Global Sky Online

Chapter 453: Catch a thief

This morning, Rick drank a lot, and now there is not only wolf meat in the hot pot, but also mutton and fish **** for wolf meat.

Master Wang Fatzi drank with Lake, anyway, his librarian didn't have much to do, he just had to be in the library.

"Holy Brother No.2, I told you, in fact, my librarian was very scared, and I don't know how long I can live. The former librarian was rebelled from the first division of Casilea Stewart and his mage who followed him had five horses. I was worried that as soon as I fell asleep, I woke up and found that I would also be divided by five horses. "Master Fatty said to Lake.

"Don't worry, you are so fat, they can't move you, they can't separate you. You can eat more meat, it will be safer, and you will live a long time." Rick put a large plate of meat into the hot pot, comforted Talking with Fat Master Wang.

"By borrowing your good words, I'll eat more!" Fat Wang Master laughed, and again he took the cooked meat from the hot pot and ate it with the seasoning.

Dr. Strange, who ate together, drank a few sips of wine without drinking too much. Today, it ’s early to eat hot pot, and the time is still in the morning.

Dr. Strange is also going to finish the meal and practice magic.

Recently, Dr. Strange is studying the similar magic of forbidden spells in Kamar Taj and the deep magic in ancient notes.

Dr. Strange also found the pendant necklace in the eye of Atmoto yesterday, trying to take a few sips of apples to practice the magic of time control.

Under his control, the apple can become dry and withered, and it can recover, so that the bite can be repaired and restored to a state that was not eaten for hours.

The more Dr. Kiwi practices magic now, the more magic it feels.

After Dr. Strange had eaten, he left to practice magic, leaving the honorable No. 2 and Fat King Mage to drink slowly there.

Rick drank for more than an hour and poured Fat Fat Master on the table.

Rick turned off the hot pot's induction cooker and walked towards his place.

As the close disciples of Master Gu Yi, Dr. Rick and Dr. Strange, no one cares about them on weekdays. After being drawn by Mr. Modu, Master Mo Du dare not to care.

Rick stayed free in this Kama Taj.

Rick went back to his room to sleep and got up at night.

During the day, he couldn't sleep much, and Rick got up and walked to the large yard of Kama Taj.

It's snowing here and it's getting cold.

Rick blew a cold wind, and wondered if he could solve Master Modu in this copy world. After a hundred, there may not be Dr. Strange II in the future.

However, Master Modu provokes himself once. He is very acquainted and will not provoke himself again. It is not easy for him to go directly and click him.

Rick walked at random, even when he saw Gu Yi, he was also walking on a courtyard path.

"Mr. Gu Yi, what a coincidence!" Rake beckoned and said, seeing Gu Yi this evening, it really wasn't Rick who wanted to see it.

"Holy Number Two, I just saw you. I found that I have not seen the future recently, I do n’t know if the future has changed, or if I am regressing. After you appear, I am increasingly unable to see the future. Change. Accepting you as a disciple is right or wrong. If it is wrong, should I self-correct this error. "Gu Yi looked at Rick seriously.

"You can't see clearly, you're old, and presbyopia can't see clearly, there is no absolute right or wrong. What you think is right now is likely to become wrong in the future, what you thought was wrong in the past, most likely now Right. "Lake said to Gu Yi, twisting the password, but could not let Gu couple make their own shots.

It took more than six months to kill in the parallel space of the space war before it was difficult to accumulate enough killing value for an intermediate Hulk to transform.

Rick didn't want to waste it in Gu Yi, then the intermediate Hulk transformed, and Rick also wanted to keep his life when dealing with Dom.

"Don't hurt your mentor, Doctor Strange, or I'll shoot you." Gu Yi said seriously to Lake.

"Rest assured, I don't have the idea of ​​killing the doctor. The doctor is a good doctor. Have you ever thought of continuing to live?" Lake said with a smile to Gu Yi, who may have expected that she would hang up soon Coupled with some seeing the future, they became suspicious.

Rick felt that those who have not been able to stimulate Gu Yi recently, who are not afraid of death, have no fear at all and are too dangerous.

