Global Gaowu

Chapter 241: Bigger!

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Ground meat farm.

Although the speed of Fangping is not slow, the warrior who can chase afterwards enters the middle class and the speed is extremely fast.

Fang Ping’s heart was full of anger!

Even if Tang Feng reprimanded a meal, Fu Changding also felt that they were teaming with them, not a good thing.

Then it was directly dropped by Tang Feng!

Just after being attacked again, he was almost pierced.

Now, a Chinese warrior, chasing after him, must chase himself, where to say it!

"I am killing you?"

Fang Ping turned his head and sighed, regardless of whether the other party could understand it, and erected the vertical middle finger. You continued to chase and see who spent the trick!

It must be said that body language is always the best expression.

When the square plane was lightly stunned, the **** was erected, and the cold-faced face of the warrior who was chasing after it was suddenly full of anger, and the speed suddenly increased by one point.

When Fang Ping saw this situation, he was shocked and rushed to explode and quickly fled.

"You wait, is the martial arts of the four martial artists really higher than me? When you run out of blood, I can't cut you!"

Fang Ping ran fast, and his "Blood Knife" practiced in fact, in general, it can only be broken four times.

Can "Cloud Step" Fang Ping that is really not weak, burst out, I am afraid that every second can approach the speed of 30 meters.

This speed, if long lasting, can reach 108 km/h.

The next three warriors, the speed of the outbreak is so high, it is extremely rare, of course, the consumption of blood is not low.

Just when Fang Ping was madly fleeing, he suddenly felt the energy particles in front of him, and Fang Ping was shocked. He turned sharply and turned, and the moment of turning, the air swayed, and the air of a long gun blew.


Fang Ping’s big shock, another four!

I am in the thief's nest?

Want to think about it, Fang Ping is still rushing to escape, two four products, can't fight!

Just as he escaped from the scope of the long-range gun attack, a black-faced warrior in the grass jumped out and quickly communicated with the warrior who chased Fangping.

Fang Ping did not listen to it. He couldn’t understand it. He only knew that he was in trouble!

In the meatballs, there are enemies everywhere.

It’s easy to meet each other’s warriors here. If you run down, you may not be beaten and you will be besieged and killed.

"I have to think of a way!"

"What about human warriors?"

Fang Ping’s heart is slightly anxious, isn’t it a small product?

He is all two!

Looking around, there are grasslands everywhere... but there are some shadows in front of the left side...

"Mountain forest?"

Fang Ping was hesitant. During the class, including during the practice, the instructors said that they were not involved.

The mountain forest is a good place to take refuge, and it is also a good place to find death.

Not only the problems of the cavemen, but also some cave creatures, are extremely dangerous.

In the mountains, you may encounter more terrible opponents than the warriors.

"Into the forest..."

"The big lion, you are a bastard, come and save me!"

Fang Ping wants to cry without tears, and looks at the two warriors who are chasing after him. If they continue to do so, they still don’t know how many warriors are to be drawn.

The cavemen are not stupid. If they are not sure, they will not chase their opponents with impunity.

Now chasing yourself, it is very likely... I really entered the thief!

Otherwise, in the meatballs, these cave warriors should also be careful to be attacked by human warriors.

"If you don't enter, you have to enter. This is a dozens of miles. You don't know how many martial artists are hiding in the grass. It may lead to a big string!"

Fang Ping's face changed indefinitely, and just as he was preparing to enter the forest, there were once again warriors.


Fang Ping did not know how the other party communicated. Soon, there were four or five warriors around Fangping who began to catch up with Fang Ping.

"call out!"

Fang Ping was rushing to the left side of the forest to run, suddenly a sound broke through the air, Fang Ping's face changed, violently, instantly disappeared in place, his face was slightly pale.

Behind him, a long arrow carries a **** glow, instantly smashing the surrounding grass.


Fang Ping's face is no longer frustrated, but dignified.

I met the archer of the four products!

The blood is released from the outside, and the arrow is attached to the body. At least it is the patent of the four-armed warrior.

