Global Sky Online

Chapter 683: Skinny monkeys in a mad state are baked

At this kebab shop, Lake finished drinking three bottles of beer and eating a bunch of kebabs in a good mood.

Checked out and walked towards the school bedroom.

After more than half an hour, Lake returned to the bedroom.

Opening the bedroom door, the fat man, macho and skinny monkey were all there.

However, both the fat man and the macho stood at the door, looking worried, looking at the thin monkey.

The thin monkey was now standing in the middle of the dormitory. He looked up, and whispered to himself, as if in a daze.

Skinny monkeys naturally hang their hands down and are placed on their sides.

"What's the matter, what's the skinny monkey sleepwalking?" Lake asked in wonder, the macho and the fat man standing beside the door.

"Boss Lei, you're back. The skinny monkey has been like this for more than ten minutes. Before, we thought the skinny monkey was excited or pretending. Now we can't see it, let's find a way to send him to the school doctor!" Talking.

"Be careful, the thin monkey now seems to be in an unconscious state and has a strong attack force. Especially the tricky way of the thin monkey now is that I am close to trying to stun the thin monkey and almost got hurt by him. Fortunately, I withdraw quickly Otherwise, I would be seriously injured. "Said the fierce man.

"Is this the realm of madness that the legendary martial arts genius can only enter. Skinny monkeys are feeling martial arts moves, or are they feeling heaven and earth! Suddenly waking him will make skinny monkeys lose this rare insight. Opportunity. "Rick stood at the door, thinking after thinking about it.

"Boss Lei, I'm afraid he isn't like this. After the thin monkey wakes up, he sees the Terracotta Army, the Twelve Bronze Man and the Great Wall formation in the undead castle issued by the Earth Defense Forces on his mobile phone. After texting, the thin monkey sat on the bed for a few seconds and yelled, "How can this happen, my future is gone." Then the thin monkey jumped to the middle of the bedroom and started to feel dazed. You see the thin monkey now He whispered in his mouth, [It appears early, why is it too early, the future is gone, Qin Shihuang, huh, Qin shihuang, yeah yeah huh]. The fierce man said to Lake beside him.

After listening, Rick carefully listened to the whispered words in the skinny monkey's mouth, which is exactly what the macho described.

These are the words whispered in the thin monkey's mouth, and the order of the macho is a little different.

Rick thought about it and already guessed what caused the thin monkey to go into a daze.

I used to look at the soul of a thin monkey with a fire-eye golden eye (true solution) before, and came back from the future.

It is estimated that Lake became the heir to Qin Shihuang in the main world, letting the undead castle merge with the three great inheritances of Qin Shihuang, and completely changed the future trajectory that this main world should exist.

Lake thinks that this traverser from the parallel world earth has completely changed the future of this earth's main world.

The original future of the skinny monkey no longer exists after the three major pieces of Qin Shihuang were merged from the castle of the undead.

The skinny monkey in the bedroom may have some special skills to be able to connect with people in his future world before.

Just now, the thin monkey should have received the news that the Undead Castle merged with Qin Shihuang, and tried to contact his future, but found that it could not be reached.

Rick conjectured that the thin monkey is a god-level player in the future, and the soul travels from the future to the past with a certain mission. For example, at a certain point in time on the earth, do something to change the outcome of the future when the earth is captured and destroyed by aliens.

As a result, the thin monkey has paid a great price, crossing back, ready to wait for that specific time node, to make some changes. But it's not the time for the thin monkey to do it. The thin monkey now finds that his original future no longer exists.

The thin monkey was destined to be half the savior, and he couldn't stand the stimulus for a while, and his mentality jumped.

Rake analyzed that now it is necessary to heal the skinny monkey whose soul state is a god-level player, and it is easy to handle, just stun the skinny monkey as soon as possible.

The man, who was in the realm of the king before, was right. He stunned the thin monkey so that the thin monkey no longer murmured like a madman. When the thin monkey wakes up again, there is a great chance that he can recover.

However, with the fighting ability of the once king, the macho man can't stun the current thin monkey.

