Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1348: Start again (just two more)

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Eat, drink, talk and laugh.

This meal, everyone did not talk about the general trend.

They are not going to talk to them.

It’s not the case. Is it useful to talk about the invasion of the emperor?


Some things, my heart is clear.

The sky collapsed and the tall man supported, and Fang Ping was the tall man. When the war came, the most dangerous thing was not them, but Fang Ping.


Full of food and drink.

Fang Ping chatted with the crowd for a moment and walked out of the cafeteria.

Out of the canteen, Fang Ping spit a sigh of relief.

Behind him, there was a slight footstep.


With a little shudder, the soft voice rang.

Ming knows to ask nonsense, or can't help but ask.


Of course tired!

How can a few people in Fangping not be tired?

War King, Warrior, can you not be tired?


Fang Ping laughed, okay.

This is always the answer.

Even if you are tired, even if you are tired, you will not talk to other people, lest they worry.

"Sit and sit?"

On the side of the body, the voice reappeared, and Chen Yunxiao smiled and pointed to the school history building not far away.

Go sit down?

Where are you going to sit?

Go to the school history platform to sit down!

Fang Ping is a little embarrassed, and some laugh, the place, has not gone for a long time.

In the past, when something big happened and the realm broke, Fang Ping would go to the rooftop of the school history hall, which is also the highest place in the school.

I really miss it.


School history museum, rooftop.

Sitting on the edge of the roof, neither of them talked.

be quiet.

The sky is getting darker and the night wind is over.

The cat, who was not very interested, refused to go. Fortunately, blowing the evening wind, the cat was lying on the ground, squatting and falling asleep, as if there were some small snoring.

Former Chen Yunqi, did not dare to contact the cat because the cat is very powerful.

Today, I couldn’t help but touch the head of the big cat. The face was filled with a smile and whispered: "This cat is fat."

A good fat cat, good hair, feels so comfortable.

The cat is licking it, and I don’t know if I heard it. I turned it over a little, and my body fluttered and my hair swayed.

Chen Yunxiao snickered, and sneaked into the cat's jaw, only to feel the meat, soft.

Fang Ping also smiled and whispered: "How about being in the foreign domain recently?"


The same rhetoric.

Fang Ping did not ask anything. Chen Yunqi returned a sentence. When he thought about it, he was not too happy to say: "The enemy is stronger. I heard that this time Ji Yao went out and seemed to break through to the emperor."

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Is it really harder?"

"No, it is not convinced."

Chen Yunxiao laughed and said: "Before I and the teacher suppressed her, and several times I clicked and killed her. Now I am still nine products, she is fast."

"If you don't have to break through yourself, I can help you break through the blame..."

"No, I feel so fast, I should be fighting again in these few days, and I can break through."

Chen Yunxuan refused. She felt that she would fight again in the next few days. Once she had a hearty battle, she could break through.

This time, I practiced in the virtual heaven, the bones are stronger, and the flesh is stronger.

After this breakthrough, you may be able to go further.

Fang Ping did not persuade anything and continued to chat.

Ask Chen Yaoting's situation, the first of the seven products of the year, and the previous days have also proved the absolute dilemma, but it is faster than expected.

Recently I am guarding the foreign domain, this time I did not come back.

Talking about everyday, not talking about the dangers of the foreign domain, nor the hardships of the future.

I didn't want to say anything about the scenery, but because Fang Ping mentioned that Chen Yunqi's next sentence still made Fang Ping somewhat embarrassed.

"White teacher's original source was defeated."

White teacher.

Bai Ruoxi!

The woman who had broken her arm in the past, after the broken arm, was still a woman who was indifferent.

Carrying Fang Ping, sending Fang Yuan to perform the task, Fang Ping knows, the teacher who almost turned his face.

The first time I knew the cave, it was the class that Bai Ruoxi gave them.

