God of Thunder

Chapter 2 Big Thunderstorm (Part 2)

Lei Xingfeng immediately beckoned, put the four gold-ranked puppet beasts into the wheel storage space, and asked: "Jing Ziya, can you keep up with us?"

The corner of Jing Ziya's mouth twitched, and she said: "Of course, you don't have to worry about me, just fly... well, don't fly high, fly close to the ground. [Start]"

Gao Yefei was about two meters above the ground and said, "Let's go!" Everyone followed and flew out. Jing Ziya's body suddenly became transparent, and then disappeared, and she didn't know how she was going.

Once you can fly, this speed is extraordinary. In this world, there are countless traps, and there are few people who are familiar with the way. Few dare to fly. Those who dare to fly randomly will die long ago.

After flying for two full days, Takano landed. He said, "Okay, come down from here, go around that mountain, and fly again."

Trekking all the way, flying all the way, on the way, Gao Ye also sighed, when he went to the magnetic storm mountain range, he didn't leave the coordinates of the secret door at all, otherwise it would have been easy in the past, but now he has to rush over a little bit.

On the way, Gao Ye even found a passable section of the ancient wheel channel, which saved at least ten days.


When Lei Xingfeng saw the Magnetic Storm Mountain Range from a distance, he was really excited to the extreme. His first impression was that it was magnificent, incomparably gorgeous, incomparably spectacular, with dark clouds covering the mountain range, and countless flashing thunder and lightning piercing the sky. The mountains form three layers, one layer is dark clouds, one layer is lightning, and the other layer is mountains, which are extremely clear and distinct.

Gao Ye said: "The magnetic storm mountain range is ahead, and the place is very abnormal, even I dare not get too close."

The rumbling thunder came faintly and continuously, it sounded like a drumbeat, urgent and shocking.

Lei Xingfeng looks up at the sky, the sun is shining brightly, the grass is green, and groups of bison and elk are moving leisurely on the grass. From time to time, wild animals can be seen appearing and disappearing in the grass. It is a peaceful scene, but the magnetic storm mountain range in the far distance, It gives people completely two feelings, that is, the feeling of extreme danger, especially for practitioners, it is even more intense, no wonder Gao Ye is unwilling to go there.

Gao Ye said: "Little guy, our deal is over."

Lei Xingfeng nodded and said: "Yes, it's over, I saw the Magnetic Storm Mountain Range."

Takano said, "How long will you stay here?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "I don't know,

Maybe a long time, maybe only a few dozen days. "

Takano nodded, and he said, "I'm leaving, I hope you're doing well." After he finished speaking, he turned and left without the slightest hesitation, and disappeared before everyone's eyes in just a moment.

Jin Daya said: "This is cheap enough."

Lei Xingfeng shook his head and said: "It's already very good, it will save us a lot of time."

Jin Daya sighed, the value of that bottle of potion was extremely high, Lei Xingfeng definitely suffered a big loss in such an exchange.

But Lei Xingfeng didn't think so. Although he suffered a disadvantage on the surface, but he established a relationship with Gao Ye. Practitioners dare not ignore that Gao Ye is considered as a potential friend, which is also a kind of network. The so-called familiarity is not an enemy, but Lei Xingfeng's goal.

Jing Ziya said: "Everyone is gone, you just said, hypocrisy!"

Jin Daya was so choked that he couldn't speak. He found that this puppet was comparable to the black bird, and he didn't give face when speaking.

Lei Xingfeng said: "I have entered the Magnetic Storm Mountain Range, are you entering the Mirror Realm?"

Crazy Eagle said: "Okay, we can't help you by your side, it's better to go back to the mirror world, at least there are still many things to do."

Both Jin Daya and Sihu nodded in agreement. There are many things in the Mirror Realm, and it is not enough for Aishaner to take care of it alone. Lei Xingfeng smiled and said: "Jing Ziya can just stay with me, and everyone else will go." Let's go to the Mirror Realm." He said, sending the three of Jin Daya, or the four gold-ranked puppet beasts into the Mirror Realm.

Lei Xingfeng said again: "Niaobude, you can go too."

The black bird firmly grabbed Lei Xingfeng's shoulder, and repeatedly refused: "No, the bird will not go back, the bird will go to the Magnetic Storm Mountain Range, and the bird will advance just like you!"

Jing Ziya said coldly: "Ugly bird that overestimates itself!"

The black bird looked up at the sky, and said, "No bird will bird you!"

Jing Ziya threatened: "Don't give me a chance, otherwise, I will unscrew your bird head!"

Hei Niao said: "I'm so scared, no bird will even bird you!"

Lei Xingfeng couldn't help having a headache, and said: "Shut up!" He said and ran towards the Magnetic Storm Mountain Range.

Jing Ziya ran after her, and the two ran towards the direction of the magnetic storm mountain range one after the other. Along the way, Jing Ziya and the black bird were still bickering non-stop. Lei Xingfeng stopped drinking twice, but it was still useless. I don't bother to talk anymore, bickering won't kill you, so let's fight.

Jing Ziya said kindly: "It's not easy to enter the magnetic storm mountain range. With your small body, you will be struck to death by lightning when you enter! I believe, you will turn into a dead bird!"