On the earth, there are very few warriors who learn bows and arrows. The main point is that the next three warriors, even the three highs and the peaks, are hard to do with blood and arrows.

If you can't do this, the bow and arrow will have a limited lethality.

Therefore, the next three warriors will hardly learn this. Everyone is very nervous, and the time of practicing the warfare is not enough. How can I study the bow and arrow?

Once you enter the Chinese product, the blood is separated from the body, and the arrow is shot. The lethality is not low.

Fang Ping’s three-product high-ranking warrior was shot by an arrow and died.

Even if he shot in other places, the blood of the four-armed warrior can make him break and prevent injuries.

"call out!"

Just after Fang Ping escaped the gap between the arrows, the rear shot again!


Fang Ping roared, and once again, his foot trembled. The figure appeared ten meters away, his face paled again, and he quickly recovered his rosy.

Three big four warriors!

Plus several people who are under the three.

Among them are the archers of long-range attacks, which are enough to kill the four or five warriors.

Fang Ping no longer has any hesitation, his legs are like phantoms, and he rushes to the forest in front, as for the consumption of blood... Who cares about this at this time!


After avoiding several arrows in succession, Fang Ping has already approached the forest.

At this moment, several of the lower-quality warriors have been opened by him, and the three Chinese warriors are chasing after them.

The cavemen also realized that they might catch big fish.

Three warriors, escape the chase of the three major four products, such a warrior, the weaker the more you want to kill!

Otherwise, if the other party enters the Chinese product, it will be enough.

Three of the four warriors, no one gave up, even if the cave warriors would not easily enter the forest, but at the moment it was in the moment of Fang Ping's entry, the three did not hesitate and went straight into it.



Fang Ping whispered and whispered in the mountains. At this time, he didn't care about getting lost. He didn't even know where he was being chased. He went everywhere.

After a little recovery, Fang Ping leaped and jumped on the canopy of a big tree.

The flora and fauna of the caves are very large, as are the trees.

This does not seem to be a deep forest, but the trees are already huge, and Fang Ping hides his body under the leaves, holding his breath and converging his blood.


In the middle of the forest, a faint tree broke.

Fang Ping was calm and calm, and Yu Guang looked in the direction of the sound. The cavemen of the caves came in.

"Geely Agu..."

The other party’s arguments came faintly.

Fang Ping can't understand, can only speculate, "divide the action."

The next moment, Fang Ping’s stunned thing happened, and the three four-armed warriors in the line of sight were really separated!

"Hey, I am a language genius!"

Fang Ping’s thinking is a bit sloppy, and this can be guessed by me!

Among them, the sword-bearer who had been chasing Fang Ping after killing the warrior had come in the direction of Fang Ping’s evasion.

The other two, one with a gun, painted black on his face.

The last person is holding a bow in his hand and carrying an arrow in his back... The key is a woman!

Fang Ping determined that he was not mistaken!

It is a woman!

"Does melee not go far enough to get together?"

Fang Ping converges on the line of sight. These four warriors are not weak in perception. Once they look at them for a long time, they can perceive them.

"What do I do now? These people will find out sooner or later."

The cavemen are not fools. These people rarely look at other places in the mountains and forests, and they stare at the treetops. As for the people in Fangping’s imagination, they are stalking in the mountains and only seeing the warriors on the ground... dry.

"Sneak attack is difficult, and a move will be discovered."

"Three people and four products, I am not an opponent. If it is discovered, it is besieged, it is blocked, and it is difficult to run."

Fang Ping is a little annoyed, more and more annoyed with the big lion, saying that there are not many good Chinese warriors!

In fact, Fang Ping did not know that he was far beyond the 30-kilometer range at the moment, and he had just fled, and he was already in the 50-kilometer range.

Here, it is more than 30 kilometers away from Tianmen City, which belongs to the hunting area of ​​Tianmen City.

On weekdays, the Sanpinao section of the warrior is close to this area, but the situation in the recent caves has changed. There are more and more warriors in this area.

This also led to Fang Ping's panic, and soon encountered three Chinese products.

