God is Coming

Chapter 919 It's Outrageous

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At the Federal Orbital Base, Crassus officially issued a series of orders and began to execute them immediately.

Phil stood by, looking worried, and said, "Is this really okay?"

Crassus looked up, smiled and said, "Are you questioning my teacher?"

Phil lowered his head slightly and said, "Don't dare."

"That's fine, but I can hear your reasons."

Phil sorted out his words and said: "Chu Jungui is a very, very dangerous enemy, whether in war or in the arena. If such an enemy is allowed to grow up, he may become a serious problem for the Federation. Now he Being blocked by us on planet No. 4 is the best time to completely eliminate him. Once such an opportunity is missed, I’m afraid it will never happen again in the future.”

Crassus nodded and said: "You are right, but this question needs to be looked at from a different angle. First of all, there are no eternal enemies, and there are no eternal friends. After this truce, there may be more cooperation with him. Confrontation. Secondly, from the standpoint of the federation, Chu Jungui was once our enemy, and may become our enemy in the future. But if you stand from the standpoint of the entire human race, you will find that he is a treasure that cannot be lost. "

Phil frowned, and said unceremoniously: "I didn't know you have such a big heart!"

Crassus laughed and said, "Humanity has not encountered an enemy so far, but that does not mean that the enemy does not exist. Our footprints have spread over 2,000 light-years, and maybe the enemy is already waiting at the door."

"It's so far away!"

"Maybe, but your doubts have gone a long way. Go and execute the order now. If you are willing to stay, you can. You won't have any reinforcements and supplies. You can rely entirely on yourself!" Crassus said without leaving any room.

Phil sighed and gave the order too.

On the surface of the planet, the Federation's landing base was crowded with people. Soldiers lined up in dozens of long snake-like teams, filed into the landing ship, and left the planet.

According to the armistice treaty, the Federation recognizes that the N7703 galaxy is the inherent territory of Light Years, and does not seek to garrison troops in the galaxy or other rights that compromise sovereignty. Therefore, after Crassus received the captives, he withdrew all the troops on the planet to orbit, and after a while, even the fleet would withdraw.

Phil walked out of the command center and saw Hathaway walking over.

He stopped Hathaway and said: "The ranking of the pirate flag has risen rapidly in the past two years. I admired your ability at first, but now I admire it even more. After a big battle, the pirate flag did not lose much on the battlefield. On the contrary, the vast majority of those who formed the system surrendered, which is really commendable!"

Hathaway stood still, smiled lightly, and said, "I also admire Yuelun's bravery and your command. This time, Yuelun suffered a great loss, and I am also very sad. But as the commander of the legion, I want to remind you of a few things: Is the replenishment of troops and equipment ordered? Is the gap in military expenditure calculated? Do you have the money to fill the gap?"

The soul asked three times, directly hitting the vital point, and instantly made Phil's face extremely ugly. He snorted, and asked back: "The pirate flag has surrendered in an institutional way, don't you plan to make up for it?"

The little princess smiled sweetly: "Make it up! There are less than 10,000 people, so there is no need to bother to apply for military expenses for this gap, I can make up for it myself."

Phil was shocked, but he hid his emotions well, and said with a sneer: "It's really admirable that you have devoted so much to the family business!"

The recruitment, training and supporting equipment of 10,000 people is not a small amount, according to normal standards, it would cost more than one billion. If it is equipped according to the standard of the elite army, the total cost will exceed 3 billion. According to the little princess, she had to pay for the money herself, so Phil made a sarcastic statement. He didn't think that the little princess would brag. The nobles valued reputation very much, but they just went bankrupt to fill the gap in military expenditure. In Phil's view, it was just a swollen face to make a fat man. Personal money and legion money are two different things. Using personal money to make up for the loss of the legion just shows that Hathaway has a guilty conscience and wants to cover things up quietly.

Another reason that makes Phil unhappy is naturally that he can't afford the money at all, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to slap his face.

The little princess didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in Phil's words, and said with a serious face: "You praised me too much, but I didn't pay anything. I still have some pocket money, and the annual interest is more than that." gone."

Phil's breathing stopped. pocket money? Interest? !

The little princess said no more, said goodbye to him, and walked into the command center.

It wasn't until her figure disappeared that Phil exhaled heavily the stale breath in his chest, and viciously said a famous saying more than a thousand years ago: "Evil capital, blood and dirty things flow from every pore !!Pooh!"

In the command center, Crassus said with a smile on his face, playfully: "I just reviewed the battle damage list and saw something very interesting. There are two reorganized engineering corps in your pirate flag, both of which are left in Light Years. Don't plan to come back?"

