Global Sky Online

Chapter 761: Invisible man, I help you become a normal person

After several people came under the sea, Lake released the undead warship directly, and took the little queen to board the ship.

The undead warship began to travel under the sea, and Rake opened his eyes and fired his eyes to see the skill, finding a suitable hilltop for Wuzhishan under the sea.

For a long time, I really found a hill under the sea.

After taking the green light from the tattoo on his stomach, and refilling the green light ring with energy, Rick began to materialize an oversized drill bit to make holes in the hills under the sea.

Gu Yi used the magic portal to remove the dirt and rocks excavated by the drill.

In half a day, a large hollow was drilled inside the hill below the sea, and the shape of the hill was roughly changed to a palm-like shape.

Later, Gu began to cast magic to make this hill old, so that the excavated place looked like it formed naturally after thousands of years of seawater washing.

Gu Yi subsequently set up a large frozen magic formation underground in the depth of the cave.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai also started to set up the frozen circle on the stone wall inside the cave with the help of demon power.

Rake looked at the magic array set by Xiaoqing and Xiaobai, and found that the power was far worse than that of the Twelve Capitals.

But Xiaoqing Xiaobai is a frozen array, which has a different killing effect than the Twelve Capitals.

"In this way, I will lay another [Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons] outside the cave.

In this way, even if the news of Qitian Dasheng Tomb is known by other powerful people in this world to forcibly enter, I can control the large group to resist them for a short time, and also allow these people to explore from outside to the inside of Wuzhishan. False and Real. "Lake said, and then took out the Poseidon Trident artifact.

Lake started using the avatar's trident and the green light ring to embody the formations under this seabed rock.

The Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons is too esoteric, and it is very troublesome to arrange the full version. Rake only arranged a simple version.

The power and effectiveness have been reduced many times, but after the layout is completed, the mysterious and simple atmosphere is added to the Qitian Great Holy Tomb instantly.

After several people from Lake completed the operation, they returned to the undead warship in the distance and looked at the Qitian Great Holy Tomb shrouded in the mysterious array of Twelve Heavens. It seems that the ancient ruins are really open.

Rick took out the stone prop from the ruins and chose to use it.

In the message left on the stone by Lake, in the tone before the death of Qi Tiansheng, leave a message on the stone in this ruin.

"Congratulations to Player No. 2 in the [New Mummy] copy world, using the [Stones in the Ruins] props, set to [Five-finger Mountain Tomb under the Qitian Great Holy Sea].

[New Mummy] The copy world, the hidden subject is the robber's tomb. [Tomb of Five Fingers Mountain under the Qitian Great Holy Sea] is close to the hidden theme of the copy world. [Stones in the ruins] The prop effect has been improved. Wuzhishan under the Great Holy Sea] The probability of tombs has increased.

Please respect the No. 2 player to choose the way to find the [Five-finger Mountain Tomb under the Qitian Great Holy Sea] through [Stones in the Ruins]:

1: The coordinates of the ruined stone are recorded directly here.

2: According to the horoscope, the coordinates here can be derived.

3: According to the astrology, it can be deduced that the large area of ​​the sea here. When the stone in the ruins is held above the surface of the Five Finger Mountain Tomb under the Qitian Great Holy Sea, the stone will glow. The closer the stones are, the brighter they are.

4: Add your own clues to describe the location of this ruin.

Player No.2, please choose among these 4 ways to find ruins. "Zhu Tian's online voice sounded in Rick's head.

After hearing the voice of Zhu Tian Online, Rick knew that this time was lucky. The original copy of the new mummy was originally a tomb.

Setting up a Qitian Great Holy Tomb yourself is really related to the theme of this copy of the world. In this way, Zhutian Online directly increased the probability that the indigenous people of the copy world believed this Qitian Great Holy Tomb.

If the Observation Department subsequently obtained this stone, they would not be afraid to come.