"My life and death are already doomed! Let me look at the night sky with me. There are too many possibilities in the calm night." Gu Yi whispered to Lake.

Lei Ke was pulled by Gu Yi, sitting on a chair in the yard and watching the half-star sky, Lek was also drunk.

At more than two in the middle of the night, Rick went back to his bedroom to sleep.

Seeing Dr. Strange's soul, sitting beside his own body, in a daze.

"What do you want?"

"Calculate a magical circuit generation method, Lord No.2, come back so late, unlike your style, what did you do?" Dr. Qi strangely asked the soul.

"The sublimation of the mind has gone, and I can see the stars, which is also true and illusory." After finishing talking to Gu Yi and his words, Rake lay back to bed and slept.

The next morning, Wake woke up and decided not to drink anymore. Dr. Strange should be following today.

Dr. Strange went to see Gu Yi Mage in the afternoon, and Lake also followed.

"I took Dr. Strange to the magic weapon storehouse, so you don't need to follow it." After seeing Lek who came with Dr. Strange, Master Gu Yi pointed out the door.

"I also went to see. I haven't seen it for a long time. I don't move things when I go." Rake said, standing in the room without moving his body.

After Gu Yi hesitated, he nodded and raised his hand to release the magic portal.

The portal soon took shape, and Dr. Strange stepped forward first, followed by Rick, and Gu Yi finally entered.

"Dr. Strange, you have been working very hard lately to give you a magical item. I hope you will keep up your efforts and don't slack off." Gu Yi led Dr. Strange to a glass cabinet and said.

Inside the glass cabinet was a blue magic cloak, similar to the red magic cloak worn on the back of Lake.

Looking at this space with the fire-eye golden eye skills, Lake can have more than two hundred large and small collections. Each collection is placed in a glass-like cabinet, and the glass array is still running.

Rick looked around and found a black stone. The identification of the fire eye and golden eyes skills was [Magic Stone], which was placed in a small glass container and also protected by a magic circle.

Rick didn't watch too much, so as not to cause Gu Yi's alert before he stole.

When Dr. Strange approached the glass case with the blue cape, the blue cape inside began to shake on its own.

The magic array storing it is also disappearing, the glass cabinet door opens automatically, the blue magic cloak starts to recognize the master, flew behind Dr. Strange, and put it directly on Dr. Strange's back.

The red magic levitating cloak behind Rick also shook himself and wanted to fly out, flying towards Dr. Strange.

"You have been with me for so many years. Not only do you not confess to me, but you also want to defect. If you betray me, I will let the green and white snakes eat you, and you will see that my pet green and white snakes have The ability to eat magic items. Dr. Strange has a new blue cloak, and will not ask you for second-hand goods. Follow me well, and recognize the Lord as your destination as soon as possible. "Rake dragged the red magic behind him. Suspended cloak, whispered again.

Hearing Leke's threat, the red magic levitating cloak finally stopped flying, and continued to hang back behind Leke.

Rick remembered the environment of the magic item storage room.

"This cloak is not bad!" Dr. Strange said with satisfaction, this was the first magic item he had.

Gu Yi then left with Dr. Rick and Dr. Strange.

Dr. Strange was left talking, and Lake went back to his apartment to make up for it.

Later, Dr. Strange wore his blue cape back to the bedroom, and began to show again to Rick.

Rick's own red magic cloak, a little excited, began to tremble slightly, and was discovered by the careful owner of Rick.

"Dear, are you jealous? If not, I'll let the snake bite a few holes in the blue cloak." Rake whispered comfortably to his red magic suspension cloak.

After listening to the red magic levitating cloak, he flew directly to the corner of the room, ignoring Rake, and he and the half master of Rake had no common language.

Rick continued to lie down and sleep, after all, tonight to do something big.

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, Rick got up directly and put on his red magic suspension cloak.

"Why do you go out so late!" Dr. Strange's soul asked Rick.

"Can't sleep, look at the stars." Rake said, leaving the room quickly.

