Golden Fishery

1763. Carnival of money

In Hollywood blockbusters and American dramas, Americans always talk about freedom of marriage and priceless love. In fact, in capitalist countries, the upper class pays special attention to being well-matched. Like the love story between Jack and Rose in "Titanic", it is only suitable for It exists in the movie, and in the movie, it is fortunate that Jack dedicated himself to death for love, otherwise if they can reach the United States safely, then their future life will be interesting. ┢╞╪╪╪.?〔. c

The social structure of Americans and Canadians was born in Europe and is completely different from those old capitalist countries in Europe. Young people in these two countries are particularly fond of consumption, and different classes have different outlooks on consumption and life, and this concept is precisely The original sin that led to different class conflicts.

Children from wealthy families are completely different from the middle class, and even children from middle-class families have completely different life concepts from those of the bottom proletarians.

This is something young people can realize by themselves, so if they come from different backgrounds, it will be difficult to get together in marriage.

Take Bird and Little Hilton as examples. Bird was born in a civilian family and joined the army as an adult. After retiring from the army, he lived a very unsatisfactory life for a while. Even though he is now with Qin Shiou and his income has increased, his life is still relatively frugal. , don't care much about enjoying life.

Little Hilton is different. She was born in a wealthy family and was well-clothed and well-fed since she was a child. Money is just a tool in her eyes, a tool to make her life better, and her pursuit is to enjoy and live a better life. Byrd's outlook on life was conflicted. ╪╪┢╪. [[. c《o

Therefore, Qin Shiou is not optimistic about their relationship. He thinks that after a honeymoon period, the two will break up peacefully.

Now it seems that this may not be the case, Little Hilton actually said that they are going to get married? Qin Shiou's point of view is the same as Little Hilton said just now, identity and worth are a gap between the two.

So, in the face of her question, he could only nod his head to confirm: "Yes, if he is a young rich man or some young hero, then you are really suitable for each other."

Little Hilton said: "This is the contradiction between us. I love him, and he loves me. We all hope that we can live together forever in the future, and what hinders our union is the material basis. I suggest that he leave the fishing ground. I Using the resources of myself and the family to support him to start a business, I believe that with Bird's ability, he will be able to do well."

No need to continue, Qin Shiou understood what she meant: "You want him to leave the fishing ground to develop on his own, but Bird doesn't want to. Is that right?"

Little Hilton nodded, with melancholy on her pretty face again: "Yes, I want him to leave the fishing ground, but he is determined not to. Because of this, we quarreled for the first time. I asked him whether he would choose me or the fishing ground. Do you know what he said?" Did you say that?"

"Must be a very sad answer.

┟╪┠╡┟╪.. Qin Shiou sighed.

He knows Bird very well. For this tough guy, the career of the fishing ground and the feelings of Nelson and others are absolutely inseparable from him.

Little Hilton reached out and grabbed his wrist. Said: "Qin, you and Byrd have such a good relationship, you definitely don't want him to be a fisherman all his life, right? I ask you to help me persuade him to leave the fishing ground and seek a better future, okay?"

Facing the girl's eager eyes, Qin Shiou shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't worry, Nikki, trust me. I hope Bird has a better future as much as you do. But why do you think it's not good to be a fisherman all your life? Why do you think And if he stays in the fishing ground, he can't have a good future?"

Little Hilton asked subconsciously: "Stay in the fishing ground as a fisherman, what future can I have?"

Qin Shiou laughed and said: "Okay. I understand what you mean, believe me, Byrd will have a great future if he stays with me, but your idea is also right, he needs to make himself stronger so that he can bear the burden. heavier responsibility."

Little Hilton looked at him in surprise. She opened her mouth a few times as if she wanted to ask something, but she wisely chose not to continue asking. She had a guess, and Qin Shiou's words were like giving her a guarantee.

Smart people used to talk about things simply. Little Hilton shrugged and said nothing. She smiled and waved her hands, and then walked towards the helicopter. Different from the melancholy before, now her expression and posture are revived again, and she moves gracefully like a butterfly.

Seeing Little Hilton approaching, Winnie nodded to Byrd, who jumped off the plane and walked aside holding Little Hilton's hand.

Qin Shiou returned to the plane and asked, "Is it done with Bird?"

Winnie smiled slightly, changed the subject and said, "Go to Toronto this time, let Black Knife and BB Cream follow, and let Bird and Nelson stay. You must know that Nelson's wedding is coming soon, he should be very busy, we even forgot about this." It’s something that shouldn’t be done.”

Qin Shiou called Hei Dao and BB Shuang over. BB Shuang could also fly a helicopter, and his skills were also excellent, and the two of them had worked as full-time bodyguards, so they were more suitable than Bird and Nelson in this regard.

Nelson explained that there is no need to stay. His wedding is relatively simple and there is nothing to be busy with. It can be handled by the wedding company.

Winnie still asked him to stay and spend more time with Paris, because they had been away from the fishing ground for a long time this time, and they had to go to Mao Weilong's farm instead.

The propellers of the helicopter started to rotate rapidly, and under the control of bb cream, the little dolphin flew up lightly.

Compared with the previous small planes, it’s no wonder that this little dolphin sold for a high price of tens of millions of Canadian dollars. It climbs faster but is more stable, and the internal noise is also smaller. Qin Shiou only heard a little dull noise of buzzing, Not even stopping him chatting with the bb cream in the driver's seat.

Winnie turned on the TV for Melon, and used the sound of music to cover up the noise of the propeller. The little girl lay on the large and soft seat and flicked her little feet along with the music. She probably didn't feel the height change much. Her fear of heights did not occur. Holding Diao Ge and Diao Mei happily playing around by themselves.

After climbing in stages, the Little Dolphin Helicopter flew to Toronto at a speed of 300 kilometers. This was the first time Qin Shiou flew such a long distance by helicopter. The previous small planes could not fly so far, even if it was possible as long as there was no emergency He didn't want to ride either, he was too tired.

Little Blake gave Qin Shiou a landing address. In the afternoon, the helicopter entered the airspace of Toronto and began to descend. Qin Shiou overlooked the tall buildings and busy traffic below, and naturally felt a sense of superiority in his heart. Life without crowded buses and subways is so beautiful .

The helicopter landed on the tarmac, and as soon as Qin Shiou went there, Little Black came up and gave him a hug. He laughed and said, "Welcome, young billionaire, get ready to participate in the next money carnival!" (To be continued. )



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