Before Fang Ping did not see Bai Ruoxi in Magic Wu, she thought she was performing a task outside. At this moment, she heard a few words, and soon said: "Is people still?"


Fang Ping spit a sigh of relief, unfortunately fortunate.

Chen Yunqi knows that Fang Ping is very busy now. Some things he may not know, especially under the circumstance, Bai Ruoxi has not been able to break through to the absolute, and was defeated by the enemy in the nine times.

"Not only the white teacher, several teachers, in the previous battles, they were extremely hurt. Now some people are recovering from the wounds. Some people... I am afraid I can’t go to the battlefield again."

When it is impossible to get on the battlefield, it is not a minor injury. Most of them are defeated by the original source. Fortunately, they are not dead.

The source road was defeated, and the luck was bad, and it burst directly.

If you are lucky, you may become a waste person, like the original Tian Mu.

In fact, it is not impossible to medical treatment, killing a cave, and replacing the avenue, you can continue to fight.

However, this time Fang Ping did not mention it.

If you are seriously injured, take a rest.

Once and for all, the battles are repeated, these people are also tired, and if they are treated now, these people will soon go to the front.

It is better to be injured for some time and a few days of peace.

Maybe, this is not the life they want, maybe, they will be depressed.

Can be square, or choose to be selfish.

Not dead, it is luck.

Even if you are not so happy, you should enjoy enjoying the peacetime, even if it is only for a while, it is stronger than always fighting.

Fang Ping did not ask other people again, and did not ask anyone who did not see it in Magic Wu.

Before I asked Bai Ruoxi, it was only because she was Chen Yunxi’s teacher.

This time, many familiar faces didn't see it.

Fang Ping is afraid, then ask again, I will hear those unfortunate news.

There is always someone killed!

Magic Wu is no exception.

Even if I knew it was inevitable, even if I knew that I didn't ask, it didn't mean that the facts didn't happen. Fang Ping chose not to ask.

Do not ask, there are some expectations in my heart.

Maybe they are going to perform the task.

Maybe, they didn't have time to come back this time.

There are many excuses for many reasons.

I have more expectations in my heart, so much more sadness.

The two of them didn’t talk much, they looked at the bottom of the gods.

Under the night, the magical Wu is still noisy, the teachers and students are busy, talking and laughing, no pessimism.

Outside the campus, the lights are dim.

The magical capital is still prosperous.

The war is in full swing. However, the Terran is still prosperous and prosperous. It seems that it has not been affected by the war. Whenever we see this scene, the only feeling of the strong is satisfaction.

Yes, satisfied.

In the expedition, even if you pay countless blood, you must drag the battlefield to the foreign domain. Isn’t it just to see this flourishing world and see this bustling?

The children laughed and laughed, the old people were happy and healthy, and the social order was stable...

In this troubled world, how rare is it!

Caves, overseas, Chuwu...

It can be said that there is no place in the Three Realms, which is more prosperous, prosperous and happier than the Terran!

Even if everyone knows in their hearts, such a day may not last long.

Even if everyone is deep in the eyes, they are worried.

It turns out that when the strong people are still not killed, the earth is solid!

A warrior, stepping out of the house, stepping out of the passage, entering the cave, killing with a strong enemy, or killing the battlefield, or continuing to fight the Quartet...

All of this is exchanged for blood.

Chen Yunqi is also watching the prosperity of this prosperous world, whispering: "Grandpa said, this flourishing world is brought by you. If there is no minister, no you, no town king, no prosperity today..."

Fang Ping grinned and said: "Wrong! This prosperous life was brought by generations of martyrs, and it was brought by such a selfless dedication to President Chen!"

"I am honored, I can be born in the human race, become a person!"

"I am honored that I can be born in Xinwu. The strong man will die and not retreat. It is strong, so keep the frontier and keep the enemy out!"

"Unknown, guarding Yuhaishan for hundreds of years."