In the yard, Rick began to concentrate, used the magic portal, raised his left hand to draw a circle, thinking about the environment of the ancient Yi Na magic item storage room that he saw this afternoon.

The magic portal was successfully created.

Rick stepped quickly into the circle of the portal. The next second, Rick's body appeared in the magic item storage room.

Rick took out the gold hoop and walked towards the small glass cabinet where the [Magic Stone] was stored.

"Recognize me as the master. I have learned magic magic. You should not sleep here. Come and experience the realm with me. I will lead you to glory." Rick tried to say to the magic magic stone.

The magic stone really emitted a black light in response to Rick.

But the light was a bit weak, and was blocked by the magic circle of the imprisoned magic stone.

"Don't be afraid, there is me, no magic circle can stop it!" After seeing the reaction of the magic stone, Lake said with a smile, holding up the golden hoop.

"Slam!" A heavy blow, a small glass cabinet with magic stones and a magic circle holding it, were violently smashed by a gold hoop.

"Lingling Lingling!" As the glass cabinet and magic circle were shattered, an electronic alarm sounded in this magic item storage room.

"He's a ball player. There is a security system here. In ancient one, you have a mage. Why do you study the security system of museums and vaults? Isn't it good for you to be an elegant mage with a magic array? Rick complained, immediately picked up the magic stone, and carried it into his arms.

Fortunately, when I was in contact with the magic stone, Zhu Tian's online prompt sounded, and the magic stone recognized the master, and he could bring out the copy world.

Rick looked at the glass cabinets around and was ready to take a few more shots. Anyway, they all came. Take a few more magic items and slip away. This has triggered the alarm system. There is no chance to come again in the future.

Holding the golden hoop stick "Papapa!" Broke three glass cabinets around.

This time when Rick picked up a small dry palm-like magic item, Zhutian Online didn't issue any more reminders. It seems that this small palm magic item can't bring out this copy of the world, and Rick is somewhat disappointed.

Rake estimates that if this small palm magic item does not know what effect it is, if you recognize yourself, you can take it away from this copy of the world.

Suddenly, Rick saw three golden magic portals appearing in the hall of the magic item storage room. The first one was the ancient wizard, and then the two magic portals came from the fat king mage and the mourner.

When Master Modu came in, he took out the magic sword and magic shield.

When they saw Lord No. 2 holding a golden hoop stick in one hand and a magical item in the palm of one hand, standing in front of a few broken glass cabinets, Master Modu and Fat King Master were holding back ~ www. ~ Are you a thief? Mage Modu asked Rick.

"No, I just came and found a black eyes, a mage who claims to be Casillas, destroy it here and want to take these magic items. I just died and grabbed it from Mage Casillas. This palm-shaped magical item. But I didn't pay any attention and let the thief, Master Casillas, open the magic portal and ran. It was my mistake. I'll catch him back! "Rake said quickly, and Behind himself, raised his left hand to draw a circle, and opened the magic portal.

After the magic portal was formed, Rick immediately jumped into his magic portal.

"Rest assured, I'll catch the bold thief of Casillas." Rake shouted, disappeared into the magic portal, and his magic portal closed.

"Mage Casillas, come to us again, Kama Taj, and he is too brave!" Master Modu whispered to himself.

"Unpacked, as if stolen, is the magic stone. The demon hand was taken away by Lord No. 2!" Master Gu Yi stood there with a grin.

Master Gu Yi didn't feel the dark magical energy of her former disciple, Master Casillas, and it was estimated that it was all made up by the bold fellow of Lord No. 2.

"Oh!" Fat Master Wang heard that the [Magic Magic Stone] was lost, then hesitated, thinking of the magic book of [Magic Magic], which was previously borrowed from His Holiness the Two.

However, Master Fatty Wang is still very interesting. He did not expose His Holiness No. 2. After all, he had been drinking wine with His Holiness No. 2 for more than a year.

Rick teleported to the streets of New York, outside Pamborne House.

Then Rake quickly ran, left here, and went to a distant street corner to watch. Fortunately, after more than ten minutes, Gu Yi did not follow them, and Rick was relieved.

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