The black bird quacked twice, and said: "Stupid woman, didn't you see that the bird is of the thunder attribute? It's fine for the bird to play thunder every day, but you are a stupid woman, be careful to be killed by lightning! The bird will not collect your body, quack !"

Jing Ziya was scolded as a stupid woman, but she was not angry, she said: "What's wrong with the thunder attribute? Lei Da will kill you!"

Lei Xingfeng quickened his pace with a headache, a puppet, a fucking bird, neither is a fuel-efficient lamp.

After running for half a day, the sky was getting darker and darker. You could already see dark clouds with lightning flashing overhead, and the dark mountains gradually grew taller. As they approached the Magnetic Storm Mountain Range, Lei Xingfeng became more and more excited. Jing Ziya and Black Bird She also stopped bickering, even if Jing Ziya was a puppet, she could still feel the horror of the Magnetic Storm Mountain Range, not to mention Black Bird, her body trembled slightly.

The thunder and lightning of nature are the most powerful deterrent, and there is no way for humans to compare with that kind of terrifying coercion.

There is no grass on the magnetic storm mountain range, and it is full of black boulders. When the lightning hits it, countless sparks will be splashed. It is broken rock. When Lei Xingfeng reaches the foot of the mountain, pick up a stone and you will understand that this A mountain range turned out to be a metal mountain. Due to being struck by lightning all the year round, some ores have mutated, including the materials needed by Lei Xingfeng.

Storm magnetic gold, bright copper, black porcelain stone, etc., of course, these are the names of the cultivation world. They are things that did not exist in the previous life. They are absolutely good things. Needs are precious materials for machines.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, Lei Xingfeng really understood the horror of the Magnetic Storm Mountain Range. One after another lightning strikes on the mountain. This mountain range is a huge lightning inducer. I don't know how many lightnings are attracted to the Magnetic Storm Mountain Range. Kilometers away, there are no plants or creatures left.

Click, boom...

The sound of thunder suddenly rang out, and a huge thunderbolt slashed on the mountain in front of Lei Xingfeng. The dazzling light, if Lei Xingfeng was not a cultivator, would have blinded his eyes. It was too bright. It makes people dizzy.

Jing Ziya couldn't help taking a step back, and said: "I can't stand this kind of lightning strike!"

The black bird was also scared. Although it had a ruthless mouth, it was not a stupid bird. If this kind of lightning strikes, it is estimated that there will be no scum left behind. It is too fucking scary.

Although Lei Xingfeng's eyes were dizzy and his body was shaken by the shock, he still noticed that besides a huge lightning strike on the mountain peak, there were also countless small thunderbolts scattered and chopped down. These lightning bolts were what he needed. Yes, he said: "I need to go in along the bottom of the ravine. Even if there is thunder and lightning, it is easy to resist. I can't go up the mountain for the time being, especially if I can't climb to the top. This mountain...is not a powerful person. I definitely can't go up. If you go up, you will die!"

When Jing Ziya saw this kind of lightning, she also started to be afraid. If she had no wisdom, such as a gold-level doll, that thing would never be afraid. If you let it go to the top of the mountain, it will definitely follow the order and climb up. She must die and resist the task, but Jing Ziya is different, she has wisdom, so she has fear.

This is even more so for Black Bird, which is still in the biological category, and its body structure is completely different from that of Jing Ziya. It is also afraid of the power of thunder and lightning. It keeps trembling, and another lightning strike strikes. Shake: "Scared the bird to death... too, too scary... scared, scared the bird to death... why are you so scared to death..."

Originally Lei Xingfeng was also afraid, but he was forced to laugh by the black bird, shook his head, and said: "Niaobude, you should go back to the mirror world."

The black bird's head was like a chicken pecking at the rice, nodding repeatedly: "Send the bird, hurry up! Quack!"

Lei Xingfeng sent the black bird into the mirror world, he glanced at Jing Ziya, and said, "Are you going back too?"

Jing Ziya said: "No, I won't go back."

In fact, Lei Xingfeng does not want Jing Ziya to go back. If she is allowed to go back, there will be no guards around her. It is not a good choice to use a gold-level doll, because the whole body of that thing is made of metal, and it will definitely attract lightning strikes. host.

Lei Xingfeng said: "Alright then, let's find a way into the mountain!"

Jing Ziya said: "Master, have you noticed that thunder and lightning never fall outside, they are all concentrated in the mountains."

Lei Xingfeng said: "Don't call me Master, just like Uncle Jin and others, just call me Ah Feng, you have wisdom, not a warrior, so I regard you as a companion."

Jing Ziya was silent for a while, and after a while, she smiled and said, "Okay, Ah Feng, let's find a way into the mountains." Her words were obviously not so blunt.

Going forward along the foot of the mountain, this mountain range is extremely long and continuous, and it is composed of black boulders. After walking for more than an hour, I did not find a way to enter the mountain range. Seeing that it was getting dark, countless The thunder and lightning still roared, making people dizzy.

Lei Xingfeng said: "It can't be done, let's go back to the Mirror Realm to have a rest, otherwise we won't be able to bear it!"


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