Now this stone belongs to the treasure map. The four options given by Zhu Tian online, Rick looked at it, probably from simple to difficult to arrange.

Lake is about to choose a relatively difficult one. After all, this is the tomb of Qitian Dasheng. It is too easy to find.

However, it is too difficult to describe the installation of the treasure map, especially the information about the fake relics passed down from the ancient times. Lake is also worried that he will find it false if he does not set it well.

Simply Rick chose the third item. The stones in the ruins can be displayed by the astrology to show the large-scale sea area where the "Five Fingers Mountain Tomb under the Qitian Great Holy Sea" is located. When the stones are held near the underwater graveyard, the stones will glow. The closer the distance, the brighter the stone.

After finishing the selection, Lake discovered that the small stone in his hand had some small textures under it, and it started to glow like a small light bulb.

Rick looked at it with the fire eye golden eye skills. These small textures are a reduced version of the galaxy map.

Specific Rake also did not study, and chose to believe that Zhutian online production must be a boutique.

If the Department of Insight sees this galaxy map, it should be able to deduct to find this area.

Lake then took this glowing stone into his arms.

"The next thing to do is to get this stone to the Expo Department, and it's all right. You can't directly give it to the Expo Department. If you hand in it directly, it will reduce the credibility. What good way do you have for this stone to finally fall into the Expo Department? See the Ministry's hands? "Lake asked, looking at Gu Yi and the little queen.

"Find a monument that is being excavated by the Ministry of Knowledge and put this stone in the coffin." The little queen thought about it and said.

"Although the content recorded in the stone in this ruin is fake, it is produced online by the heavens, and archaeologists and instrumental analysis of the copied world can't tell that it is fake. I suggest finding a big auction house directly. The auction was anonymously commissioned, and the auction proceeds were donated. In this way, no one can detect our history, and the eye-catching department of the World Wide Expo Department has a great chance that such auction products will eventually reach their hands. "Gu Yi said in a loud voice. .

Listening to Gu Yi, the little queen and Lake also nodded, indicating that the plan is good.

"Okay, I'll go find a big auction house!" Rake said, starting the magic portal first and leaving the sea first.

It's easy to find a big auction house, especially if you don't plan to make money at auction.

Rick did not send the stones by himself, but summoned the fat girl Zhong Ling in her Donghuang Bell.

Both myself and Gu Yi have made appearances, but Fat Ya Zhong Ling did not show up. At this time, let Fat Ya Zhong Ling go to the auction house to send stones, the exposure risk can be smaller.

Rick let the fat girl Zhong Ling wear a big scarf and cover her face. Then she put on gloves and washed and dried the small stones in the ruins.

"When you enter the auction house, find the person in charge. Then what they say, you send it back to me through telepathy. I will tell you how to answer. Wait until this copy is cleared, and let Gu take you to dinner. "Lake said to Fat Zhong Ling.

Fat Ya Zhongling nodded in agreement, after all, it was too simple to send a stone for auction.

In less than half a day, the auction house was done.

Two days later it was auctioned and the advertisements were put out. In ancient times, the stone in the cemetery of the Great God Qitian Dasheng, the Qitian Great Holy Cemetery has the immortal peach, the artifact golden hoop and the heritage of the ancient god.

This stone has a mysterious treasure map, the key to unlocking the ancient ruins.

The advertisement of this auction house spread more and more evil.

After a few hours, there were numerous posts on this world network about the Qitian Great Holy Tomb.

It is said that once the Qitian Great Holy Tomb is successfully opened, the world process can be changed. After this relic is successfully opened, the earth will regain its aura, and the whole people will enter the era of gods and demons, and their lifespan will be extended.

Looking at the effect of the propaganda, Lake was enough. After recovering Fat Ling Zhong Ling, he opened the magic portal and returned to the sea.

"Things are done, but the sensation caused by the sensation is better!" Rake said to the big queen, the little queen and others.

