The rules of heaven are actually "uncertain"?

How does this allow practitioners to become enlightened? How can you prove this?

No, no, others are not like me, they need to fully control all the ways of heaven, they only need to choose one way.

The number of Dayan is forty-nine in Tianyan.

On a certain path, the rules of the Dao of Heaven present an absolute order, so there are no "unknowns" and no uncertainties in other people's testimony of the Dao.

Only the Dao of Absolute Beginning like mine, which encompasses the entire operation rules of the Heavenly Dao, can analyze the entire Heavenly Dao rules as a whole, and only then will the "one that escapes" appear.

The rules of the Dao of Heaven are not an absolute order, this... seems to be in line with the "science" of that world.

Newton said: The whole world is an absolute order, everything is certain.

Einstein said: Sir Niu is right, but not comprehensive. Relativity, find out.

Schrödinger said: You are all bullshit, the world is uncertain. Chaos is the essence, and order is only the probability of accidental birth.

Now, Xu Ke came to a conclusion based on the deduction and calculation based on the rules of the road: what Lao Xue said is right!

The question is... How the hell can you become enlightened?

In a calculation, ninety-nine percent are known numbers, and there is only one unknown number, so the answer is still "unknown number"!

The nature of the laws of heaven is uncertain and chaotic.

For Xu Ke, this was terrible news.

Can anyone tell me how to use the "uncertain" rules of heaven to prove the Tao?

Whether it is enlightenment or proving the Tao, at least the "Tao" must be certain. Uncertain way, how to prove it?

You want to draw an apple, but the shape of that apple is uncertain, how do you draw it?

The Grand Dao of Absolute should I go on?

Introduce the power of chaos?

The number of Dayan, Tianyan forty-nine, on the basis of the forty-nine rules of order, introduce another chaos?

Isn't this the same as Dayu Shenghuang and the others? It is also a state of balance between order and chaos.

"We have the same power as the devil surging in our body, what is the difference between us and the devil?"

"The difference is that the devil will destroy this world, but we... will protect it!"

The voice of "Illidan the Demon Hunter" echoed in Xu Ke's mind, but the expression on his face was helpless.

You can't touch things like chaos!

This is more serious than being possessed by a demon. If he is not careful, Xu Ke himself will become the most terrifying "world-destroying madman" in the world.

"Once I fall into chaos, I'm afraid it will be much more terrifying than the Great Yu Shenghuang."

Xu Ke let out a long sigh, his face full of depression.

There is no other way, let's do some research first!

Xu Ke has no shortage of samples of the power of chaos.

Xu Ke also collected some samples of the power of chaos when he used the Great Sun Furnace to seal a soul of the great scholar Xu Fu.

It's just... the power of chaos, I'm afraid I can't figure out what to do with it. What kind of laws can be found out of things without any laws at all?

Xu Ke shook his head helplessly, took out the sealed sample of the power of chaos, and began to study it.

As we all know, the world is "moving" and "changing".

This kind of "movement" and "change" is essentially caused by the interference of chaos on order.

If there is no chaos, and everything in the entire world is in a state of absolute order, then... the entire world is "static".

Newton once thought about how the "movement" nature of matter appeared? He felt that it was "God" that pushed all the matter in the whole world and put them in a state of "motion".

In fact, it is not "God", but "chaos". It is the interference of chaos to order, which makes everything in a state of "movement and change".

If it were completely still, then there would be no "movement and change".

Life is born "accidentally".

From this perspective, the birth of life is entirely due to the effect of chaos.

There is no chaos, everything is in a static state, the entire endless void is "a dead silence", and the entire universe is "dead".

Grand Maester Xu Fu is right in saying that chaos is not evil.

According to Xu Ke's understanding, chaos is just an "objective existence".

Back then, when Xu Ke was studying changes in spirituality and physical nature, he had already discovered that at the micro level, the underlying rules of the world have the characteristics of "idealism is creation".

This is still characteristic of a chaotic nature.

So... will Chaos be affected by "spiritual consciousness"? Will it also be possible to "ideally create"?

In that world, there was an experiment called "observer effect" which proved that human's subjective consciousness could affect the movement of matter.

Now... try it first.

Xu Ke released a sliver of consciousness, penetrated into the sealed power of chaos, and exerted influence on chaos with his own consciousness.

