Global Gaowu

Chapter 311: Fire cooking oil

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Magic Wunan District.

Energy room.



Song Yingji helped a student to complete the formalities, and couldn’t help but glanced at the innermost room in the passage.

"The kid went in for three or four days, and this time he really gave up the blood."

I thought that a few days ago, when someone entered the door, it was called a slap in the face, and the money was thick.

"Old Song, give me a VIP room, first draw a 1500 credits, not enough for me to make up!"

That imposing, that tone, arrogant Song Yingji wants to violently beat Fang Ping.

The energy room is priced for 1 hour and only takes 10 credits.

However, it is relatively speaking, Fang Ping's so-called VIP room is still there, but it is used exclusively for the tutor's cultivation, or by the Chinese military.

In the ordinary training room, the energy stone released by combustion is the one with the lowest purity.

In the VIP room, the energy stone used is more pure, of course, it can not reach 90% purity, or it can be directly used to absorb digestion, instead of assisting cultivation.

This kind of square open requires 20 credits an hour.

Now three or four days have passed, his 1500 credits are also consumed.

"I have stopped the supply of this kid now. This kid has arrived at six products, definitely looking for me to settle accounts..."

Song Yingji smiled and shook his head. Fang Ping’s credits were exhausted at the moment.

At this moment, if he stopped his energy supply, he interrupted his tempering. With this guy's character, Tang Feng was retaliated countless times, and his daughter was followed up, and it was inevitable that he would retaliate against him.

"I'm afraid of it... this kid still doesn't know how long it will take, and he won't accept it."

Song Yingji, is this kid going to pay?

A few days ago, it was a huge financial situation. Song Yingji also felt that there were a lot of 1500 credits. Who knows that Fang Ping entered the energy room and did not come out for a few days.

I was bored thinking about it, and Fu Changding walked in.

"Mr. Song, is he still out?"


Fu Changding reluctantly said: "The national first-class competition is about to begin, and he is waiting for him to preside over the opening ceremony."

The national first-class competition has always been hosted by Fang Ping, and the two principals of the school are not mixed. Tang Feng is not willing to blend.

Now the whole is being promoted by the martial arts club. The president of Fang Ping does not come forward, and the opening ceremony is really difficult.

The five deputy presidents, now only Liang Fenghua is at school, but Liang Fenghua is not willing to make this limelight, and does not want to grab the limelight of Fang Ping. Now he is waiting for Fang Ping to go out.

Speaking of the national one-quality martial arts competition, Song Yingji could not help but ask: "How many people are enrolled now?"

He is still very curious about this.

Fu Changding swears: "Beyond imagination, I was scared, because I only asked for a martial artist. There are no other restrictions. From the end of last month, I have signed up to the present, more than 30,000 people have signed up!"

"More than 30,000?"

Song Yingji also stunned, "So much?"

This is a warrior, not an ordinary person. Most of the military people have his own duties. The obvious time of the martial arts competition will not be short. Is there so many people signing up?

Fu Changding smiled bitterly: "Who said it is not, we did not expect it at first. Now that the Devils are full of people, the Modu government will let us start the competition immediately, or else we will give us a ban!"

Tens of thousands of warriors, gathering the magic capital, plus the magic have originally had a large number of warriors.

Today, the number of warriors gathered by the magic are probably the most in the world.

The magic city government is not willing to give them time to prepare. The more people come to the end, the more people, and it will not be difficult to gather a 100,000 warriors.

Coupled with the relatives and friends of the warriors, and other gangsters who join in the fun, maybe more.

At that time, the magic city government also had a headache.

Song Yingji did not care about the ban, but asked: "So many people, the game can not be arranged well, and the venue is..."

“The city government promised to lend us the gym for free. And we rented some places ourselves. The qualifiers don’t have to be too formal. We have a ten-and-a-half-month qualifier and the rest are in the second round.

On the side of Magic Wu, it is enough to prepare for the final 100. ”

Said, Fu Changding laughed again: "This time the top 100 is the top 100 list of products. If it can be recognized, then the magical Wuyi martial arts competition will really be on the right track. According to Fang Ping, the next one. The second season will be held in the second quarter, then the third prize..."

"This kid..."

Song Yingji shook his head slightly and chuckled: "He is the president of the martial arts society, and even the government's affairs are taken over."

Re-order the next three products list, let yourself host the competition, become the top 100 competition, the formulation of the list, Fang Ping's ambition is not small.

Really want to be like this, the reputation of Magic Wu will increase with the day, beyond the old famous school Jingwu is also close at hand.

However, it doesn't work, you have to look at the follow-up.

Fu Changding also smiled: "Fang Ping became the president, and the magic Wu students are now busy and dizzy. Chen Yunqi led the team to the Jingnan Wuda exchange competition. People in Jingnan Wuda were crying.

