God of Thunder

Chapter 13 Prohibition of Thunder Killing (Part 1)

Wu Yang and Daleba began to issue orders. As practitioners on the defensive side, they are more advantageous than foreigners. After all, they occupy a favorable location. Some time ago, Wu Yang and Daleba had rehearsed a few times, so now they are able to command with ease. Which team of people has been arranged everywhere, as long as people go over.

Lei Xingfeng has also reached the edge of the restriction. The restriction is controlled by someone and controlled by no one. His task now is to control the restriction and exert the greatest power of the restriction.

Wu Yang stood beside Lei Xingfeng. His mission was to protect Lei Xingfeng. There were two Taoist ancestors beside him. The mission was the same, to protect Lei Xingfeng. Now Lei Xingfeng is a treasure. The setting made everyone recognize his status. Without the protection of the prohibition, it is impossible for the hundreds of them to hold the mountain pass. If they are charged by foreigners, it is estimated that not many people will survive.

As long as the restraint works well, practitioners believe that they can resist for a few days without any problem. As for what to do in the future, they can't control it.

The terrain of the mountain pass is very good, which is very suitable for defending this side. It presents a trumpet mouth. The first defense restriction arranged by Leixing Peak is just outside the bell mouth. The range includes the mountains on both sides. The triangle inside the bell mouth The zone is the Thunder Element Restricted Killing Formation. Lei Xingfeng knows how powerful that thing is. Almost no one below Daojun can resist it. When the Daojun ancestor comes in, as long as Lei Xingfeng controls it well, he can still kill it. These two prohibition formations are their greatest reliance.

Lei Xingfeng also put aside his messy thoughts, and focused on defending. If he can defend the mountain pass, he and Wu Yang will have the hope of entering the Ming Ze League. If they want to sneak into the Ming Ze League, if they have no ability, it is absolutely impossible of.

Soon, all the secret whistles were withdrawn, bringing various news at the same time.

The number of foreigners who came back from this counterattack is much larger than them. According to estimates, there are at least 5,000 people. However, the secret sentry cannot estimate how many masters there are, but only one number can stabilize their practitioners guarding the mountain pass. up.

A dense crowd of foreigners appeared at the mouth of the canyon. Wuyang, Lei Xingfeng, Dalieba and other practitioners could clearly see them. Many of them were foreigners wearing red armor. This armor is very interesting, and it was not manufactured. , but the skin naturally forms markings, and then through the absorption of various materials, the armor gradually formed is a special skill of theirs, and the defense is quite good. The color will become more and more red.

Generally, the armor on the body will turn bright red when it reaches the level of Daojun Patriarch, which is very obvious in the team. If there are many, it will be very troublesome.

Lei Xingfeng made some calculations and said, "It's okay, it's okay, they don't have too many masters,

We can resist. "

Wu Yang nodded and said, "We can fight!"

The large number of foreigners is originally a big advantage, but the terrain of the mountain pass restricts the side with a large number of people. These middle and low-level foreigners are actually not a big threat. It is the high-level combat power that ultimately determines the outcome of the battlefield. .

Lei Xingfeng said: "Are you all ready?"

Dalieba nodded and said: "It's all arranged. Most of the people have gone to the defensive formation. Hehe, as long as you dare to come in, you will be blocked."

Defensive restrictions can't stop people from entering, but once they enter, their actions will be affected by the prohibition formation, and their actions will become relatively slow. Of course, the impact on high-level foreigners is limited, but the impact on middle and low-level foreigners is very large. big.

The foreigners rushing out of the forest didn't stop at all, and rushed towards the mountain pass like a swarm, giving the impression that there was no command, no organization, and the whole team was like a plate of loose sand, rushing over like a tide.

Lei Xingfeng said: "You really underestimate people, do you really think we are made of mud?"

Wu Yang said: "Our number is too small, of course they look down upon us."

Before the ban was activated, the cultivators stood sparsely. This number was really small, so few that the other party completely ignored them. Hundreds of people stood in front of the huge mountain pass, that is, hundreds of black spots. Foreigners could see it at a glance. It's so clear, no wonder they are not organized at all, they rushed up in a mess.

Lei Xingfeng said: "Let them enter the restricted formation! Let's go down and fight!"

The number of people was too small, so Wuyang, Daleba and the others couldn't be idle. If they had more combat power, they would have more strength. Lei Xingfeng followed Wuyang and several Taoist ancestors to the defensive formation.

The dense crowd of foreigners rushed forward shouting, and every cultivator was beating a drum in his heart, wondering if this forbidden defense formation could trap these foreigners.

