God Simulator

Chapter 337 The Joy of Harvest

In the Sifang Kingdom, every resident needs to serve on patrols. Those with a bright mind usually serve for a shorter period of time, while those with a dull mind usually serve for a longer period of time.

It's not that the military is discriminating, but that the number of years of service is related to whether they have made contributions. Soldiers with flexible minds can easily find opportunities to retire early and even receive awards from the king.

Smart people can live better lives.

Otherwise, he would have to spend most of his life as a patrolman, just like Niu Sansi and his father.

But in the Legion of Evil, General Hai did not ask the soldiers to think. He set a military rule: soldiers should not think personally and only need to execute orders.

This is completely different from the Sifang Kingdom. However, it was also because of this that Niu Sansi was able to join this powerful army.

"Assemble and line up."

General Hai gave an order, and all the clay corpse demons who were building fortifications lined up one by one.

Niu Sansi stood at the far left end. Although he was the shortest, he still tried to hold up his chest.

It glanced to the side out of the corner of its eye.

In just a few days, a camp had been set up on the east side. There were low walls and barricades around it, and several areas were divided inside. In each area, warehouses were built out of stone and clay.

"Today, we will have another actual combat exercise. Unlike before, this time it will be equipped with powerful combat equipment."

Admiral Hai said: "I hope I can see you all again after the exercise is over."

He clapped his hands, and the Evil Legion separated from it and divided into two teams, black and white. The two teams paint their faces white or black, and each team has a corpse demon captain.

Niu Sansi was assigned to the black team and his face was blackened with charcoal.

The captain gave it an order: "Look for enemy artillery vehicles while ensuring safety."

"Once discovered, immediately destroy the enemy artillery vehicle."

Niu thought twice before taking the order and got into the gun carriage.

Regarding the movable device created by the Yao people, it was initially cautious and did not dare to touch it.

General Hai told him not to think too much, he only needed to understand how to control it and how to use the two Conqueror Purple Roses on it to bomb the enemy.

It is easier to operate this metal-cast carriage than a real cow or horse. If you operate it according to the requirements, it will not move. Niu Sansi worked in the camp for thirty-two days and basically mastered the essentials.

In addition, it also believed in the god Yao during this period - the king did not require everyone to believe in it. Niu Sansi was both curious and in awe of the gods that General Hai followed devoutly.

General Hai told it that this was an order. It was the basic obligation of every soldier in the legion to offer faith to Lord Yao.

Niu thought twice about executing the order.

Its dream is to eat all the sweet potatoes - what Yao God has given far exceeds this standard.

It's just that it didn't expect that it would usher in actual combat so soon.

The teams from both sides entered the exercise area and hid behind their own rocks and mountain cols.

Soon, the Clay Corpse Demon's scouts discovered each other, and the first round of confrontation broke out. Explosions sounded repeatedly, and Niu Sansi's hands kept shaking.

Only then did it remember what the naval general said.

——I hope to see you again after the exercise is over.

This is not a drill!

They were fighting each other with real swords and guns!

Niu Sansi couldn't think of much in his mind, so he began to look for the location of the enemy's artillery vehicle.

It is difficult to find with the eyes, and the outcrops are easily discovered by the enemy, who are then secretly attacked.

Fortunately, the Evil Legion has a useful tool [telescope].

Niu Sansi hid in the crevices of the rocks, looked into the distance with a telescope, and scanned the target left and right.

The enemy's artillery carriage... is not behind the pile of rocks on the left, nor in the mountain col at the back, nor in the quagmire area on the right... on the front?

It looked to the front, and sure enough, it saw that the enemy artillery truck had already fired once at the black team soldiers. The purple flower balls sprayed out by the Conqueror's Purple Rose bombarded the front line, causing the Clay Corpse Demon to fly far away, causing local damage in an instant.

Niu Sansi drove the artillery truck all the way.

You must be within range to ensure a hit.

It controls the artillery vehicle, and both the enemy vehicle and the vehicle enter the firing range of both sides.

The rose cannon is slow to load, and the first shell is crucial. It is better not to fire the cannon before you are sure, than to leave the cannon in a non-threatening state.

Both sports cars were circling like two eager bulldogs. They carefully kept their distance, and the Conqueror Roses supported on the top of the car were facing each other to perform the locking process.

Niu Sansi keeps the operating principles in mind.

Conqueror Purple Rose takes time to lock onto an enemy. As long as it keeps facing the enemy, it will know the target to attack. Once the petals remain contracted and taut, it means it is ready.

Aiming completed, locking completed.

Next, just pull the firing hook in front, and the wire behind it will apply the rose potion to the fireworks, causing the roses to fire.

Niu Sansi held the retractor in his hand and was about to pull it down when suddenly a horn sounded in his ears. This was Ming Jin's order to withdraw his troops.

It immediately turned around and returned to its position.