Zhang Chao led the team to the Northern Xinjiang Wu Da playing exchange, and Huang Qiao led the team to Donglin Wuda to play the exchange...

Now there are no magical students everywhere in the country? ”

"Why didn't you go to the Jingwu exchange competition?"

Song Yingji smiled and asked, Fu Changding's grandfather, is also a leader of Jingwu, although he did not go to the Zong teacher's realm, but the master is a minority after all, and Fu Laozi is also one of the leading figures in Jingwu.

Fu Changding shook his head: "Fang Ping said that he was playing Jingwu, and the three products were not enough. He turned back and got a team of four products to fight Jingwu.

Maybe you don't have to fight. At the end of the Wu Da Exchange, everyone will collide.

Now the four warriors are eager to improve their strength, and they can't find time to play the exchange. ”

The warrior of the next three products, now Fang Ping does not recommend going to the cave, it is also an opportunity to promote the martial arts.

Four warriors can not only go to the caves, but also have a game to play at the end of the year. Fang Ping has no restrictions on the students of the four products.

Song Yingji was idle and idle, and asked: "How many students are there in the school now? It seems that a lot of new products have recently come to the energy room."

"The statistics of the first two days have just been counted. Now there are 78 students in the three products, and the number of students in the four products is two more than before, and now 11 people."

Fu Changding said again: "The number of students of the second product has increased a lot. Before that, there were only 500 people. Recently, many people have broken through to the second product. Before the statistics, it was close to 800 people."

"So much?"

Song Yingji was a little surprised, only 500 people before.

“The credits are less difficult to obtain, and there is a lending system. Adding the above to the top... I’m abusing a student. Everyone is squandering the two products.”

Fu Changding said the word "abuse" and listened to Song Yingji who wanted to laugh.

For non-martials, Fang Ping did not take it too seriously, as did the second and third products.

The most unfortunate one is the one with the largest base. The school has nearly 4,000 people before.

The two chatted for a while, Fu Changding looked at the time: "Teacher, then I left, he went out, you help him to inform him."



When Fu Changding left, Song Yingji once again looked at the training room in the passage. Can the kid think of tempering the heart with a sigh of relief?

This is not so simple.

There are countless days in China, but who is not in the middle of the four products for a long time.


Just when Song Yingji guessed.

Practice indoors.

Fang Ping was sweating and concentrated, carefully moving the blood vessels inside the heart.

This is a kung fu work, every time the heart is transformed, it is a 12-point spirit.

The consumption of qi and blood is not too serious.

In addition, in the energy room, in the past few days, Fang Ping does not need to restore blood and can recover on his own.

The consumption of mental energy is not small.

It is also because of the strong spiritual strength that Fang Ping can practice for a few days at a time, and can continue to persist.

"The valves of the left atrium and the left ventricle have been ruined by me. I always feel that I am not human now..."

Fang Ping wiped the sweat and snorted.

Which human heart has you seen, is this the case?

Everyone is a two-atrial second ventricle, and now his left atrium and ventricle become integrated.

Opened the diaphragm of the left atrium and the left ventricle, Fang Ping also felt that his blood circulation speed has increased a lot. This kind of impact is generally unbearable for human beings.

Moreover, if it is a normal person, it is easy to cause death.

However, for the military, there is no limit to the flow of blood, which is more beneficial to cultivation.

"Next, first open the diaphragm of the right atrium of the right atrium, turn the four chamber into a two-chamber, and then combine them into one, completely turning the heart into a hollow shape, and finally build a large energy channel."

At the moment, Fang Ping got through the left atrium of the left atrium. In fact, the progress has been extremely fast. He walked a quarter of the road in the four-high section.

However, from the height of the four products, the heart is completely tempered, and there is a cut distance.

"It's no wonder that Wang Jinyang has been at this stage for a lot of time."

"The heart is hardened, maybe soon, I can enter the peak of the four products and catch up with Pharaoh."

At the moment, Fang Ping felt that he was not far away from Wang Jinyang.

A peak of four products, a middle section of four products, the gap is not as big as imagined.

"Continue, at least this time, we must at least combine the four chambers, or not go out!"

Fang Ping made up his mind, rushed and rushed once.

As for the energy room consumption points seems too big, not enough, Fang Ping did not consider it for a while, went out and said that Lao Song still has a lot of money, and let him fill some.


at the same time.


Hundreds of students, packed up their luggage, ready to go, ready to go to the magic.

Wang Jinyang’s face solemnly said: “Although it’s just a competition, Nanwu must go all out. You, the time left for us is not much, and the time left for you is not much!

When I got to the three products, it was okay, and everyone had a lot of opportunities.

There are less than three products. Your chances are too little and too little. Nanwu is not a famous university in Wushu. We lack a lot of things.

