Glory Riding and Cutting

Chapter 22 The Battle of Jackdaw Town (End)

Doro Damonroe fought and retreated. Although he suffered several injuries and had to forcibly activate the power of the magic pattern several times, he can be said to have achieved remarkable results. When he was around the town soldiers, he had killed at least dozens of enemies.

Dorothy Monroe was no longer trying to kill Russell, but turned to deal with them, but the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable for Jackdaw Town, and they could no longer retreat. Behind them was the gate leading to the hall of the basement.

Russell is no longer fighting with Dorothy Monroe, and let his men entangle Dorothy Monroe. He only picks out those ordinary soldiers. Those ordinary soldiers are not the opponents of Russell at all, although they have the belief of protecting their families. , but as Lasse continued to attack, the morale of the guards in Jackdaw Town was about to collapse.

Dorothy Monroe knew that this was not going to work. If no changes were made, Jackdaw Town would be destroyed before the reinforcements from Shadow Village arrived. In order to find the target, Russell would never be lenient. The townspeople in the basement The fate can be imagined.

Dorothy Monroe had no choice but to activate the magic pattern again, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and Dorothy Monroe speeded up suddenly, breaking through the siege and going straight to Russell, he had already decided to kill Russell at any cost.

Elves are born with magic power, but Dorothy Monroe is not a mage, he can only rely on the secret magic pattern of the sword dancer to stimulate the magic power to strengthen the body, Dorothy Monroe's magic power is limited, as long as in the previous battle Use up the light, at this time he is already burning his life to activate the magic pattern.

At this moment, Lasse was slashing the sword close to a soldier's shoulder. If the armor hadn't blocked it, the huge force would have almost cut the soldier in half obliquely.

Doro Damonroe stabbed him directly on the upper arm while he was drawing his sword, and at the same time, he turned over and jumped into the mid-air behind Lasse, stabbing down with both swords at the same time, and sank straight into Lasse. Only the hilt remained on the back, and the point of the sword protruded from Lasse's chest.

Lasse let out a loud roar, spurting blood from his mouth, knelt down on his knees weakly, propped his hands on the ground, and spat out blood from his mouth. Dorotamunro drew his sword and was about to stab, when he suddenly felt something, he quickly turned around and crossed his swords in front of him, but was immediately sent flying by a shock wave.

The hunchbacked orc mage was running over with a few soldiers, and quickly ran to Lasse.

"My lord, the reinforcements from Yingtun have arrived, and the soldiers are trying their best to stop them. I have already searched the priest's head. The girl is no longer in the town. She left with the caravan that went out a few days ago. The target is the Hinterlands." .I'll heal your wounds now!"

Lasse reached out to stop the hunchbacked mage.

"Don't waste mana, Gul'dan, I can't do it, you quickly take the soldiers to chase the caravan, and you must catch her. Our tribe's rise is the only chance. You must catch her!"

Lasse held Gul'dan's arm firmly and said, and then spit out a big mouthful of blood. Dorothy Monroe, who was knocked into the air, was struggling to get up. Hearing their conversation, he realized that they already knew where Daisy was going. He quickly picked up the two swords and ran over to kill Gul'dan.

"Give me a blood burning technique, I will block him, you guys go!"

Gul'dan let out a low growl, and could only cut his palm and sprinkle his blood on Lassey's body to cast spells for him. With the blessing of the blood burning technique, Lasse's muscles rapidly swelled like a flashback, his eyes were bloodshot and red, and he let out a deafening roar and rushed towards Dorotamunro. Gul'dan ran out of the church with the alien soldiers around him.

Dorothy Monroe urged the magic pattern to speed up and go around Lassey to chase Gul'dan, but Lassey, who was blessed with the blood burning technique, was able to keep up with Dorodamunro's speed, and he blocked Dorothy with a step Damunro then punched Doro Damunro heavily, and Doro Damunro raised his sword to block, the blade directly cut into Lasse's fist and cut into the bone, but Lasse didn't seem to feel any pain, and the punch did not Without slowing down, Dorothy Monroe was sent flying, and the pressed blade cut Dorodamunro's chest, and blood flowed out.

Several Jackdaw Town guards rushed over with their guns raised, and the spears pierced Lasse's body deeply, but Lasse didn't dodge or dodge, he reached out and grabbed the two soldiers and rammed them together forcefully.

At this time, there was a sudden shout of killing from outside, and more than a dozen foreigners ran in in a panic, followed by Laxus and the others who were chasing after them.

Seeing the berserk Lasse, Laxus raised his sword and pierced Lasse's back spine without thinking. Lasse's spine was damaged and he couldn't move. Plug your eyes. The thick orc corpse fell to the ground slowly, and Doro Damonroe also slumped on the ground with his knees limp. His sky-blue hair was a little gray at this moment.

Laxus quickly squatted beside Doro Damonroe and helped Doroda Monroe who was about to fall and said:

"Sorry, I'm late, and it's my fault that I didn't see through this sleazy scheme! I'll call someone to heal your injuries right away!"

"It's not necessary, Laxus, I'm not seriously injured, but I've continuously activated the magic pattern, and my vitality has been exhausted. This is my doom, Laxus, I don't blame you, because I'm selfish, It is all my fault that Jackdaw Town suffered such great harm. As the bishop of Jackdaw Town, I failed to protect the town well." As he spoke, Dorothy Monroe's eyes gradually became dull, and he lost his vision. live.

"Teacher!" Laxus yelled as he hugged Dorothy Monroe's body.

"Okay, teacher, you have protected this town for forty years. Without you, this town would not be able to develop today. Without your teaching and recommendation, I would not be able to become a knight, let alone be promoted to be the leader of the knight order. You can go with peace of mind, I will restore the town for you!" Laxus embraced the corpse of Dorotada Monroe and swore secretly.

"Kill all the bastards in the town, Argus, you immediately lead people to chase after the fleeing guy, don't let any one go!" Laxus shouted at the adjutant beside him.

After the battle, the townspeople came out from the basement of the church. With the help of the Shadowtun soldiers, the men moved the corpses and repaired the damaged houses, while the women tended to the wounded and cooked the fire.

Laxus was standing in front of an open space outside the city with the Knights of Shadowtown and the remaining guards of Jackdaw Town. Some townspeople and soldiers of Shadowtown were digging holes. The soldiers who died in battle were about to be buried here. Warren's body was found on the city wall. Laxus was silent for a long time looking at this colleague who was pushed out because of his integrity.

Dorothy Monroe, Warren, and the rest of the soldiers who died in battle are buried here, and a stone tablet with everyone's name is engraved on it. Warriors!" Warren's armor was buried with him, and Doro Damonro's swords were put away by Laxus, who knew someone would come to fetch them.

In this battle, the alien allied forces left behind 789 corpses, including their leader, and nearly 100 of them died at the hands of Doro Damonro. The guards of Jackdaw Town and the mercenaries left behind also suffered heavy casualties. The guard establishment of Jackdaw Town has disappeared. There are only 48 surviving soldiers, and less than ten are intact.

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