The confrontation between the black and white teams came to an abrupt end, and they gathered together again, with some disabled people temporarily recuperating on the side.

Just encountered an unexpected accident.

An unknown demigod appears on the west road of Sifang Country and is killing soldiers and residents.

According to the messenger bird, the commander of the West Road has died and more than half of the garrison has been lost. General Ape and General Shi had already led the troops from the north and the south to rush over for reinforcements, only to find that they were actually two demigods.

The king therefore asked the sea general for assistance, but he only had time to hold off another demigod.

General Hai gave the order: "Everyone, our target is the Nandao Demigod."

"For the great god Yao! The evil army advances!"

The corpse demon soldiers shouted.

"For the sake of Yao! Go forward! Go forward!"

The evil army marched urgently towards the south road.

The clay corpse demon in front was so fast that it left the artillery cart behind. However, for safety reasons, each artillery carriage is still accompanied by two corpse demons in case of emergency.

When Niu Sansi controlled the artillery truck and arrived at the front line, he witnessed the invading demigod at close range.

It is a dragon-shaped creature with two wings on its thick and long arms. The bony bat wings are hard and sharp. They are more like two wide scythes than flying wings.

The demigod's head was huge and long and narrow, and its face was split into huge mouthparts that looked like wounds. The mouth was filled with sharp teeth that looked like scattered blades.

It arbitrarily captured the soldiers of the Sifang Kingdom, threw them into its mouth, bit and chewed them, and its face was covered with blood of various colors.

The clay corpse demons rushed towards the demigod.

In a cold and orderly manner, they detonated themselves at the moment of contact, blasting cracks deep into the bones of the demigod's body, and the god's black and purple blood gurgled out from the wounds.

There was also a corpse demon that was caught by the demigod. Its huge claws had some ability to relieve the attack. The captive was stuffed into its mouth and eaten.


Admiral Hai ordered.

Niu Sansi operates immediately, aims at the target, locks and reloads, and pulls the hook!


The first Conqueror Purple Rose fireworks hit the demigod's left shoulder, the purple petals exploded, and a large purple-brown blood flower exploded on its shoulder.

Niu Sansi continued the operation mechanically.

The second fireworks hit the demigod's right waist, creating a bloody hole.

The demigod discovered the fire and steam cannon truck. He howled in his mouth and stepped forward to rush over and destroy the device with his claws.

But in the other direction, a second artillery and steam gun truck also started bombing. Purple stamens bloomed into pieces of flowers on the demigod's back, tearing apart the back half of his body.

As soon as the demigod showed a slight flaw, he was swarmed by other corpse demons who were ready to attack and exploded in groups. Amidst the continuous explosions, His high-pitched and angry voice was filled with pain and madness...

Niu Sansi is just an operation.

It is the artillery of the Evil Legion, and its duty is to hit the enemy with as many fireworks as possible.

After the second round of fireworks, Niu Sansi suddenly discovered that the huge demigod had fallen to the ground in a pool of blood, and his torn body was no longer moving.

Really dead?

Demigods die so quickly?

It was a bit unresponsive.

"Artillerymen, you did a great job!"

General Hai praised: "Today is your first battle. You have completed this mission brilliantly, completing the long-range attack and pulling the enemy's orders."

"Especially Niu Sansi. Your last shot was very beautiful and hit the guy's head."

"Artillerymen, you will assume a vital attack mission in the legion. You will be the indispensable backbone of the legion!"

"Now, let's deal with the body of this demigod. I believe you will all like this part."

Niu Sansi got out of the car in a daze, smelling a strong and rich fishy smell in his nose.

A demigod... a demigod worthy of a king... I participated in the killing of the demigod.

Niu Sansi was in a strange mood.

I should be very excited and excited, but why does it feel like this?

It doesn't seem to be any different from actual combat drills.

It looked around. The corpse demons in the legion were very cold. They pointed at the demigod corpse, as if they were evaluating a slaughtered pig.

At this moment, Niu Sansi felt a warm light shining on him, and his whole body was filled with strength.

It is a gift from God Yao!

It quickly knelt on the ground, with its head close to the ground, and stammered: "Grateful, touched...Thank you for the strength you gave me. Niu will think twice...must be a good artilleryman!"

The naval general next to him laughed: "I have always had a good eye, whether it is my own people or the enemy. You are an excellent soldier and the hero who hunted the demigods this time."

Niu thought twice and laughed sheepishly.

He suddenly had new ideals and goals.

Instead of sweet potatoes, maybe add some demigods.

Niu Sansi felt a little melancholy.

If his good brother Niao Feijue had not gone to report the news at that time, maybe he could be an artilleryman here with him now and experience the joy of such a good harvest.

Thanks: I Can’t See Your Smile supports 500 starting coins, Natsu Dragneel supports 500 starting coins, Super Mario Awa supports 100 starting coins, Renrunjia supports 100 starting coins, and Gu Shi Ruoqing supports 100 starting coins.

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