God is Coming

Chapter 917 Real Dreamland

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Chu Jungui naturally still remembered Mika Feng. This was one of the major events in his career. He chased and killed him all the way to the community, but finally returned without success. Without thinking too much, you can know how important the thing Mika Feng stole is, otherwise Dr. Zero would not have approached Mr. Chu to do it. If he was a killer, Chu Jungui would be the top group of people in the world no matter what.

Dr. Zero weighed his words and said: "Mika deliberately disguised himself as an ordinary person, with a level of research, a person with mediocre talent, but very practical and hardworking. He obviously has a clear idea of ​​what he is looking for. Therefore, he puts himself in a position where he can get in touch with the target but not attract attention. Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to say that in this field, his research may be more in-depth than mine. I It was also after he stole the sequence and started researching in this field again that he realized the importance of the sequence."

Chu Jungui was not surprised by this. Dr. Zero is undoubtedly a genius, and it is the kind of genius that has always been ranked first. The so-called laboratory presided over by Dr. Zero is actually a behemoth composed of 5 super laboratories, 17 top-level laboratories and 35 first-class laboratories. More than half of the projects in it are military projects, but more than 30% are basic science field. Since Dr. Zero presided over the laboratory for 30 years, the world's top science awards alone have won 57.

Now it is different from the parent star era. There are two and a half top science awards, covering 11 basic fields such as physics, chemistry, medicine, biology, and mathematics. The reason for saying 2 and a half is because the dynasty and the federation don't agree with each other, so the awards are naturally judged separately, so the federation has the Enlightenment Science Award, and the dynasty also has the Dawn Science Award. After the two awards have been held for more than a hundred years, the community is unwilling to be outdone, so it established the Galaxy Awards, but the gold content of the award-winning achievements is slightly insufficient, so it can only be counted as half.

Dr. Zero's laboratory has achieved such outstanding achievements in the field of basic science, needless to say in the field of military science. However, no matter how talented he is, his time and energy are limited, and it is impossible to cover everything. Presumably, Mika saw this right, quietly lurked in a seemingly unimportant project, and then stole the sequence in one fell swoop. After he succeeded, Dr. Zero realized something was wrong, so he began to pay attention to this field.

So it's not that Dr. Zero is inferior to Mika, it's just that he spends too little time in this field.

Dr. Zero continued: "Mika not only stole the sequence, but also destroyed the original sample. Later, I tried to re-deduce the sequence based on the existing research results, but found that there was no way to re-deduce the sequence, as if it was wrong The same. But in fact, this number sequence is a record of natural phenomena, that is to say, it exists and is real. To give a simple example, just like a child who did not go to kindergarten does not know that one is divided by minus one, It’s the same as thinking it’s wrong. So, it’s not that the sequence is wrong, but we think it’s wrong because our knowledge isn’t good enough to understand it.”

After all, Chu Jungui is not engaged in research, and he doesn’t really care about the significance of this sequence. Even if he has a question, he can’t ask it now. What Dr. Ling sent was just a video.

"And now, I have found traces of this sequence in the body of the son of hell you sent. According to your description, the performance of the son of hell in battle is obviously beyond their physiological limit. The gap between the two is difficult It is explained by existing science. However, in their genes, there are several adjustments that seem completely meaningless, but they match some of the sequence fragments in my memory. It seems that the Federation finally obtained the sequence and is still applying it Progress has been made."

"The source of this sequence is the real dream."

Following Dr. Ling's introduction, Chu Jungui understood the meaning of the real dream. To be precise, real dreams do not exist in reality, but a virtual world. Decades ago, in the fringe star field explored by human beings, a mysterious signal was accidentally received. After research, people found that this signal contains interface data, and can be connected with the mysterious signal accordingly.

After connecting, a primitive, desolate and dangerous planet will appear. Although it is virtual, it has extremely real details, and people can enter this world through the interface, but once they enter, the external human body will stop moving, as if it has become a vegetable. According to those who entered the world and returned, the feeling after entering the world is extremely real, and they don't realize that they are false at all, and they will be injured and die inside.

After death, the consciousness will return to the original body, but it will be followed by a comprehensive degeneration of reaction and thinking. According to tests, the level of brain activity will permanently drop by 15%, and the IQ will permanently drop by 10%.

The discovery of this world initially caused a sensation in the upper layers of mankind. Obviously, this is a window to contact higher civilizations. Whether it is entry into this world or the cost of exit after death, neither can be explained by the existing human science. This phenomenon can be explained according to the concept of the spiritual body in popular novels in the early years. It is a pity that until now, human beings have not been able to explain what the spirit is, or even know whether there is a concept of spiritual power. Science has perfectly validated the brain-in-vat hypothesis, and the community is far ahead in this area.

Signals are ubiquitous in the entire star field, so the federation, dynasty, and community secretly launched several wars, dividing up 6 galaxies in the star field, namely 3 in the dynasty, 2 in the federation, and 1 in the community. But what the community grabs is the galaxy with the only habitable star. Therefore, the general harvest ratio of the three parties is 4:3:3.

However, in the past few decades, people have explored the wild virtual world with bare hands, and have gained nothing except a somewhat novel experience. Until one day, the explorers of the dynasty and the federation met unexpectedly. After the teams of the two sides communicated and confirmed their identities at first, the battle broke out suddenly, and the two sides launched a primitive cold weapon war. In the end, the 7-member team of the Dynasty survived 2 people, and the 5-member team of the Federation was completely wiped out.

The corpses of the war dead gathered into a billowing black mist, which could not be touched, and finally dissipated slowly. Two survivors of the dynasty recorded the billowing of the black mist from memory. Dr. Zero conducted research on memory images and found that the impact on space is somewhat similar to that of the annihilation of positive and negative matter, but it is specious. The sequence stolen by Mika is one of the research results of the black mist.

At first, Dr. Zero didn't pay much attention to the number sequence, because it was contrary to some constants of the existing universe, and there was no way to further verify it. Therefore, this subject was temporarily sealed, and he did not expect it to be stolen by Mika Feng.

This is the origin of everything, and this mysterious virtual world is the real dream.

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