Since the magic Wu is willing to bleed this time, the top 100 warriors have a lot of rewards, then we will seize every opportunity to become stronger! ”

The magical national one-quality martial arts competition has become the biggest event in the country and the most attractive event.

Since ancient Chinese has no first, Wu has no second.

The debate on the list is the focus of many military people.

At the same time, the rewards for entering the list are also the focus of everyone's concern.

Magic Wu is really rich and rich, and anyone who enters the top 100 will reward the second product, the blood, and the second, and the second product, which is worth more than 1.5 million yuan.

This expenditure alone exceeded 150 million.

The top ten, the top three, and the first, there are other rewards, the market price of prizes is more than 200 million.

For a product warrior, this reward can not be said to be not heavy, as long as it enters the top 100, the breakthrough of the second product of the medicinal herbs is not lacking, whether it is indifferent to guardian Dan, not everyone is as afraid of injury as Fang Ping.

And into the top ten, the guardian Dan also has, the top three, and even the D-class weapons reward.

First, not only reward a large number of medicinal herbs, but also weapons, and also have the opportunity to enter the magical energy room to practice.

The rewards of the total number of people have made the eyes of countless one-armed warriors red.

In fact, insiders know that Magic Wu must make a big profit this time. These expenses are nothing, say hundreds of millions of expenses, but that is the market price.

The drug's medicinal herbs and weapons are provided internally by Magic Wu, and the cost price is only one-third of the market price.

The reward of the competition, the Magic Wu Wu Dao Society and the school application was taken at the cost price, and the estimated expenditure is about 100 million.

But this is the advantage of Magic Wu, which other schools can't do.

Hundreds of millions of expenses, many schools even have the intention to do, and can not support, after all, they are not sure whether they will hold the competition, whether it can attract public attention.

"It must win!"

The Nanwu people shouted in unison, Wang Jinyang did not say anything, nodded slightly, and the armed men who led the team took the students to the car.

When the crowd left, Wang Jinyang whispered: "Do you want to be the head of Wuwu?"

Gu Xiong, who has just become the deputy director of the martial arts society, said: "It may not be a magical weapon. I think it is almost the same as Fang Ping. Is there any movement in the Beijing government?"


Wang Jinyang shook his head slightly and thought: "No accident, at the end of the Wu Da Exchange, Jingwu wants to force. Defeat the magic Wu, then the magic Wu is now at the peak, standing higher, the more you fall pain.

If Fang Ping could not defeat Li Hansong, all his previous efforts had become a mirror. ”

Warrior, still depends on strength.

If you do not have enough strength, you can't do it.

Jingwu is now silent, letting the magic weapon expand its influence, does not mean that Jingwu really does not care about these.

Li Hansong, who likes to go straight.

As long as at the end of the exchange competition, Jingwu strong defeated the magic Wu, then the magic of the current prosperity of the magic, is the fire cooking oil, can not last.

Including the production power of medicinal herbs and weapons, it is also based on the strength of the magic martial arts students.

Students are the foundation of the school. Students are not strong enough and not strong enough to show that education cannot keep up. Naturally, they are not qualified to ask for anything.

It may not be possible at that time...the power that may be taken back may not be possible.

"What about our Nanwu?"

Wang Jinyang sighed: "Look again, the Nanjiang Grottoes don't know when to open it. See if it is opened before or after the exchange. If it is opened later, then I will participate in the exchange. If it is opened before, Nanjiang Wuda will not participate."

Gu Xiong regretted: "Unfortunately, Nanwu is the president of you, a four-item, or else..."

"This session may be that the schools participate in the war independently."

Wang Jinyang said such a sentence, Gu Xiong’s eyes changed slightly: “Who else can compete with the two famous schools?”

"Not necessarily, Jingwu and Mowu, now there are only four warriors, there are no five products, the eight school alliance side, may not be able to make up a group of four products, not to mention, really strong enough, one person is enough!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Wang Jinyang's momentum changed. Obviously, he did not say the Eight Schools Alliance, but he himself.

I really want to join the school to participate in the war independently. If he is there, Nanwu will not be afraid of anyone.

The key is to see the opening time of the Nanjiang Grottoes.

"I hope that the caves can be delayed for some opening... I also want to try and defeat the two prestigious schools. One ordinary martial arts got the first. In the coming year, how much will Nanwu gain?"

Today's Nanwu, the annual education grant is only a fraction of the magic and Jingwu.

About 5 billion.

Defeated two prestigious schools, in the coming year, nothing else, education grants, doubled is not difficult.

Only on the shoulders of famous schools, ordinary Wu Da has the opportunity to rise.

"The magical Wu was like that in the past, and Nanwu may not be able to do it."

This sentence, Wang Jinyang said in his heart.

Looking at the distance, it is where Ryan is. At the moment, Wang Jinyang only hopes that the cave can be opened later, at least until he leads Nanwu to participate in the exchange.

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