Global Sky Online

Chapter 464: 300 years later

Except for Rick, the only alien player whose legs are disabled, after receiving the online tips from the heavens, knowing that there are only two players left, this alien player is scared and stays in the mech chariot. Lying on the inside, he was afraid to move. He tried to stop all functions of his body and began to load the body.

Rick looked at the alien player with the corpse and decided to let him live a few more days without disturbing him.

When he found that he couldn't die, he was happy for a while, and didn't pretend to say anything.

Three days later, the alien player looked at it without danger and started to stand up again, supporting his body with both hands.

Five days later, heavy snow began to fall in the sky, and the surface environment of the Earth's mother star began to cool.

The soul of Lake, who visited this alien player in the past, freed up the realm of the king of the bad gods.

After the release of Reich's Decay Realm, the alien player who supported his body with both hands, wanted to go out today in the chariot, and he tried to push the door.

However, the chariot turned over again during his door push, and the only exit of the chariot was pressed by the heavy compartment on the ground.

The snow continued to fall, and the ground was frozen. This alien player with only two hands and upper body found that he was trapped in the chariot and couldn't get out.

A month later, Rake didn't let down the curse of the declining god, but he heard the online reminder of "One Surviving Player".

Rake saw through the fire-eye golden eye skills that the alien player chose to commit suicide, his head hit the heavy metal wall of the chariot and was killed.

"Congratulations to Honorable Player No. 2 from Earth who became the only surviving fighting angel, Seborg.

You can choose to get the time waiver reward opportunity once.

After the time exemption reward is obtained, he will sleep safely for 300 years. After waiting for 300 years, Dr. Ide appears at this ruined site and wakes up an hour before. In the process of falling asleep, Zhutian Online will protect the player's brain and heart intact.

Player No. 2 can also choose to forgo this time exemption, and for three hundred years, make arrangements to spend his life on this home planet.

Kindly remind that this time exemption reward is only issued once. Once you miss and choose to give up, you cannot apply for it halfway.

Player No. 2 player, did you choose to get the time exemption reward and slept for 300 years?

Player No. 2 player please choose within sixty seconds. If you do not choose, the reward will be automatically abandoned. "Zhu Tian's voice sounded in Rick's head.

There is such a reward!

Rick looked at his body without legs and was really unfit to move.

And now that the Earth ’s home planet has been attacked by Mars ’new human missiles and other weapons, the Earth ’s surface environment is now getting worse and worse, heavy snow has been going on for several days, and what will happen in 300 years. clear.

The surviving humans of the Earth's mother star have been hiding in underground shelters.

Rake couldn't guarantee whether his body could live to 300 years later and wait for Dr. Eide's rescue.

"Choose the time exemption reward, choose yes." Lake responded to Zhutian Online. Since Zhutian Online said that it was a reward, the analysis obtained by Lake will be beneficial to players.

Now 97 alien players have died, and the player who enters is left alone.

Rick didn't have too much worry. He planned to develop according to the original plot, so let's go to sleep first. Otherwise, after 300 years of waiting, even if I can survive, my legs can't move, it's too boring.

After Rick's election, Zhutian Online directly controlled the body of His Holiness No. 2.

Later, Rick found his body, supported by both hands, and stepped out of the armored personnel carrier he was hiding in and entered a nearby scrapped mech control bay.

Lord No. 2's body raised his hand, dragged the human corpse in the control cabin, lay himself in, closed the door, and the body began to fall asleep.

Lake's soul is still awake, and the time to feel this copy of the world has been accelerated, as if it were fast-forwarded dozens of times, hundreds of times.

The environment of this abandoned site has undergone many disasters such as blizzards, floods, black rain, landslides, etc., and the area of ​​the original abandoned site has changed a lot.

Fortunately, Rick chose the reward of time waiver. Otherwise, in the past three hundred years, it would be difficult for him to avoid all the major disasters in this abandoned site.

And the mech control cabin that Zhutian chose for him was preserved intact in the disasters of these three hundred years.

However, the mech's head, arms, legs, and weapons were damaged and lost in successive disasters.