Seeing that the knife-armed people are getting closer and closer, Fang Ping has some headaches.

Yu Guang glanced at the other two warriors.

"With a distance of 50 meters or more, it will take two seconds to break out."

"But there are trees blocking, at least three or four seconds."

"Three or four seconds, can I kill this guy?"

Fang Ping is thinking about it, this is not the middle and low-level warrior of the three products. This is the four-armed warrior. How can it be so good?

It’s really easy to kill, he didn’t run before.

"My advantage is that qi and blood can be quickly replenished. Unless the six products are peaked, the spirit is strong, and the qi and blood can be ignored. Other warriors should consider this.

The four-product warrior, the blood reaches 2000 cards, which is the limit.

Genius will not be everywhere, breaking through the limits, not everyone can do it.

This guy has been chasing me for so long, I consumed nearly 500 calories, even if he is less than me, I am afraid there are two or three hundred cards.

But still too little! ”

Fang Ping is eyebrows, so it is not very useful.

And three people are here, it is not hard to come.

"You must separate them, kill them independently, pretend to be exhausted." Yes, these people don't know that I am infinite.

I am not consuming, I will sneak up on this person, hard to fight a few tricks, pretend to be a desperate blow, then quickly escape, let them separate a little further..." Thinking of this, Fang Ping sees each other has to patrol his side , clenched the long knife and prepared for the offense.


The next moment, under the big tree where the sword-bearer had just arrived at Fang Ping, Fang Ping was at the height of his position, and he quickly fell, and the long knife appeared in the red mans, and he slashed down!

The other side has been vigilant, seeing the situation is not shocked, and snoring, the long knife flashed a more intense light than Fang Ping, a knife attack!


A loud noise came, Fang Pinghu's mouth cracked, but there was no hesitation, and again, the knife slammed down and the sound of "砰砰" rang through the mountains.

The warrior with the knife, his face is dignified, but there is no confusion.

The three-product warrior, under the siege of three four-person warriors, used a big move, almost to find death, even if it could stop him for a while, other people can quickly kill the warrior who consumes blood without recklessness.

"Library and no pressure..."

While fighting with the knife, they said indifference.

Fang Ping helped the translator, but his face was showing an expression of grief and indignation: "If you understand Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is awesome, I don't understand, I will tell you, wait for the first time. Kill you!

Don't look at Laozi's blood consumption, you will be full of blood and you will not die! ”

Four consecutive snipers slammed twice, Fang Ping was uncomfortable, and the other side took a few steps back.

At this time, the other two have quickly come together.

Fang Ping's face was pale and not entangled. The next moment, he stepped on the trees and quickly fled to the depths of the forest.

The three cavemen of the caves met and chased each other. The warrior with the knife whispered something and should introduce the situation of Fang Ping.

Just after Fang Ping even smashed eight knives, two superimposed, under the eruption, even if he is four products, the tiger's mouth is also cracked, blood flowing.

He is like this, Fang Ping is even worse, the three warriors, I am afraid that the blood is close to the dangerous line.

At this moment, they are no longer catching up. The other party can recover slowly. It can be violently escaped. Even the time for recovery is gone. In the eyes of three people, the man from the place known as the "Hope" will die!

The three men chased after them and went all the way to the depths of the forest.


at the same time.

Outside the forest, Huang Jing slowly stopped, his eyes looked indifferently to the long-haired youth who walked away from the distance, saying that they were young, but the other's eyes were extremely deep.

"I have a big one."

Huang Jing snorted, Tianmen City, I am afraid to launch an offensive, there are actually high-quality strong, appeared in the core area of ​​the meatball.

As a high-quality powerhouse, including the human masters of the warriors, they will rarely appear in the meatballs until the war.

Here is the default training place for both sides, which is prepared for the middle and lower warriors.

The emergence of high-quality powers also means that the war is about to start, and the enemy’s cross-border warriors will begin to be cleaned.

"If Lu Fengrou knows that Laozi has lost her students..."

Huang Jing dryly screamed, "The kid has to run deep, can't you blame me?"