The canyon is only a few hundred meters away from the mountain pass, and the group of foreigners charged very fast. As soon as Lei Xingfeng and others arrived at the defensive formation, the foreigners had already charged in, Lei Xingfeng immediately activated the formation and shouted: "Kill! "All the practitioners in the defensive formation began to show their fangs, and various attacks occurred at the same time.

Once foreigners rush into the restriction, their actions will be greatly hindered immediately, especially those low-level and middle-level foreigners. Their originally extremely flexible bodies seem to be weighed by hundreds of thousands of catties. They fell, but they couldn't dodge quickly, and couldn't help howling crazily.

In an instant, a large group of foreigners fell, and every cultivator attacked wildly. They knew that this was not the time to preserve their strength, and killing their opponents with all their strength was the best way to save their lives.

Lei Xingfeng's sword seal swept wildly, and the aliens rushing in were like targets. They moved slowly and their attack power was limited. As long as he tried to drive the sword seal, the foreigners in front of him would fall down in pieces, and the foreigners behind him would fall. Follow in.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, screams rang out, and just one restriction allowed the cultivator's strength to be brought to the extreme.

Slices of foreigners fell, and then large groups of foreigners poured in. In just a few minutes, the battle became intense.

The foreigners in red armor roared desperately to resist. Although they were also affected by the ban, they were not as helpless as the middle and low-level foreigners. They were still fierce when they fought. Lei Xingfeng estimated that the Taoist ancestor of the foreigners was still Affected by the ban, it is not bad to be able to develop a seven-level cultivation base of ten levels.

Wu Yang and other ancestors of Daojun specially deal with the ancestors of Daojun of foreigners, making them unable to rescue their subordinates. Since the strength of the ancestors of Daojun of foreigners is affected, Wuyang and the others take advantage of the increase or decrease. They were besieged and killed several Taoist ancestors of foreign races.

Occasionally, Lei Xingfeng looked up, and couldn't help feeling chills in his heart. In the canyon forest, there seemed to be an endless stream of foreigners. This is far more than five thousand foreigners. At this speed, there are already tens of thousands of people. people.

Even if the cultivator has the help of the ban, but so many foreigners are still invincible. The cultivator began to retreat a little bit, and the foreigner's fearless charge made people feel powerless.

Killing one foreigner, but three came up. Everyone felt a sense of despair. If there were another two thousand people, or even one thousand people, they would not feel this way. The number of cultivators is really too small .

Seeing the practitioners fall one by one, each fallen practitioner was besieged by dozens, or even hundreds of foreigners, and it was useless to have restrictions. After all, this restriction is not a killing array.

Lei Xingfeng looked wrong. In such a short period of time, more than a hundred cultivators fell down. Although the casualties were more severe for the foreigners, there were too many of them, so they didn't care about the damage at all.

Wu Yang also saw that something was wrong, their number was getting smaller and smaller, he exchanged a glance with Daleba, and they shouted at the same time: "Retreat! Withdraw!"

Lei Xingfeng shouted: "Keep consistent, keep consistent withdrawal!"

The cultivator who originally planned to turn around and run away gradually calmed down under the shout of Lei Xingfeng. Wuyang and Dalieba also helped to maintain, going back and forth to rescue the trapped cultivator. Since the entire terrain is a trumpet mouth, So the more they shrink, the practitioners can get closer, and they can borrow strength from each other and help each other. In this way, the battle line is stabilized, and they retreat into the forbidden killing formation little by little.

Lei Xingfeng did not start the killing formation, but insisted on retreating a little bit. His purpose was very clear, and he had practiced it beforehand, which was to lure as many foreigners as possible into the killing formation. I don't plan to start the killing array right away.

Ninge Aba pointed to the distant forest and said, "Almost no one has come out!"

Wu Yang said: "Damn it, at least 12,000 to 3,000 people, I really think highly of us...We rely on defense and restraint, and at most we can kill 2,000 to 3,000 people, and we lost almost half of them..." Speaking In the meantime, he has played two rounds of attacks.

Practitioners rely on these Taoist ancestors and the assistance of Tianjun to maintain the front line. The cultivators who can survive are basically true masters, and real people are almost impossible to find.

Finally, the cultivator retreated to the edge of the forbidden killing formation, that is, on the edge of the mountain pass. This place is no longer affected by the defensive prohibition, and the combat power of foreigners also exploded. The pressure on the cultivator suddenly increased, and a dozen people fell down instantly People, someone shouted: "We can't stand it anymore!"

Wu Yang said: "Let's start!"

Dali said aggressively: "Ah Feng, start quickly, our battle line can't hold on anymore!"

There was a loud bang, and a huge bolt of lightning appeared out of thin air, instantly turning dozens of foreigners into ashes, as if this was the signal, and suddenly, all the cultivators and foreigners saw an extremely terrifying scene.


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