shiou secretly scolded himself for being so flirtatious before? Why do you have to ride a sperm whale during the battle of the brave? Well now, the matter of him riding a whale was on the news at the time, and it's too late to deny it now.

Fortunately, he had an explanation prepared in advance, and now he just said it: "Yes, we have a special relationship, not only me, but everyone in our fish farm has a special relationship with it. Actually, man, I tell you Let’s keep a secret. The sperm whale grew up in our fishing ground. We usually feed it when it comes to shallow waters. Our relationship is very harmonious. It is very happy to be friends with humans. You understand what I mean, right? "(To be continued.)



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