"Thinking" requires the power of chaos to "move", but the experiment fails and cannot be done.

"Thinking" about all things derived from the Dao of Absolute Beginning, the power of chaos did not respond.

After experimenting with countless "thinking" methods, the power of chaos is "completely unreasonable".

Xu Ke simply didn't bother to determine what "thoughts" were, and let the various thoughts in his mind go wild, "thinking nonsense".

And then... the power of chaos gave birth to a change.

With all kinds of "crazy thoughts", the power of chaos showed various fluctuations.

I see!

At this moment, Xu Ke suddenly understood why Shenghuang Dayu became "crazy".

As expected of the Great Yu Shenghuang, he really found a way to control the power of chaos.

It's just... this method is not very easy to use!

Only by becoming "crazy" can one control the power of chaos?

No, no, "psychopathy" is just an appearance, and there is definitely a more essential reason.

The reason why I was able to disturb the power of chaos just now is because my mind is in a disordered state of "letting the horse go" and in a state of countless thoughts.

This state... I can do it!

Dao Xinlian, the essence of spiritual consciousness is in a state of absolute reason without emotion and desire, all kinds of emotions and desires, all kinds of good and evil thoughts, are in a state of chaos and disorder.

With a thought, Xu Ke activated the "Da Dao Xin Lian" state that he hadn't used for a long time.

A lotus platform appeared at the foot, Xu Ke sat cross-legged on the lotus platform, his mind and soul consciousness entered a state of ruthless and desireless, all kinds of good and evil thoughts, miscellaneous thoughts and evil thoughts, tumbling and lingering in the lotus platform under his feet.

With this "mental state", Xu Ke released a ray of consciousness and penetrated into the power of chaos.

as expected.

The power of chaos interacted with Xu Ke's consciousness, fluctuating constantly with chaotic thoughts.

So... how to manipulate it?

Any conscious manipulation is "order", and chaos will not follow order.

To manipulate the power of chaos, there must be no order, just a probability, a chance.

At this moment, Xu Ke suddenly thought of "quantum probability cloud", "wave function collapse", and "quantum leap".

The avenues are connected.

The movement mode of the power of chaos is the "quantum leap". It has no so-called "trajectories". It is unreasonable and unruly. It "accidentally" presents a certain state and "suddenly" appears in a certain position.

The only way for spiritual consciousness to control the power of chaos is "quantum entanglement".

It's like, to communicate with a neurotic, you have to become a neurotic yourself.

To manipulate Chaos, one must become Chaos himself.

The Holy Emperor Dayu is on the right path.

Only the spiritual consciousness in the state of chaos can manipulate the power of chaos.

So... Dayu Shenghuang is not the "lunatic" he seems to be. His mental state is likely to adopt the same pattern as mine. The inner core of the spirit is ruthless and desireless, and all kinds of thoughts outside are chaotic.

It's a pity that he doesn't understand "quantum mechanics", and it will take a long time to find a way to manipulate the power of chaos.

But I... was different.

With a wave of his hand, the sealed power of chaos disappeared instantly.

In the next moment, this chaotic force suddenly appeared on the wall, and its winding and twisting trajectory carved chaotic marks on the wall.

When Xu Ke withdrew the power of chaos, the imprint carved by the power of chaos on the wall was suddenly a lotus flower.

The power of chaos runs out of order, but the result after it runs out of order is "determined".

For Xu Ke, all he needs is this definite result, and he doesn't care how chaotic the process is.

What is "creating from the heart"? This is "creating from the heart".

In the form of Dao Xinlian, the spiritual consciousness is in a state of chaos, and it communicates with the power of chaos through "quantum entanglement".

The spiritual core of ruthlessness and desire is the "observer".

The power of chaos runs in disorder, but because of the "observer effect", the "wave function collapses", and the desired result is obtained in the form of "probability".

To put it simply, it is "just think about it", and then mess around with the power of chaos, it will always present the desired result.

This is "creating from the heart".

This is really "my way is done"!

The number of Dayan is forty-nine in Tianyan, and the remaining one escapes.

The rule of the way of heaven is "forty-nine", and chaos is "one that escapes".

In this process, to integrate into chaos, the "fleeing one", use the "ideal mind is creation" that has been studied just now.