In these three hundred years, human beings also took refuge in underground shelters from the beginning, then came out of the shelters and returned to the ground, trying to rebuild their homes.

However, a virus soon appeared on the ground. Most humans died, and some of them mutated into zombie-like creatures.

The number of people on the planet is rapidly declining, and in a few years, the human race on the planet will soon be extinct.

Spreading cold in the sky, a virus antidote was finally developed, and it was launched on this earth.

A large number of zombies and infected creatures died, and the surviving humans gathered in an abandoned city under the city of Salem in the sky and began to rebuild their homes.

The abandoned site where Lake is located has also become a place where Sky City regularly puts metal waste.

The city of the sky was cold, and more than a dozen huge metal pipes were restored to get resources from the ground.

For three hundred years, Rick finished it in less than a day.

"Ding Dong, the time exemption reward is over, player No. 2 awakens, and one hour later, Dr. Yide will enter the ruins area to collect available electronic metal equipment." Zhu Tian Online's prompt sounded.

Lake opened his eyes and watched as he was in the damaged mech control bay. The metal chairs underneath all rusted.

Rick looked at his body with only the first half left, trying to raise his arm, but this time controlling his arm became extremely uncoordinated.

It should be that this body is useless for too long. After 300 years of sleeping in this body, the mechanical arm was damaged due to the foreign body of its lower body, and it was also damaged.

However, Lake knew that he couldn't stay in the mech cabin, otherwise Dr. Ide would come here an hour later, but he couldn't find himself in the mech cabin.

Now the mech control cabin has been dead for three hundred years, and the door is dead. Rick raised his hand and tried to push it, but found that it could not move.

Rake ignited the power of the tinder at the heart, regardless of the overloaded operation of the metal arm, directly raised his right hand and punched it on the metal hatch.

It wo n’t work if it ’s not open. The metal hatch has n’t opened for three hundred years.

"Hmm!" Under three punches, the metal hatch was successfully broken, and the metal arm of Rick's right hand was declared scrapped.

With only his left metal hand, Lake supported his half body and emerged from the mech cabin.

His body fell to the ground, and Rick's left arm had not been completely scrapped.

Rake no longer moved, opened fire eyes and golden eyes skills and looked around waiting. After waiting for more than fifty minutes, Dr. Ide entered this ruined site. Dr. Ide really appeared and began to pick up the tattered site.

Rake's fire-eye golden eye technique judged Dr. Ide's walking route, and then with his only arm, he began to move his body, moving quickly, to the front of Dr. Ide's path to be picked up.

Rick's last left arm was also scrapped. Fortunately, now he stays in this position and has reached not far in front of Dr. Ide. Lake reckons that Dr. Yide will be able to see himself after a few more minutes' walk, and Lake is somewhat relieved.

Rick chose to squint his eyes first. If he could see Dr. Yide's presbyopia and couldn't find himself, he would yell and lead him over.

About five minutes later, Dr. Ide, who came to the ruins to pick up the rags, saw Rick, who had only half his body and his head resting on a pile of scrap iron.

Dr. Ide was also a bit surprised that a human head could still be found here.

Dr. Ide quickly walked over, came to Lake, and picked up the instrument in his hand to examine the half body and head of Lord No. 2.

The test results of the instrument surprised Dr. Yide.

This semi-robotic human with only a head and an upper body, after his brain and heart were examined, the instrument showed that he was alive.

Immediately, Dr. Ide put Rake half of his body in the large box on his back and covered it with a white cloth.

Afterwards, Dr. Ide no longer continued to pick up the ruins and took the skull and upper body of the No. 2 lord he just picked up, and quickly walked to his clinic.

Rick was relieved when Dr. Ide was carrying it in the basket.

Finally on the right track of this copy of the battle angel, Rick was also relieved.

Rick was taken back to the city and fired his eyesight skills. Rick stayed in the box, watching the city where Dr. Eide had brought him in.

In the cities, half of them are humans with mechanical aliens, including robotic arms or mechanical legs.