"They were placed on the front line by you at the time, and they were wiped out not long after the battle started. The battle time was actually 7 minutes shorter than that of the 6th Army." The little princess seemed aggrieved. The 6th Marine Army is an elite army, and its equipment and treatment are one level higher than that of the Pirate Flag. Based on this calculation, the technical soldiers of the Pirate Flag are only 5 minutes shorter than the 7th Army, which is actually quite sturdy.

But Crassus didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "The regiments placed on the flanks of the 6th Army were wiped out in less than 10 minutes. Did your two regiments persist for 2 minutes? A bit fast, right?"

The little princess looked as usual, not embarrassed at all, "The Engineering Corps, it's good to be on the front line."

"I didn't know it was the Corps of Engineers! Anyway, what are you sending the Corps of Engineers to a planet for?"

"The Corps of Engineers has a lot of equipment, it's expensive, and the salary of the technical soldiers is high! Didn't I come to cheat Morgan, of course I have to bring all the arms that are expensive and can't fight. Anyway, when we get here, we spend Morgan's money." Money!" The little princess took it for granted.

Crassus really didn't know what to say, and sighed: "Then it doesn't mean that no one will come back, right? The two entire regiments are still strengthened, with a total of 6,000 people. From privates to colonels, none of them came back? They all stayed in the army. Light years?"

The little princess said: "Engineers, can you still ask them to have a will of steel? Isn't it normal to surrender? Besides, although the people didn't come back, the equipment is still there! It's just that it was damaged a lot, you have to sign a certificate for me." , so I can go to Morgan for reimbursement."

"There is no problem with the proof, but those people... are all talents, don't you want to get some back?" Crassus said as tactfully as possible.

The little princess said categorically: "The ransom for engineers is three times that of ordinary soldiers! I have no money!"

Crassus coughed for a while. It stands to reason that the Federation should pay for the ransom, but Crassus has made himself a hero who can exchange hundreds of thousands of Federation soldiers for less than tens of billions. possible. In terms of 100 million units, that is the difference between double digits and triple digits.

Of course Crassus knew that the little princess was rich, but he had no idea how rich she was. After all, he didn't have much money and had never been rich, so he couldn't imagine how rich the little princess was.

Anyway, no matter what he said, the little princess just killed her with one bite. This is an act of war and has nothing to do with her. Crassus also had nothing to do with her, and was so desperate that the little princess said what was wrong with only 6,000 people, but there were tens of thousands of people in Morgan's side who stayed in the light years, why didn't they mention them?

Crassus could only smile wryly, feeling that he had nowhere to reason. What Morgan surrendered were all miscellaneous troops with various numbers. Is it the same as your two regiments? If you don't have any of these two reorganized and strengthened regiments left, it's outrageous!

But reasoning with the little princess may be more difficult than killing Chu Jun on the battlefield. Crassus wisely gave up struggling and signed the loss certification document directly, so he didn't mention it anymore.

At this time, an image of a staff officer appeared next to him, saying: "General, there are starships appearing on the outskirts of the galaxy, and identification information has been sent."

Crassus glanced at it, and said: "The starship sent by Dr. Zero is here to pick up Mr. Chu and return to the real dream, let it go."


Not long after the staff image disappeared, it appeared again, this time with a more serious tone: "General, another high-speed starship has appeared outside the galaxy, and it has been identified as a high-speed destroyer belonging to the Dynasty's 4th Fleet!"

"Dynasty? Fourth Fleet?" Crassus thought thoughtfully.

The staff officer was obviously Crassus' confidant, and he didn't hesitate to speak, and said with a sneer, "With the virtue of the 4th Fleet, how dare you appear in front of us? General, why don't we send a ship to fight him one-on-one? Just for a publicity shoot piece!"

Crassus thought for a moment, smiled playfully, and said, "As soon as we ceased fighting, the 4th Fleet came. It's interesting!"

The staff officer said: "We are truce with Guangnian, not with Dynasty. If they dare to send meat, we will not dare to eat it?"

Crassus said: "No, let it in. If I expected it to be correct, they came to trouble Chu Jungui."

Crassus glanced at the little princess, who nodded imperceptibly.

At this time, the staff officer said: "It sent an identification message, saying that it was an envoy ship, and it was looking for Light Year, and asked us to let it go."

"Sure enough!" Crassus laughed, and said, "The intelligence bureau's funds are not in vain!"

With a wave of his hand, he ordered all the federal fleets to retreat and get out of the way, assuming a posture of earnestly implementing the armistice agreement.

A moment later, the two starships passed in front of the huge Federation fleet and slowly entered the orbit of planet 4. The people on these two starships must be in a bad mood at the moment. After all, dozens of large and small main guns of the Federation are pointing at them. There is also a terrifying capital ship parked outside the orbit. Any starship has made a mistake. One shot and the two Dynasty starships would be reduced to space junk.

Several starships jumped out of the storm clouds and greeted the two dynasty starships. Among these starships, there is also a posthumous cannon, which makes the federal soldiers feel nervous.

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