"You exit this room first. I have a prop that should stun the thin monkey. But when I use this prop, it is not convenient for others to see!" Rick thought after thinking about it.

"Oh, Boss Thunder, you still have this kind of props that can be used in the main world! Generally, the props online items, even if they can be used in the melee battlefield and the online copy of the heavens, it is difficult to bring them back to the main world . What is your prop? "The little fat man on the side said curiously.

"Little fat guy left with me, boss Lei said that it is inconvenient for others to see, you also asked if it was not a fight! Boss Lei, the thin monkey asked you. His current state is very mentally exhausting .For a long time, even if the thin monkey is awakened, the spirit will be badly hurt, and it is difficult to treat! "Said the fierce man, dragging the fat man's back collar, and went to the door of the bedroom.

After the two went out, the macho closed the bedroom door.

Roommate, Rick couldn't ignore the thin monkey.

"Poseidon Trident!" Lake summoned his artifact weapon in the main world.

Rake then pointed the Trident Trident towards the skinny monkey standing in the middle of the dormitory, and launched the Poseidon Trident's own restraint skills.

"Poseidon Wire Mesh * 1".

An electric wire resembling a spider's web, hovering over the skinny monkey's body.

Unfortunately, in the main world, the power of this Poseidon wire mesh has also been weakened a lot.

When the Poseidon's wire mesh was approaching the skinny monkey's body, the skinny monkey's hands suddenly lifted up and waved quickly, one by one, as if they could chop space.

Poseidon Wire Mesh was interrupted without attacking the target for the first time.

Fortunately, the skinny monkey did not continue to attack Lek this time. The skinny monkey still stood in place and muttered in a daze.

Seeing the speed of the thin monkey just now, Rake knew why the macho couldn't stun the thin monkey. Rake didn't dare to approach the skinny monkey at this time, and Rake was still not sure that he would stun the skinny monkey in the state of close killer.

This time, when the thin monkey destroyed Rake's Poseidon wire mesh, his muttering voice became even smaller, as if the content of the talk had changed, and normal people could no longer hear what the thin monkey said.

After launching his hearing enhancement ability from the Super Daring World, Rake barely listened to the words of the thin monkey muttering there.

"It shouldn't be, in the future, I haven't acted yet. My four great beasts haven't started yet, so what's the future?"

"What is the action of the four great beasts, please tell me the details!" Rick was also a little curious after hearing it, trying to ask the thin monkey.

But the thin monkey didn't reply to Rick's words at all, and continued to talk to himself there.

Rick tried a few more times, and found that he couldn't ask any useful answer from the dazed lunatic skinny monkey, and the skinny monkey muttered quietly there.

"Poseidon Wire Mesh * 9" This time, Rick directly used the nine pieces of Poseidon Wire Mesh left over from the Poseidon Trident Artifact to the thin monkey.

Nine Poseidon wire meshes continuously flew from the tip of the Poseidon Trident, and flew towards the skin of the thin monkey.

The thin monkey continued to raise his hand and used his fast hand knife to tear the Poseidon wire mesh.

However, the toughness of the wire mesh of this Laker skill is very strong, it is a spider silk material that blends with Spiderman, and it also carries current.

The skinny monkey quickly tore a Poseidon wire mesh with a knife, he could do it, tear two or three, barely.

But with nine Poseidon wire meshes launched together, the thin monkey could not defend.

After the skinny monkey tore only two Poseidon wires, his body was caught by seven Poseidon wires.

Skinny monkeys are now bundled into mummy, and Poseidon's wire mesh begins to discharge.

The hair and eyebrows of the skinny monkey were instantly blackened, and the skin began to darken and smoke.

Rick was also going to trap the skinny monkey and take out the golden hoop stick to give the skinny a stick to stun him.

As a result, Rick now found that the stick of the stick can be saved.

The skinny monkey's body was now convulsing electrically, and he soon spit out foam and passed out.

Rick immediately retracted the Poseidon Wire Mesh and the Poseidon Trident Artifact, and quickly set a (true) Shadow Word Recovery skill on the thin monkey.

Rick immediately looked at the thin monkey with the fire-eye and golden-eye skills, and was sure he couldn't die before he was relieved.