"Hope not to attract other strong ones." The little queen said a little worried.

"I'll go outside and see the latest situation!" Gu Yi said, and then Gu Yi left the magic portal by himself.

For a long time, Master Gu Yi returned to the undead warship under the sea again.

"The good news is that the Expo Department should do it, and it looks like it was sent by a stealth person. The stone in the auction house's remains was stolen. On-site monitoring shows that the stone disappeared out of thin air." Gu Yi said.

"Be ready, when the big queen and I and the little queen will grab the Seth dagger of the mummy princess together, move faster. It is estimated that the mummy princess, the universe player knows that this is a trap, and dare not enter the ruins of Wuzhishan , Will choose to stay outside waiting. Gu Yi, Xiaoqing Xiaobai came to activate the freezing effect, trapping this invisible person. "

Rake said, also released the avatar, and handed the golden hoop stick to the avatar's hand, allowing the avatar to control the twelve capital gods.

The undead warship was hidden in the soil beneath the sea in the distance, and was prepared to meet other strong men. If they came to the grave, the undead warship would launch the undead cannon to block it.

After waiting for another day, Rake opened his eyesight skills and his hearing ability was released in the sea.

It was found above the sea that the mummy princess Ammanette appeared, and she was also followed by a stealth person, who was holding the small stone in the ruins.

The Hiromi Department has cracked the coordinates of the galaxies left on the small stones and found this area.

The small stone began to emit a faint light, and it had already begun to remind that it was close to the Qitian Great Holy Tomb.

"This is a trap, a conspiracy, there is no Qitian Great Holy Tomb at all, all are traps made by the big queen team I was going to kill before. How many times do you want me to say, you believe me!" Mummy The princess looked depressed, and said to the invisible man beside her.

"Even if it is a trap, we have to go and see. The doctor has given us an investigation mission. As warriors of the Ministry of Education and Guardians of the Earth, this kind of thing has happened and we must go to investigate." The invisible man said. .

The mummy princess looked alertly under the sea.

The invisible man then took the mummy princess into stealth and began to dive.

However, the stealth in the fast-moving state in seawater is not as effective as on land, and the current will change. If you look carefully, you will also find two people in the seawater.

"Come here, get ready!" Lake told the little queen and others.

The mummy princess and the invisible man came outside the ruins of the Qizhi Great Holy Five Fingers Mountain Tomb and looked at the strange atmosphere around the five finger mountains below the sea.

The mummy princess Ammanette was also a little embarrassed. If she had not seen the stones in the ruins and knew that they were props produced by Zhutian Online, now she looked at the scene of the Wuzhishan ruins in front of her in the deep sea, and felt that this was true Of the ruins.

"These earth player squads will really toss!" Mummy princess Ammanette thought to herself, and did not dare to venture into this strange fake relic in front.

Mainly the effects of the Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demon Arrays now appear a little scary.

"I'll guard you outside, go inside and see, there is danger to teleport immediately!" Princess Mummy said to the invisible bandage next to her.

The invisible man nodded, and then disappeared.

The invisible person began to try to teleport through the space and move towards the Wuzhishan, but found that there was energy to interfere with its transmission, and it took a long time for the localization to transmit to the inside of the Wuzhishan.

The invisible person then chose to swim directly into it.

Rake's avatar controls the Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons, and directly puts the invisible people in.

More than ten minutes later, the invisible man entered the deepest part of the Wuzhishan cave, watching the lord No. 2 holding the golden hoop stick, sitting on a stone step and looking at it with a smile.

"It's a trap!" The invisible man turned around and fled after seeing the lord No. 2 holding the golden hoop.

"Slow, it's not all, do you want to return to the normal person, make a wish, I have a way for you to return to the normal person and go shopping like a normal person! Let others see your face!" Said the split. .

Gu Yi and Xiao Qing Xiao Bai have already begun the formation, and now the exit of this cave has been frozen. It will take some time for the interior to completely freeze.