Therefore, "unknown variables" are integrated into the absolute order, and the rules of the road have "infinite possibilities".

This is the path to enlightenment! This is the way!

Of course, a hundredfold harvest is essential.

With a thought, Xu Ke added a hundredfold to the theory of "idealism is creation" just now.

In an instant, Xu Ke's understanding of chaos, the way of manipulating the power of chaos, and the use of "ideal creation" directly soared a hundred times.

No wonder it is said that "the avenue is invisible", because the avenue inherently has elements of chaos, causing it to have "infinite possibilities".

At this moment, Xu Ke took a big solid step on the road to enlightenment.

Theoretical research has been clear, the next step is practical operation.

Xu Ke sat cross-legged on the ground, the endless rules of the Dao circulated in his body, and countless visions appeared around him.

The sun, the moon and the stars, mountains, rivers, mountains, wind, clouds, thunder and lightning, the reincarnation of the four seasons, all living things, life and death... All kinds of scenes manifested around Xu Ke.

This is the principle of the operation of the way of heaven, and this is the order of everything in the world.

However, these orders are fixed and rigid, and there is no "zombie mode" that changes at all.

So... still need an "unknown variable", also need "one that escapes".

The spiritual consciousness blends with the heaven and the earth, and the avenue sympathizes. Xu Ke absorbs a cloud of chaos power from the chaos covered in the net of the rules of heaven.

This can be regarded as "cutting the flesh" from the Great Yu Shenghuang.

Even if this power of chaos came from the Great Yu Sacred Emperor, it was still just chaos, it would not contain any information about the Great Yu Sacred Emperor's primordial spirit, and the chaos itself could not hold any information.

Ingesting this power of chaos, Xu Ke enters the state of Dao Xinlian, interacts with this power of chaos, and creates a connection similar to "quantum entanglement".

This kind of "entanglement" is getting deeper and deeper, which is actually equivalent to a kind of refining.

When Xu Ke's spiritual consciousness and the power of chaos were completely "entangled", Xu Ke immediately incorporated this power of chaos into his own Dao body and into his own Dao rules in the way of "idealism is creation". middle.

And so... the unknown variable was born.

The original absolute order, absolute rules, completely rigid, and the law of the avenue without any changes, gave birth to "variables" in an instant.

At this moment, the visions circulating around Xu Ke became "fresh", and everything had an "uncertain future".

The avenue is no longer "stationary", but a "state of motion".

The future is no longer "known" but "unknown", with infinite possibilities.

The foundation of enlightenment has been laid, and Xu Ke already has the qualification of "I am the Tao".

In terms of realm, Xu Ke at this moment can already be regarded as "the early stage of Mahayana".

At this moment, Xu Ke has truly become a "carrier of the Way".

By analogy, Xu Ke is equivalent to "Jianmu", "World Tree", "World Stone", "Chaos Orb" and other "innate spiritual things" that have the foundation to derive a world.

Of course, this foundation... can be improved a hundred times.

"Heaven rewards hard work, a hundred times the harvest!"

With a thought, Xu Ke blessed himself with a hundredfold harvest.

Just integrated into the power of chaos, the "foundation of the great way" laid down, and the "rudimentary form of the way of heaven" forged, soared a hundred times in an instant.


In a trance, Xu Ke only felt that the whole world was cheering, and everything in the world was fluctuating with his breathing.

"My lord, Ji!"

At this moment, Xu Ke remembered the hexagrams he had calculated before.

I see! I really am the "Savior of Destiny".

Xu Ke has already understood that for the Dao of Heaven in this world, Xu Ke is its "spare tire".

Once the Great Yu Sacred Emperor destroys the world and proves the Dao, and the rules of the Dao collapse, Xu Ke needs to use his own Dao to replace the entire Dao of Heaven and maintain the stable operation of the world again.

Xu Ke's testimony does not require any "overcoming tribulation" at all.

In other words, the destruction of the Great Yu Shenghuang is the greatest "tribulation".

At the moment when the Holy Emperor of Yu destroyed the world to prove the Dao, Xu Ke needed to use his own Dao to reshape the rules of the Dao of Heaven.

The so-called "adult, auspicious", "adult" also means "father".

Xu Ke is going to become Heaven's father! (end of this chapter)

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