"Knowing the danger, still guarding under the Yuhai Mountain, only for the strong enemy, can report the last strong enemy to commit ..."

"Shouting the caves, for decades, not dead, not retreating..."

Fang Ping’s mind flashed a lot of people.

They are sitting in the battle kings of Yuhai Mountain, guarding the Ma’s Taoist priests in Yuhai Mountain, and guarding the passage of Fan Lao...

These people, in the caves, sit for decades, hundreds of years!

Some people are alive, some are already fighting to die.

Fan Lao, who guards the Modu Caves, has already died in battle, but Fang Ping cannot forget them.

Is Fangping selfish?

Very selfish!

If he is in a cave, he may become a hegemon, or become a strong man of the wild clouds, but he will never become a hero for the quagmire!

Not that he is great, but that he has to be great.

How many people pay for him?

Too much too much!

Not for him, but for this race.

People are social animals and are too affected by the environment.

In this era when the strong are heroes, you are the strong, you are the hero!

Even if you are not, you have to pretend to be!

Dressed up, you are a hero.

Passing on fire, heroes can also be passed down.

Is there a secret in Fang Ping?


The secret of the system, let him show his edge when he was weak, and there were a lot of exceptions.

No one knows?


Many people know!

In the weak hour, Lu Fengrou is protecting him, Li Laotou is protecting him, and the teachers of the Wuwu, the strong, are protecting him.

At the time of Shangdi Grottoes, Zhang Tao was protecting him, and the War King was protecting him. Many people were protecting him and let him grow.

Someone thought about excavating the secrets of Fang Ping?

There are also!

However, even if there is such a thought in the heart, these people will eventually give up such a mind, because Fang Ping is strong, in fact, the same, he can also give back to the Terran.

This is the mind of many powerful people!

In order to protect Fangping, Fang Ping provoked a large number of strong enemies in the caves, braving the crisis of the destruction of the Terran, and the people of the Terrans did not care about everything and launched a war.

Many wars were actually opened in advance because of Fang Ping.

However, no one has complaints.

Even a lot of strong people died in this battle, stronger than Fang Ping.

Because of revenge for Huang Jing, Fang Ping opened the battle of the magic capital, Zhang Tao and these people agreed to him, and finally, evolved into a battle of the Chinese nation, Zhang Tao used the power of the country to support Fang Ping, won the A battle!

Is it possible to change this into a cave, overseas?


Therefore, Zhang Tao said that he pulled Lai Pingping onto this road. It is better to say that Fang Ping was willing to be counted by him.

Yes, Fang Ping does not understand?

He understands too!

She is a small family for everyone... he is not that great.

But he has to be great!


On the rooftop, Fang Ping smiled and said something that was screaming.

I am very honored!

Really honored!

In this troubled world, it is not a privilege to be born in the Terran.

In the past 100 years, the new Wuqiang, passed down from generation to generation, have set an example for him.

The three ministers of the previous generation all died in the cave.

Who are these people?

The highest leader of the former Chinese nation!

And they, all of them died in the cave, no one took a step back.

At the time of crisis, Zhang Tao and Li Zhen were on the top, and no one retreated. They fought in the outer domain.

The war has become like that, the Chinese nation is still a prosperous peace, such a peaceful, too shocking, too deformed, this is impossible to happen, and in the Terran, it happened.

Can Fang Pingyi feel honored?

If the human race is selfish, will he have today?

At this moment, will you fight for the Terran?

He doesn't take the lead, how many people will pay attention to him?

Thinking of this, Fang Ping’s face is full of smiles. The future of the Terran is desperate and pessimistic. But now, the strong people of the human race, but everyone is carrying some embarrassment, not because there is really hope, but because of generations. Passing on fire, they are still filled with some light.

In front, there are strong people who are breaking the darkness.

The darkness can't make them completely desperate. When the darkness comes, everyone will come forward and crush the darkness, so that people will still be filled with light and see hope.

