Global Sky Online

Chapter 429: Ringing

Looking at such a stingy ancient one, Rick couldn't help it, activated the red magic levitating cloak, flew down the top of the temple first, and came to the ground.

Lake quickly ran towards the place previously agreed with Iron Man, Captain America, and others.

A few minutes later, Lake saw Tony Iron Man looking downcast standing there.

"The Hulk Hulk hit me, and the cosmic cube was taken by Rocky, and Rocky slipped away." Tony was explaining with several people.

Captain America was about to speak, but Rake spoke first.

"I'll take him there. There is an earlier point in time when I can get the Cosmic Cube, that is, the captain America and I just teleported the Red Skull and destroyed the Hydra base shortly after World War II. At that time, the Cosmic Cube It fell into the sea and was acquired by the military, "said Rake.

"Well, I'll go with you, I'm familiar during World War II!" Captain America suggested.

"Let Iron Man go. Tony failed. Tony should get back the Rubik's Cube. I have the enquiry magic and I'll take him there. No problem." Rake said, and decided not to let Captain America go.

The US team went, and after watching Agent Carter, I do n’t want to come back in the future, and I want to enjoy life. Rick feels that he will leave the US team in the Avengers, so that the US team wo n’t be able to take care of the pensions so early.

Lake wanted to take Iron Man Tony and show Iron Man a look at his father, Howard Stark.

"We act now, this is a good remedy," Tony said.

Rick and Tony then adjusted their ant-man suits and set the time, then entered the quantum realm again to cross.

Lake brought Tony to the military base during World War II.

Tony is very new to this place, but looking at the environment of this military base, Lake has a sense of familiarity. He experienced a copy of the US team 1, but stayed at this military base for a long time.

Rake started to fire the golden eyes, and took Tony into the base.

Everything went smoothly, Tony got the cosmic cube, and Rick got a few bottles of Pim particles.

Agent Carter, under the military base, saw her with fire-eyes and golden-eyes skills.

Rick didn't choose to meet, but he just gave up. The main world was too fragile. Rick couldn't stay here.

After Tony and his dad talked for a while, Rick and Tony once again started the Ant-Man battle suit to enter the quantum realm to cross, and returned to the time node of their time and space, five years after the killing of the tyrants.

A line of Avengers superheroes are back, and Lake looks at Hawkeye and Black Widow. Both are alive, and they bring back infinite gems.

It seems that the red mouse was pushed down the cliff by the two, and did not ask about it after passing Rick.

Eagle Eye nodded at Lake.

Rick looked casually at the nebula. The nebula was looking around, as if strange to this Avengers base.

The nebula that came back in time and space, the bad nebula, and the good nebula were dropped.

"All the gems are full, put six infinite gems on the gloves, so that you can save the annihilated people with your fingers." Rake urged, if you go ahead, you can be before the extermination of the past. And some preparation time.

Rescue the little queen as soon as possible, and Lake is relieved, or he can't change it too much.

The six infinite gems cannot be touched by ordinary people directly. Iron Man began to control the mechanical instrument arm, sandwiched the infinite gems, and put them into an Iron Man metal glove.

Rick also wore an Iron Man suit from Iron Man. The Ant-Man suit was too weak compared to the Iron Man suit. Rick changed it directly.

A few minutes later, the last infinite gem was finally accurately placed in the infinite gloves. Iron Man took a sigh of relief and succeeded.

"I'm going to put on my gloves and ring your fingers. I'm the **** king of Asgard," said Thor, a big belly.

"You can't. After the fingers are ringing, the injury to the user is more like a radiation injury. A body that is as strong as the tyrant, after scoring twice, is aging and seriously injured. Now you are suffocating. Able Lord. Come on, my Hulk status should be easier to resist this kind of radiation damage. "Hulk Banner said.

"Come on, Banner, hurry up and ring your fingers." Rake agreed with Banner, and with the golden eyes skill of Rake, he looked at the current average attribute of Hulk Banner, which is about 4,500.

Rake figured that he was holding the golden hoop stick to unblock the state. After the Hulk turned, it was a 4,000-point attribute. It was not much lower than the Hulk Banner. The road giant rang his finger. It is of great reference value for himself, as long as the green The giant does not die, neither can he die.

After listening to the other Avengers, they agreed.

"Banner, after ringing the fingers, let those who were killed by the tyrant's finger five years ago be resurrected at this time, remember not to let them resurrect to the past, or there will be a big mess." Steel Xia Tony urged, then took out the infinite gloves of the Iron Man suit arm and gave it to the Hulk

Hulk successfully put on gloves. This Iron Man suit can be automatically adjusted according to the size of the arm he is wearing ~ ~ When Hulk Banner is trying to ring his finger, the speed of blue and white energy light, Hulk's infinite gloves popped out of the Hulk's arm, starting to stimulate the Hulk's body, spreading from his arm.

The Hulk was kneeling on the ground in pain, a huge force, resisting him to ring his finger, but fortunately the Hulk Banner finally resisted this force, and gave a soft ring.

"Ka!" After the finger sounded, Hulk Banner fell to the ground directly.

Iron Man quickly removed the infinite gloves and sprayed a healing potion on the Hulk's arm.

Rick saw that the Hulk's entire arm had been seriously injured by radiation, and it had changed from green to dark black, and wondered if it could be recovered.

Apertures began to appear, and Dr. Strange, with the previously annihilated person, began to emerge from the aperture.

Rick chose to directly lift the infinite gloves, and it is estimated that he will come to an end.

"Honor No. 2, thank you, I'm resurrected." After coming out of the aperture, the little queen appeared directly in front of these superheroes in the Avengers base and said to Rick.

"Don't you thank me, it's my ringing fingers." Lying on the floor, the rising Hulk Banner said.

"Boom boom!" The explosion sounded, and the Avengers base was attacked by the firepower of the battleship after the rain.

After exterminating the hegemons in the past, after capturing the good nebula, he directly reduced his army in his hands and came across this future world with a cross.

With a one-man, double-sided blockbuster, Exterminator stood outside the Avengers base, released and restored his army, and directed bombing attacks on the Avengers base.

Because the time machine of the quantum field crossing in the Avengers base has been closed, when the annihilation came to this future, it could only locate the coordinates in general, and failed to penetrate the base.

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