(True) Shadow Words can remove some of the weak side effects and restore physical strength and health.

At the end of ten seconds, the red aperture of the (true) Shadow Words covering the skinny monkey disappeared, and the skinny body no longer twitched.

Rake continued to use the fire-eye and golden-eye skills to investigate the current status of the thin monkey, showing that the thin monkey was just unconscious.

Rake breathed a sigh of relief. In the future, in the main world, he should be more careful with his skills. The electric shock ability of this artifact, the Poseidon Trident, is much stronger than he expected.

Rick then turned and opened the bedroom door.

Both the macho and the fat man stood nervously waiting at the door.

"Well, the thin monkey has been fainted by me, it's okay!" Rake said to the macho and the fat man with a smile, and let them in.

The macho hurried into the house, walked quickly to the middle of the bedroom, his hair stood up to the scorched skinny monkey.

Looking at the thin black monkey covered with electricity, the macho hurriedly checked the injury of the thin monkey, and secretly sighed that the roommate Lei Boss's charged items were powerful. This effect can be achieved in the main world. This item level is extremely high. what.

"Boss Lei, have you cooked the skinny monkey? How do I feel that skinny monkey is like this now, it is more serious than before!" The fat man looked at the skinny monkey that was dark and stunned, facing him. Rick behind him was careful.

"It's okay, the effect seems to be more severe. In fact, the thin monkey is not hurt now. Little fat man, you can take a basin of water and pour it directly on the thin monkey. The thin monkey can wake up!" The fat man said.

"Oh, is it better to get cold water or hot water?" The fat man turned and asked.

"If you want to cook the skinny monkey, just take the hot water!" Said the macho on the side, and he had already checked the skinny monkey's injury. It was like Lei Boss said. The skinny monkey now looks more seriously injured, in fact, Nothing hurt, just coma.

The fat man took out his footbath from under the bed and went to the bedroom to wash the water.

He quickly took a pot of warm water and then poured it directly onto the skinny monkey's head.

"Ah!" The skinny monkey suddenly rose from the ground, knocking over the foot basin held by the little fat man.

"Skinny monkey, are you okay?" The macho asked.

The thin monkey listened and looked at Rick, the macho, and the fat man. After thinking for a few seconds, he thought about something and nodded.

"It's okay. I just got the latest news from the Undead Castle in the melee battlefield. I was a little excited. I felt like I was in a magic barrier. I felt warm afterwards. Thank you for helping me to wake me up. I remember this kindness!" Said in a grateful tone.

Both the macho and the fat man looked at Rake, and Rake waved and said, "A bedroom, thank you, you are out of sight!"

Rick thought that the skinny monkey felt warm, and it should be the power of his own (true) Shadow Words to heal and dispel negative effects.

It seems that today, I have discovered another effect of the gifted (True) Shadow Word technique. It can be treated as a windfall to treat people who go into the magic slightly.

The macho heard the thin monkey talking and knew that the thin monkey had recovered his normal consciousness and was relieved.

The skinny monkey then looked at the fat man, overturning the foot basin and the fat man's big fat feet.

The skinny monkey quickly walked to the bathroom of the bedroom, preparing to clean up the clothes wet by the little fat man and took a shower.

"Ah, why is my hair like this, my eyebrows! Ah!" A thin monkey screamed in the bathroom.

"I'm going out for a walk. I've eaten a bit just now. I feel like I should walk back later!" Rake said to the macho and the fat man, and immediately walked out of the bedroom.

"I went out for a walk too. My footbath just seemed to be damaged by the skinny monkey. I guess he can't pay me. I'll order it again, or I can't wash my feet tonight!" Said the little fat man, also to the bedroom. Go outside.

"I'll accompany you to buy a basin, but you'd better not wash your feet in front of the skinny monkey tonight!" Said the fierce man, and also left the bedroom, lest the skinny monkey come out, leaving him alone is not easy to explain .

Rick walked to the school playground again, ready to turn off the lights at night before returning to the bedroom.