Chen Yunqi also nodded gently.

It is the influence of these people, including her grandfather, who have been generous to death and have been resisting the front line. Only nowadays, the new generation of military martial artists are also iron-clad and fearless of death.

Fang Ping feels honored, she is also.

I hope that the future people will feel this way!

No matter how difficult it is, the strong people of the Terran have never retreated.

In the past, those people sheltered them from the wind and rain. Today, Fang Ping has stood up and sheltered the winds of these ancestors.

"Fang Ping, you said, will such a prosperous world continue?"

"Will do."

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Of course! Nine emperors are not afraid! Don't look at the nine emperors who seem to be strong, but they don't understand, unity is power!"

"Nine emperors, one person, one mind, although the strength is strong, but the inside is chaotic, you count me, I count you..."

"The caves, gods, and overseas islands are all like this!"

"So they are all defeated!"

"When the war broke out, the Nine Emperors may be guilty of themselves. Who can trust no one, or even want to hang others? You said, can such a person win?"

Fang Ping’s fighting spirit is high-spirited, and they are very angry. “They can’t win! Although they are strong and strong, they are still destined to be losers! This result is doomed from the beginning!

People are not happy, you can't wait for me to die, I can't wait for you to die, how can you win?

As long as there is the power of the Emperor, the Terran is invincible!

Fear of death, you are afraid, I am afraid!

Even if there are countless previous cars in front of you, tell them that if they don't cooperate, they will lose, and they will still not cooperate.

Do not die a few emperors, they will join hands?


This is their inferiority. Even if you know that cooperation is the best result, you can't co-operate without a big loss.

Just like Hongyu now, who did not easily destroy the Terran before?

As a result, you are not willing to contribute, I do not want others to take advantage of it...

Until now, there is really no way to know that if we don’t cooperate, we will be destroyed, and we will barely cooperate. Even so, the forces of several parties have their own plans.

My Terran is really going to fight, as long as I kill a broken eight, do you believe that these parties will soon collapse? ”

Fang Ping said of course!

As long as he killed a broken eight, the situation has a tendency to lean toward humanity, and there will be a scene of someone fleeing over the grotto.

The dead friend is not dead, you are dead, I am alive, that is, I won.

Looking at the thoughts of these guys, Fang Ping has seen more, and when he sees more, he has seen it.

Are they stupid?

Not stupid!

For tens of thousands of years, these people are selfish.

You have your little abacus, I have my little abacus.

Desperately, you may die, not desperately, you may be able to escape a catastrophe. Why do you have to work hard?

Of course, it is wonderful to run!

Chen Yun's eyes showed a touch of adoration, a smile, and nodded: "Well, so we can win!"

"of course!"

Fang Ping said that it was a loud voice, and smiled: "These nine emperors are the same! As long as I kill a royal, these people will not dare to act rashly, fearing that the next one will be him!"

Ming knows that they can kill me, but they will think, who is at the forefront?

The ones with the greatest output may be taken away when I am dying, so these people are not willing or willing to contribute.

This is their mind!

A group of wastes is not enough to fear, the Terran will not be destroyed! ”


Chen Yunqi nodded again, and should be Fang Ping.

Yes, Fang Ping will win.

When Fang Ping saw it, it was a laugh, it was such a feeling!


Just make sure I can win!

Even if you are a casual emperor, you can easily kill him, but how about it!

No flowers before the moon, no sweet words...

At this moment, only Fang Ping’s buzzing sound.

What is the emperor?

What is the big battle?

Not a big deal!

The man is saying that the woman is right, right, and Fang Ping is right.

She believes in Fang Ping!

It is true to believe, not perfunctory belief.

This time, it has inspired Fang Ping's talk, bragging, afraid that no one believes in you, afraid that others will not be serious.

Now, some people believe in you, think that you are ok, you can...

Then there is the desire to continue to brag!