The figure of the stealth man who had to go before stopped when he heard the sage of Lord No. 2 and then the stealth man turned quickly.

"Cheat me, I will kill you, endlessly!" The invisible man threatened the avatar.

"I am also immortal. Although the way I am immortal is a little different from yours, it is almost the same. Still, do you want to live like a normal person, I have a way." The clone continued.

"There is a way! What way? I have tried many drugs and experiments. Even some ancient magics have been tried by the Expo Department, it is not easy to use!" The invisible man said to the avatar.

"On a condition, don't protect the mummy princess!" Said the avatar, and from behind him took out a large box that Rick Benzine had prepared for him.

The invisible man is hesitating.

It's almost time for the avatar to count, and Gu Yi's frozen formation is about to explode. The avatar took the box in front of themselves, and raised his hand to open the box.

"Use it for you first, and then you can make a style you like." Separated, he took out a bionic humanoid balloon from the box, which was specially made by Laker at a high price in this main world.

A humanoid bionic skin balloon man quickly appeared in front of the invisible man.

"Come in, invisible man, put on this human skin balloon, and you have the appearance of a normal person. And if you don't like this style, what you want, just go outside and make it. You can see it at all. It ’s not sincere. The cost of customizing this high humanoid balloon is not expensive for them, and they do n’t want to make it earlier for you, or we ’ll do it! ”Laughed and said, split the balloon Throw at the invisible.

The invisible man froze and took the balloon of this person dullly. It felt like human skin, and looked like it.

The invisible person's eyes are red, and it really found out that this method does seem to allow him to have a large part of the life of a normal person and go shopping like a normal person.

Taking advantage of the invisible man's hair, Gu Yi started the magic portal behind the clone.

The avatar immediately entered the magic portal and left.

The temperature in the cave dropped instantly and began to freeze. The invisible man in the state of cyanosis did not immediately escape. The invisible man chose to hold a human skin balloon, and it was quickly sealed by ice.

The invisible person had no resistance at all. It may be that Gu Yi and Xiao Qing Xiaobai launched the Frozen Array so powerful that the invisible person could not avoid it. It could be that the invisible person acquiesced in the transaction with the avatar, and ignored the mummy princess outside.

In the mind of Rick, after receiving the message from the avatar, he was very happy ~ ~ immediately raised his left hand to draw a circle.

The next second, a magic portal appeared in front of Lake.

Rake, the little queen, and the big queen quickly entered the magic portal and appeared behind the mummy princess.

Rick directly turned his trident in the face of the mummy princess, releasing ten pointing skills of the Poseidon wire.

The mummy princess also found the danger behind her. She turned and raised her hands to control the sand under the sea, condensed in front of herself, and prepared to escape with the cover of sand.

"East Emperor's Bell Jar!" Rick directly released a huge bell jar, completely covering himself, the big queen, the little queen, and the mummy princess. With the rotation of the Admiralty Jar, the sand outside could not flow in for a short time.

Ten Poseidon wire meshes quickly wrapped around the mummy's body.

The mum princess was trembling with electric shock, and began to try to break free of the sea god's wire mesh.

However, the binding ability of the Poseidon wire under the sea is stronger than that on land, and the toughness of the wire has been improved in sea water.

The queen rushed forward and dragged the muse of Seth Dagger set in the right hand of Princess Mummy.

"let go!"

"Just don't let it go!"

"Ka!" The queen popped blue and white metal claws into her left hand, and inserted into the right shoulder of the mummy princess. Taking advantage of the pain in the right hand of the mummy princess, the queen successfully snatched the Seth dagger with a ruby ​​ring, and quickly retreated .

The Queen retreated, holding the Seth dagger directly, and inserted it into her own thigh.

"Ah!" The big queen also screamed in pain, and then in the original eyes, there was a single eyeball, which began to change into pupils. There was a breath of death from the Queen.


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