"Hey, good people are not good. I used to eat yakitori and went back to sleep in the bedroom. Now I am a good person and saved the skinny monkey. The bedroom can't sleep well now!" Rake couldn't help thinking With.

Before the lights went out at night, Rick slipped downstairs to the bedroom, watching the fat man and macho sitting not far below the bedroom.

The three nodded to each other, and finally entered the bedroom building together and went upstairs.

The macho pushed open the bedroom door, and the fat man walked in first, watching his shaved head, and changed into a new and thin skinny monkey, who was sitting next to his own crib and looking at the mobile phone.

In the bedroom, the broken foot basin of the little fat man before did not know where the thin monkey had been thrown.

"You are back!" The thin monkey greeted the three.

"Well, the new head shape is good, and the bald head is cool in summer!" The little fat man standing in the forefront, choking for a long time, came up with a sentence in reply to the thin monkey.

After the fat man said this, Rick wanted to smoke the fat man.

Fortunately, the skinny monkey frowned slightly, and his expression returned to normal soon.

"I'm going to wash my feet and get ready to sleep!" Rake also said a thin monkey, and then went to get a hot tub under his bed.

The skinny monkey stared at the little fat man. He was almost unharmed by the dormitories in the bedroom, and fainted again.

Early the next morning, when the skinny monkey woke up again, Lake found that the skinny monkey's expression had completely become normal.

It seems that after sleeping for a night, the thin monkey has accepted the reality, and has accepted the blow that the future world of his original trajectory disappeared earlier.

It is estimated that the thin monkey wants to drive, and he has to carry out the four major beast actions before, and he will also change his future.

The original future world of skinny monkeys is destined to change and disappear.

Only this time, the original world change of the thin monkey was not done by himself.

After Rick, the macho, the thin monkey and the fat man got up and got dressed, they went to the school cafeteria for breakfast together.

Rick had a bowl of millet porridge, pickles and eggs for breakfast this morning.

They all said that Xiaomi porridge had stomach, and Rake felt that he had been working too hard recently, and it was time to take care of his stomach.

After drinking a large bowl of millet porridge, Rick and the men walked towards the main building of the teaching building.

Four of Rick entered the classroom and began to study in the morning.

Today, the brutal Dao didn't come to see the morning self-study, and the students in the class have already come to more than half.

Rick found that as soon as he was seated, the little ice girl at the same table had a proud expression and squinted at her ~ ~ and turned her head, and after a few seconds, the little ice girl looked at herself again.

"You always look at people like this, be careful of your eyes. If you want to say something, say it quickly, I'm not tired to look at you like that!" Rick couldn't help but asked the little ice girl at the same table.

"My eyes are okay. In the heavens online, my physical attributes are high, and my eyesight will not be bad. Rick, did you know the great news that happened in the Undead Castle in the melee battlefield yesterday afternoon?" Asked Rick what he looked like.

"Of course, I know that mobile phones receive text messages, and TV shows are also being broadcast. It's hard to know if you don't know!" Rake replied. Rake didn't know what little ice girl had made any nerves and became so proud. It seems that Qin Shihuang's three major pieces were made by her.

"Then do n’t you donate money to Qin Shihuang ’s three battlefield weapons? Is that donation activity that requires 1 billion tens of coins to build and complete. I tell you that as a high-level player on earth, you should make a contribution to the power of the earth in the melee battlefield Contribution. Of course, you are low-level, and it is normal to donate without Tianyuan.

I tell you secretly, don't tell others. Last night I donated a huge sum of 10,000 yuan in the undead castle in the melee battlefield. My contribution is equivalent to one hundred thousandth of the construction of Qin Shihuang's three major battlefield weapons. In the future, Qin Shihuang's 100,000 terracotta warriors and horses were summoned, and one of them was donated by me, but it has my credit! Xiaobing woman whispered to Lake, then looked at Lake, preparing to see some envy and admiration in Lake's expression.

"It's great. In the future, Qin Shihuang's three great weapons were built. You not only funded a terracotta warrior, but also filled several bricks for the Great Wall formation. The twelve bronzes also have your own amount of copper. Admire and admire it." Laughing and talking to Xiaobingnu.


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