When Fang Ping left the team alone, he also saw it. As a result, the kid went farther and farther, and Huang Jing did not know what Fang Ping thought.

When I saw Fang Ping being killed by several four-person products, he just showed up and came to the opposite side.

Watching Fang Ping enter the mountain forest, three of the four warriors also followed, Huang Jing helpless, this is really not his own deliberately lost.

Who knows that there are also high-quality warriors coming across.


With a sigh, Huang Jing no longer swears, the next second, the two appear in the air at the same time.

A loud bang, the ground weeds were turned into pieces, and within an area of ​​twenty or thirty meters, an empty no-man's land was formed.

Huang Jing sipped a low voice, and a golden glow appeared on the surface. In front of the line of sight, an invisible sharp blade appeared, as if to cut the void!

The opposite face of the young man, the face does not change color, snoring, a wave of tiger whistling in the air, straight to the yellow scene.

"This is not enough!"

Huang Jing in front of the invisible sharp edge shot, in the middle of the two, there was a loud noise of metal bursting.

After the wave spreads, the mud surface is sunken down, and the weeds seem to be cut by invisible forces, spreading rapidly outwards, forming a larger empty area.

Huang Jing and the other side of the spirit of confrontation, the other side is not idle, stepping into the air, went straight to the other side.


The more popping roar sounded, and the two fell to the ground at the same time, and there was a muddy rain at the foot. The two stood up and stepped on a huge deep pit.

"It seems that there is still a play, that kid can stay a long time, maybe you can kill you!"

Huang Jing grinned and smiled. Just finished, suddenly his face changed. "He's so, people are bullying less people!"

After finishing the sentence, Huang Jing’s body shape changed, and the air blew out. At this moment, the speed has broken through the speed of sound.

In the invisible speed of the naked eye, Huang Jing appeared on the top of the other party's head, his hands were red and bloody. At the top of the opponent's head, there was a violent slamming of Huang Jing, and he yanked to the sides!

The young people in the caves are high-quality, the face is instantly flushed, and the top of the head changes from invisible to tangible. A tiger-like beast is being torn by both sides of Huang Jing.


The next moment, the young violent, the tiger above the top of the head also screamed fiercely, madly rushing toward Huang Jing!

"You are tender!"

Huang Jing laughed happily, and the invisible sharp edge appeared again in front of him. The "砰砰" hit the already fierce tiger beast.

The speed is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, the tiger beast is cut by the sharp edge.

At this moment, a figure in the distance, flying in midair.

Huang Jing snorted, the two high-quality warriors, only one person, and then stayed, just looking for death.

However, even if you quit, you can’t just go away. Tianmen City has two high-quality products here. This is not a trivial matter. It’s not about Fang Ping. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the low-quality warriors here. This.

The two high-quality warriors are here, and as soon as he leaves, I am afraid that there will be countless deaths and injuries.

"The old ghost did not respond, how to sit in the town!"

Huang Jing’s heart sighed. On the side of the meatball farm, there is also a master sitting in the town. Now the other party has not come to the rescue, and may be entangled.

No longer think about this, there are many human masters, he is entangled in these two people, and soon there will be a master to come to resist the other high-powered.


Huang Jing screamed, his hands pressed again, rubbing, tearing the tiger!

The next moment, Huang Jing also looked white and quickly retreated to the left.

He did not retreat to the rear. The high-quality strongman who had just arrived, saw a low-pitched voice, and the white-faced youth on the ground smashed his head and rushed to the air to chase the past.

The other party did not return to the city of hope, but fled to the left. Both of them knew what he meant and wanted to seduce them to pursue.

However, the two high-quality products are not afraid of Huang Jing. Although the youth high-quality products have just been torn apart and the injuries are not light, Huang Jing has never been so relaxed.

The two quickly chased the past in the direction of Huang Jing's escape, until the three left, the grasslands around, only some of the warriors walked out cautiously.

When I saw the place where Huang Jing had just played, a huge pothole had been formed. The surrounding warriors changed color, and then they dispersed. The three big seven strong players played against each other, not they could participate.

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