"The emperor, it is difficult to deal with some of the first few, the next few, even now, I am sure to pack them, but now it is not good to be a snake."

"The gods, the gods of the sun, don't look at the depth of Tibet, what do you think in your heart, I know clearly, this kind of person will be degraded by me sooner or later!"


The woman nodded, a cat squinted and yawned and went to sleep.

Still addicted!

Kill the emperor, punch one punch, do you think you have a billion?

The cat is too lazy to listen, the ear suddenly pulls down, covering the source of the sound, you continue to blow, the cat continues to sleep, waiting for you to blow up and wake up.


At the end of the conversation, Fang Ping was saying that Chen Yunxi was listening.

At the end of the conversation, Fang Ping talked about how to restore the order of the Three Realms after the destruction of the Emperor and the Emperor Yang, how to let the Three Realms work.

"If you kill the Emperor, I should retire!"

"Lao Zhang probably has to continue to work for a while. He doesn't work until he is a hundred years old. I am afraid I don't want to retire."

"I, before the age of 25, it must be retired. It will be a civilian job in the future. We, Wufu, will not care about this, it will be too much trouble."


Chen Yunqi held his chin in his hands and listened carefully. It was very embarrassing.

Can I retire at the age of 25?

It seems that it has not been a few years.

As for killing the Emperor, killing the Yangshen and killing the Nine Emperors... Fang Ping said, that should be no problem.

Fang Ping didn't know how long he had talked. He saw that the sky was bright, and it was a bit stunned. Have you been talking for so long?

It’s up to you!


Did not continue to talk with Chen Yunqi, Fang Ping is also very free and easy, he himself was cheated.

Is it difficult to kill the Nine Emperors?

Not difficult!

This is nothing!

What he has a headache now is, after he killed these people, what should he do if they don’t give themselves retirement?

Fang Ping feels that these things are still a little troublesome.

Fang Ping was still thinking about this when dragging the big cat away.

I couldn’t help but ask the cat. "Big cat, you said that those people were killed. The Three Realms are asking me to be the boss. What should I do? If I am not right, these people are pestering me every day, then I will live the days." Already?"

"Is it hard to find a place to hide? Can hide, that makes me feel guilty, do you have any good solution?"

At this moment, the cats are all stunned.

is it?

Need to consider these?

You are all counting on retirement, why the cat feels a bit like a dream.

Looking at Fang Ping's frown, it seems that it really hurts for this. The cats are a bit sluggish and can't help but watch the sky. It's the cat who didn't wake up, or the liar lied to himself. Now he believes that he has already produced himself. Illusion?

At this moment, the cat is not confident, because the liar said it is really like it. It’s hard to be last night. It’s actually not sleeping for a while, but sleeping for decades.

Or a few hundred years?

Shaking the cat's head, the cat does not want to think about it, let the cat quiet for a while, some brains hurt.


At the moment when the sun shone on the earth, Fang Ping went home and saw it.

Did not wake up the parents, did not awaken the square.

Some treasures have been left, and some tactics have been left. Fang Ping has left and left. This time, he has to travel all over the world to see if he can merge some cities. When the integration is over, he should set off for the Chuwu continent.

The fat cat didn't want to leave, but had to eat breakfast and then was dragged away by Fang Ping.

What to eat for breakfast!

Don't know how fat you are?

There are broken cats, waiting for breakfast, can not afford to lose this cat.


This time, Fang Ping traveled all over the world and didn't take too long.

After stopping and stopping, two days later, Fang Ping returned to the magic capital, took the iron head and Li Laotou, and together with the earth, once again stepped into the boundary.

At the moment when Fang Ping walked out of the earth, the three realms of the Three Realms received information almost instantly.

The devil is out!

This is the first time that Fang Ping walked out of the world and the Quartet vibrated.

This time... who is unlucky?

Anyway, every time this guy out of the earth, no one is unlucky.

PS: Just two more, adjust the state slightly.

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