Rake's fire-eye golden eye skills looked at. In fact, there are many people in this city who look normal humans from the outside.

But inside these human bodies, there are mechanical organs, mechanical hearts, mechanical lungs, mechanical kidneys, and so on.

Except that the brain has not been replaced by a mechanical organ, most people in this city carry mechanical organs or mechanical limbs.

Rick was brought into the small clinic by Dr. Ide, and then Rick was placed on the operating table.

Dr. Ide and her assistant began to perform a mechanical body transplant on Lake.

Rick closed his eyes and stopped looking.

Dr. Yide is not strong, but his surgical ability is second to none in this surface human city.

Dr. Ide returned the hunter organization in this city to repair the mechanical body. The technique was reassuring.

Rick's mechanical body was replaced again.

Wake woke up again, as if it was a day later, and found himself lying on a bed with a quilt.

Rick tried to stand up and looked in the mirror of the room. Except for the head, neck, and heart, the original mechanical body was replaced by Dr. Ide with a new mechanical limb.

Fortunately, Dr. Ide installed Lek's mechanical body like a teenager, and it looks like the body is still very delicate. He tried to move his fingers, raised his legs, and the reaction was flexible.

However, this body is far worse than the mechanical variant of the fighting angel given by the new humans on Mars.

Strength and flexibility are incomparable with the alien version of the battle angel that has been damaged.

But with this body, there is no problem against ordinary people.

Rick looked at the room where he was staying on the second floor, and Rick went downstairs.

I saw Dr. Ide and his assistant female nurse who were performing an operation on a man with a robotic hand.

Rick looked aside for a few minutes, and Dr. Yide completed the operation. After sending the patient away, he looked at Rick.

"How do you feel, this new body, my name is Ide. You picked it up from the rubble area yesterday. Do you remember anything!" Dr. Ide asked Rick.

"This body is okay, I remember my name is Lord No. 2." Rick responded with a smile.

"Remember anything else?" Dr. Eide continued to ask.

"The rest of the memory is a bit messy and I haven't figured it out for the time being." Rake said, it's not the time to tell Dr. Eide about the battle of the sky fall three hundred years ago. After staying for a few months, I became familiar with Dr. Ide after getting familiar with it.

"I can't think of it in a hurry, I'll take you out for a walk, Lord No. 2!" Dr. Ide said with a smile.

Rick nodded, just walking along with Dr. Ide, looking at the human city rebuilt after the war.

A few minutes later, Lake followed the doctor and strolled down the road in the city.

The living environment, dwelling facilities and food in this city are generally ~ ~ but some of the technology levels are far beyond their living standards.

It's like going through a technology fault.

In this city, the use of high-tech metal organs and bodies is very common, but the housing conditions, mobile transportation, and food are common here.

For this kind of abnormally developed city, Lake is estimated to be under the control of the city of Salem in the sky, so that people on the ground can give the city of sky resources.

Rick saw Zappan walking on the street, the hunter warrior, carrying a Damascus scimitar on his back.

This scimitar was the weapon collectively equipped by these fighting angels three hundred years ago.

Most of Zapane's body was also a metal body. Rick looked at the hunter warrior and found that his face was still wearing makeup, as if it had been powdered, and Rick was drunk.

"The sword is stored in you first, wait for me to retrieve the military alien body of the new human on Mars, and then come here for you!" Rick thought to himself.

"Don't stare at this hunter all the time, it's dangerous," Dr. Eide said to Lake.

"Oh!" Lake replied.

Rick also saw it later, looking like a centurion of a large mechanical spider, such a robot.

Rick tried, firing his own tinder ability at his heart, disturbing the centurion who had just walked the street.

I found that I could really control a centurion's movement, but only one. Dorec found that he didn't have enough energy to control it.

With his golden eyes and fire skills, Rick looked at the strength of this centurion, that is, silver. If Rick's original attributes and body were present, he would not put this centurion in his eyes.

But now, the attribute has been reduced to only 30%, and the body has also become a mechanical body. Now it is still a civilian mechanical body. With his previous fighting ability, Lake can barely deal with one or two centurions. Right.

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